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Experiment No. ……..

To determine the resistance per unit length of a Carey foster’s bridge wire and to find the
specific resistance of the material of a given wire.

Apparatus required-
Carey Foster bridge, thick copper strip , fractional resistance box or decimal resistance
box,laclanche cell or battery eliminator, galvanometer , unknown low resistance , one way key ,
connecting wires & jockey.

Theory-The Carey Foster bridge is an electrical circuit that can be used to measure very small
resistances. It works on the same principle as Whetstone’s bridge, which consists of four
resistances, P, Q, R and S that are connected to each other as shown in the circuit diagram in
Figure 1. In this circuit, G is a galvanometer, E is a lead accumulator, and K is the battery key. If
the values of the resistances are adjusted so that no current flows through the galvanometer, then
if any three of the resistances P, Q, R and S are known, the fourth unknown resistance can be
determined by using the relationship
Q = s

The aim of the experiment is to determine the resistance per unit length, ρ of the Carey
Foster bridge wire and hence to find the resistance of a given wire of low resistance. Resistance
per unit length of the wire of bridge
σ= ohm/cm.
l 2−l 1
l1 = balancing length on the bridge wire measured from the left end when known resistance X is
connected in left gap of the bridge and zero resistance is connected in right gap of the bridge.
and l2 = balancing length of the bridge wire measured from the left end on interchanging the
positions of X and Y.

Unknown resistance of the given wire

Y = X – σ (l '2-l '1)
X = unknown resistance connected in the left gap,
Y = resistance of the wire connected in the left gap,
l '1 and l '2 respectively are the balancing lengths of the bridge wire measured from the left end,
before and after interchanging the positions of X and Y.

So, specific resistance of the material of a given wire is given by

ρ = L

Where, L is the length of given wire

A is the area of cross-section (π r2)
Y is the resistance of given wire


(i.) Determination of null point

1. Set up the electrical circuit as shown in fig. 2 i,e connect a wire in the left gap and the
right gap of a Carey Foster’s bridge. The two fixed lower terminals of rheostat are
connected to A and C and the sliding contact B to a jockey through the galvanometer.
Leclanche cell with key is also included between A and C.
2. Adjust the jockey in the middle of the Carey Foster’s bridge wire and then set the null
point in the galvanometer by rheostat so that the resistance P and Q may be nearly equal.

(ii) Determination of  the resistance per unit length of a Carey Foster’s bridge wire.
1. In the same electrical circuit replace the connecting wire of left gap by a decimal ohm
box (R.B) Carey Foster’s bridge.
2. Introduce some resistance in the decimal ohm box in left gap and determine null point by
sliding jockey. The distance of the null point l1 from left end is noted.
3. Now the position of resistance box and copper strip are interchanged, i.e., resistance box
is introduced in the right gap while copper strip in left gap. Again the balance point is
obtained in the same resistance in the ohm box. The distance of the null point l2 from left
end is noted.
4. Obtain different sets of observation as described in points (2) and (3)
5. Calculate the value of  (resistance per unit length of a Carey Foster’s bridge wire) s
s separately for each set using the formula
σ= ohm/cm.
l 2−l 1
Obtain the mean value of σ.

(iii) Determination of unknown resistance

1. Use a known resistance box for X having resistance comparable to unknown resistance Y
connected in other gap.
2. Introduce a suitable resistance in resistance box such that the balance is obtained at a
distance l '1 on the bridge wire.
3. Interchanged the positions of resistance box and resistance wire, and again obtain the null
pointl '2.
4. By changing resistance X in steps find other sets of l1 and l2.
5. Calculate the resistance of the wire with the help of the formula
Y = X – σ (l '2-l '1)
Obtain the mean value of Y.

(iv) Determination of specific resistance of the material of a given wire.

1. Find the length of resistance wire used.
2. Find the radius of wire using screw gauge.
3. Find specific resistance using equation
ρ = L

A=Area of cross section π r 2
And L = Length of the wire

Table for determination of σ the resistance per unit length of bridge wire-

Sr. Resistance X Balancing length when (l2-l1) X

No (ohms) resistance X is in (cm)
(l 2−l 1 )
. Left gap Right gap
(l1) (cm) (l2) (cm)

Table for determination of Y unknown resistance if X is known-

Sr. Resistance Balancing length when resistance X is in Unknown resistance

No. X (ohms) Y = X – σ (l '2-l '1)
Left gap (l '1) (cm) Right gap (l '2) (cm)


Table for Determination of radius of the wire-

Least count of screw gauge = …

Zero error = ±………mm

S.No Main scale coinciding division of circular scale Total reading =

. reading × least count ( X +Y) in mm.
(X) in mm. (Y) in mm.

1. The resistance per unit length of a bridge wire is calculated with the help of formula
σ= ohm /cm.
l 2−l 1
2. The resistance of the wire is calculated by
Y = X – σ (l '2-l '1)

3. Calculate the specific resistance of wire using the formula

ρ = L ohm/cm


(i) Resistance per unit length of a Carey Foster’s bridge wire = ……ohm /cm.
(ii) Specific resistance of given wire = ….. ohm /cm.


(i) The connections must be neat and tight. Small and thick wires should be used.
(ii) Pressed jockey should not be moved on wire otherwise it will spoil the uniformity of
the diameter of bridge wire. It should be pressed gently and momentarily to avoid
(iii) The difference between X and Y should not be more than the resistance of bridge
wire otherwise balance point will not be obtained.

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