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Hello, thank you very much for playing Legion: Theater of War. You are
about to

embark on a fun-filled session of strategy and entertainment. The base game is played

2 people each controlling 5 specific characters. Each team chooses their characters

the predetermined roster one at a time. Roll a die or flip a coin to determine who

first. Additionally, more players may be added to the game if the players wish, the

stipulation is to try to keep teams as even as possible. In any event no team should

more characters than the other. Additional players will control characters on one of

teams. In the event of an odd number of players add extra characters to the other
team to

balance the numbers. (ex/ 2v3. One team will have individually controlled characters

the other will have one player controlling 1 character and one controlling 2

Please observe the following to determine what resources you will need to play the
You will

● ​1 Game Board with squares denoting movement

● ​10 Character
● ​10 Character
● ​10 Door Tokens
● ​4 Health Potion
● ​4 Mana Potion
● ​8 Search
● ​2 Spawn Door
● ​2 Cathedral Sentry
● ​25 Weapon
● ​25 Spell
● ​15 Cathedral
● ​20 Red
● ​20 White
● ​25 Green Health
● ​25 Orange Health
● ​1d4, 1d6, 1d8,

In the event your printer isn’t all that great, or you don’t have ink to spare you can

represent character tokens with small pieces of paper with colored circles on one side, and
an X

on the other. Mana potions may be represented by drawing a bottle with the inside colored
and health potions may be drawn with a bottle with the inside colored red. Doors and

tokens may be illustrated as desired, the bottom line is you’re free to make resources should

lack a printer. All tokens are available for print in the


The Character

● ​Each character sheet lists 6 different

● ​ATT - Influences the die type rolled in melee
● ​DEF - Influences the die type rolled on defense during an attack
● ​MAG - Influences the die type rolled during a spell
● ​HP - The character's health. If this value reaches 0 the character is incapacitated.
Any further damage thereafter from any source results in death.
● ​MOV - Determines the movement range of the character. 1 MOV = 1 square on
the gameboard.
● ​The die rolled has faces equal to the statistic in question. For instance, if rolling attack
with Earnest who has an attack of 8, you would roll an 8-sided die. If you would be forced
to roll a 2, either flip a coin or roll a die as normal, stating if high or low numbers will
signify a one or a two.
Character Abilities: All abilities have a one round cool down. This means that players
may use them every other round. Denote this by placing a red stone on top of the
character sheet.
Legend ​Black: Walls Blue: Health Potion and Mana Well spawns Place one of each in
each quadrant of the board. Red: Sentry Spawns Green (The X in the Center): Amulet
of Vyril Squares enclosed by walls (2x2 box) are impassable and may not be passed
through by any means.



● ​Cut out all Tokens (First setup only). The knight and skull tokens are to be glued to the
backside of their associated color (Ex/ Blue knight with blue skull) to make a double sided
token. These are used for the incapacitation and death rules (See: ​Incapacitation and
● ​The same should be done for the mana potions,, health potions, and search tokens
(Glue X tokens to the back of potion tokens).
● ​Color the map (First setup only) with wet erase markers (See: ​The Map​). Players
may modify the layouts to create their own scenarios.
● ​Place 2 health potion and 2 mana potion tokens on both sides of the maps in the
blue squares. These are divided into one health potion and one mana potion on their
respective sides quadrants of the map.
● ​Players will first lay out their character sheets and take as many green or orange
health stones as indicated on their character sheet. Orange and Green stones only
separate the teams.
● ​They will then place their teams spawn door token (red/blue doors) in one of the four
corners of the map. They will then place their characters around that door. Characters
must be placed within a 3x2 grid formed down the long side of the map (The three square
wide corridors) This door token remains on the board as it is used by one of the Cathedral
Cards (See: ​Cathedral Cards​)
● ​Players will then draw two weapon cards (Fighter/Ranger), one weapon card and
one spell card (Cleric), or two spell cards (Mage)
● ​Players will then place the door tokens on 10 open doorways (single square
gaps in walls). Each team gets to place 5 doors.
● ​Players then roll 1d6 to determine which team starts the game. Higher roll wins. Reroll
to break a tie.
● ​Quest for the Amulet Mode​: place the Amulet of Vyril Token in the green square.
Follow all other setup rules as listed above. All other rules in the rulebook apply the same.
The only difference is teams must capture the Amulet of Vyril and return to their spawn
door to win.


● ​A player's turn is considered a character’s activation for all intents and purposes in
this rulebook.
● ​At the beginning of a round draw one card from the Cathedral Card deck. Apply all
effects as directed by the card.
● ​During a turn a player may execute any of the following
1. Move 2.
Attack 3. Use
Ability 4.
5. Change Character
Facing 6. Pick up Amulet
of Vyril 7. Hold
● ​Each action may only be performed once during a character’s activation
unless a Cathedral Card permits otherwise.
● ​A player's movement is determined by their MOV stat (​See: The Character Sheet​).
They cannot move diagonally.
● ​A player may only attack when it is legal to do so. This requires the target to be
adjacent to the aggressor or within the range of a ranged weapon or spell (See:
● ​If a player performs an attack action they may not move afterward. They may
still perform other actions provided they are legal.
● ​A character may only search once in their activation. This cannot be changed by
any means.
● ​Players may only use their abilities as described on the character sheet (See:
The Character Sheet​)
● ​Once a character’s activation has ended the next team activates their next character.
Players determine character activation order in the first and round and must follow until
the end of the game.
● ​A round ends when all characters have been activated for both teams or one
team’s characters have all been incapacitated or slain.
● ​A player may change their character’s facing once during their activation. Once they
have done so and their hand leaves their token they cannot change their character’s
facing again. A character’s facing is changed by rotating the character token in 90 degree
increments following the cardinal directions. A character’s feet is their front facing, their
head is their rear facing. Keep this in mind so as to not allow opponents to exploit flanking
● ​A Player may also pass their turn and take no actions. This is considered a hold


● ​Combat occurs when a player targets a hostile character with a legal attack action.
These actions are as follows.
A. Melee: Target must be adjacent to the attacking character. B.
Ranged: The target must be within the weapons range and cannot be
measured diagonally.. C. Spell: Spells cannot be cast if they are on cooldown (See:
Spells​). D. The attacking character is not affected by any spells or
cathedral cards that
block the character from attacking. E. The Defender is not affected by and spells or
cathedral cards that protect
them from attacks. F. A ranged attack is not obstructed by walls, doors, spell, or other
between the attacker and the target. G. (Mages Only) - The mage must be within 2
squares of the target for a
standard attack and 3 squares for spell casting. Standard attacks from
the mage are a basic magic bolt for all intents and purposes as they
have no weapon cards.
● ​When a legal attack action is taken the attacker and defender will roll the dice
determined by their character sheets.
● ​The player with the higher roll wins the combat
● ​If the attacker is engaging from the character’s rear facing (the head of the
character token) the defender suffers a -2DEF penalty to a minimum of 4. Mages,
already with a defense of 4, suffer a special penalty that is defined shortly.
● ​A defender that is outnumbered (is adjacent to, or within range of, multiple
characters) suffers a -2DEF penalty as a warrior is more vulnerable when defending
themselves against multiple opponents.
● ​When a mage in engaged in combat they incur no DEF penalties. However, if a mage
loses a combat engagement any spells on cooldown have their cooldown timers
increased by one round. (Ex/ A Spell with a 2 round cooldown that has one round
remaining will now have 2 rounds remaining). Mages are very vulnerable and so the
team would be wise to protect them.
● ​If the attacker wins the combat roll the defender must discard one of their health
stones. If their character reaches 0hp they must flip over their character token to the skull
side to indicate that they have been incapacitated. If they have sustained lethal damage
(any damage after incapacitation) they remove their character token from the board and
flip their character sheet over. All weapon and spell cards will be discarded, and the
Amulet of Vyril will be returned to the green X square.
● ​If the defender wins the combat roll the combat engagement ends. During this time
the defender may adjust their character’s facing if they so choose. They may not take
any other actions.
● ​If a weapon card has an effect that is applied on a succeeding activation turn the
card sideways until it has been used, then turn it back to normal when that effect has
been applied.
● ​All red stones applied by weapon effects after damage calculation are discarded
when their effects have expired.

● ​A character may only ever possess two weapon

● ​Whenever a defender suffers the effects defined by a weapon with effects not
applied during the combat action they must take a red stone and place it in front of
them. Red stones are discarded after their effects are applied.
● ​Weapon cards with effects requiring red stones to be distributed should be turned 90
degrees clockwise to denote their use after the attack action. After the effects of the
weapon are applied turn the weapon card back to its normal facing and have the target
discard the red stones.

Spells ​● ​Spells count as the character’s attack

● ​Spells follow all normal combat rules for hitting their target. Unlike melee attacks
spells do not immediately deduct 1 health stone. They must follow the effects defined
on the spell card.
● ​On the spell card a cooldown time will be defined. When a spell is cast the spell card
must be flipped over.
● ​At the end of the character’s activation spells on cooldown are turned clockwise 90
degrees. If a spell has finished its cooldown then it can be flipped back over at this time.
● ​All white stones applied by spell effects are discarded when the effects have been
used or expired. Players should always be keen to remind their targets of the effects
applied by their spells to ensure that their effects are properly applied.
● ​Using a mana potion will instantly recharge a spell at the end of the character’s
● ​All mages use a 0 round cooldown magic bolt in their standard attacks. Roll 1d10
when using magic bolt.


● ​One cathedral card is activated from the Cathedral Card deck at the beginning of
every round.
● ​Apply all effects as directed by the
● ​Discard the card into the discard
● ​If all Cathedral cards have been used then shuffle the Cathedral Card deck and
continue as normal.


● ​Cathedral Sentries spawn on the two Xs designated on the

● ​Any character standing on these squares suffer 1 health stone damage and the
sentry is not spawned.
● ​Successfully spawned sentries activate first in every round until they are
● ​Sentries can only attack adjacent targets and deal 1 health stone damage with
successful attacks.
● ​Sentries have a MOV stat of 4. They will move to the nearest target, exploiting
flanking and outnumbering if possible. Sentries cannot outnumber characters, only
exploit the chaos created by players.
● ​Sentries have 8ATT. If the sentry has multiple targets roll 1d6 to determine the target.
If two characters denote them with odd and even. If more than 2 lowest roll gets
● ​Sentries have
● ​Sentries have 3hp and die immediately when they reach 0hp. Use red stones to
denote sentry hp. (You will need 6)
● ​Sentries cannot search.. They may only move, attack, and open doors during
their activation.
● ​If the Cathedral Sentries card is drawn again any fallen sentries are
● ​If both sentries are present upon the card’s second activation then they get two
activations in the round. One at the beginning, and a second at the end of the

● ​A character may only search once per
● ​A character may only search on designated squares. Such squares are designated as
blue on the battlemap. A blue square may only be searched once.
● ​When a search action is taken, take the health or mana potion and place it in front of
the player.
● ​Regardless of the character who picks up the potion, it is usable by any character on
the team. For instance, say Roland has ended his action on a blue tile and has chosen to
search, finding a mana potion. A mana potion is useless for a fighter, but is coveted by
the and cleric on Roland’s team. Though Roland picked up the mana potion, it is available
for use by Roland’s fellow cleric and mage the following activation. This is also true for
health potions. Once the potion is used apply its effects and place the token back on the
blue square it was taken from on the searched side.
● ​Opening doors will use the character’s search action. Flip the door token over. These
can only be closed by the Unwelcome Guests cathedral card.
● ​A health potion allows the character to restore one health
● ​A mana potion ends the cooldown of one spell at the end of the character’s

Incapacitation and

● ​When a character reaches 0HP they are incapacitated (To denote incapacitation flip
over the incapacitated knight token to the skull side).
● ​Incapacitated characters are skipped in the turn
● ​If an incapacitated character sustains further damage in this state they are rendered
dead and are removed from the battle map.
● ​In ​Quest for the Amulet ​mode dead characters will spawn at their spawn door
after skipping one round. Only the capture of the Amulet of Vyril will grant victory.

End Game

● ​A battle ends when every fighter on a team is incapacitated or dead (​Does not apply
in Quest for the Amulet mode as characters are revived 1 round after they are
● ​Quest for the Amulet Mode​: Amulet of Vyril picked up and returned to team’s
spawn door.

Rules Questions &


Q. What are viable strategies players can use to achieve


A. Keep all character abilities in mind. Strategic use of these abilities can mean the
between a epic routing of one’s opponent or a crushing defeat. B. Mind your spell
cooldowns and effects. Mages might be vulnerable but their spells are
powerful. Managing spell use and cooldowns can allow mages to be a major threat to
opponents despite their vulnerability. C. Flank and outnumber opponents. The penalties
they incur make it easier for an attacker
to land a hit. More successful hits means a more beleaguered opponent, and
more incapacitations or deaths grant your team an advantage in numbers.
Q. What’s the difference between a turn and a

A. A turn is a single character’s activation. A round ecompasses all character


Q. What is the difference between incapacitation and


A. Incapacitation means a character has reached 0hp. An incapacitated fighter may

restored by a

B. Death occurs when an incapacitated fighter sustains further damage. They are
from the board and the turn order. This means that incapacitating, but not killing,
fighters can serve to aid a team in the turn order depending on the strategies being

Q. What do I do with the Amulet of Vyril when I pick it

A. Take the Amulet token off the battle map and place it in front of you. If you
incapacitated or killed then place it back in the middle of the map at the amulet
spawn point.

Appendix I:
Appendix II: Weapon
d Range:
Dagger d Range:
Range: 1
1 Longswor
If attacking from the
d Range:
target’s rear facing, deal 1
2 health stones damage
on a successful attack.

d Range: 1

If attacking from the

target’s rear facing, deal
2 health stones damage
on a successful attack.
r Mace
Range: Range:
1 1
Falchio Mace
n Range:
Range: 1
Flanged Mace Range: 1
A successful attack reduces target’s defense by 2 for 1 combat engagement.
Hand the affected target one red stone to denote this debilitation.

Bastard Sword
Range: 1 ​
Range: 1
Spear Range: 2
Longbow Range: 5
Crossbow Range: 4
Crossbow ignores 2DEF.

Short Bow Range: 4

Battle Axe Hand Axe
Range: 2 Range: 1
Character may strike two adjacent targets with one attack action.

Quarterstaff Sarissa Range: 2

Range: 1
The wielder may attack 2 adjacent targets with one attack action.
Claymore Range: 1
Sarissa ignores 2DEF
Character may strike two adjacent targets with one attack action.

Maul Range: 1
Target suffers -2ATT on their combat attack.

Katana Range: 1
The target damaged by this weapons suffers an extra 1 health stone damage at
the end of their next activation.

Double Axe Range: 1

Double Axe ignores 2DEF

Warhammer Range: 1
Target suffers a -1 MOV penalty on their next activation.

Range: 2
Range: 1
Can be used at 3 range. If used at this range the user (Cleric Only) - The Cleric
may reduce the cooldown of one of their spells by one at the end of their
incurs a -2ATT penalty and must discard the javelin at the end of the combat
engagement. Draw a new weapon card after discarding the javelin


User incurs a -2ATT

penalty when using sling
at max range.

Appendix III: Spell Cards

Firebolt Cooldown: 2
Deals 1 health stone immediately upon successful casting.

Icebolt Cooldown: 1
Icebolt affects the target’s next activation with a -1MOV penalty. Hand the target a
white stone to denote this debilitation.

Boots of Stone Cooldown: 3

Target may not move during their next activation. Hand the target a white stone to
denote this debilitation.

Fireball Cooldown: 3
Deals 1 health stone damage immediately upon successful casting.

Drain Whirlwind
Cooldown: 2 Cooldown: 3
Drain effect’s the target’s
The caster may alter the facing of the target if they win the combat roll. The target
may still change facing during their activation.
next defensive combat engagement with a -2DEF. Hand the target a white stone
on success of the casting. Turn this card sideways to denote that this spell is

oldown: Veno
3 m
Bin oldown:
d 3
Cooldown: Cooldown:
2 3
Blast When casting is
successful hand the
target 3 white
Target may not attack on
their next activation.
Hand the target a white
ushes target back
stone to denote this
es from their rear
g (Head of the
stones. At the end of their
acter token).
activation the target must
ushes target back
roll 1d6. If they roll a 3 or
es from their rear
lower they must discard
g (Head of the
one of these stones and 1
acter token).
of their health stones. If
they roll a 4 or higher
discard one white stone
Firewall down: 5 ​The
may target one
Cooldown: 3 ​The character. After a
caster marks one row of essful combat
squares between two ment the target
walls and marks them der the control of
with white stones. If any ster. The caster
character crosses these reely move the
squares they sustain 1 r and perform an
health damage. The ction if it is legal
firewall lasts 2 rounds. . Using this spell
After the 2nd round iately ends the
discard the white stones e’s activation.
from the board. Transmogrify
Blast Cooldown: 4
Cooldown: Upon a successful cast
the target must give up
3 one weapon or spell and
draw a new one.
the target must give up
Transmogrify one weapon or spell and
Cooldown: 4 draw a new one.
Upon a successful cast

Ward Chain Lightning

Cooldown: 3 Cooldown: 3
Target one allied character.
Upon a successful cast this spell immediately damages the target for one health
stone. Any hostile character adjacent to the target receives 1 health stone
Hand them a red and white stone. The targeted character is impervious to
debilitations for the round. At the end of the round the targeted character must
discard the stones to denote the ward’s breaking.

Break Ward Cooldown: 3

Target a character with a protective ward cast on them. The target must discard
their ward stones.

Leech Life Cooldown: 2

Upon a successful casting deal 1 health stone damage to the target. The mage
heals themselves for 1 health stone.

Gale Winds
Ghost Cooldown: 2
Cooldown: 3
Target is pushed back 1
Target’s ATT is reduced to ​square at the end of their
4 against the caster for the ​movement action. Hand the
round. Hand the target a ​target a white stone to
white stone to denote this ​denote this debilitation.

Madness Damage: 1hp Cooldown: 4

If the casting is successful the target must use their movement and, if legal,
attack against their allies on their next activation. Give the target a white stone to
denote this debilitation.
Glacial Prison Winter’s Bite
Cooldown: 6 Cooldown: 4
Upon successful casting the
Upon successful casting target suffers 1 health stone damage immediately.
target is encased in ice. They are skipped in the next round. Hand the target a
white stone to denote this debilitation.

Cleanse Cooldown: 2
Destroy all cathedral sentries.

Magic Shield
Phase Cooldown: 3
Cooldown: 3
The caster cannot be
The caster may pass targeted by spells for one
through a single wall round. Take a white stone
during their movement on to denote this spell’s
the activation this spell is activation.

Blood for
Cooldown: 5
The caster must take a
white stone upon the
activation of this spell.
During the next round if
the caster is damaged
then the attacker loses
one health stone as well.
Appendix IV: Cathedral
must send one of their
characters back to their
team’s spawn point. This
is determined by rolling
1d6 amongst the team.
The lowest rolling player
Unwelcom suffers this event’s
e Guests effect.

ril’s Will
All opened doors ril’s Will
are closed.

Dark Mist y spells on

own have their
wn reduced by
Characters must be ne round.
adjacent to their targets y spells on
to attack this round. own have their
wn reduced by
ne round.

Each team rolls 1d6. The
team with the lowest roll se
All characters suffer a -1 All players must
to their MOV stat for the discard their weapon
round. cards and draw new
Armorer's All players must
Folly discard their weapon
cards and draw new
Armorer's ones.

Black Wind False Grimoire
All players must change their characters facing. Roll All players must discard
1d4 and rotate the their spell cards and draw
character 90 degrees new ones.
clockwise a number of times equal to the number indicated by the roll.

Secret Passage
All characters may pass through one wall or door during their movement. They
cannot end their activation on a square that is otherwise impassable or blocked
by a door.

Vyril’s Wrath
All incapacitated characters are slain.

Cathedral Sentries
Place the two Sentry tokens on the map on the squares marked with an X. If a
character is standing on one of the squares they suffer 1 health stone damage
and the sentry is not spawned.

Vyril’s Blessing
All characters are healed 3hp. Incapacitated characters are not affected by this

Amulet’s Ward
All characters adjacent to the Amulet of Vyril spawn suffer 1 health
stone damage.

Vyril’s Mercy

All incapacitated characters are restored to 2hp.

Alchemist’s Trick
Alchemist’s Trick

All potions picked up are discarded and placed back at their spawn
points face up.
All potions picked up are discarded and placed back at their spawn
points face up.

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