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John Harold Beltran Dramayo | BSA1


1. What is Scientism and Scientocracy?

Answer: For my own understanding about scientism, it is something observe or study to know what's really happen
in the world in the past years up to the present. For short it is a character of being a scientist. While, scientocracy
for me it is sorrounds us, what we see using our 5 senses is science. It's also practice of basing the policies on
science, for instance, if the Department of Science and Technology is related to science of course the secretary or a
leader should be a scientist or shall I see if you study the world it is necessary that your job is related to your

2. How is Science comparable to magic?

Answer: For me science is like a magic since the both actually " something natural" anf needs knowledge in order to
deeply understand the miracle or mistery being done. In addition it is natural because things behave in predictable
ways which have observable outcomes and that means that we can test our ideas about how they wotk.

3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?

Answer: Every moment in the world is changing. Science apply continuous improvement of technology that causes
negative impact such disasters to environment while magic is just a illusion.

4. What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

Answer: Nowadays Science is currently improving especially the technology which because of such improvement
will lead us chaos or war. For intance, if there is misunderstanding between two country or group it is possible that
they use their invention.

5. What do we need for the Science to be good?

Answer: It can be good if we will use it in a good way that makes our country to be more progressive, and also if we
use it for humanity and mother nature.

6. Is it possible to 'de-develop' rich countries? Why?

Answer: Rich countries can be de-develop by reducing their consumption. There are people wherby purchase items
just to shoe of their status. This is something that should be stopped.
John Harold Dramayo | Errol James Talontada

Difference ( Lewis)
Evolution of human being
The beauty of nature that affect human being
He also study the medicine and bioethics, government, education, war, and space exploration.
On each of these subjects, Lewis argued that technology could be used for the benefit or detriment of individuals
and society, but he feared the latter.
In addition Lewis believed that the propensity for using technology in a destructive manner was a result of universal
pride and greed in humanity.

Difference (Hickle)
He indicated major development like GDP, Sustainable Development, Growth and Poverty.
His one goal is to eradicate poverty.
He also examine the global inequality, political economy, post development and ecological economics.
He argue that technology leads us poverty

Both study how human live in the world.
How science and technology affect the society

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