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Effect of the properties of the

constituents on the fatigue

performance of composites: a
(Centre for Composite Materials, Imperial College, London, UK)
The effects of the properties of the constitutuents of advanced
composites on their fatigue performance are reviewed for unnotched
unidirectional and crossply laminates, subjected to mainly tensile
cyclic loading. It is pointed out that there are close relations between
the properties of matrix, fibre and interphase and the resulting fatigue
performance of the composites.

Key words: fatigue; epoxy resin; PEEK;carbon fibre; glass fibre;

Kevlar; damage; adhesion; failure mechanism; delamination; tensile
strength; toughness

Carbon, glass and Kevlar fibre-reinforced plastics are fatigue limit, the latter being a matrix property,
increasingly used because of their inherent high specific attention shifted towards understanding the effect of
strength and specific stiffness and superior long term the matrix and interphase properties on fatigue
properties, including fatigue resistance. It has long performance.
been realized that better understanding of processing-
structure-property relations of-the basic fibre, matrix In this paper the historical development of the
and interphase constituents will result in improved understanding of the effects of the fibre, matrix and
performance of all mechanical properties. interphase properties on the general fatigue
performance of carbon, glass and Kev!ar fibre
Research on the fatigue performance of advanced composites is reviewed. Fatigue damage mechanisms
composites started at the beginning of the 1970's, just for unidirectional materials are discussed in detail.
after their introduction, with glass, boron and carbon Following this the influence of fibre properties on the
fibre composites. These early works served as a basis performance of unidirectional laminates is considered:
for later understanding of the complex fatigue the same approach is then repeated for crossply
behaviour of polymer matrix composites. A number of materials. The influence of matrix properties is
materials and testing parameters were studied during reviewed, followed finally by a consideration of
these early investigations, and it was recognized that interphase effects.
higher modulus carbon fibre composites had an
excellent fatigue behaviour with nearly flat stress-life
curves and a low strength degradation rate. However, UNIDIRECTIONAL COMPOSITES
lower modulus glass fibre composites had a relatively
poor fatigue performance with steeper stress-life curves FATIGUE DAMAGE MECHANISMS
and high strength degradation rates. With the advent of The research related to fatigue damage mechanisms of
more effective nondestructive and destructive testing unidirectional composites has served as a basis for
methods it became possible to understand basic understanding the complex fatigue behaviour of
damage mechanisms and to assess damage advanced composites and improving the high cycle
development, resulting in a better understanding of the fatigue life and strength. Damage mechanisms in
different fatigue behaviour of high modulus carbon unidirectional composites depend greatly upon the
fibre composites and lower modulus glass fibre relations between composite static failure strains and
composites. Then, since it was realized that there was a the matrix resin fatigue strain limits. The static failure
close interrelation between fibre deformation strain of the composite is closely linked to the stiffness
characteristics (failure strains) and the composite's and failure strain of the fibres.
0010-4361/89/040317-12 $3.00©1989 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd
ec llL !l[ Vf

Catastrophic fibre damage
(fibre breakageand interfacial debonding)

"~-..,..~ • ~
o 0.50
• 0.33
• o16

e°I I mH HIll/ IFH HH - failurestrain :3 o"

._E matrix (matrix cracking)
x and interfacial damage (interfacial 0.008

failure) em _--

2 4 6 8
Fatigue strain limit of composite (matrix) a Log life

Log life
Fig. 1 Strain-life diagrams for unidirectional composites
showing the dominant regions of tensile fatigue damage "-'-Z-,,-" _;;". : .., ,, .,"1
mechanisms, the so-called fatigue-life diagrams proposed by
Talreja I
ec- l
IIII I'1-1FfF r.3711 I
The fatigue damage mechanisms in unidirectional
composites consist of fibre, matrix and interracial E
damage. Fibre damage occurs non-progressively 2
(catastrophically) whereas both matrix and interfacial 0.002
damage evolves progressively. Matrix damage is in the
form of matrix cracking while interracial damage is in
the form of longitudinal splitting. However, fibre
damage results in fibre breakage and interfacial 1 I
b o 4 8
debonding. Log life
Talreja 1, z attempted to clarify the complex nature of

0011!11 II I1[1[11]111I
the fibre effects, and proposed fatigue damage
mechanisms based on so-called fatigue life diagrams.
These diagrams are basically strain-life diagrams as
suggested originally by Boller. 3 Strain-life diagrams
proposed by Talreja are shown in Fig. 1, in which the E
dominant regions of catastrophic and progressive IXem "~O,E,~t'2='o; . X , . . .
E 0.006
fatigue damage are shown. The horizontal band x
centred about the composite static failure strain shows
the dominant region of catastrophic damage while the
sloping band corresponds to progressive damage. The 0.002
horizontal line below the sloping band shows the 0 2 4 6
fatigue strain limit of the matrix. The relations between C Log life
fatigue damage and fatigue loading are apparent. At
low cycles, catastrophic fibre damage is dominant
resulting in failures within the tensile static strength 0.02
scatter band. For intermediate cycles, progressive
damage mechanisms become dominant, while at high
cycles, below the matrix limit, only matrix microcrack r-
nucleation is seen. 4
The applicability of these fatigue life diagrams has been E 0.01
discussed extensively in the literature and it has been ×
concluded that they constitute a conceptual framework em •
for interpretation of fatigue test results and fatigue
damage mechanisms and comparative evaluation of
composites with different constituents, resulting in the I I J J
clarification of fatigue performance limits of advanced 0 4 8
composites.5' 6 d Log life
Talreja s developed fatigue life diagrams using Dharan's
data 7 for glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), Fig. 2 Fatigue-life diagrams for unidirectional composites
Sturgeon's data 8 for type I carbon fibre-reinforced showing the effect of fibre type and modulus on their fatigue
plastics (CRFP),Awerbuch and Hahn's data 9 for type II damage mechanisms: (a) E-glass fibre composite (extensive
progressive matrix and interfacial damage); (b) type I carbon
CFRP, and Sturgeon's data 1° for type III CRFP.The fibre composite (only catastrophic fibre damage; (c) type II
epoxy matrix fatigue strain limit was taken as 0.006. 7 carbon fibre composite (little progressive damage); and (d) type
All results are shown in Fig. 2.1 III carbon fibre composite (extensive progressive damage) 1


Fig. 2(a) shows the fatigue life diagram for a low The different fatigue damage mechanisms with various
modulus, high failure strain, E-glass fibre composite. fibres have been widely discussed in the literature in
All the data fit well the sloping, progressive damage terms of fibre deformation characteristics and matrix
mechanisms, band. The fatigue life diagrams for resin fatigue limit relations. 11, 14-20 It appears that the
different types of carbon fibre composites are given in fatigue properties are determined by matrix properties
Figs 2 (b), (c) and (d). For a high modulus, low strain, in composites which have larger static failure strains
carbon fibre composite only the horizontal catastrophic than the matrix fatigue strain limit, whereas composites
damage band is observed. It is very notable that for this which have lower failure strains than the matrix fatigue
composite, the static failure strain (0.005) is less than strain limit have fatigue properties independent of
the matrix fatigue limit (0.006). Fig. 2(c) shows that for matrix properties. Although the fatigue life diagrams of
a high strength carbon fibre composite the failure strain Talreja are useful, they are nevertheless largely
is slightly larger than the epoxy fatigue strain limit, and conceptual and need information on rate-controlling
the data fit well a small strain range, sloping, parameters before they can become a quantitative tool.
progressive damage band. Finally, Fig. 2(d) shows that
for a low modulus carbon fibre composite the failure
strain of the composite is greater than the epoxy failure
strain, and its fatigue performance is similar to the Glass fibre composites
lower modulus glass fibre composites shown in Fig.
The initial work on the effect of fibre properties on the
2(a). It is suggested that the reason for this similarity is
the similar fibre failure strains. fatigue behaviour of advanced polymer matrix
composites was carried out by Boller 3 in the early
Talreja also discussed the 'fatigue ratio' (normally 1960's. He studied comparative fatigue performances
taken as the ratio of fatigue strength to static failure of higher modulus S-glass and lower modulus E-glass
strength) and proposed this concept in terms of fibre-reinforced composites for the same matrices, and
maximum cyclic strain, ie as the ratio of composite found that the higher modulus composites had a
fatigue strain limit to composite static failure strain. superior fatigue performance, as shown in Fig. 3. Later
Davies and Sunsdrud 21 and other workers 22"23 also
The composite fatigue strain limit was described as the
minimum strain required to initiate the lowest energy compared the tensile fatigue performance of S-glass
damage mechanism. The author determined fatigue and E-glass fibre-reinforced epoxy matrix composites.
strain limits for limiting damage mechanisms, namely They too concluded that S-glass composites had a
matrix cracking and longitudinal splitting, as 0.006 and better fatigue performance.
0.001 respectively, for epoxy matrix unidirectional
composites. Carbon fibre composites

The composite fatigue strain limit was defined as the In the early 1970's investigations were carried out by
strain below which matrix cracks do not propagate several research groups into the effects of fibre
further at one million cycles, in accordance with the properties on the fatigue performance of type I (high
limiting damage mechanisms observed experimentally. modulus), type II (high strength) and type III (low
It appears from these fatigue performance limits that modulus) carbon fibre-reinforced polyester and epoxy
the composite fatigue strain limit is a matrix-dominated matrix composites.
property, implying that composite fatigue performance Owen and Morris z4 studied untreated type I carbon
is determined largely by the matrix rather than the fibre fibre-reinforced isophthalic polyester resin and found
properties. However, in some cases, interfacial damage that the fatigue failure band was just below the static
may dominate composite performance since its strain strength scatter band and its stress-life curve was
threshold can be smaller than the strain threshold for nearly horizontal. For the same fibres, similar results
matrix cracking. For a high modulus, low strain (0.005)
carbon fibre composite, a fatigue ratio cannot be
defined since its failure strain is less than the matrix 700
fatigue limit. 630 _ "~z~z~ Sglass, 175 MPa
Curtis and Moore 1t observed extensive and limited
progressive damage for O~RPand CRFPcomposites, e~ 490 -S-glass, zero mean s ~ e ~ s ' ~ , n ~,~
respectively. The progressive damage was in the form v
of matrix cracking and longitudinal splitting initiating 17"" P a ' ~ " ' - ° o"~ '~ ~
from interfacial debonding and early matrix cracking.
E 280
Lorenzo and Hahn ~2, 13found that although extensive Eglass, zero mean stress~"'-~ o
interfacial and matrix damage took place for glass fibre
2 210 - ~ 0
composites, limited matrix cracking occurred near fibre 140
breakage zones for graphite fibre composites. Because 70
the matrix microcracks initiated at the interface along I I I L I L L
the fibres and were rather isolated in graphite fibre 0
10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
composites, at intermediate and low cycles only fibre
failures were observed. However, at high cycles only Fig. 3 Stress-life curves for glass fibre composites showing
matrix cracking and a few scattered fibre failures were the effect of fibre type and modulus on their fatigue
observed. performance; an early study 3

C O M P O S I T E S . J U L Y 1989 319
Table 1. Mechanical properties of carbon fibres

Fibre types Type I Type II Type III HTA ST3

References Ref. 24 Ref. 25 Ref. 8, 27 Ref. 26 Ref. 26 Ref. 59 Ref. 59

Tensile strength (GPa) 1.8-2.4 1.8-2.4 2.10 2.10-2.80 1.80-2.40 3.40 4.30
Tensile modulus (GPa) 350-410 350-410 398 225-280 350-410 238 238
Failure strain (%) 0.5-0.6" 0.5-0.6" 0.5* 0.9-1.0" 0.5-0.6* 1.4 1.8

* Calculated from strength and modulus values for each fibre

were obtained by Beaumont and Harris 25 with a Shell carbon fibre composites, with the same matrix of Ciba
Epikote 828-Epicure DDM-BF3 epoxy matrix, and for Geigy 913 epoxy. The fatigue strength was in the range
a surface treated type I carbon fibre-reinforced Shell of 400-600 MPa after one million cycles for the ~FRV
Epikote 828-DDS-BF3400 epoxy resin matrix compared to 1100-1300 MPa for the CFRPafter ten
composite by Owen.26Later, Sturgeon s' 27 presented thousand to ten million cycles.
data for the same fibre/Erla 4617 epoxy matrix
composites. The strength and stiffness values of carbon Favre and Vida115 investigated in-plane and
fibres used by these researchers are presented in Table interlaminar shear fatigue performance of T300 carbon
1. The stress-life data obtained by Sturgeon 1° showed fibre/914 epoxy resin and S-glass/Araldite HT972 cured
that the fatigue resistance of type II and type III CRFP CY205 epoxy composites, and compared the slopes of
was lower than type I composites.
The effect of fibre type is easily seen if the stress-life
curves are normalized in terms of fibre strength, as 100!- ~ ~
shown in Fig. 4. 28 It is apparent from Fig. 4 that type I
CRFPhas a superior fatigue behaviour, and that the
stress-life curves for CFRPSwith lower modulus become
much steeper. Low modulus CFRVhas a poorer fatigue ==
performance than high modulus CFRV.
50 U_DT_ype!_carbon f i b r e " ' ~
More recent studies on fatigue behaviour of composites
have concentrated on the improved, high strength and UDDT;pp: I i I ; a ; b b g n f i f b b ; e / ~
high strain, carbon fibre composites. For example, 7" UD E-glassfibre ~ ~
Curtis 14 ' 29 ' 30 used high strength (1.2%),intermediate Crossply E-glassfibre
failure strain (1.5%), high failure strain (1.7%) and I i I 1 I i I t
intermediate modulus (1.5%) fibres in standard DICY- 0 2 4 6 8
cured epoxy matrices. The strain-life diagrams for Log life
these composites are shown in Fig. 5. 30 It is apparent
Fig. 4 ' Normalized stress-life curves for unidirectional
from the curves that these fibre types have only a small advanced composites showing the effect of fibre type, modulus,
effect on the fatigue performance of the composite for and lay-up on their fatigue performance 2a
the same brittle epoxy matrix.
Carbon and glass fibre composites
Dharan 7, 31 studied the comparative fatigue behaviour ~- 1.2 _

of unidirectional, type III, graphite fibre/polyester

resin and E-glass fibre/Epon 815 TETA epoxy matrix
composite materials subjected to four-point bending. It E 1.0
was apparent from these studies that high modulus x - Symbol System
carbon fibre composites have a superior fatigue E t
lemeteee= 2
performance, as discussed before, to lower modulus •-~ 0.8 ~g~e 3
E-glass fibre composites. u~m~ 4

Sturgeon 32 compared the tensile fatigue performance 0.6 I I I I I I I

of unidirectional Equerove E-glass fibre and type III -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
carbon fibre/Ciba Geigy 913 epoxy composites and
found that, for a life of one million cycles, GFRPand Log life
CFRPhave 150 and 350-400 MPa fatigue strengths, Fig. 5 Strain-life curves for unidirectional standard carbon
respectively. His results confirmed those of Dharan. fibre/DICY cured epoxy matrix composites showing the effect of
the properties of fibres on the fatigue performance of their
Curtis and Moore 1~ investigated the comparative resulting composites with high strength [1], intermediate failure
tensile fatigue behaviour of E-glass fibre and XAS strain [2], high failure strain [3] and intermediate modulus
carbon fibres [4] 30


their stress-life curves. CRFP had a better fatigue EFFECT OF MATRIX PROPERTIES
performance than S-glass based 6FRP. The early work on the effect of matrix properties on the
Recently, Lorenzo and Hahn 12' 13 studied tensile fatigue behaviour of advanced polymer matrix
fatigue behaviour of unidirectional composites made composites was carried out by Boiler. 39 He studied the
with E-glass and T300 graphite fibre bundles, in brittle comparative fatigue performance of laminates of
and ductile epoxy matrices, with special emphasis on epoxy, silicone, polyester and phenolic matrices
their comparative fatigue damage mechanisms, as reinforced with 181 E-glass fabric and found that epoxy
already noted. matrix composites had a superior fatigue performance,
as shown in Fig. 6. 39 In the meantime Boiler's results
were confirmed by Davis et al. 4° The latter attrib/ited
Kevlar fibre composites the improved fatigue performance of epoxy matrix
composites t ° the inherent toughness, durability and
It is apparent from the work of Curtis and Dorey 14 and compatibility of epoxy matrices with glass fibres.
Fernando et al.33 that Kevlar fibre-reinforced plastics
(KFRe) have a fatigue performance intermediate to
higher modulus carbon fibre composites and lower
modulus glass fibre composites. An important Glass fibre composites
observation arising from these studies is the dual nature
fatigue behaviour of KFRP. It appears that its low cycle At the beginning of the 1970's Owen et al. 41' 42
fatigue performance is better than CRFP. However, the investigated matrix ductility effects for polyester matrix
high cycle fatigue performance of KFRPis worse. This GRFPcomposites and found that toughened polyester
poor high cycle fatigue performance was attributed to matrices did not affect the fatigue performance of GRFP.
the interfibrillar weakness of the Kevlar fibres. Gauchel et al. 43 compared the fatigue performance of
DGXBAand bisphenol-based epoxy matrix S-glass
composites and found that the DGXBAbased composite
Hybrid composites had 20 to 30% relative improvement in fatigue, whilst
It has been shown by several researchers 34-38that the the epoxy matrix had a superior toughness and
fatigue performance of glass fibre composites are compatibility with S-glass fibres since its composite was
improved through hybridization with carbon fibres. In less susceptible to matrix and interracial damage. Davis
a similar manner, the fatigue performance of Kevlar-49 and Sunsdrud 21 searched for matrix effects in E- and
fibre composites can be improved through S-glass fibre epoxy composites and found that matrices
hybridization with carbon fibre. 33 In general, the with greater toughness resulted in improved fatigue
failure stress at a given life appears to be given by a performance.
'rule of mixtures' prediction. Mandell et a1.44 studied extensively the comparative
fatigue performance of E-glass strands and their
composites with polyester, epoxy, and toughened
Conclusions epoxy matrices and found that the fatigue performance
Fibre stiffness and failure strain are clearly key for neat E-glass strands and their composites was the
parameters in determining fatigue performance. same. They obtained the values of 0.10 and 0.12
Composites containing fibres with a low modulus have respectively for continuous and woven fibre reinforced
a steeper stress-life curve than those containing fibres composites as the slope of the stress-life curves.
with a high modulus. Commenting on their experimental findings, the
authors pointed out that the fatigue performance of
glass fibre composites was fibre dominated.
Several researchers45' 46 attempted to verify the model
350 proposed by Mandell et al. for glass fibre composites.
Harris 19 discussed the matter extensively and
N~, Phenolic concluded that it was impossible for all classes of glass
13. Heat-resistant---~ fibre composites to obey a single mechanistic model.
epoxide %~ Later Mandell et al. 47 proposed that the fatigue
210 sensitivity of fibres might be reduced by developing
residual surface compression in the glass fibres,
resulting in improved fatigue performance for glass
140 polyester "~~'~. = fibre composites with different matrices.
< Recently, Newaz as investigated the flexural fatigue
7O performance of Derakene 411-45 vinyl ester (strain of
0.035) and relatively tough Dow (DER) 331 epoxy
0 I I 1 1 I I I (strain of 0.05) matrices with unidirectional E-glass
0 10 102 103 10 a 10 s 10 s 107 108 fibres. From the stiffness degradation curves it is
Life apparent that the epoxy matrix composite had a
Fig. 6 S t r e s s - l i f e curves for E-glass fibre composites with a
relatively superior fatigue performance, having a
number of matrices showing the effect of matrix type on their shallower curve and a longer fatigue life. Fatigue
fatigue performance as in an early study 39 damage was studied and at high deflection levels found


to consist of matrix cracking, interracial debonding and Curtis29, 30 studied extensively matrix effects on the
fibre fracture on the tensile side, and out-of-plane fatigue behaviour of unidirectional, intermediate
buckling and delamination on the compressive side. failure strain, carbon fibre composites with different
However, the damage consisted only of matrix cracking matrices: DICYcured epoxy; DDS cured epoxy; and
and splitting at low deflection levels. The authors second generation PEEK. It is apparent from the
pointed out that low deflection fatigue damage was strain-life curves of Fig, 7(a) that high cycle fatigue
matrix and interface dominated, and high deflection performance of DDS cured epoxy and PEEKmatrix
fatigue life of the composites was controlled by a composites is poor. Similarly, strain-life curves for
splitting mechanism. intermediate modulus carbon fibre composites with
Giavotto et al. 23 discussed the matrix effect for S-glass standard DICYcured epoxy, toughened epoxy and
fibre composites. Elastomer modified epoxy matrix bismaleimide resin matrices are shown in Fig. 7(b).
Again, it is observed that toughened matrix carbon
composites showed an improved fatigue life compared
to those with a standard epoxy matrix. fibre composites have poor high cycle fatigue
performances. This poor performance of toughened
matrix composites was attributed partly to a greater
Carbon fibre composites tendency to longitudinal splitting and partly to the
poorer shear fatigue behaviour of the matrix. 14, 29, 30
Bucknall and Partridge 49 investigated unidirectional
XAS carbon fibre and a mixture of Ciba Geigy ERL Hartness and Kim 5°' 51 studied early generation PEEK
510 and MY720 epoxy resins, cured with DICVand DDS matrix with unidirectional XAS carbon fibre, and AS4
separately in the presence of polyethersulphone (PES). carbon fibre/3502 epoxy composite materials, and
The former DICYcured laminates had a nodular resin found (in contrast to Curtis) that tough and strong PEEK
morphology with the nodules in the range of 0.2 to matrix based composites had a superior fatigue
0.6 ~tm while the latter DDS cured laminates had no such performance. The better fatigue behaviour of PEEK
morphology. The DDS cured epoxy matrix composites matrix composites was attribted to improved cracking
had a better fatigue performance. resistance.
Croman 52 investigated the fatigue of unidirectional
AS4 carbon fibre-reinforced J-polymer thermoplastic
A and 3501-6 epoxy matrix composites. It was found that
epoxy matrix composites performed better than J-
"2 ~.2 --~ t%~~~~~%%%%%t11%%
t1111 tii i ii!il ilt ii Iil ~ti i~llti IiI i I I I 1011111110DI IIIiil polymer based composites. The author found that the
fatigue damage development was different'for each
E composite, the basic difference being that the tough
.~ 10 thermoplastic matrix composite had no interracial
E debonding and consequent delamination.
Symbol System ~ %%
......... ,
"t.- O.B
.... 85
I I I 1 I I I
The influence of matrix properties, such as toughness,
0.6 still has to be fully understood. Clearly the gains
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a expected from 'tough' resins are not always realized in
Log life the composite. Certainly the complacency engendered
1.6 by the early carbon fibre/epoxy composites, which were
effectively fatigue insensitive, could be misplaced as
newer materials are brought into wider use.

E 1.2 Interphase
Composite materials are frequently treated as if they
E 10 consist only of fibres and matrix. This simplistic
Symbol System "Q approach may be due to insufficient knowledge of
4 interface structure and composition.
- 6 The term 'interface' implies a two-dimensional concept
•" " " ' " ' " 7 and recent research in this area has resulted in the
0.6 I I I 1 I I development of a three-dimensional 'interphase'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 concept. By definition,53 the interphase exists from
b Log life some point in the fibre, where the local properties
Fig. 7 Strain-life curves for unidirectional carbon fibre begin to change from the fibre's bulk properties,
composites showing the effect of the matrix toughness on their though the actual interface into the matrix, where the
fatigue performance: (a) DICY cured epoxy [1], DDS cured epoxy local properties again equal the bulk properties.
[5], and PEEK matrix composites [8] with intermediate strain
fibres; and (b) DICY cured epoxy [4], toughened epoxy [6], and Interphase thickness varies from a few to thousands of
bismaleimide [7] resin matrix composites with intermediate nm. The exact nature of the interphase region and its
modulus fibres 3° effect on composite performance is very unclear. The


effect of the interphase properties on the fracture performance, in addition to the beneficial effects of
properties of carbon fibre composites was studied by using high strain fibres and matrices. The studies of
Drzal and Rich. 54 A weak interphase results in Baron e t a / . 58-61 support this hypothesis. However,
longitudinal crack propagation along the interface, Curtis14, 29.30 and Hahn 17 concluded that a strong
while a strong interphase results in transverse crack interphase coupled with a strong matrix would lead to
propagation across fibres leading to premature reduced fatigue performance for polymer matrix
composite failure. However, an interphase of composites.
intermediate strength leads to optimum composite
performance between these extreme conditions. A Conclusions
brittle interphase results in increased fracture
toughness allowing crack propagation between and In the light of Shih and Ebert's recent studies 55' 56 and
around fibres. The authors concluded that the the related discussions, together with other
interphase could be considered as a material property, experimental findings, it should be expected that
being a product of fibre-matrix interaction. laminate configuration, geometry, stress state, load
history and environment, the optimum interracial
adhesion between high strain fibres and high strain
Interphase effect on fatigue performance matrices would result in improved fatigue performance
for various polymer matrix composites. However, this
There is only limited information available on the effect cannot be taken as a universal conclusion in view of the
of the interphase on the fatigue performance of work of Curtis ~4' 29.30 and Hahn. 17 Clearly there could
advanced composites, probably due to insufficient also be a conflict with the interface requirements
understanding of the interphase. needed for improved impact resistance.
Recently Sih and Ebert s~' 56 studied interface effects on
the fatigue performance of unidirectional Type 30
E-glass fibre/Ciba Geigy XU-235-XU 205 epoxy CROSSPL Y COMPOSITES
composites subjected to flexural loading, with and FATIGUE DAMAGE MECHANISMS
without silane Z-6020 coupling agent. The coated glass
fibre composite had a superior fatigue performance to Talreja a has developed a fatigue life diagram for a
the composite with uncoated fibres. For wet specimens crossply~raphite/epoxy laminate using data from
it also appeared that the interface recovered part of its Grimes, °~ as shown in Fig. 8. It appears that the
strength loss during cycling. By considering the relative composite static failure strain is greater than the epoxy
magnitudes of longitudinal shear strength of coated and fatigue strain limit. Fibre breakage of 0° plys and
uncoated materials, the authors concluded that glass transverse ply progressive damage (matrix cracking and
fibre composites with a stronger interface would have a interfacial failure including delamination) are the
higher fatigue resistance. They showed a linear increase fatigue damage mechanism dominant regions for the
in fatigue life and fatigue strength with shear strength. horizontal scatter band, centered around the composite
static failure strain and the sloping scatter band,
Through the examination of fracture morphology of respectively. The matrix fatigue strain limit
specimens with coated and uncoated fibres, the same corresponds to the proportional limit of the
authors developed a three-stage fatigue damage longitudinal stress-transverse strain plot of the
mechanisms map for glass fibre composites, similar to composite (0.0043) and is taken as the limiting strain
that of Dharan.'In the first step nucleation and growth for delamination. In this case, it apears that the fatigue
of damage takes place. Fibre ridging, transverse matrix strain threshold limit for delamination is lower than the
cracking, longitudinal matrix cracking along fibres value for matrix cracking, being 0.006 for the same
(interracial debonding), fibre breakage and local epoxy matrices, implying that delamination is a
delaminations around fibre breaks were described as dominant, performance limiting, fatigue damage
fatigue damage mechanisms taking place in the first mechanism.
step. The authors suggested that fibre ridging was
caused by interfacial degradation. Longitudinal
cracking was due to stiffness differences between

matrix and fibre. Local delamination was thought to be
a substage following longitudinal matrix cracking. In Delamination and debonding in 90 ° plies
the second stage extensive fibre breakage and ec
subsequent macroscopic delamination was observed. In o~
the final stage of damage development delamination 0. I/I IJLIIIIIII
cracks propagate outwards along the span.
Commenting on fracture micrographs, the authors E oa)
concluded that a strong interface delayed the onset of .~- o.o / / / / / / / / /~
fibre ridging and longitudinal matrix cracking, resulting
in improved fatigue performance of unidirectional glass
fibre composites.
I I I I I 1 I
The effect of the interface has been discussed by several 0 2 4 6
other researchers. Dickson et al. 57 Davis and Log life
Sunsdrud 21 and Harris ~9' 20 all stated that improved Fig. 8 Fatigue-life diagram for a crossply g r a p h i t e / e p o x y
interfacial adhesion would result in an improved fatigue composite with Grimes's data 1


Fatigue damage mechanisms, observed during tensile authors, interpreting these experimental findings
fatigue loading of high performance crossply laminates, concluded, surprisingly, that fatigue damage
have been reviewed by Stinchcomb. 63 Basic damage mechanisms for both unidirectional and crossply tITS
mechanisms are described as transverse ply cracking, carbon fibre composites should be the same. Hence
edge and internal delaminations, longitudinal cracks, progressive damage, ie transverse ply cracking seen
interfacial debonding and fibre fracture. 64 It is clear generally for crossply laminates, should not affect the
that fatigue damage mechanisms are very different for fatigue performance of the main load bearing plies of
unidirectional and crossply laminates. 65 crossply Hxs carbon fibre composites.

Fatigue damage develops over two dominant stages, However, Fig. 9 shows that normalized stress-life
non-interactive and interactive stages. 66 The first stage curves for crossply and unidirectional GFRPwere
consists of homogenous damage restricted primarily to different. Mandell et al. 44 found the slope of stress-life
the individual plies. The second stage is characterized curves for unidirectional GFRPcomposites as 0.10, while
by the tendency to localize damage in zones of Jones et al. 46 determined it as 0.14 for crossply GFRP
increased interaction. The transition from the non- laminates. The authors pointed out that transverse ply
interactive to the interactive state is the so-called cracking affected the fatigue performance of the main
characteristic damage state (cos) which is considered as load bearing plies in crossply GFRPcomposites,
a saturation crack pattern. 67 resulting in a decreased fatigue resistance.

Jones e t al. 28 discussed the effect of transverse ply Adam et al. 68 attempted to compare fatigue damage
cracking on the fatigue resistance of GFRPand CFRPby mechanisms of crossply high performance composites
comparing their results with typical results for the by analysing and modelling their residual strength data.
behaviour of unidirectionally reinforced CFRPand GFRP The residual strength curves for GFRP,CFRPand KFRP
laminates. Normalized stress-life curves for the latter are shown in Fig. 10. Residual strength degradation
are shown in Fig. 4. Their results for crossply nxs due to fatigue loading is observed for GFRPand KFRP
carbon fibre composites are shown on the normalized while CFRPdoes not degrade. Both KFRPand GFRPfail
stress-life curve in Fig. 9, and slopes for both when their residual strengths are equal to the maximum
unidirectional and crossply laminates as a function of cyclic load. However, CFRPfails catastrophically
fibre modulus were found to be nearly the same. The without any residual strength degradation. The authors
interpreted these results in terms of the size of a critical
nucleus of fibre damage and pointed out that this
damage nucleus should be smaller for CFRPthan for
GFRP. The authors then developed a unique model
including both residual strength degradation and
• 0°/90°/E-glass catastrophic failure, the so-called sudden death failure
for, GFRP and CFRP,respectively. 69 Their results in
terms of stress ratio-cycle ratio indicate that the
strength degradation increases in the sequence of CFRP,
10 boiled GFRP,KFRPand GFRP.
U D/E-glass
The stress-life curves obtained by Jones et al. 46 for
three crossply advanced composites were converted to
strain-life diagrams 33 as suggested by Boiler 3 and
Talreja. ~ GFRP showed higher failure strains, CFRPhad
failure strains near the matrix limit while KFRPshowed
an intermediate behaviour, as usual.
carbon (UD)
Boniface and Bader 7°' 71 studied fatigue damage
development in crossply XAS carbon fibre/914 epoxy
composite and E-glass fibre/913 epoxy composite
HT-S carbon (UD) materials subjected to tensile loading. They observed
that transverse ply crack density increases with fatigue
loading, and stiffness reduction was proportional to the
transverse crack density. Stiffness reduction in CFRP
laminates was small with respect to the GFRPlaminates
HM-S carbon (UD) and the authors interpreted this result in terms of 0° ply
dominance in the CFRPlaminates, confirming the results
of Jones et al. 28" 46
0 200 400
Although much work has been done on damage
Fibre modulus (GPa)
development, it seems that the later stages, when
Fig. 9 The slope of normalized stress-life curve versus fibre transverse matrix cracks within a ply interact, are not
modulus for advanced composites showing the effect of fibre
type, modulus and lay-up on the fatigue damage evolution of
yet fully understood. Although axial stiffness reduction
their resulting composites; HT-S carbon fibre composites have is the common method for quantifying damage, it could
similar fatigue damage for unidirectional and crossply lay-ups be that a more comprehensive set of elastic constants
whereas E-glass fibre composites have different damage 2a should be monitored during a test.


fibre resulted in improved fatigue performance for the
brittle matrix composites.
GRP The other notable point from the data of Baron et al. is
that an inherent static strength-fatigue life relation
exists for these materials. Such a relation was first
suggested in an implicit way by Hahn and Kim, 72
v 0.6
proposed in an explicit way by Chou and Croman 73 and
developed by Barnard and Young. 74 The relation
constitutes the basis of residual strength degradation
0.4 models developed by a number of researchers 69 and
states in a simple way that the statically stronger

materials would have a longer fatigue life. For
0.2 _ :%o00 example, both static tensile strength and fatigue
strength, at any number of cycles, of HTAfibre/ductile
• 500 S-N curve
matrix composite are significantly larger than those of
the brittle matrix composite. However, for ST3 fibre
0 I I I 1 I I
1 2 3 4 5 6 composites the difference is small. In addition to this
ST3 fibre composites have a higher static strength,
a Log life
resulting in a superior fatigue performance compared
1.0 CFRP to the HTAcomposites.
Curtis14, 29, 30 investigated the comparative fatigue
behaviour of standard high strength carbon fibre/pier
0.8 cured epoxy, intermediate modulus carbon fibre/
toughened epoxy and intermediate failure strain carbon
S-N curve fibre/PEEK crossply composites. It was apparent from
0.6 the stress-life curves that the intermediate modulus
• Omax = 700 MPa
t~ fibre/toughened epoxy system has a superior fatigue
performance to standard high strength and
I I I I t
intermediate failure strain carbon fibre composites.
0 1 2 3 4 5 However, it must be remembered that each system had
b Log life a different matrix and this undoubtedly influenced the
0.8 results.




• 400 MPa
• 500
• 600
-••RP S-N curve~
Glass, carbon and Kevlar fibre composites
Jones et al. 28" 46 investigated the tensile fatigue
behaviour of crossply Silenka E-glass fibre, Grafil HTS
carbon fibre and Kevlar-49 fibre composites with Code
69 epoxy resin. CFRP has a superior fatigue
performance while GFRPhad the worst fatigue
performance, showing the steepest S - N curve slope.
0.2 l I I I I I As expected, Kevlar fibre composites showed a dual
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 fatigue performance, having a flat S - N curve for low
C Log life cycles and a steep curve for high cycles. As discussed
Fig. 10 Residual s t r e n g t h - l i f e curves for crossply advanced
previously, the poor high cycle fatigue performance of
composites showing the effect of fibre type on the residual KFRPwas attribtued to the interfibrillar weakness of the
strength degradation of their composites: (a) glass fibre Kevlar fibres themselves. 46 The weakness of the Kevlar
composite (extensive strength degradation); (b) carbon fibre
composite (catastrophic failure); and (c) Kevlar fibre composite 200
(intermediate strength degradation) 8a
o o GFRP
~ ~ : ~ l ~ u _ ~ KFRP
Carbon fibre composites
Baron et al. 5s' 61 studied the effect of fibre properties on 100
the tensile fatigue performance of crossply composite
laminates. ST3 carbon fibres with improved strength
and failure strain and standard HTA fibres were used in
the conventional, brittle, TODOM-based Araldite,
MY720-HT972 (DDS), and in the tough, higher failure 0 1 1 I I I I [ I
strain, MY720-LY556-HT972 epoxy matrix systems. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The stiffness, strength and failure strain values of these Log life
fibres are presented in Table 1. It is apparent upon Fig. 11 Stress-life curves for + 45 ° crossply composites tested
comparative evaluation of the results that ST3 carbon under tensile loading s h o w i n g the effect of the fibre 48


fibres is more pronounced in tensile fatigue testing of _ with those for unidirectional Hxs carbon fibre/epoxy
45 ° angle ply laminates. The stress-life curves for KFRP, composites obtained by Sturgeon. ~0They found that
CFRPand 6FRP are shown in Fig. 11. 46 their data fitted Sturgeon's data for unidirectional
Recently, Ganczakowski et al. ,75 who investigated composites and concluded that fatigue damage
tensile fatigue behaviour of crossply I<FRPlaminates, mechanisms for both crossply PEEKmatrix composites
showed that the stiffness of the 0° plies increased with and unidirectional epoxy composites were the same. As
fatigue cycling due to reorientation of fibres and discussed before for GFRPand CFRPlaminates, it was
molecular chains. The authors described four stages in proposed that transverse ply cracking had little effect
the fatigue life; steady stiffness increase up to 20 000 on the fatigue performance of the load bearing 0° plies
cycles due to 0 ° ply stiffening; overall stiffness drop in crossply carbon laminates. The slopes of the
between 20 000 and 50 000 cycles due to transverse ply stress-life curves for PEEKand epoxy matrix composites
cracking; modulus increase at one million cycles where were 30 and 35 MPa per decade respectively. From
saturation cracking pattern is obtained due to 0 ° ply these experimental findings, the authors concluded that
stiffening dominance; and towards the end of the life the ductile PEEKmatrix delays the critical damage
stiffness drops due to other damage mechanisms such mechanisms leading to final fatigue failure, confirming
as delamination, splitting, and 0° fibre breakage. the results obtained by Baron et al. 5s-61 for toughened
epoxy composites. These early generation XAS carbon
fibre/PEEK matrix composites had a superior fatigue
EFFECT OF MATRIX PROPERTIES performance, confirming the results found by Hartness
Schulte 76 investigated matrix effects for crossply T300 and Kim. 5°' 51 The superiority of PEEKmatrix
carbon fibre/brittle 914C and ductile, HT917 cured, composities is more pronounced when crossply
LY556 epoxy matrix composites. The author found that laminates are tested at +_ 45 ° in tension. When
due to less longitudinal crack development, ductile commenting on the scanning electron micrographs
matrix composites had an improved strength and life. obtained for PEEKmatrix composites, the latter authors
pointed out that better interracial bonding resulted in
Baron and Schulte 58-61 investigated brittle, HT976 an improved fatigue performance, in combination with
cured, MY720 and ductile, HT976 cured, MY720- the improved toughness of PEEKmatrices.
LY556 epoxy matrix crossply composites with ST3
carbon fibres. The authors evaluated damage Curtis 29 discussed the fatigue performance of
development by X-ray radiography and discussed the toughened matrix systems and compared his results to
improved fatigue performance of composites with both the contradictory results obtained by Hartness and
higher strain fibres and matrices. It was pointed out KimSO, 5z and Dickson et al. 57 He pointed out the great
that improvements in both static and fatigue influence of processing on the fatigue properties of
performance of tough composites were due to the delay PEEK matrix composites. Indeed, Lee and Porter 77
of longitudinal and transverse crack formation, and to found that crystallization of PEEKduring laminate
shifting of first ply failure to higher failure strain levels. manufacture might be favoured by adjusting some
First ply failure delay also implied the delay of 0 ° ply processing parameters, resulting in improved
damage, shifting 0 ° ply failure to higher strains. interracial bonding. Curtis 29 obtained a superior fatigue
resistance for PEEKbased composites by increasing the
Dickson et al. 57 investigated the fatigue performance of cooling rate during manufacture. He emphasized that
XAS carbon fibre/early generation PEEKmatrix current PEEKcomposites were susceptible to interfacial
composites in comparison to Code 69 epoxy resin damage in the form of longitudinal splitting, implying
composites. Their results are shown in Fig. 12, along poor interfacial bonding for these second generation
PEEKmatrix composites.


There is very little information available regarding
interphase effects on crossply laminates. An early study
was carried out by Owen26 who investigated the effect
of surface treatment on type II carbon fibre/Epikote
828-DDS-BF3 epoxy composites. The author also

UD HTS/epoxy ~
I TIII discussed fracture morphology of type I carbon fibre
composites. For untreated fibres, brush-like failure was
~ 25 o C,o,, EEK ........ II observed, while for surface treated fibres the fracture
• Crossply HTS/epoxy LID XAS/epoxy surface was smooth.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Log life
The following conclusions may be drawn from the
Fig. 12 Normalized stress-life curves for a number of
composites showing the presence of the same damage present review
mechanisms for unidirectional and crossply carbon fibre
composites; crossply XAS/PEEK has the same performance as
1) Having constituents with 'improved' properties,
XAS/Code 69 epoxy while crossply and unidirectional HTS/ such as fibres with high strain, matrices with high
Code 69 epoxy composites have a similar fatigue performance s7 strain and toughness and interphases with strong


f i b r e - m a t r i x a d h e s i o n d o e s n o t a l w a y s result in 11 Curtis, P. T. and Moore, B. B. 'A comparison of plain and
i m p r o v e d f a t i g u e p e r f o r m a n c e , i e a l o n g e r fatigue double waisted coupons for static and tensile testing of UD GRP
life a n d a h i g h e r f a t i g u e r a t i o . B u t it s h o u l d be and CFRP' Second International Conference on Composite
Structures, Paisley, Scotland, UK, September 1983, Proceedings
e x p e c t e d t h a t c o m p o s i t e s w i t h i m p r o v e d fibres, (Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, UK, 1983) pp
i m p r o v e d m a t r i c e s a n d an o p t i m u m d e g r e e o f 383-398
i n t e r r a c i a l a d h e s i o n c a n l e a d to an i m p r o v e d 12 Lorenzo, L. and Hahn, H. T. 'Fatigue failure mechanisms in
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57 Dickson, R. F., Jones, J. C., Harris, B., Leach, D. C. and
Moore, D. R. 'Environmental fatigue behaviour of carbon fibre T h e a u t h o r s a r e at t h e C e n t r e for C o m p o s i t e M a t e r i a l s ,
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