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>>> Five invaluable tips to help you step up from riding 60 to 100 miles

If the aim is simply to cover 100 miles rather than trying to do it quickly, put
aside a full day, start early and ride through to sunset. An all-day ride is a
great adventure and without time pressures you won’t need to panic about speed or
worry about stopping every hour or so. If you aren’t used to riding big distances,
plan regular stops for a stretch, snack or walk around.

Pacing is really important to ensure that you have the energy you need to see you
through to the end. Being able to chat to other riders is a good measure that you
have your pacing right; if you are panting or out of breath it is time to slow
right down. Remember the hare and the tortoise.

6. Love hills
There are many more reasons to love hills than hate them, but even so, hills have a
poor reputation with bike riders. Hills make you fit. They may make your legs hurt
and your lungs burn, but riding hills regularly will build leg strength and, by
forcing you to work a little bit harder than usual, they will boost your
cardiovascular fitness too. Don’t avoid them if you want to get faster.

Hills give variety to your rides. You see more from the top of a hill and it breaks
up the pace, allowing you to have fun on the descents and push yourself on the way
up. The more hills you ride, the better you get, and you will start to learn the
different types of hills that suit you best. Try timing yourself up a long hill and
throughout the year repeat the test and see your time come down.

7. Ride with your mates

We often see a group of guys speeding along in single file, more content with
utilising slipstream rather than socialising. Wouldn’t it be great to ride together
and chat rather than fixating on the wheel in front of you? It’s not a crime to
chat when cycling, and being of the same ability as your mates will enable you to
do this.

No one wants to be the slowcoach, where everyone waits for you at the top of each
hill. Nor do you want to be begging for a push on the back to help get you up that
monster of a drag. Get fit, get fast, and ride with your friends the whole day.

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