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Title no. 93-S50

Modeling Nonlinear Bond-Slip Behavior for Finite Element

Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Structures

by R. J. Allwood and Abdullah A. Bajarwan

Finite element analyses of reinforced concrete structures should concrete and reinforcement. The two solutions are brought
allow some representation of bond stiffness, particularly if there together by a rapidly converging iterative process yielding
are areas of high shear stress. This paper reviews research on bond the bond stresses that are the link between the steel and the
stiffness and then brings together earlier work on an efficient algo- concrete. In this paper, the method is extended to represent
rithm for incorporating bond stiffness in a finite element analysis
the bond-slip behavior by a realistic nonlinear model based
and a nonlinear bond stiffness model developed from experimental
and theoretical studies. The resulting new method is used to on the experimental observations of many researchers.
analyze pullout tests and the results are compared with experi-
mental data. Good agreement is obtained without resorting to the RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
unlikely notion of “position-dependent” stiffnesses adopted by This research studied the use of a nonlinear bond-slip model
other researchers. in conjunction with a new method for incorporating bond
stiffness in finite element analyses of reinforced concrete
Keywords: bond-slip relationship/model; finite element analysis; nonlin- structures. Results obtained for pullout tests compare well
ear bond stiffness; pullout tests; reinforced concrete. with experimental data and show that it is not necessary to
adopt the unlikely concept of “position-dependent” bond stiff-
INTRODUCTION ness proposed by other researchers. The method is efficient in
It is common for finite element analyses of reinforced computing and could be adopted for practical application.
concrete structures to ignore the reinforcement altogether.
Even when it is included, it is usual to assume that there is no BOND-SLIP PHENOMENA
relative movement between steel and concrete, i.e., no allow- Early experimental studies of bond were concerned with
ance is made for any bond “slip” to occur. The consequence determining bond failure strengths and the influence of
of this assumption is an unrealistically rapid transfer of stress surface deformations on them. Abrams4 studied the bond of
between concrete and steel, particularly in areas of high plain and deformed bars, but a later and thorough study by
shear stress where there are inevitably high bond stresses. Glanville5 revealed an important but much neglected effect.
Fig. 1 (taken from Reference 1) compares measured rein- He demonstrated that bond failure occurs at a higher stress
forcement stresses in a beam-column junction with those for a pushout test than for the normal pullout test. The
calculated by finite element analyses assuming both infinite explanation for this is simple; the compressive axial stress
and more realistic bond stiffnesses. This clearly shows how developed in the bar during a pushout test causes an increase
the bar stresses computed with infinitely stiff bond fall off in bar diameter because of Poisson’s effect, which, in turn,
far too rapidly within the column. causes an increase in the radial pressure between bar and
concrete. Since friction is an important element in bond, this
Ngo and Scordelis2 showed that the stiffness of the bond increase in pressure leads to an increased bond strength, a
connection could be incorporated in finite element analyses factor generally ignored but included in the authors’ model
by discrete springs connecting steel and concrete together at of bond behavior described below.
discrete nodes. One spring parallel to a bar could model the Many researchers have also studied bond by performing
bond-slip stiffness, and a second spring normal to the bar experiments on strain-gaged reinforcing bars embedded in a
could model the much stiffer “dowel” action. Many authors variety of concrete specimens, e.g., Wilkins,6 Mains,7 Peattie
since have developed methods to represent continuous bond and Pope,8 Perry and Thompson,9 Nilson,10 and Scott and
stiffness along reinforcement bars. Unfortunately, this Gill.11 In these tests, the axial strain in the bars was measured
generally increases the number of degrees of freedom in the directly but bond stresses can only be determined indirectly
analysis, resulting in more costly data preparation and
computer time, particularly if a nonlinear model of bond-
slip behavior is adopted. ACI Structural Journal, V. 93, No. 5, September-October 1996.
Received July 17, 1995, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
In a previous paper,3 the authors introduced a new method right © 1996, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of
for modeling linear bond stiffness that avoids these extra copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion
will be published in the July-August 1997 ACI Structural Journal if received by
costs by performing separate finite element analyses on the March 1, 1997.

538 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996

R. J. Allwood is Reader, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology,
Loughborough, Leicester, UK. His research interests include finite elements, inte-
grated design systems, expert systems, and the problems of representing bond in finite
element analyses of reinforced concrete structures.

ACI member Abdullah A. Bajarwan is an assistant professor of civil engineering at

King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He obtained his PhD from Lough-
borough University of Technology. His research interests include structural analysis
and modeling.

from the results by some version of differentiation and bond-

slip by some attempt at integration. Many investigators have
concluded that there is some relative movement between bar
and concrete (bond-slip) before bond failure and some show
that it is partly recoverable upon unloading.
Dörr12 summarizes seven studies demonstrating a wide
variation in deduced bond-stress versus bond-slip relationships.
Nilson10 and Pochanart and Harmon13 appear to believe in
the unlikely effect of a different relationship applying to a
bar according to the distance from the loaded end. Since the
properties of the interface will not be different, this change
can only come from stress effects—the most obvious expla- Fig. 1—Effect of different bond stiffnesses on finite
nation being the influence of axial strain and Poisson’s ratio, element stress calculations in beam-column intersection
as previously noted. Edward and Yannopoulos14 and (from Reference 1).
Nammur and Naaman15 conclude that the relationship is a
material property and, therefore, independent of location.
Another phenomena leading to changes in radial pressure Rather than assuming values for Adhesion “a” and for the
between bar and concrete is the effect of lateral stresses radial pressure due to the shrinkage of concrete, i.e., Item (i)
acting on the concrete near reinforcement. Dörr12 deter- previously, we preferred to replace the constant in Eq. (1) by
mined bond-stress/bond-slip curves for specimens under the bond strength qo at zero bar force and zero lateral
different lateral pressures showing an increase in stiffness concrete stresses; thus, incorporating both factors in one
and ultimate bond strength. Robins and Standish16 also value. This leads to Eq. (2) illustrated on the left side of Fig. 2
showed that pullout loads increased with lateral pressure. in which pcr is the change in radial pressure due to loading
effects, i.e., Items (ii) and (iii) previously that may be
ASSUMED BOND-SLIP MODEL derived by the application of simple elasticity; details are
Mathematical relationships between bond slip and bond given in Reference 17.
stress have been developed by many of the researchers
qu = qo + μ · pcr (2)
previously cited simply by fitting a curve to their results.
Being strongly influenced by the phenomenon observed by
The ultimate bond strength qu in a given bar under given
Glanville and supported by later tests, i.e., the impact of
stresses as derived from Eq. (2) then pinpoints the maximum
radial pressure between bar and concrete on bond strength,
value of the bond stress/slip curve shown on the right side of
the first author and his colleagues17 proposed a bond model
Fig. 2, where qu occurs at a slip of Δu. The curve used to give
in 1982 based on a supportable physical explanation of bond.
values from the origin to this high point is that proposed by
The strength of bond is generally held to be due to the three
Saenz18 for concrete stress-strain behavior that allows for an
factors of chemical adhesion, friction, and mechanical
initial slope Ro, ultimate bond strength qu, and slip Δu to be
interlock. We assumed that the contribution of friction and
specified as independent variables. This relationship is
interlock is proportional to radial pressure, whereas that due
to adhesion is not. This leads to a simple linear relationship
between ultimate bond strength and radial pressure of
q = R o Δ ⁄ 1 + ⎛ ----------- Δ-⎞ + ⎛ -----
- – 2⎞ ⎛ ----- Δ-⎞ 2 (3)
⎝R ⎠ ⎝Δ ⎠ ⎝Δ ⎠
sec u u
qu = a + μ · p r (1)
where q = bond stress at slip of Δ
qu = ultimate bond strength qu = current local ultimate bond strength
a = bond strength due to adhesion Δu = slip at qu
μ = “friction” coefficient Ro = initial slope of curve > 2Rsec
pr = radial pressure on bar Rsec = qu/Δu
The radial pressure between bar and concrete comes from The model also assumes that when the bond stress q has
the total effect of: reached the ultimate bond strength value qu, q may be
1. Pressure on the bar generated by the shrinkage of reduced by a factor β to allow for the effect of slippage of the
concrete during setting. bar relative to the concrete as bond fails locally. In principle,
2. Changes in diameter of the bar due to Poisson’s ratio as β could allow for different lug patterns but this has not been
axial stresses are developed in a bar. studied. Assumed values for β and other factors will be given
3. Lateral confining stress in the surrounding concrete. in the section comparing experimental and computed results.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996 539

displacements at these nodes can be easily expressed in
terms of the displacements of the nodes of the concrete
elements by a set of simple transformation matrices. The
resulting stiffness equations, now incorporating the bond
stiffnesses, are

⎛ ⎧ K c 0 ⎫ ⎧ K b – C t K b ⎫⎞ D c Pc
⎜⎨ ⎬+⎨ ⎬⎟ ⋅ ⎛ ⎞ = ⎛ ⎞ (4)
⎝ ⎩ 0 K s ⎭ ⎩ – K b C K b ⎭⎠ ⎝ D s ⎠ ⎝ P s ⎠

Kc = assembled stiffness matrix for all concrete elements
Ks = assembled stiffness matrix for all steel elements
Fig. 2—Bond stress-slip relationship linked to radial pressure
KB = assembled matrix of all bond stiffnesses transformed
acting on reinforcing bar.
to global axes at their connections to concrete
C = assembled matrix of all of previous transformations
Kb = diagonal matrix of all bond stiffnesses in local axes
Dc,s = vectors of displacements at all concrete and steel
Pc,s = vectors of loads applied to concrete and steel nodes
An iterative solution process can be derived from the
upper and lower rows of submatrices in Eq. (4) as

i+1 i t i
Kc ⋅ Dc = Pc – ( KB ⋅ Dc – C ⋅ Kb ⋅ Ds ) (5)

i+1 i+1
( Ks + Kb ) ⋅ Ds = Ps + Kb ⋅ C ⋅ Dc (6)

It should be noted that matrix (Ks + Kb) has a half-band-

width of only 2 and that it can be created directly from details
of the reinforcement. In addition, this matrix and matrix Kc
Fig. 3—Illustration of method of analyzing concrete and need to be created and reduced by the Choleski method once
steel separately. only at the start of a set of iterative cycles. Finally, it is not
necessary to assemble the bond matrices KB and Kb.C. Both
Including bond in finite element analyses can be more efficiently left as a set of element-related matrices
problems with conventional approaches with their contributions to Eq. (5) and (6) calculated
Whether bond stiffness is represented by continuous according to element node numbers.
elements or by discrete springs, the need for pairs of extra Analyzing the concrete without any stiffness contribution
nodes along each bar and on the adjacent concrete greatly from the steel naturally results in over-large displacements,
increases the cost of an analysis. Some researchers, e.g., but this can be automatically detected and corrected by a
Phillips and Zienkiewicz,19 circumvented this problem by damping factor that causes convergence to be very rapid;
“smearing” the steel into the concrete, thereby assuming an typically five iterations are adequate.
infinitely stiff bond connection. Balakarishnan and Murray20 There are many advantages to this approach. Any number
allowed for bond stiffness but only at the cost of a substantial of reinforcing bars and all the shear links can be included in
increase in the total number of degrees of freedom. an analysis with very little computer time penalty. The division
of the concrete into a mesh of finite elements can be made
NEW APPROACH without reference to the location and orientation of the bars.
Solving steel and concrete separately The computer cost is increased over that for concrete alone
The new approach to this problem introduced by Allwood by no more than 50 percent since the iteration process
and Bajarwan3 allows bond stiffness to be incorporated with effectively creates only a few extra load cases and the main
very little increase in computer time over the analysis of the matrix for the concrete elements has to be assembled and
concrete alone. The basis of the method is to analyze the reduced only once as for an analysis without steel.
concrete and steel separately and then bring the two solu-
tions together by a rapidly converging iterative process that Incorporating nonlinear bond stiffness model
adjusts the bond stresses linking the two components into new numerical method
together, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Many techniques have been developed to analyze
Full details are given in the previous reference, but in nonlinear problems by the finite element method. The
summary, we consider the stiffness equations derived from a majority applies loads in increments and solves a sequence
finite element analysis including concrete, steel, and bond of linear problems that incorporates modifications to the
elements in which the displacement and force vectors are stiffness of elements as stresses develop. These ideas are
subdivided to separate the steel and concrete nodes. The discussed by Zienkiewicz21 and others.
stiffness equations for the steel and concrete elements can be Incorporating the nonlinear bond model into the numerical
formed in the conventional way. The bond elements connect technique previously described has proved to be very effective.
steel nodes to adjacent nodes in the concrete, but the The method adopted is a combination of incremental loads

540 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996

and the initial stress version of the modified Newton-
Raphson method. The basic iterative equations [Eq. (5) and
(6)] used to solve linear bond stiffness problems have been
retained but with the Newton-Raphson technique added to
adjust the result for the nonlinear bond stiffness relationship.
The method is best described by considering the steps
involved as a load increment is applied. The displacements
Dc and Ds and the resulting stresses due to all previous load
increments are known. From these, the axial stresses, lateral
stresses, and bond-slip movements can be derived for all
nodes on each reinforcement bar. If we consider those values
at one such node, we derive (from Fig. 2) the starting value
of the ultimate bond strength qu and the associated bond
stress-bond slip curve. The tangent at the current bond stress
q gives a value for the bond stiffness kb.
We now apply the load increment {Pcn, Psn }, substituting
for {Pc,Ps} in Eq. (5) and (6) and solve by the iterative
procedure previously summarized for further increments of
displacement Dc* and Ds*. From the accumulated displace-
ments (Dc + Dc*) and (Ds + Ds*), we can derive at each bond
node the latest values of bond stress q*, bond slip Δ*, axial
bar stress, and lateral concrete stress. Using Fig. 2 again, we
can derive a further change in radial stress from the axial bar
stress and the lateral concrete stress leading to a new value
for the ultimate bond strength qu* and a new bond-slip curve.
At a bond-slip of Δ*, this new nonlinear bond-slip curve Fig. 4—Iterations during 1-load increment.
gives a bond stress q1 less in value than the bond stress q*
derived from the tangent line. The difference (q* – q1) repre-
sents a residual stress not yet carried by the bond stiffness.
Residual stresses are calculated at all bond nodes, integrated
along the reinforcement and transformed to the nodes of the
concrete elements to form residual force vectors {Pc*,Ps*}.
These are now applied to the steel and concrete elements as
though they were a further load increment. The recalculation
and reapplication of residual force vectors continues until the
residual stresses are acceptably low. Fig. 4 illustrates the
process as it occurs at one bond node. Fig. 5 shows a flow
chart of the nested pair of iterative loops resulting from the
method. In its application, both loops have converged rapidly,
typically requiring only four to five repetitions.

Two examples of the method are given, both pullout tests.
The first, on a plain steel bar, is included because strain gage
measurements on the bar were available. In the second test,
using a standard deformed reinforcing bar, only free-end slip
values were available.
The plain bar pullout test was studied by Parsons,22 both
experimentally and by a conventional nonlinear finite
element method using 6-noded bond elements. The bar
was 16 mm (0.63 in.) in diameter and was pulled out from
a 150-mm (6-in.) concrete cube. The parameters of the bond
model used for the FE analysis by the method described in
this paper are set out in Table 1, together with the corresponding
values for the deformed bar pullout described later. Values for
these bond parameters are not easily obtained. Published values Fig. 5—Flow chart of iterative method.
for the initial bond stress/slip slope [Ro in Eq. (3)] range from 50
to 1000 N/mm2 (0.18 to 3.68 ⋅ 106 psi/in.).
Greater agreement is found over the slip at ultimate bond will have after bond failure, i.e., when only a friction compo-
stress Δu and of the initial bond strength. The factor μ has nent will apply. For the deformed bar, the value is 1.0.
been estimated from the results of Robins and Standish.16 Fig. 6 shows how the axial load varies through the embedded
The parameter β, representing the reduction in bond strength length of the plain bar as measured experimentally and as
after bond failure, is not critical and has been set to 0.5 to computed. Axial load rather than axial stress has been
represent the likely reduction in bond strength a plain bar presented to illustrate how the pullout load is distributed

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996 541

Table 1—Values of parameters*
Parameter Symbol Plain bar Deformed bar

Ro 200 N/mm2/mm 300 N/mm2/mm

Initial bond modulus
(0.75 × 106 psi/in.) (1.1 × 106 psi/in.)
“Friction” coefficient μ 0.4 1.05
Δu 0.1 mm 0.1 mm
Slip at bond failure
(0.004 in.) (0.004 in.)
Reduction factor for
bond stress when β 0.5 1.0
slip > Δu

Initial bond stress qo 3 N/mm2 (435 psi) 9.5 N/mm2

(1400 psi)
*Used for computations on 16-mm (0.63-in.) plain bar and 12-mm (0.47-in.)
deformed bar (see Fig. 6 through 9).

The number of iterations needed to reduce the residual

Fig. 6—Comparison of experimental and computed values forces to an acceptable limit increased as the pullout load
of axial force in plain 16-mm (0.63-in.) bar pullout test. reached its maximum and the method failed to converge at a
load of 13 kN (2.9 kip-force), suggesting an ultimate pullout
value of between 12.5 and 13 kN (2.8 and 2.9 kip-force).
The second example is a pullout test on a 12-mm (0.47-in.)
diameter deformed bar described by Standish.23 The bar was
embedded in a 100-mm (4-in.) cube and the only experi-
mental readings taken were the displacements at the free end.
The bond model parameters used for the computations are
given in Table 1 and in comparison with those for the plain
bar, it will be seen that the initial bond-slip slope Ro and the
initial bond strength qo are increased due to the interlocking
of the reinforcement ribs. The factor μ is also increased
following the results of Robins and Standish16 and the factor
β set to 1 to represent no reduction in bond strength as bond
failure occurs.
Figure 8 shows a satisfactory agreement between the
experimental and computed values of the slip between the
concrete and the steel at the unloaded end of the specimen.
Bond failure occurred before the bar yielded. Figure 9 shows the
computed bond stresses through the specimen as the pullout
load increased. Just as for the plain bar, the maximum bond
strength at the loaded end is limited by the effect of the reduc-
tion in diameter of the bar due to Poisson's ratio, but the larger
value of μ enhances this effect as the load approaches failure.

The applications previously shown demonstrate that the
authors’ bond model produces the effect of a lower bond
stiffness at nodes near the concrete surface as reported by
Nilson10 and Pochanart and Harmon,13 not by using a bond
stiffness that depends on location, but by adjusting the bond
stiffness to the prevailing concrete and steel stress condi-
Fig. 7—Computed bond stresses for plain 16-mm (0.63-in.)
tions. The key effect is to allow for changes in bar diameter
bar pullout test.
due to Poisson’s ratio and for the impact that that has on
bond stiffness.
through the embedded length as bond transfers the load to The analysis of a beam and column assembly designed to
the concrete. The change in that distribution as the pullout ACI 318-83 specifications was presented by the authors in
load increases is quite clear from the experimental results Reference 3 using a linear bond and concrete model. The
that are partly but not completely matched by the computed problems described in this paper have used a nonlinear bond
results. Fig. 7 shows the bond stresses from the computed model and a linear concrete model. Research continues and
results (it was not possible to derive bond stresses from the there are no reasons why the nonlinear bond model described
experimental values since the process of differentiation and a nonlinear concrete model allowing cracks to form
exaggerated the errors in the readings). The distribution of should not show the bond stress reversals that take place
these stresses clearly shows bond failure developing from between cracks across reinforcement.
the loaded end with the bond stress there being limited to
about 1.2 N/mm2 (175 psi). The limit is higher near the REFERENCES
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542 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996

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ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1996 543

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