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PROBLEM 3.1 A foot valve for a pneumatic system is hinged at B. Knowing that a= 28", determine the moment of the 16-N force about Point B by resolving the foree into horizontal and vertical ‘components, SOLUTION Note that = 20° = 28°—20°= 8" and F, =(16 N)cos8? = 15.8443 N F, = (16 N)sin8° = 2.2268 N Also ‘Noting that the direction of the moment of each force component about B is counterclockwise, My #38, +9 = (0.159748 m)(2.2268 N) +(0.058 143 my15.8443 N) =1277N-m or My 27TN-m) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compas, ne. All dights reserved. No part of thie Mannal may be displayed. ypraduced or dstribared in any jor or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ned beyond the lite ispibnton to teachers aud educators permite by McGraw All for tetra course preparation lfyoware aston using this Manoa Yo are using it wou permusion ss PROBLEM 3.2 A foot valve for a pneumatic system is hinged at B. Knowing. that @=28%, determine the moment of the 16-N force about Point B by resolving the force into components along ABC and in a direction perpendicular to ABC. SOLUTION First resolve the 4-1b force into components P and Q, where 16 N)sin 28° =75115N rua (0.17 m)(7.S115 N) ‘Then 277N-m or M,=1.277N-m>) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 The McOrew1hil Companies, Ine All his reserved. No pr of this Urnnal may be disposed, ‘produced or disibute in any form oF by any nes, without the prior wvtten permistion of te publisher or nse beyond the Tanted distridvaion eo eachers end ecators permite by McGraw forthe india onsse preparation If you areastdent using his Mal, Som are rng iho permission. 158 re Ge eee PROBLEM 3.3 A 300-N force is applied at 4 as shown, Determine (a) the moment of the 300:N force about D, (6) the smallest force applied at B that creates the same moment about D. > (@) FR, =GOON)cos 25° aie 211.89 N FP, =O0 N)sin 25° stot = 126.785 N Senn F = (271,89 N)i-+ (126.785 N)j * arnt os : r=Dd=~O.1mi-(O2mj M,=1XF My =L-(0.1 m)i~ (0.2 m)j] x[(271.89 N)i-+ (126.785 N) |] “(02.6785 N-m)k + (54.378 Nem)k = (41.700 N-m)k. My=41.7N-m) (B) The smallest force Q at B must be perpendicular to DB at 45°. My 41.700 N QB) = O(0.28284 m) Q=1474N a0 45° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘ie MeCici-Hill Companies, ln. ALI sighs yseeved. No port ofthis Manual may De displayed, reproduced or dstributed bn any form by any moans, without the prior writen permission ofthe publsier, or wsed beso the Tama distribution to teachers cnt educators permited by McGro-Thl for tel inva couree preparation. yom areas! sing his Mant, ow ave using Withont permission 156 PROBLEM 3.4 A 300-N force is applied at A as shown, Determine (a) the moment of the 300-N force about D, (b) the magnitude and sense of the horizontal force applied at C’ that creates the same moment about D, (c) the smallest force applied at C that creates the same moment about D. r SOLUTION (a) See Problem 3.3 for the figure and analysis leading to the determination of Mp M, =41.7N-m’) 2 OnrS on c ¢ Geek () Since C is horizontal C= Ci (0.2 i= (0.125 mj (0.125 m)k 41.7 N-m= (0.125 mC) 33.60 N C=334N 4 (©) The smallest force C must be perpendicular to DC; thas, it forms a with the vertical S 0125 m 02m I @=32.0" T / Mp =C(DC), DC = Y(O.2 m+ (0.125 mF = 0.23585 m (0.23585 m) CH1T68N oo 58.0" 4 41,70 N-m= PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrawHill Companies, In. All ights reserved. No part of this Mawel may be displayed typroduced on dowrtated in any form or by ans mews, without the prior wvitien parnision of the publisher, or ased beyond the fnited Alston to feachers an edcucrs permite hy MeGnaw Hil for ther lads conse prsparaion. Ifyou area tadent wig is Manuel, Son are eng twin permaston 156 Ee PROBLEM 3.5 An 8:1b force P is applied to a shift lever. Determine the moment of P about B when a is equal to 25°. 22m, sin} SOLUTION First note P,=(8 Ib)c0s 25° 2505 Ib P, =(8 Ib)sin25" = 3.3800 Ib Noting that the dizection of the moment of each force component about 2 is clockwise, have My =-xP, -yP, = (8 in,)(3.3809 Ib) (22 in.)(7.2505 Ib) 186.6 Ib- in. or My =1866 Ib-in.) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCeaeHill Companies, Ic. All tights veseved, No par ofthis Manual maybe dplayed ‘reproduced or disibuted in any form or by ay moans, wilson the prior writen permission ofthe yur, oF sed beyane the ited tration to teachers end educators permite by MeGrawHil forte buividal course prpraion. Ion area stent ei hs Meu Jom are ating who permission. 187 PROBLEM 3.6 For the shift lever shown, determine the magnitude and the direction of the smallest force P that has a 210-Ib in. clockwise moment about B. 22, SOLUTION For P to be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the Line joining Points 4 and B. ‘Thus, and Where (22 in,” ‘Then Pig =8.97 Ib 19.98° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrow-Hill Companies, Ie. AIL rights resorved. No part ofthis Maral may’ be displayed epruducd or ditibuted in en form or by any meas, withou the prior writin permusion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the tite dirt to tecrs an editors ported By MeGrave Hil for Dir individ course preparation. If vom arta shen ning is nua, pun ave sing i without permission 158 PROBLEM 3.7 An LL-Ib force P is applied to a shift lever. The moment of P about B is clockwise and has a magnitude of 250 Ib in. Determine the value of a. bain 1 SOLUTION By definition My =rypP sind where 6=a+(90°-9) 1 Sit and = tan! SI. _y9.9331° a or en in also un = in? +22 in 23.409 in Then 250 Ib-in =(23.409 in(L1 1b) -xsin(er +90°~19.9831°) or sin(or+ 70.016) =0.97088 or £4 10.0169" =76.1301° and a+ 70,0169° = 103.861° 12° 338° € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MoCo ‘ompaniet, Ie. llrightsreserved, No port of thie Manual ina be displayed ‘aproducedo diibured in any form or By any meet, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, or used beyond the lintel ‘istrhution to eachers ont educators permite by Meri fr tht india ere preparation. Ifyou are astadent sing this Mant ow are uv if without permission. 159 PROBLEM 3.8 It is known that a vertical force of 200 Ib is required to remove the nail at C from the board, As the nail first starts moving, determine (a) the ‘moment about B of the force exerted on the nail, (6) the magnitude of the force P that creates the same moment about B if a=10°, (¢) the smallest force P that creates the same moment about B. isin (a) Wehave My = tem Pe = (4 in,}(200 Ib) = 800 Ib-in, or My =800 Ib-in..) (6) Bydefinition My = oP sind 10° + (180° ~ 70°) 20° Then 800 Ib-in.= (18 in) Psin 120° or P=Si3Ib (©) For Pto be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the line joining Points 4 and 8. Thus, P must be directed as shown, 8 20 Thus or or = 44.4 Ib ao 20° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ® 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Commpaies, Ine. All ights reserved. No pare of shi Manual nay Be displayed reproduced or dstrtuted tn any for or by any means, witont the prior writen permission of the publisher or used beyond the Tinted sribution to teachers and educators permit by MeGraw Hl for thelr ndlvidua course preparation Ifvoware state asin is Manuel, [po are sing it who persion 10 PROBLEM 3.9 A winch puller AB is used to straighten a fence post. Knowing that the tension in cable BC is 1040 N and length d is 1.90 m, determine the moment about D of the force exerted by the cable at C by resolving that force into horizontal and vertical components applied (a) at Point C, (b) at Point F. : dl IT med a [Eenreint SOLUTION ostsm 5 ‘Sk i ECs — = @ ada 1.90m+0.2m 12 Ls The (Ty. ren 3 ran) 2 = 7g O40 N) =960N and Ty, = <(1040N) rr =400N ‘Then Mp =Tyy,(0.875 m) Tp, (0.2 m) (960 N)(0.875 m) — (400 N)(0.2 m) =760 N-m or My =760N-m") 4 (0) Wehave My = Tan) Tan@) 5 (960 N)(0) + (400 NYI.90 m) : =760.N-m we a 6 or My =760N-m*) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. € 2010 The MeGra-Hil] Conpanies, Ine. All Fighs reserved. No part of dis Manna may be cypaver ‘reproduced or dairbued in eny form or by any means, tou the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the Tamed Alsibaion to teachers and edacators permite by MeCraw- 1 forte indo course prepantion [fyaw area student in ts Manual omar ning wither permission wt PROBLEM 3.10 2.80 m,determine the tension that must be developed in the cable of winch puller AB to create the required moment about Point D. SOLUTION 0.875 m Slope of tine See ee 2.80 m+0.2m ‘Then Tyne = AT yy 25 and Alu 5 We have My = Tang (Y) Tapy(X) 24 1 960 Nm = 527 (0+ Tg (2.80 0) Tyy =1224N Of Tyg =1224N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved, No part of this Manual may’ be daplayed, reproduced or dissed in any form or by any meas, wilon the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Fiited tribution to teachers and educators permite d by Mera Hl forint course preparation If you areca student wing this Manvel, ‘ou are using it eth permision 162 PROBLEM 3.11 Lis known that a force with a moment of 960 N - m about D is required to straighten the fonce post CD. Ifthe capacity of winch puller 4B is 2400 N, determine the minimum value of distance d to create the specified ‘moment about Point D. SOLUTION eee {fo HERE |BEE ‘The minimum value of d can be found based on the equation relating the moment of the force Ty, about D: Mp = Trnae) pd) where My =960N-m (yas y = Fanaa 8808 = (2400 N)sin O Now sind O85 (a-+0.207 + (0.875)'m 960. sm =2400 N OsT5 (a Yed+0.20) + 0.875" or [(d + 0.20)" + (0.875) = 2.18784 or (0.20) + (0.875) = 4.78520" or 3.7852d" -0.40d ~ 8056 Using the quadratic equation, the minimum values of d are 0.51719 mand — A115) m, Since only the positive value applies here, d= 0.51719 m or d=517 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ins, AIL igs ceseved. No part of dis Mania may be displayed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, widens the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, ar used bevond the linited (04), =(04), tan 30° (4) (OA) + (OA), +04. “-(s} 005) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 Uhe MeGraw-Hil Companies, ie, Al rights reserve. No por of shi Manna may be clave ‘reproduced or distibuted in can form ot by any met, with the por written permission ofthe publisher, or raed beyond dhe liited distin t teachers andl dicatorspormited by Gra Hillfor ther india course preperation Ifyou ave student sing his Mena, yom are using i with permission a2 PROBLEM 3.60 A regular tetrahedron has six edges of length a, (a) Show that two ‘opposite edges, such as O4 and BC, are perpendicular to each ‘other. (6) Use this property and the result obtained in Problem 3.59 to determine the perpendicular distance between edges OA and BC. SOLUTION (@) For edge O4 to be perpendicular to edge BC, r i ‘ oR m 04-BC=0 Tony where Fromtriangle OBC (0A), =< s a{1)_4 8 (OA), = (OA), tan 30° =—| — |=—— (04), = (04), “(4)-s5 | =) and BC = (asin30°)1 ~(ac0s30°)k i-V3k) Then so that Giiis perpendicular to BC. () Mave Mo, = Pd, with P acting along BC and d the perpendicular distance from Oto BC. From the results of Problem 3.57 Pa Moa Fs PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 "he MeGraw-41i Companies, ne. AIL igh reserved. No part of this Monel may be dnl produced or dsributed i any form oF by any means, without the prior wrlsen permsston ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the finned __(Ky + Fy)siner = (1040 Nycos30°- =(F, + F, )eosar Simplifying yields. cr = 30° Based on EMei_ [(1040 N)eos30°I(4 m) = (F, cos30°\10.7 m) F,=388.79N on F, =389N ~S60° Based on EM: ~[(1040 N)cos30°(6.7 m) = CF c0830°X10.7 9) Fo =651.21N on SIN “S609 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Meires-Hil Companies, Ine. Al rghls reserve. No port of thie Manas! xy be displayed, ‘reproduced or dicibuted in ey form or By any means, wilon the prior vais purmnsson ofthe publisher, oF sed beyond the ante ‘isribton to eacers end dca permit ran Hil fo se doi ere preparation If yenarec student wing this Manvel, om ave wig i without permission a PROBLEM 3.85 ‘The force P has 2 magnitude of 250 N and is applied at the end © of a 500-mm rod AC attached 10 a bracket at 4 and B. Assuming, @=30 and B= 60%, replace P with (a) an equivalent force-couple system at B, (6) an equivalent system formed by two parallel forces applied at A and B. 00a SOLUTION (@ Equivalence requires ZF: F=P or F=250N 60° (0.3 m)(250 N)=~75 Nem XM, M ‘The equivalent force-couple system at B is (&) Require Equivalence then requires 2, BA: =250=—F, sin @= Fy si Now if Fy = Fy > -250=0 reject cos $=0 or = 90° and Fy + Fg =250 Also EMy: (0.3 m)(250 N)=(0.2m)F, or =-375N and 25N 375 N Yn 60" C25N % 60" € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, he. All rights reserved. No part of dis Meawal may’ be displayed, ‘zpenducad or divribated in any form or by any mec, withowt the prior writen permission ofthe publlsher, or wid Devons the lited Aisa to eachrs cud educators permit by Me Grane Hilf fir advil cones preparation If on ane student amin hs Man, “yo are sing i thot pormision a SOLUTION (a) alence requires ZF: Fy =P or Fy =250N % 250° EMp: My =—(0.3 m){(250 N)sin 50°] =—$7.453 N-m. ‘The equivalent force-couple system at B is 250. N % 25.0° M,=S7.5N-m)4 (0) Require Equivalence requires My = dQ. (0.3 mnj[(250 N)sin 50°] = [2 m)sin 50°79 Q=375N Adding the forces at B: 75ND 25.0° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All hts reserve, No part of sh: Manna may Be espave reproduced or diseibuted i any form oF by any means, wuhow the prior wien permission of the publisher. ® wsed bevond the lnated Aisributon to teachers and educciors permined by MeGraw-Hil for ther instal course preparation. Ifyou area sont using tis May, Som ave sine who porbssien ad PROBLEM 3.87 A force and @ couple are applied as shown to the end of @ ‘cantilever beam. (a) Replace this system with a single force F applied at Point C and determine the distance d from C to line drawn through Points D and E, (b) Solve Part a if the directions of the two 360-N forces are reversed. SOLUTION 3608 @ 6 ce coon e| {2 see ° cO} wal fe tom @ 450mm 600} 3608 i i Me z 3 We have EF: F-=(360 N)j~ (360 N)j~(600 N)k (600 Nk and EM,: (360 N)(0.15 m)=(600 Nya) d=0.09m or d=90.0 mm below ED We have fiom Part a (600 N)k and EM: (360 N}(0.15 m) = ~(600 NY(a) d=0.09m or d=90.0 mm above ED PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw ‘reproduced or dlsbused Ine form or by wy mem ‘Ustiation to techers al edacatrs permite by MeGrex Som one wing ier persion 1 Companies, Ine Al vights res. No pure ofthis Marval may be display vvthowt the prior itn permission of the pulser, ov used besond the lined w-H fr sere indial cows preperation. Ifyou area student wing hs Manuel, as, pote mm ‘es +| PROBLEM 3.88 ‘The shearing forces exerted on the cross section of a steel channel ean be represented by a 900-N vertical force and two 250-N horizontal forces as shown. Replace this force and couple with a single force F applied at Point C, and determine the distance x from C to line BD. (Point C is defined as the shear center of the section.) SOLUTION is moment about H is Replace the 250-N forces with a couple and move the 900-N force to Point C such that equal to the moment of the couple 250n x fie “ 18m fos : 4 ; HEE | litawaal Joon aaa 250N > 4 =(0.18)(250 N) =45N-m | Then My =x(900N) : 45 N.m=4(00) x= 0.05 m | PROPRIETARY MATERIAL.‘ 2010 The McGraw Hil Jy reserved. No port of this Mona muy be displace uproduced or dsibured in any form or by eny means, thou the play tion permission ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the Limited ‘soibution to teachers and edcuiors permite by MeGrow-Hilfor dhe indhviual course preparation. yan area student sing his Manvel, ow ane ring i eon permis, 246, PROBLEM 3.89 While tapping a hole, a machinist applies the horizontal forces shown to the handle of the tap wrench. Show that these forces ate equivalent to a single foree, and specify. if possible, the point of application of the single foree on the handle. SOLUTION Since the forces at A and B are parallel, the force at B can be replaced with the sum of two forces with one of the forces equal in magnitude to the force at 4 except with an opposite sense, resulling in a foree-couple, Have Fy =2.9 Ib~ 2.65 Ib =0.25 Ib, where the 2.65 Ib force be patt of the couple. Combining the two parallel forces, Mugs = 2.65 Ib)[(3.2 in. + 2.8 in.Jeos25°] = 14.4103 Ib- in, and M, A103 tb in, A single equivatent force will be located in the negative z-direction Based on EMp: 144103 Ib in,=[(25 Ib)eos 25° (a) 33.600 in 25 Ib\cos 25% +sin 25°) (0.1057 1b)k nd is applied on an extension ot handle BD ata distance of 63.6 in. to the right of 8 < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tue MeCeaw Ail) Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of this Mera me he daplayer reproduced or dstibted in any form oF by any mcs, sithont the price wrtten permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the timed isebnton to teachers and cats permed by MeGran-ll fr thet india course pronatcne If yi aneastserd eng his Mem Yow are i i itu! permision ur PROBLEM 3.90 ‘Three contrat rods attached to a lever ABC exert on it the forces shown. (a) Replace the three forces with an equivalent force-couple system at B. (b) Determine the single foree that is equivalent to the force-couple system obtained in Part a, and specify its point of application on the lever. SOLUTION (a) First note that the two 20-Ib forces form 4 couple. Then F=48 ib 26 where = 180" ~ (60° + 55°) = 65" and M==M, = (30 in.)(48 Ib)cos 55° ~ (70 in,}(20 Ib)eos 20° = ~489.62 Ib-in ‘The equivalent force-couple system at Bis F=48.0 Ib 2 65° 490 Ib-in. ) 4 (®) The single equivalent force F”is equal to. Further, since the sense of M is clockwise, F” must be applied between A and B. For equivalence. EM: M=-ak” cos 35° where a is the distance from 2 to the point of application of F”. Then 489.62 Ib-in, = ~a(48.0 lb} cos 55° or a= 17.78 in F’=48.0 Ib <1 650° 4 and is applied to the lever 17.78 in. To the left of pin B < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All igh reserved. No port of this Magual may be diplayed, ‘reproduced or distibued in any form 0° by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or vsed bayond the lite ‘dsribution te oachors nv educators permited by Merc forte individual course preparction Wyo arecastidnt sig this Mon, Yur are ning i withou parm, ae PROBLEM 3.91 ‘A hexagonal plate is acted upon by the force P and the couple shown. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the smallest force P for \hich this system can be replaced with a single foree at. Mo: a ° I nam SOLUTION From the statement of the problem, it follows that IM) for Phys must require that P be perpendicular 0 fy. Then EM,: (0.2 sin 30°+0.2)mx300 N ++ (0.2 m)sin 30°30 N 4 m)Pyey =O or Py =300 N < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘0 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All tights reserved. Ne part of dis Mona may be dsplarec ‘reproduced or disribued in any form or by any means sth the prior written permission of fe publisher, oF woe beyond the lined ‘sii to teachers and edacetors permite by McGraw Hil forth individual course preparation. If ow rea side asin hs Manna Sou are asin i without permis, 9 PROBLEM 3.92 A rectangular plate is acted upon by the force and couple shown, This system is to be replaced with a single equivalent force. (a) For a= 40°, specify the magnitude and the line of action of the equivalent force. (6) Specify the value of rif the line of action of the equivalent force isto intersect ine CD 300 mum to the right of D, SOLUTION (@)__ The given force-couple system (F, M) at B is F=48N{ and Mf = EM, =(0.4 m)(15 N)cos 40°+(0.24 m)(15 N)sin 40° or M=6.9103 Nem) “The single equivalent force F” is equal to F. Further for equivalence Mp: M=dF” or 6.9103 Nom=dx48N or d=0,14396 m and the line of action of # intersects line AB 144 mm to the right of 4. < (b) Following the solution to Part a but with d= 0.1 m and arunknown, have ZMy: (OA mI Nycos a+ (0.24 my(l5 N)sincr = (0.1 mya N) or Seoser+3sinar=4 Rearranging and squaring 25 cos? r= (4-3 sin a? Using cos? in? ee and expanding 25(1 sin? a) =16~24 sin +9 sin’ or or 34sin?® oe~ 24sin 2-9 =0 Then sin er A 204) sin @=0.97686 or sin c= 0.270098 aT? or a 15.728 < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine AIL riphs reser, No port of thie AMamal me be daplayed, spricel on dsb in any form or by any mene, withon! te prior writin permission of Ue publishes, or wad beyond the Liated isributon fo teachers aa dears period By Meio Hil fr nde conse preparation Ifyou aveasudent wn is Maal, ‘om ae ing i wilt persion 250 PROBLEM 3.93 An eccentric, compressive 1220-N force P is applied to the end of a cantilever beam. Replace P with an equivalent force-couple system at G, Aton SOLUTION 4 We have =: (1220 Also, we have : EMg: ty XP=M i k 1220]0, 1 =06/N-m=M oo M = (1220 N-m){(—0.06)(—j—(0.1)(-)k} or M=(73.2N-m)j—-(122N-mk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AIL igh roseved. No port of thir Manaal nay he displved reproduced or dsyibued ix any form or by anny means, wiht the rior writen permission ofthe publisher ase bevond the lnited ‘hsribntin to teachers and educcors peated by raw Hl for Mee individual course pparion Ifa aetna this Mera Sow are using tian permission ast ” [» i 6 mm PROBLEM 3.94 To keep a door closed, a wooden stick is wedged hetween the floor and the doorknob. The stick exerts at B a 175-N force directed along line 4B. Replace that force with an equivalent force-couple system at C, so nim SDL = 100% SOLUTION We have BF: Py =F where Pag anPan __ Bani 990 mm) (594 MMI 4195 yy 1155.00 mm or Fy =(6.00 Nji+ (150 N}j-OOON)K € We have =M, ee (0.683, -0.860 0 [N-m 1300-4 = ({CO.RGO KAR) ~ 0.683)18)) +[(0.683)(30) ~ 0.860)()]k} or Mc =(714N-m)i+(61.SNem)j+(1O68N-mpk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw Hil Conyanies, Ine. All ights reserved. No pure of dis Manual may be displayed epradnced or disibated in cy form or by ens mex, wiht the prior writen permusion of the publisher. or wsed besond the finited ‘teint leach and educators permite by MeGeaw HA for ter mndvdual course preparation. you area stent wing his Bava, You are ning i with perms. PROBLEM 3.95 ‘An antenna is guyed by three cables as shown, Knowing that the tension in cable 4B is 288 Ib, replace the force exerted at 4 by cable AB with an equivalent foree-couple system at the center O of the base of the antenna, SOLUTION We have diy = 64) +128 +06 288 th Then w= 641 ~128) + 16k) h ag (4 128) +16) = (82 1b\-41-8j+k) Now M=My =r yg Typ = 128)x32(-41-8) +k) = (4096 Ib- Ni + (16,384 Ib fk ‘The equivalent force-couple system at O is F=-128.0 Ib}i-(256 1b)j +82.0 Ib)k M=(4.10 kip- i+ (16.38 kip-ft)k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-till Companies, Inc.All dihts reserved. No part of thie Manoa may be displayed Feproduced or dstrbuted tv any frm or by any means, seh the prior written permission ofthe publisher. used Beyond the Tinted ) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights reserve, No part of this Mana may be displayed, Ieprndaced or disrbnied i cy fret or BY any means, whitiow de poy rtien persion ofthe polisher, oF wae beyond the limited ‘tissu to teachers a dents porn by Metro il ford nivel cows preparation If ym avc stent using his Mowat ow avenge permission 260 PROBLEM 3,101 (Continued) (d) Weave 400 N +800 N= R, or R, =a00Nh and EM: (800 N)(4m)— 2300 Nem = My or M,=900N-m ) (© We have 2K, ~400N~200 N= or and EM, 200N-m+400 N-m—(200 N)4 m)= or () Weave 2 ~800N-+200N=Ry or and EM: ~300 N-m+300.N-m-+(200 NYA m= M, or M,=800N-m”) {g) Wehave ER: ~200N-800N=R, or R, =1000N| 4 and EM (2 200 N-m +4000 Nm ~ (800 NVA m) = M, or M, =1000N-m) (i) We have EF,: -300N-300N=k, or R, =600N | € and 2M 4: 2400 N-m—300 N-m—(300N)(4.m) = M, or M,=900N-m) 4 (6) Therefore, loadings (c) and (h) are equivalent. < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2010 The MeGraw-1Hi Companies, ne. AM hts reserved. No part of ss Manual ny be distavech, ‘reproduced on distributed in any form or by eny means, thot the pro srien permssion ofthe pub or tae beso the lated istribution to teachers and educators permite by MeCiraw- il fr their indotdua eowsye preparation. Ifyou are astden asi at Mean Dow are using it thao permission iat ute PROBLEM 3.102 ly A 4-mlong beam is loaded as shown. Determine the loading of E Problem 3.101 which is equivatent to this loading, on PS S09 Nom SOLUTION We have EE,: ~200N-400N=R or R=600N| 4 and EM: ~400'N-m-+2800 Nm —(400 NYA m) = Mf ie a ” ap | Equivalent 10 case (/) of Problem 3.101 Problem 3.101 Equivalent force-couples at A Case R M (| oon] | 1000N-m>) () 600 N| 900.N © 600, NI 900 N @ 400Nt 900 N © 600 N | | 200N-m) | oon] | 800N-m) < @) 1000 N{ 1000 N-m *) th) oDON| 900 N-m~) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine, AIL hts reserved. No part of this Manca maybe dksplayed, ependnced o disbuted in ey form ot By any mes, tow the pos writen permission ofthe publisher, or used besone the tinted (Git to teachers an ee ors permite by MeGrow- Hil for dete Indiv couse preparation. Ifyou ane ested wing this Mana, pr ane sing i ett permission PROBLEM 3.103 Determine the single equivalent force and the distance from Point 4 to its line of action for the beam and loading of (a) Problem 3.1015, (b) Problem 3.1014, (c) Problem 3.10 e. PROBLEM 3.101 A 4-n-long beam is subjected to a variety of loadings. (a) Replace each loading with an equivalent foree-couple system at end of the beam. (b) Which of the loadings are equivalent? ae “8 [es tH 7 ez ier Spl fe “» : » wos ay ww aux sony I" eee | | won| : mye 5 6 i2 Sux ovo msn S09 w o o moe SCRE. & ws SOLUTION (For equivalent single force at distance d from A eras ae Wehave ER: -600N=R Cea or R=600N| 4 4m bah and TMe: (600 NYa)~900 N-m=0 “Se if or 500m € () Wehwe EF: ~400N+800N=R poner ee cioul | and Me: (400 Nya) + (800 NA) eee ~2300 N-m=0 Got. or d=225m 4 (© Wehave ~400N-200N=R Moons 200n or R=G00N| 4 ooo =a beast ant Me: 200 N-m+(400 NYA) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, * 2010 The MeGrav-ti —(200 NX4~d) +400 N-m=0 or d=0333m 4 Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved. No pare of this Manna may he displayed sepvoduced or dstvibuted in any form or by any means, withen the price writen permission ofthe publisher. oF ised beso the lite sdstibution wo teachers ad educors permite by MeGraw-1hl for thie nvidia conse preparation If oware siden ting his Men. Yn ave suing itwethol permison, PROBLEM 3.104 Five soparate force-couple systems aet at the comers of a piece of sheet metal, which has been bent into the shape shown, Determine which of these systems is equivalent to a force F= (10 Ib)i and a couple of moment M = (15 lb Mj + (15 Ib Ak located at the origin, ee BS 7 “ 25 I SO Nye an De“tow lh SOLUTION First note that the force-couple system at F cannot be equivalent because of the direction of the foree [The fotve of the other four systems is (10 Ib}i]. Next move each of the systems to the origin O; the forces remain unchanged, As My =¥My = (5 Ib ft) p+ (15 Bb AYK + (2 YK (LO Ib) = (25 Ib Rj (5 Ib-ft)k Di Mp =Mg =~(5 lb-f)j+(25 tb fk {4.5 FO) + AEH (2 AK}10 Ibyh = (15 Ib-AL+ (15 TOK Gs Mg =2My =(15 Ih A) (15 Tb Rj 1: My =2M, =(5 lb- 1) (5 Ib-f)k HIGGS ALC MYA C1O Ib)) = (5 Ib Yj (15 Ib- fk ‘The equivalent foree-couple system is the system at comer D. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeSiww-Hil Companies, Ine. AIL rights eesenved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed eprodced or diibied in any form aby ay means, witout the por wetien permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linited Uiptiation to teachers ond educators permite by MetrovHil fortes indionual course preparation Ifyou area stadt using hs Miwa, Son arent wither permission 264 fe PROBLEM 3.105 es ee 1 sso that the res ass through eecectiesemesae Pu ‘The weights of two children sitting at ends A and B of a seesaw are 84 1b and 64 Ib, respectively. Where should a third child sit tant of the weights of the three children will iff she weighs (a) 60 Ib, () 52 Ib. ‘SOLUTION BAlb dW Hib A eS ose OC ose A ne eee (@) For the resultant weight to act at C, EM 0 Ib Then (84 1bX(6 )— 60 Ib(d) 64 Ib(6 ft) =0 d= 2.00 Nto the rightorc (6) Por the resultant weight to act at C, EMe=0 W,=52 Ib Then (84 Iby(6 ft)~ 52 Ibet) - 64 Ib ft) = 0 d=2.31 Mio the right of C PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 “he MeGraw-ill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. Na part of this Mana me dpe srepruduced or disibuted in any form oF By any means, withow the prior writen permiscion of the publisher. or used Beyond the Tied distribution to teachers anc eduction permite by Meret for tr indo sours prepare. Ifyou are sent asin thie Manual, ow are using iwi permission, 26s, PROBLEM 3.106 ‘Three stage lights are mounted on a pipe as shown. ‘The lights at 4 and B each weigh 4.1 1b, while the one at C weighs 3.5 Ib. (a) If d = 25 in,, determine the distance from D to the line of ection of the resultant of the weights of the three lights. (}) Determine the value of d so that the resultant of the weights passes through the midpoint of the pipe. SOLUTION u R > € EF: -41-41-352-R of R=117Ib} EF: (00 inJ(4.1 Tb) (44 inj Ib) ~[(4.4-+ d}in,J3.5 Tb) = (Lin JCL1.7 Ib) or 31544350 =11.7L (dL in in.) @ d=25in We have BISAF3.525)=1L7L or L=39.6 in, ‘The resultant passes through a Point 39.6 in, to the right of D, < ) 1 =42in, We have 11.7042) or d=33.1in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 1 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AI igh eeserved. No part wf thir Monual may be dsplaved, Iepmoduced ar ete in any formar by any mans, with! the prior vittes permassion ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the Tinted Uiribovon wo teachers amd dycoors permite By McGraw Hil for ti livia couse preparation ifyouc asd asing this Manna “pow are ung i withon persion 266 PROBLEM 3.107 A beam supports three loads of given magnitude and a fourth load whose magnitude is a funetion of position, If b= 1.5 mand the loads are to be replaced with a single equivalent force, determine (a) the value of a so that the distance from support 4 to the line of action of the equivalent force is maximum, (4) the magnitude of the equivalent force and its point of application on the beam. 9m _ =e SOLUTION rroonp ep fees = Pe RTaood NS EEE eB For equivalence BF: 13004 4007 — 400-600 a-(200- 00%) N a mM, $f 2002) (a 94600 4002 +6000 ~ 2007 or 2300-4004 b 10ae9~Sa2 ‘Then with b=LSm @ Where a, J are in m (@) Find value ofa to maximize £. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights roreved. No part af ths Mana may be dplayet ‘produced or cstributed in any form or by any means, wthou the prior writen permission of the pudbliser, ar ved Beyond the inte lstibution wo teachers and educators permite by MeGrav-1hllfor tele ndividual couse preparetion. Ifyou are ste asing hs Mo yo are using I withon permision 267 PROBLEM 3.107 (Continued) w 230g 94 4 Myr 22 3 3 9 or 16a* ~ 276a-+ 1143 a aro C279" AON 2(16) o 103485 an 69065 m Since AB=9 m, a must be less than 9m a=69lm 4 Using Fa) n= 2300-c00S or Rass n 10(6.9065) +9 ~4 (6.9065)? ng Ea. (2) Lo 3 16 m and 8 23-* (6.9065 3¢ 3) 3.16 mto the right of A. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved. Mo part of this Manual may be display, Ieprachiced ov dtibuied in any form By any mean, without the prior writen permission of the pubis, or used Beyond de lined Uistecton to teachers et educrs permed by MC fir thet individual course preparation Ifyou aneastude wn his Mora Your aves i witha permssion. 208 PROBLEM 3.108 Gear C is rigidly attached to arm AB. If the forees and couple shown can be reduced 10 a single equivalent force at 4, determine the equivalent force and the magnitude of the couple M. Aw 4 | os 400 aos th % SOLUTION We have a has tS ae aot Be & EA: -18sin30° +25 c0s40°= R, For equivalence or R, = 10.1511 Ib ZE,: 18008309 40-25sin40°= R, or Ry = T1658 Tb Then R= y(10.1511P + (71,658) = R416 11.658 tan = TTI or o=81.9° R=724 Ib 81.9% 4 Also EM: M~(22 in.J18 th)sin 35°— (32 in,)(40 Ibyeos 25° ~(48 in,}(25 Ib) sin 655 or = 206 tbl PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-1ill Companies, luc. AIL righis seve, No part of this Manual may be displayed, eproded or daibte in any form or by any mans, without de prior writen parmision ofthe pubes, or axed bend the tnted dsrbaion oo teachers ed educators penne by MeGren-[hil for tr ndbal course preparation fon avea student sing this Mand, one are sing i ido permussion, 209 PROBLEM 3.109 A couple of magnitude M = $4 Ib - in, and the three forces shown are applied to an angle bracket. (a) Find the resultant of this system of forces. (6) Locate the points where the line of action of the resultant intersects line AB and line BC SOLUTION @ Wehave ER: R=(-10))+(30-cos 60°} 430 sin 60°}-+ (-45i) C30 1b) i-+ (15.9808 1b)F or R=34.0 Ib 28.0 (b) First reduce the given forces and couple to an equivalent foree-couple system (R, My, at B. We have EMy: My = (54 Tb-in) + (12 in.X(10 1b)~(8 in,)(45 Ib) =186 Ib-in. re RatD EM, ‘Then 186 toi A (15.9808 1b) SS aT © 11.64 in, eB, lls €G0 tb) ale 6.2 in, or and with Rat ZMy: 186 Ibi on Phe line of action of R imerseets line 4B 11.64 in. to the left of B and intersects line BC’ 6.20 in, below B. < PROPRUETARY MATERIAL. «9 2010 The MeGrsw-Hill Companies, fe All rights served. Nb pr’ of his Menaul may be dsplaved Ieprodtced or distributed any form o by any meat, withont the prior written permission af the publisher, ov sed Devon the avited atrbton ta oachers ext educa permite by MeGrantill forthe indvidal conve preparation. ow area stent using this Manvel, Som are wt i withon!permiesion m0 i. wih PROBLEM 3.110 0" a A couple M and the three forces shown ate applied to an angle bracket Find the moment of the couple if the line of action of the resultant of the force system is to pass through (a) Point 4, (6) Point B, (c) Point C: SOLUTION In exch ease, must have Mf = (a) PYM) = EM , = M+ (12 in.}{(30 Ib)sin 60°] ~(8 in. 45 lb) =0 ‘M =448.231 Ib-in M=48.2 Ib-in.’) (b) #) Mf = EM, = M1 + (12 in)(10 1b) ~(B in. X45 Ib) =0 (M4240 Ib-in. M=240Ib-in.”) © #)Mé = EM. = M +(12 in,)(10 Ib) ~(8 in.)[G0 tb)cos 60°}=0 M=0 M=0 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw ill Companies, he. All ight exerved. No part of thir Manual may be dispaved ‘reproduced or distributed bn any form or by any mans, without the prow writen permission of the publshe, or need Beye the Tinie dsribaton to tachers aad educators perited by MeGran-THl forthe inva conn se prernation yom ene aster ws his Men ow are wing i without pornision, m

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