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Present Simple – Present Continuous

1)Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 At the moment I drive / I'm driving towards the city Is that the right direction?

2 London has / is having a population of about eight million people.

3 Where do you come / are you coming from originally?

4 Sorry I can't hear you because a plane flies / is flying overhead.

5 I never cycle / I'm never cycling to work in the winter.

6 Someone stands / is standing at the front door. Can you see who it is?

7 Do you understand /are you understanding what I mean ?

8 It was warm earlier today but now it gets / it's getting colder and colder.

9 We don't stay / aren’t staying very long. It's just a short visit.

10 Do you work / Are you working now or do you take /are you taking a break?
2) Write short answers for these questions.
1. Do you enjoy your work? Yes, ...................

2. Are they at home now? No, ..................

3. Is he still working for that company? Yes, ..................

4. Are you cleaning the house? No, ..................

5. Is your sister helping in the garden? No, ..................

6. Does Paul have any brothers? Yes, ..................

7. Do they know you´re here? Yes, ..................

8. Are you having fun? No, ..................

9. Does your friend work there? Yes, ..................

10. Is he a relative of yours? Yes, ..................

3) Write these sentences correctly.

1. They are wanting to go home now.

2. I´m not having time at the moment.
3. Anne is not here. She does the shopping right now.
4. Your friends are attending Italian lessons on Thursday .

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