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Learning activity 4

Evidence: The doctor told me

Read the following dialogue. Then, write a text reporting it, do not forget to keep
in mind the way to report instructions and requests. The first sentence is done
as an example.

You: Help please, anybody help me!

Doctor: Calm down. What’s the problem?
You: I can’t breathe.
Doctor: Lay down on the bed. Nurse some oxygen over here.
Nurse: Right away doctor.
Doctor: Do you have any other difficulties besides breathing?
You: I can’t help scratching the rush on my back.
Doctor: I see. Nurse, epinephrine shot. Quick!
Nurse: Here you are doctor.
Doctor: Relax and try to breathe. I am going to put you an
epinephrine shot.
You: (few minutes later) I can breathe! Sorry I freaked out. I
panicked as soon as I experienced difficulty in breathing.
Doctor: That’s absolutely normal. You had an anaphylactic
You: I see, but I have never been allergic to anything doc,
Why now?
Doctor: Anyone can develop an allergy out of the blue. Have
you been in contact with animals, nuts, seafood or the like?
You: Not that I remem… wait a sec. I started yesterday as a
Doctor: well, that must have been the trigger. We’ll have to
get some exams to determine the nature of your allergy.
Meanwhile stay away from animals.
You: Well, I guess I have to find a new job, then. Thanks doc.
Write your text here!

Yesterday at the emergency room, I begged somebody to help me.

Then I found the doctor and the first thing he said was to calm me
down and I wonder what was my problem? I told him that I was
having a hard time breathing, he helped me lie down on the bed
and gave me some oxygen. After me a doctor attended and she
called the doctor again and he asked if I had any other difficulty
apart from not being able to breathe and I replied that I couldn't
help scratching my back in a hurry. Then he indicated to the nurse
that he gave me an epinephrine injection quickly to inject me. After I
injected I felt better, I was able to breathe and I made excuses to
the doctor, I told him that I had been scared, that I had panicked at
the moment when I could not breathe and the doctor told me that it
was normal because I had had a shock Anaphylactic But it seemed
strange to me because I have never been allergic to anything and I
asked the doctor why that happened to me and he replied that the
allergies turned out of the blue and I wonder if the state in contact
with animals, nuts, shellfish or Similar. I told him that yesterday I
had started as a hairdresser and the doctor replied that this was
what started me having an allergy, he told me that he answered
that I had to do some tests to determine the nature of the allergy
and that while I was getting the results he would keep me away
from animals. And in the end I said goodbye to him and thanked
him and now I think I would have to find a new job

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning
guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities.

Criterios de evaluación
Reporta órdenes de acuerdo con la estructura gramatical y el vocabulario

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