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ANUL SCOLAR 2011-2012

Nr. Conţinuturi Competenţe Specifice Nr. de Sǎptǎmâna Observaţii

Crt. *detalieri tematice ore
**elemente de construcţie a comunicǎrii alocate
*** funcţii comunicative Valori şi atitudini
Changing world
*Vocabulary: Word families (nouns/adjectives); Looking after the
**Grammar: Present simple and present continuous: future forms 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 3.3;
Reading: Machu Picchu (multiple matching: headings); finding similar
words and phrases Manifestarea flexibilitǎţii în
Listening: Antarctica (multiple matching); predicting content using key cadrul schimbului de idei şi
words în cadrul lucrului în echipǎ
***Speaking; Working and non-working holidays; organising your ideas; în diferite situaţii de
ways of comparing comunicare
Writing: Article (1); What can tourists see and do in your town or
area?; features of a good article
Use of English: The Thames Barrier: Word formation; Focusing on
nouns and adjectives
2 Turn up the music 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2 3.2; 4.1;
*Vocabulary: Music; expressions with bring and take:
**Grammar: Expressing purpose (in order to, so that); questions Conştientizarea rolului
(subject/object and direct/indirect) limbii engleze ca mijloc de
Reading: Is there music on Mars? (multiple choice); trying to answer acces la patrimoniul culturii
questions before seeing options universale
Listening: Pop idol (true/false); reading questions before listening; song:
Anything is possible (Will Young)
***Speaking: Talking about yourself (general conversation); making
different types of questions
Writing: Transactional letter; letter to v a friend asking for information;
features of a transactional letter
Use of English: key word transformations; test yourself (similar or
different pairs)
With friends like these
*Vocabulary: Relationships; describing personality
**Grammar: Present perfect simple (for, since, ever, just, yet, already); so
1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 3.3;
and such
Reading: A small circle of good friends (multiple matching: questions);
Disponibilitatea pentru
scanning for specific information
acceptarea diferenţelor şi
Listening: About a boy (note taking); predicting missing information;
3 pentru manifestarea
People close to you (multiple choice: unrelated extracts)
toleranţei prin abordarea
***Speaking: Ways of keeping in touch with people (discussion); ways of
criticǎ a diferenţelor şi
giving your opinion and asking for someone else's opinion
stereotipurilor culturale
Writing: Informal letter (1); letter to a friend telling recent news; using
informal language
Use of English: Likeness of a person (open cloze); procedure for
thinking of the correct word
4 Progress check Units 1-3
Dream on
*Vocabulary: Making adjectives with suffixes; interesting vocabulary (e.g. 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 3.2; 4.1;
to glance, to wander)
**Grammar: Like and as; narrative tenses Dezvoltarea interesului
Reading: A dream come true? (gapped text); predicting content of pentru descoperirea unor
missing sentences aspecte culturale specifice,
5 Listening: Dreams (multiple matching); predicting content through prin receptarea unei varietǎţi
pictures de texte în limba englezǎ şi
***Speaking: Personal information (general conversation); asking for prin raportarea la civilizaţia
repetition/clarification spaţiului cultural anglo-
Writing: Story(1); linking expressions of time (e.g. finally, after that) saxon
Use of English: Hothouse children (error correction); focusing on type
of words missing)
6 Things that matter
*Vocabulary: Word families (e.g. invent, invention, inventor); materials 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 3.3; 4.2;
(e.g. leather, wool)
**Grammar: Time expressions (e.g. during, while, by the time); can, could, Manifestarea flexibilitǎţii în
be able to, manage to cadrul schimbului de idei şi
Reading: 100 years of gadgets (multiple matching: questions)
Listening: Famous scientists (sentence completion); predicting missing
words; Your favourite things (multiple matching); predicting content în cadrul lucrului în echipǎ
***Speaking: Things that are important to you (collaborative tasks); în diferite situaţii de
communicating interactively comunicare
Writing: Article (2); I couldn't live without it!; paragraphing
Use of English: Living the simple life (word formation); focusing on
nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs
My hero!
*Vocabulary: Making uncountable nouns countable (e.g. piece of luggage);
1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.3; 3.2; 4.1;
body and health
**Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers; reported
Dezvoltarea interesului
speech and reporting verbs
pentru descoperirea unor
Reading: The rise of the superheroes (multiple choice); procedure for
aspecte culturale specifice,
multiple choice questions
7 prin receptarea unei varietǎţi
Listening: Multiple choice: unrelated extracts; justifying your answers;
de texte în limba englezǎ şi
Christopher Reeve (sentence completion); predicting missing information
prin raportarea la civilizaţia
***Speaking: Hospitals, first aid and wheel chair access (discussion);
spaţiului cultural anglo-
making extended response
Writing: Report (1): Facilities for the disabled; features of a good report
Use of English: Multiple choice cloze; French Spider-Man reaches top
of oil HQ; choosing between options
8 Progress check Units 4-6
Moving on
*Vocabulary: Verbs related to leaving (e.g. to set off, to move house);verbs
and expressions with get (e.g. get to know)
**Grammar: Used to( do) or be used to (doing)?; making comparisons
1.1; 1.2; 2.3; 3.2; 4.1;
Reading: Rites of passage (gapped text); focusing on words that refer
backwards and forwards
Conştientizarea rolului
Listening: Song: The power of goodbye (Madonna); multiple choice
9 limbii engleze ca mijloc de
(unrelated extracts); establishing contexts through key words
acces la patrimoniul culturii
***Speaking: Saying goodbye (comparing photos); organising your
comments (first general, then specific)
Writing: Transactional letter (2); letter to a friend; paragraphing, letter
layout and what to include
Use of English: Key word transformations; working out which structure
is being tested
10 Land of the Pharaohs
*Vocabulary: Distances and dimensions (e.g. tall, narrow, deep); phrasal
**Grammar: Articles; Relative clauses 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2;
Reading: A resting place for the gods (multiple matching: heading) 3.4; 4.2;
predicting content from headings; How the camel got his hump
(comprehension questions) Manifestarea flexibilitǎţii în
Listening: The curse of the Pharaohs (true/false); focusing on key cadrul schimbului de idei şi
information in the questions în cadrul lucrului în echipǎ
***Speaking: Personal conversation; expressing doubt and uncertainty în diferite situaţii de
Writing: Story (2); story from a title; linking words of consequence (e.g. comunicare
so, therefore)
Use of English: Word formation; Stargate - a review; endings for nouns
and adjectives
Talk to me
**Grammar: Giving advice (present) and criticism (past); intensifiers
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.6; 2.3;
*Vocabulary: Expressions about speaking (e.g. speak up, talk shop);
newspapers and television
Dezvoltarea interesului
Reading: 17,000 school students probably now hate my name! (gapped
pentru descoperirea unor
text); linking expressions to show connections between ideas
aspecte culturale specifice,
Listening: Oprah Winfrey (note taking); predicting content from the
11 prin receptarea unei varietǎţi
de texte în limba englezǎ şi
***Speaking: Mass media (discussion); ways of summarising and reporting
prin raportarea la civilizaţia
a decision
spaţiului cultural anglo-
Writing: Article (3); Most people don't read enough; introduction and
conclusion paragraphs
Use of English: Open cloze; Interactive television; focusing on what kind
of word is missing
12 Progress check Units 7-9
13 More, more, more 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.4; 3.1;
*Vocabulary: Money and shopping; prepositions with nouns, verbs and 3.2; 4.2;
adjectives (e.g. famous for, spend on)
**Grammar: Obligation (present and past); too and enough Disponibilitatea pentru
Reading: Shop till you drop! (multiple choice); key words in questions acceptarea diferenţelor şi
and text pentru manifestarea
Listening: Feng Shui (multiple matching); focusing on the main message toleranţei prin abordarea
***Speaking: What makes you happy? (collaborative task); giving yourself criticǎ a diferenţelor şi
time to think and reacting to your partner's ideas stereotipurilor culturale
Writing: Discursive composition (1); What is important for a happy
life?; linking phrases for organising your ideas (e.g. first of all, in
Use of English: Multiple choice cloze; Name your price; choosing
between the four options;
Water, water everywhere
*Vocabulary: Verbs and nouns of "using"; adjectives describing feelings
**Grammar: Question tags; present perfect simple or continuous?
1.1; 1.2; 2.3; 3.2; 4.1;
Reading: The power of dolphins (gapped text); focusing on different
types of language links
Manifestarea flexibilitǎţii în
Listening: Water: fascinating facts (multiple choice); listening for key
cadrul schimbului de idei şi
14 words; Water sports (multiple matching); predicting content
în cadrul lucrului în echipǎ
***Speaking: People enjoying themselves in water (comparing photos);
în diferite situaţii de
different types of specific comments
Writing: Story (3); story ending with the words ... ; time phrases (e.g.
during his teenage years, only a year later)
Use of English: Error correction; Five Olympic Golds!; ordering stages
for dealing with task type
Give us a clue
*Vocabulary: Crime and evidence (e.g. fingerprint, suspect); word families 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.6; 2.1; 2.3;
(e.g. life, lively, lifeless) 3.2; 4.3
**Grammar: Modals of deduction (present, past)
Reading: Crime scene (multiple matching: headings); predicting headings Dezvoltarea interesului
from content pentru descoperirea unor
15 Listening: The life and death of Marilyn Monroe (note taking); predicting aspecte culturale specifice,
missing information prin receptarea unei varietǎţi
***Speaking: Witness to a crime (describing what you saw); noticing de texte în limba englezǎ şi
elements in a picture prin raportarea la civilizaţia
Writing: Informal letter (2); describing an unusual event; linking words spaţiului cultural anglo-
(e.g. eventually, then); multiple choice cloze (vocabulary) saxon
Use of English: Multiple choice cloze; Frozen in time; choosing the
correct alternative
16 Progress check Units 10-12
17 A long way from home
*Vocabulary: Travel; phrasal verbs and expressions with make 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2;
**Grammar: Gerund or infinitive?; future perfect or continuous 3.4; 4.2;
Reading: Get away from it all! (multiple matching: questions); expressing
statements in different words; The time machine by H.G. Wells Conştientizarea rolului
(comprehension questions) limbii engleze ca mijloc de
Listening: The most travelled man in the history (true/false); making
questions to help you listen; song: Proud (Heather Small)
***Speaking: Deciding what to put in a time capsule (collaborative task);
acces la patrimoniul culturii
sounding interested and involved
Writing: Transactional letter (3); choosing a holiday with some friends;
focusing a appropriate content and style
Use of English: Key word transformations; following instructions
Just an act
*Vocabulary: TV, cinema, theatre (e.g. audience, subtitles); conversational 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.3; 3.2; 4.1;
phrases (e.g. there's no point, we may as well)
**Grammar: Comparative and superlative adverbs; passives Dezvoltarea interesului
Reading: A man for all time (multiple matching: headings); justifying pentru descoperirea unor
your choice from the text aspecte culturale specifice,
18 Listening: Two extracts from the play After Liverpool prin receptarea unei varietǎţi
***Speaking: Dressing for a night out (comparing photos); ways of de texte în limba englezǎ şi
comparing and contrasting prin raportarea la civilizaţia
Writing: Discursive composition (2): Cinema or video? Linkers of spaţiului cultural anglo-
contrast; organising paragraphs saxon
Use of English: Open cloze; Moulin Rouge - a review; procedure for
dealing with open cloze
Giving something back
*Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs and expressions with give; extreme adjectives
(e.g. tired/exhausted)
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 2.3;
**Grammar: Verbs with objects (e.g. give something to someone); unless,
2.6; 3.1; 3.2;
as long as, in case
Reading: Spending a year abroad (multiple matching: questions); finding
Manifestarea flexibilitǎţii în
key words and parallel expressions
19 cadrul schimbului de idei şi
Listening: Multiple choice (unrelated extracts); justifying your answers;
în cadrul lucrului în echipǎ
Bill Gates (sentence completion); predicting missing information
în diferite situaţii de
***Speaking: Moral dilemmas (discussion); review of giving opinions,
asking for opinions and expressing uncertainty
Writing: Report (2); recommending a charity; ways of recommending
Use of English: Word formation; Something for everyone?; focusing on
what kind of word is missing
20 Progress check Units 13-15

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