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We’re not trying to make a new you. All we want is for you to get as much enjoyment
out of your cycling as possible, and most importantly, improve.

The good news is, it’s not that hard to achieve, and providing you follow a few
simple words of advice and use some common sense, the time you spend on your bike
will be better than ever.

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Structure your riding time to be a better cyclist

How to be a fitter better cyclist. Make a training and recovery plan that suits
you. Photo: Jesse Wild
Make a training and recovery plan that suits you. Photo: Jesse Wild

There shouldn’t be a limit to what you can achieve on a bike. Providing you want it
enough, you can ride whenever and wherever. That’s the great thing about cycling —
the more you put in, the more you get out of it.

But you do need to figure out what you want. This is the first step. It could be a
50-mile summer ride, it could be to speed up your commute to work, it could even be
to do a race. Whatever it is, remember there is no one stopping you.

>>> How to tell whether you are overtraining, and how to avoid it

That’s what’s brilliant about cycling. If you want to get a beach body for the
summer, you have to toil away in the gym, running on treadmills and lifting
weights, pushing your body through barriers that are gruelling and monotonous.
That’s the only way you can get to that point of six packs, bulging biceps and
perky pectorals.

If you want to get better at cycling, all you have to do is jump on a bike. It’s
something you love doing anyway, and the sheer variety of what you can do on two
wheels will make sure you never become bored or lose motivation.

And remember, the fitter you become, the more the possibilities become endless.

Seven ways to become a fitter, better cyclist

Some are fitness based, some are fun based, some technique based. These aren’t set
goals. They are tips and ideas to help you become a better, fitter and stronger

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