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Text Type - Pamphlet

Audience - local residents

Register - Formal; semi-formal

Mood - Influenced, attracted

Tone - Descriptive, suggesting, inducing

Aim - to inform the public about the projects, and invite them to donate to ensure the continuity
and expansion of those projects


1st point - The problem of poverty in the city

2nd point - The projects

3rd point - How to help

How to ease the life of your fellow city resident by one action?

Poverty in Baku

Every single one of us, the residents of our beautiful city of Baku, have seen the people
on the streets begging for money, playing music or just sleeping with the box in hope
that some stranger will throw some money there. They all are in a very hard and tough
situation in which everyone can occur, and in most cases it’s not really their fault.

Poor people on the streets were just an example, in fact, those people are only a small
part of all the poor people in our city who do suffer all their lives to earn some money in
all the possible ways, some of them even end up dying from hunger. Approximately 9%
of the population of Baku live behind the poverty line. It’s awful, but it’s the reality and
we should be aware of such kinds of big problems.

Fighting the issue

Such issue as poverty is actually pretty hard to solve, however if the government and
the residents cooperate, the task will become much easier to complete. The perfect
solution, considering everything mentioned above, would be the projects run by the
local council, and those actually exist. More than that, the projects need your support as
never before.

But firstly it would be right to explain how they work. The principle is pretty much easy to
understand, people donate money to those projects, and later on the volunteers
participating in the project buy the food and the clear water, pay the bills for light and
gas for the poor people on the money donated. It’s also important to note that the
projects don’t take any percentages of the money you will potentially donate.

How to take part in the projects?

There are 2 ways in which you can participate in the mentioned projects; you can be
either a donator or a volunteer. In the first case you can just send some amount of
money to the projects via PayPal (+9940502347070) or via credit/debit card (1882 4847
8645 2614). As a volunteer, your job will be to buy and distribute the food and drinks to
the poor people (addresses will be given) and pay their bills. So if you have some free
hours on the weekend, you can become a volunteer by contacting the project's
organisators, or if you don’t, you can just take a few minutes and send money to the
projects. In both cases your contribution will be invaluable and you will make a real

Contact us:


Phone: 0502347070

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