Side Hustle Workbook PDF

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Successful Side Hustles 101

A Workbook Series by LE Consulting

Table of Contents
Module 1: What is a side hustle?
When should I become an official business?
Module 2: Basic Business Management
Module 3: Marketing, Social Media, Advertising, and PR
Module 4: The Sales Funnel
Module 5: Time Management
Module 6: I got my first client - now what?!
Module 7: Client-Creator Relationship
Module 8: TAXES
Module 9: Ongoing Business Maintenance
Module 10: Retreats, Workshops, and E-Courses
Module 11: Passive Revenue Streams

BONUS #1: Recommended Business Tools

BONUS #2: Recommended Facebook Groups
BONUS #3: Recommended Client Acquisition Streams
Module 1: What Is A Side Hustle?
What is a side hustle?
When should I become an official business?
How do I become an official business?

These are all questions I had when I founded LE Consulting. The answers aren’t immediately clear and
truthfully, they’re not the same for everyone. However, there are some basic guidelines.

A money making pursuit is typically defined as a side hustle when it (a) is not your primary source of income,
(b) is not your only source of income, and (c) typically generates a decent amount of revenue. Examples?
An Etsy store, Creative Market business, small fine art shop, second-shooter photographer pursuit, or
part time consulting business (that you manage yourself) are all examples of side hustles. It is important
to note that many of these things can also be your full time job - it all depends on factors like a, b, and c
above. Do you know how to classify your business pursuit or idea?

If so, write the name and classification here: ____________________________________________________________________

Now that you know what your business pursuit currently is, what are your goals? Remember, goals should
be S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Set (at least) one goal in each of the
following categories: financial, marketing, clients, business maintenance, work-life balance.

Financial: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Clients: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Business Maintenance: __________________________________________________________________________________________


Work-Life Balance: _______________________________________________________________________________________________


We’re so pleased you downloaded the sample of this workbook! The full workbook will launch later in 2016
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