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TARIDJO, S.830809224, 2010, ” Learning Student Teams Achievement

Division (STAD) and Team Assisted Individually (TAI) overviewed from
Achievement Motivation and Learning Activity” (Case Study of Chemistry
Learning, Subject Matter: Atomic Structures to Students of Class X Semester I SMA
Negeri 3 Madiun Academic Year 2010/ 2011) Tesis, Surakarta: Science Education
Department, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University 2010. Consultant I : Prof.
Dr. H. Ashadi, Consultant II: Drs. Haryono, M.Pd.
The research aimed to know : (1) The Influence of STAD and TAI Methods
on Chemistry Learning Achievement, (2) The influence of Achievement Motivation
on Chemistry Learning Achievement, (3) The influence of Students Activity on
Chemistry Learning Achievement, (4) The interaction between Learning Method and
Students Achievement Motivation to Chemistry Learning Achievement, (5) The
interaction between Learning Method and Students Activity to Chemistry Learning
Achievement, (6) The interaction between Achievement Motivation and Students
Activity to Chemistry Learning Achievement, (7) The interaction between Learning
Method and Achievement Motivation and Students Activity to Chemistry Learning
The research carried out from March 2010 to October 2010. It was an
experimental research, the population was the students of Class X SMAN 3 Madiun,
the sample was taken using cluster random sampling, class XB and XC using TAI
Method. The data of Achievement Motivation and Students Activity was collected
using questioners, Cognitive Achievement using Test, data of Affective Achievement
and Psychomotor using Observation. Learning Achievement included two aspects,
i.e. Cognitive and Affective. The data was analyzed using Anova with factorial
design 2X2X2 with the help of Software Minitab15. Normality Test with Ryan-
Joiner, Homogeneity Test using Levine’s Method and F-test.
From the data analysis it could be concluded that: (1) There was influence of
Learning Method on Cognitive Achievement but there was no influence on its
Affective Achievement, (2) There was influence of Achievement Motivation on
Cognitive Achievement but there was no influence on Affective Achievement, (3)
There was influence of Students Activity on Cognitive Achievement but there was no
influence on Affective Achievement, (4) There was no interaction between Learning
Method and Achievement Motivation to either Cognitive or Affective Achievement,
(5) There was interaction between Learning Method and Students Activity to
Cognitive Achievement, but there was no interaction to Affective Achievement, (6)
There was no interaction between Students Learning Motivation and Students
Activity to Cognitive and Affective Achievement, (7) There was no interaction
between Learning Method and Achievement Motivation and Students Activity to
Cognitive and Affective Achievement.

Key words: STAD, TAI, Achievement Motivation, Students Activity, Atomic

Structure, Learning Achievement, Cognitive, Affective.


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