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Declarations of trust as effective subst

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Cornell University

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Declarations of Trust as
Effective Substitutes
for Incorporation



a Saint Louis, Missouri

Copyright, 1911


All rights reserved



1. Introduction.
2. Comparison of Corporate Attributes and those of
Trust Estates.
3. Advantages of the Trust Method over Incorpora
4. Form of Declaration of Trust formed to hold Real
5. Form of Declaration of Trust formed to handle
Personal Property.

1. Introduction. —The decision of the United States

Supreme Court in the consolidated case of Eliot v. Freeman
et al., and Maine Baptist Missionary Convention v. Cot-
ting et al., 31 Sup. Ct. Rep. 360 (1911), holding that the so-
called Massachusetts Trusts are not subject to the Federal
excise tax on corporations, has emphasized the importance
of this method of conducting business as compared with
incorporation. The laws of Massachusetts do not permit
of incorporation for the purpose of holding or dealing in
real estate, exceptby special charter, and as special char-
was soon im-
ters are diflScult to secure, the best legal talent
pressed into the service of devising a means of affording
the usual advantages belonging to a corporation without the
authority of any legislative act. A method of placing the
property in the hands of trustees, who held the legal title
and issued certificates, similar to shares of stock, to the
; ; ; ;

cestuis qui trust, showing the interest owned by each, pos-

sessed nearly all the advantages desired. Its efficiency was
soon appreciated. At first applied to real estate, they
became and are still known as the '-'Massachusetts Land
Trusts." Their advantages so appealed to othiers in Mas-
sachusetts who were acquainted with them that they
applied them to the holding of personal property, and
a declaration of trust for this purpose, known as "The Mas-
sachusetts Electric Companies," is set forth in this book.
We understand that this instrument was drawn by Richard
Olney, one time Attorney General and later Secretary of
State of the United States. As these trusts are effected
under the common law, it is apparent that organizers out-
side of Massachusetts may profit by the examples afforded.
Increasing restrictions and regulations imposed upon cor-
porations invite attention to methods other than corporate.
Several of the States provide for the organization of "joint
stock companies and associations," in addition to incorpora-

Pennsylvania, Act of June 2, 1874

Virginia, Act of March1875
Michigan, Compiled Laws, 18^7, Ch. 160
New Jersey, General Statutes, 1896, p. 2240
Ohio, General Code, 1910, Sec. 8059;
New York, "Joint Stock Association Laws," Con-
solidated Laws of N. Y. (1909), p. 1873-1876.

While these joint stock companies have an artificial

ejovay, they do not provide against individual liability as
uoes incorporation. They possess some of the character-
istics of corporations and some of the characteristics of co-
partnerships. However, they are organized under enabling
statutes which enlarge the privileges possessed at common
law, and they are, therefore, subject to State regulations,
which may be equally burdensome to those imposed upon
corporations. An organization under the common, law,
with no special privilege or franchise from legislative
authority, is the organization that can do the same acts as

an individual, with no further restrictions than are placed

upon individuals. Such an organization is afforded by the
declarations of trust herein set forth.

Comparison of Corporate Attributes and those


of Trusts. —
^A comparison of the usual corporate advan-
tages and the method of equaling or approaching them,
arrived at in the declarations of trust for this purpose, will
be noted as follows

Advantages of Incorpora- Corresponding Provision

tion. in Trust Agreements.

1. Continued Exist- 1. The trust continues

ence. for twenty years after the
(Perpetual or a certain death of the last surviving
number of years.) original subscriber. This
prevents violation of the
rule against perpetuities.
The agreement provides
that the death of a share-
holder merely entitles his ,

legal representatives to a
new certificate. The share-
holders have no right to call
for partition or division of
the property.

Limited Individual 2. The liability of the

Liability. shareholders to the organ-
ization for assessments ig

limited by the terms of the

agreement. As to third par-
ties, the trustees are re-
quired to provide in their
contracts that only prop-
erty in their hands as trus-
tees shall be answerable.
Hussey v. Arnold et al., 185
Mass. 203 (1904).
Whether there is an indi-

vidual liability for torts

and implied contracts is ap-
parently undecided at this
writing (October, 1911).
This, however, would not
be important, except in case
of insolvency of the organ-

3. The ease with which 3. The trustees issue cer-

the owners of shares of tificates for the number of
stock may op
dispose shares to which each is en-
them by will^ sale^ or titled. These certificates
otherwise. have a par value, entitle the
holder to one vote for each
share, and are transferable
on the books of the trustees,

4. The safety and con- 4. The shareholders meet

venience OF REGULAR MEET- annually, and. they have
INGS AND OF CONDUCTING such special meetings as
BUSINESS THROUGH THE AU- may be necessary. The
THORITY OF A BOARD OF DI- shareholders, at such meet-
RECTORS OF LIMITED AND DE- ings, fill vacancies in the
FINED POWERS. number of trustees, and
may depose any or all of
the trustees and elect oth-
ers. The trustees have ex-
clusive management under ;

the terms of the trust, they

may borrow money and
mortgage the assets, and
perform other acts, prac-
tically the same as directors
of a corporation.
5. Bringing and defend- 5. Same rules as to par-
iNG LITIGATION IN THE COB- tiesand procedure at law
PORATE NAME AND ENTITY. and in equity as are ap-
plicable to all trust estates.

6. Broad powers. Hold- 6. The powers of such

iNG Companies^ etc. an organization may be
broader than most corpora-
tions, as it may provide for
whatever any individual
may do. Ownership of
stocks in incorporated com-
panies may be provided for.

3. Advantages of the Trust Method Over Incorpora-


1. Taxation peculiar to corporations, as, for example,

Federal excise tax {Eliot v. Freeman et al., 31 Sup. Ct. Eep.
360) and state organization and franchises taxes are
2. Reports required of corporations need not be filed.
3. The trustees do not have to comply with the foreign
corporation laws of various States.
4. There is no legal obligation to maintain the capital
and refrain from paying dividends out of capital.
5. As shares of stock in corporations are personal
property in the hands of the owner, there are often two
taxes on the same property, first against the corporation
and tlien against the owner of the stock. A cestvA qui
trust, under these trust agreements, has merely an equita-
ble interest in the property.
6. The interests of cestuis qui trust are well pro-
tected by courts of equity. The power to secure informa-
tion as to the actions of the trustees and the status of the
trust fund is, no doubt, superior to the rights and remedies
of stockholders in corporations.
7. Dissolution may be effected without formalities re-
quired of corporations.
4. Form of Declaration of Trust Formed to Hold
Real Estate.


TRUST made by the subscribers, this 14th day of April,
1894, for the purpose of purchasing certain real estate
known as the Tremont House Estate and an adjoining prop-
erty situated on Tremont and Beacon Streets and Tremont
Place, in Boston.

1. The uuder this agreement are authorized

as such trustees to purchase said estates and any existing
leases thereto, and to proceed to the erection of a new build-
ing as soon as practicable, and may as such trustees make
all necessary contracts and agreements for such purchase
and for such neM^ building, including any agreement they
may think advisable for straightening or altering bounda-
ries, and may if they deem expedient for the adjustment of

boundaries acquire additional adjoining estates or release

portions of the trust estate, and may make leases of the
property or any part thereof held by them on such terms as
they may think best, but they shall make no lease for a term
of more than five years or for an annual rent of more than
flOjOOO, unless authorized by vote of the shareholders, ex-
cept that they may make a lease of certain portions of said
building to one tenant for the term of not more than twenty
years and at an annual rental of not less than |24,500.
After the new building
completed the trustees shall incur
no debt or liability may be incidental to the
except such as
management of the property held by them, and then only
for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate at any one
time $20,000. The trustees shall have no power to bind the
shareholders personally (and in every written contract they
shall enter into reference shall be made to this declaration
of trust), and the person or corporation contracting with
and property of the trust
the trustees shall look to the funds
for the payment under such contract or for the payment of
any debt, mortgage, judgment, or decree, or of any money

that may otherwise become due or payable by reason of the
failure on the part of said trustees to perform such con-
tracts in whole or any part, and neither the trustees nor the
shareholders present or future in this company shall be
personally liable therefor.

The title of the trustees shall be Trustees of the


Tremont Building/' and any property conveyed to them

under that description shall be held by them in trust under
this agreement.

3. The trustees shall give receipts for installments on

subscriptions when paid, and on the payment of the last in-
stallment shall issue certificates in exchange for such re-

ceipts in shares of flOO.OO each for each |100.00 paid. Such

receipts and certificates shall be transferable only on the
books of the trustees upon surrender thereof, all install-
ments due having first been paid and the acceptance of a
receipt or certificate shall make the person named therein a
party to this agreement. The term "shareholder" used in
this agreement shall mean holder of record of a receipt or a

4. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum and all

taxes and assessments shall be added to the cost of the

building and paid semi-annually to the subscribers from
the date of their respective payments of subscriptions until
the substantial completion of said building. The cost of
amount of
said building shall also include 1 per cent on the
subscriptions procured by Alexander S. Porter and T. Den-
nie Boardman (which shall be paid to them for their serv-
ices and expenses in promoting this enterprise and procur-
ing subscriptions to this agreement) and also 1 per cent on
the gross amount of rental on any lease negotiated by them
at the lower fioor and basement of said building, and also
a reasonable compensation to be paid the trustees for their
services rendered during construction.

5. The trustees shall have a reasonable compensation

after construction of building, and make such divi-

dends among the shareholders as they may deem expedient.

6. The trustees shall call meetings of the shareholders

annually on the third Wednesday of March, and shall report
their receipts and expenses for the year ending on the 31st
of January preceding. They may call special meetings of
the shareholders at any time, and shall do so upon the writ-
ten request of the holders of one-twentieth of the shares.

7. Notices of meetings, of calls for payments of sub-

scriptions, or for any other purpose, shall be deemed bind-
ing upon each subscriber and shareholder if mailed prepaid
tc the last address given by him to the trustees, or in default
thereof, to his last given place of business or abode. No-
tices of meetings shall be given seven days beforehand, and
may be given by advertisement for three successive days
in two daily papers published in said Boston, or by mail,
at the option of the trustees. In notices of special meet-
ings the purpose therefor shall be stated.

8. Shareholders may vote by proxy. At any annual

meeting or special meeting called for the purpose the hold-
ers of a majority of the entire number of shares may fill any
vacancy existing in the number of trustees, may depose any
or all of the trustees and elect others in their place, may
authorize a sale or mortgage of the real estate or any part
thereof held by trustees, and may alter or amend this agree-
ment. For all other purposes a majority of those sharehold-
ers present may decide at such meetings, and ten sharehold-
ers or their proxies representing one-fifth of all the shares
shall constitute a quorum. No such alteration or amend-
ment of this agreement or deposition or appointment of
trustee shall affect any person not having actual notice
thereof until recorded in Eegistry of Deeds for Suffolk
County, nor shall any such alteration or amendment or
other action affect rights (previously acquired) of any third
person. Acertificate signed by the chairman of such meet-
ing shall,if countersigned by at least one of the trustees,
be conclusive evidence of the regularity of the meeting and

of the vote having been passed by the requisite majority
and of all facts stated in such vote or certificate material
to title.

Any vacancy in the number of trustees may be


filledby the remaining trustee until the next annual meet-

ing of the shareholders or special meeting called for the pur-
pose of filling such vacancy. The acting trustee or trustees
from time to time shall have all the powers of original trus-
tees. Upon resignation, decease, incapacity, or removal, or
vacancy for any cause, the title of the outgoing trustee
shall rest in the remaining trustee, and upon the filling of
any vacancy by the shareholders as aforesaid the title of the
whole trust property shall rest in the new board jointly.

10. No mortgage of the real estate held by the

sale or
trustees, or any part thereof, shall be made by them unless
authorized by vote of the shareholders as provided above,
except that the trustees may sell all the trust property at
the expiration of the trust in default of action relative
thereto by the shareholders.

11. This trust shall not continue in any event longer

than twenty years after the death of the last surviving sub-
scriber hereto. The trustees shall not be required to give
bond, and each shall be liable only for his own acts, and
then only for wilful breach of trust.

12. Any certificate or paper signed by the trustees or

any of them or by the shareholders, or a copy of the record
of any of their proceedings certified by any one of the trus-
tees which it may be deemed desirable to record in the Regis-
try of Deeds for the County of Suffolk, may be acknowl-
edged by any one of the trustees or parties signing in the
manner prescribed for the acknowledgment of deeds in Mas-

13. We the subscribers agree to pay to the trustees

the amounts stated against our names, in such sums and at
such times as the trustees may require, and in case any sub-
scriber neglects to pay any installment required by the

trustees in twenty days after notice, the amount of Ms sub-
scription then unpaid may
be canceled at the option of the
trustees, who may accept another subscriber in his place.'

14. The limit of subscriptions hereto shall be the sum

of 12,700,000, and no subscription shall be binding until the
total amount reaches the sum of |1,400,000. It being un-
derstood that the remaining |1,300,000 is to be raised by a
mortgage of the said real estate.

15. The first trustees under this agreement shall be

Charles E. Cotting and Francis C. Welch, both of said
Boston, who signify their acceptance of the trust by sub-
scribing their names thereto. No surety or sureties shall
have to be required of any trustee acting hereunder.

Name. Amount. Name. Amount.

Estate of Fred L.
Ames, by Oliver
Ames 2d, Samuel
Carr, Exca $200,000 H. H. Hunnewell. .|200,000
B. P. Cheney, By Henry Lee 100,000
B. P. Cheney, David Sears 50,000
Jr., Attorney .200,000 Grant Walker
. . 60,000
Etc., etc.

I, Andrew C. Wheelwright, hereby certify that I

the Chairman of a Special Meeting of the shareholders of
the Tremont Building Trust under an Agreement and Dec-
laration of Trust made April 14th, 1894, and recorded with
Suffolk Deeds, lib. 2212, Page 210, duly called for the pur-
pose and held at Boston on Tuesday the fifth day of March.
A. D. 1901, and that at said meeting the holders of a ma-
jority of the entire number of shares passed the following
vote, amending said Agreement and Declaration of Trust.


VOTED :That the Agreement and Declara-

tion of Trust dated April lith, 1894, and recorded
with Suffolk Deeds, lib. 2212, Page 210, be and the
same hereby is altered and amended as follows:
The Trustees under said agreement are authorized
to purchase the estate on the westerly corner of
Beacon Street and Tremont Place, in Boston, now
belonging to Walter J. Otis and numbered six on
said Beacon Street, and one and three on said
Tremont Place, also the adjoining estate on said
Tremont Place now belonging to Isidore B. Eag-
giotti and numbered five on said Tremont Place,
containing together about four thousand, eight
hundred and sixty-five square feet, and any exist-
ing leases and mortgages thereon, and to proceed
to erect thereon a "building of the first class,"
said real estate when so purchased to be held by
the said trustees upon the trusts set forth in said
agreement and with the same powers in all re-
spects as if the same had been included within the
scope of the original trust, and upon the comple-
tion of such building or at any time thereafter
said trustees are authorized to issue from time to
time such additional stock on such terms as to
them seem best to pay for said land, the can-
cellation of leases and mortgages and the con-
struction of such building and any incidental ex-
penses connected therewith.

I further certify that at said meeting the holders of a

majority of the entire number of shares passed the fol-

lowing vote

VOTED: To provide means of paying for

the land situated on the westerly corner of Bea-
con Street and Tremont Place, numbered six on
Beacon Street and one, three, and five on Tremont
Place, containing together about four thousand,

— —

eight hundred and sixty-five square feet, the can-

cellation of leases, the discharge of mortgages,
and the erection of a building thereon; the trus-
tees are authorized to borrow from time to time
such money as in their opinion is necessary for
those purposes, and to give the notes or obligations
of the trustees therefor on such time and bearing
interest at such rate as to the trustees shall seem
best, which notes shall be enforceable against any
property now or hereafter held under the agree-
ment of trust, and to secure payment for such
notes or obligations by giving a power of sale,
mortgage or mortgages in such form as they may
deem expedient covering said land and buildings.
No mortgagee, however, to be under any obliga-
tion to see to the application of the money lent.
Witness my hand this 30th day of March, A. D. 1901.
Countersigned :

Trustees of Tremont Building,
Under an Agreement and Declaration of
Trust made April 14tli, 1894, and re-
corded with Suffolk Deeds, lib. 2212,
Page 210.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1

Then personally appeared the above named Charles E.

Cotting and Francis C. Welch, and acknowledged the fore-
going instrument by them subscribed to be their free act
and deed as Trustees.
Before me, ERNEST DANE,
Recorded : Justice of the Peace.
April 2d, 1901, one o'clock and
twenty-eight minutes P. M.


5. Form of Declaration of Trust Formed to Handle

Personal Property.

Agreement and
Declaration of Trnst of the


Dated : June 29tli, 1899.

THIS AGREEMENT, made this twenty-ninth day of

June, A. D. 1899, by and between E. Rollins Morse, Henry
Russell Shaw, Robert W. Emmons, 2d, and George W.
Parker, co-partners under the firm name of E. Rollins
Morse and Brother, and William A. Tucker, S. Reed An-
thony, Philip L. Saltonstall and Nathan Anthony, co-part-
ners under the firm name of Tucker, Anthony and Com-
pany, together with their assigns, herein designated as the
"SUBSCRIBEES," and Gordon Abbott, Charles Francis
Adams, Reed Anthony, John N. Beckley, Amos F.
2d, S.
Breed, EverettW. Burdett, Charles E. Cotting, Eugene N.
Foss, Walter Hunnewell, Stillman F. Eelley, E. BoUins
Morse, Eichard Olney, Percy Parker, S. Endicott Peabody,
and Philip L. Saltonstall, together with their successors,
herein designated as the "TRUSTEES," witnesseth

WHEREAS the subscribers propose to transfer, as-
sign, and deliver to the Trustees, under the designation of
shares of the capital stock and other securities of sundry
street railways and other companies and contracts to pur-
chase the same and also other property, as shown in a sched-
ule identified by the signatures of the parties hereto and
filed with the Trustees and the Trustees for the purpose of

defining the interests of the subscribers and their assigns

in such property, have agreed to issue to the Subscribers
negotiable certificates for two hundred and forty thousand

: :

(240,000) shares, of which one hundred and twenty thou-

sand (120,000) shall be preferred and one hundred and
twenty thousand (120,000) shall be common, each share to
be expressed of the par value of one hundred (100) dollars,
and all of said shares to be issued to the Subscribers in the
following proportions, viz

To KoUins Morse and Brother, or order, 60,000

said E.
preferred shares and 60,000 common shares to said Tucker, ;

Anthony & Company, or order, 60,000 preferred shares and

60,000 common shares.

NOW, THBRBFOEE, the Trustees hereby declare that

they will hold said property so to be transferred to them, as
well as all other property which they may acquire as such
Trustees, together with the proceeds thereof, in trust, to
manage and dispose of the same for the benefit of the hold-
ers from time to time, of the certificates of shares issued
hereunder, according to the priorities expressed in said cer-
tificates, and in the manner and subject to the stipulations
herein contained, to- wit

FIRST. The Trustees, in their collective capacity,

shall be designated, so far as practicable, as the "MASSA-
name shall, so far as practicable, conduct all business and
execute all instruments in writing, in performance of their

SECOND. The Trustees shall always be fifteen in

number, and of the Trustees herein mentioned by name, S.
Reed Anthony, Everett W. Burdett, E. Rollins Morse, S.
Endicott Peabbdy, and Philip L. Saltonstall, shall hold
the first annual meeting of the shareholders;
office until

Gordon Abbott, John N. Beckley, Amos F. Breed, Walter

Hunnewell, and Stillman F. Kelley, shall hold office until
the second annual meeting of the shareholders
; and Charles

Francis Adams, 2d, Charles E. Cotting, Eugene N. Foss,

Richard Olney, and Percy Parker, shall hold office until
the third annual meeting of the shareholders; except that
said Trustees, as well as any Trustees hereafter elected,
shall in all cases hold office until their successors have heen
elected and accepted this trust.

The shareholders shall, at each annual meeting, or ad-

journment thereof, elect five Trustees to serve for the term
of three years next ensuing. In case of the death, resigna-
tion, or inability to act of any of said Trustees, the remain-
ing Trustees shall accept any resignation and fill any va-
cancy for the unexpired term. As soon as any Trustees
elected by the shai^eholders or by the remaining Trustees to
fill a vacancy have accepted this trust, the trust estate shall

rest in the new Trustees or Trustee, together with the con-

tinuing Trustees, without any further act or conveyance.

THIED. The Trustees shall hold the legal title to all

property at any times belonging to their trust, and shall
have and exercise the exclusive management and control of
the same; they shall assume all contracts for and obliga-
tions and liabilities in connection with or growing out of
the purchase of the stock or securities assigned to them by
the Subscribers and mentioned in the annexed schedule, and
to the extent and value of such stock and securities, but not
personally, shall agree to hold the Subscribers and any per-

son associated or acting with them harmless and indem-

nified from and against any loss, cost, expense, or liability
upon, by reason of, or in connection with, any such contract,
obligation or liability; they may adopt and use a common
seal they shall have power to vote in person or by proxy

upon all shares of stock at any time belonging to the trust,

and to collect, receive, and receipt for the dividends thereon,
and may contract with each or any of the controlled compa-
nies in respect of any matter or matters relating to the
operation of the road or the conduct of the business of any
such company or companies, to collect, sue for, receive and
receipt for all sums of money at any time coming due to

said trust; to employ counsel to begin, prosecute, defend
and settle suits at law, in equity or otherwise, and to com-
promise or refer to arbitration any claims in favor of or
against the trust; they may also, with the consent of not
less than ten of their number given at a meeting called for
that purpose, but not otherwise, exchange, upon such terms
as maybe agreed upon, the stock or securities held by them
in any corporation for the stock or securities of any other
corporation, taking over the property of such corporation
by consolidation or otherwise; and with such consent but
not otherwise, may loan money to any corporation of which
they may own a majority of the capital stock, and may sub-
scribe for or acquire additional stock or the securities or
obligations of such corporations and with such consent, but

not otherwise, may subscribe for, purchase, and acquire

shares in the capital stock of any corporation (1) owning
or operating railways or railroads, or engaged in the busi-
ness of transporting merchandise, mails or express matter,
or (2) engaged in whole or in part in supplying light, heat,
power or other public service, or (3) manufacturing, sell-
ing or repairing machines, equipments, supplies or other
by corporations of either or both of the classes
articles used
above named, or (4) engaged in the business of insuring
corporations of any or all of the foregoing classes against
loss by fire or casualty, or (5) engaged in the business of
advertising in the cars or upon the premises of railways, or
railroad companies; and with such consent, but not other-
wise, may borrow money for any of the purposes aforesaid.
With the consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of
each class of shares outstanding, at a meeting called for that
purpose, but not otherwise except as herein otherwise pro-
vided, the Trustees may sell, mortgage, pledge, encumber,
or dispose of any shares or stock securities or other prop-
erty from time to time held by them upon such terms and
for such purposes as the shareholders at such meeting may

So far as strangers to this trust are concerned, a reso-

lution of the Trustees authorizing a particular act to be done

shall be conclusive evidence in favor of such strangers that
such act is within the powers of the Trustees, and no pur-
chaser from the Trustees shall be bound to see the applica-
tion of the purchase money or other consideration paid or
delivered by or for said purchaser to or for said Trustees.

FOURTH. Stated meetings of the Trustees shall be

held at least once a month, and other meetings shall be held
from time to time upon the call of the President or any
three of the Trustees. A majority of the Board constitutes
a quorum, and the concurrence of all the Trustees shall not
be necessary to the validity of any action done by them, but
the wish of a majority of the Trustees present and voting
at any meeting shall be conclusive except as hereinbefore
specifically provided. The Trustees may make, adopt,
amend, or repeal such by-laws, rules, and regulations, not
inconsistent with the terms of this instrument, as they may
be deemed necessary or desirable for the conduct of their
business and for the government of themselves and their
agents, servants, and representatives.

FIFTH. The Trustees shall annually elect from among

theirnumber a President and Vice-President of the Board,
and shall also annually elect a Treasurer and Secretary, and
they shall have authority to appoint such other officers,
agents, and attorneys as they may from time to time deem
necessary or expedient for the conduct of their business.
They shall have authority to accept resignations and to fill
any vacancy in the office of President, Vice-President,
Treasurer, or Secretary, for the unexpired term and shall

likewise have authority to elect temporary officers to serve

during the absence or disability of regular officers. The
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall
have the authority and shall perform the duties usually inci-
dent to those offices in the case of corporations, so far as
applicable thereto, and shall have such other authority and
perform such other duties as may from time to time be
determined by the Trustees. The Trustees shall fix the
compensation of any, or all officers and agents whom they

may appoint, and are likewise authorized to pay to them-
selves such compensation for their own services as they may
deem reasonable. The Trustees shall also appoint from
among their number an Executive Committee of three or
five persons, to whom they may delegate such of the powers
herein conferred upon the Trustees as they may deem expe-
dient, except so far as those matters are concerned in
which the concurrent action of at least ten Trustees is

The Trustees shall not be liable for errors of judgment

either in holding property originally conveyed to them or in
acquiring and afterward holding additional property, nor
for any loss arising out of any investmeijt, nor for any
act or omission to act performed or omitted by them in the
execution of this trust in good faith, nor shall they be
liable for the acts or omissions of each other or of any
officer, agent, or servant appointed by or acting for them,
and they shall not be obliged to give any bond to secure the
due performance of this trust by them.

SJXTH. Shares hereunder shall be of the par value

of one hundred ($100.00) dollars each, and shall be divided
into preferred and common shares. The preferred shares
shall entitle the holder to accumulative semi-annual divi-
dends at the rate of 4 per centum per annum, and no more,
the same to be paid or set apart before any dividend shall
be paid or set apart for the common shares; and in case of
liquidation, the proceeds of the liquidation shall be first
applied to the payment to the holder of preferred shares,
of the sum of one hundred dollars per share and any accrued
and unpaid dividends thereon, and the balance remaining
thereafter shall be divided among the holders of common
shares in proportion to their holdings. As evidence of the
ownership of said shares, the Trustees shall cause to be
issued to each shareholder a negotiable certificate or cer-
tificates, which certificates shall be in form following, to-


( Form of Certificates of Oommon Shares.

(Form of Certificates of Preferred Shares.)

SEVENTH. In addition to tlie shares to be original-

ly issued to the subscribers as hereinbefore provided, the
Trustees shall issue and sell, at public or private sale, upon
such terms and for such prices as they may deem expedient,
such additional preferred or common shares, or both, as
may be necessary to provide means to pay for the stock of
the New Bedford, Middleborough, and Broqkton Street
Railway Company, the contract for the purchase of which
i§ to be assigned to and assumed by the Trustees.

Except as aforesaid, no share shall be issued by the

Trustees in excess of the amount to be originally issued to
the Subscribers, as hereinbefore stated. But the Trustees
may from time to time, for the purpose of acquiring means
for the acquisition of additional property or otherwise
accomplishing the purpose of this trust, with the consent
and two-
of at least two-thirds of the preferred stockholders
thirds of the common and voting, at
shareholders, present
any meeting called for that purpose, issue and dispose of
additional shares upon such terms and in such manner as
the shareholders at such meeting may determine.

In case of the loss or destruction of any certificates of

shares issued by the Trustees, the Trustees may, under such
condition as they may deem expedient, issue a new certifi-
cate or certificates in the place of the one lost or destroyed.

EIGHTH. The Trustees may from time to time declare

and pay dividends out of the net earnings from time to
time received by them, but the amount of such dividends
and the payment of them shall be wholly in the discretion
of the Trustees; except that the dividends on the preferred
shares shall be payable semi-annually on the first days of
June and December in each year, at the rate of 4 per cent
per annum, and no more, and shall be cumulaitivie, and said
semi-annual dividends shall be paid or set apart before any
dividends are paid on the common shares.

NINTH. The year of the Trustees shall end on

the thirteenth day of September in each year. Annual

meetings for the election of five Trustees and for the trans-
action of other business, shall be held in Boston, on the
Wednesday following the first MondayNovember, in
each year, beginning with the year 1900, of which meet-
ings notice shall be given by the Secretary, by mail, to each
shareholder, at his registered address, at least ten days
before said meeting.

Special meetings of the shareholders may be called at

any time, upon seven days' notice given as above stated,
when ordered by the President or Trustees. At all meet-
ings of the Shareholders, each holder of shares, whether
preferred or common, shall be entitled to one vote for each
share held by him, and any shareholder may vote by proxy.

No business shall be transacted at any special meeting

of the shareholders unless notice of such business has been
given in the call for the meeting.

No business except to adjourn shall be transacted at

any meeting of the Shareholders unless the holders of a
majority of all the shares outstanding are present in person
or by proxy.

TENTH. The death of a Shareholder or Trustee during

the continuance of this trust shall not operate to determine
the trust, nor shall it entitle the legal representative of the
deceased shareholder to an accounting, or to take any action
ill the courts, or elsewhere, against the Trustees; but the

executors, administrators, or assigns ofany deceased share-

holder shall succeed to the rights of said decedent under
this trust, upon surrender of the certificate for the shares
owned by him.

The ownership of shares hereunder shall not entitle

the shareholders to any title in or to the trust property
whatsoever, or right to call for a partition or division of the
same, or for an accounting.

ELEVENTH. The Trustees shall have no power to
bind the shareholders personally, and the subscribers and
their assigns and all persons or corporations extending
credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against the
Trustees shall look only to the funds and property of the
trust for payment under such contract or claim, or for the
payment of any debt, damage, judgment, or decree, or of
any money that may otherwise become due or payable to
them from the Trustees, so that neither the Trustees nor
the shareholders, present or future, shall be personally
liable therefor.

In every written order, contract, or obligation which

the Trustees shall give or enter into, it shall be the duty of
the Trustees to stipulate that neither the Trustees nor the
Shareholders shall be held to any personal liability under
or by reason of such order, contract, or obligation.

TWELFTH. This trust shall continue for the term

of twenty-one years, at which time the then Board of Trus-
tees shall proceed towind up its affairs, liquidate its assets,
and distribute the same among the holders of preferred and
common shares according to the priorities hereinbefore ex-
pressed, PEOVIDED, HOWEVER, that if prior to the ex-
piration of said period, the holders of at least two-thirds
of the shares then outstanding shall, at meeting called for
that purpose, vote to terminate or to continue this trust,
then said trust shall either terminate or continue in exist-
ence for such further period as may then be determined.

For the purpose of winding up their affairs and liqui-

dating the assets of the trust, the then Board of Trustees

shall continue in office until such duties have been fully

This agreement and declaration of trust may be

amended or altered except as regards the liabilities of the
Trustees at any annual or special meeting of the share-
holders with the consent of the holders of at least two-
thirds of the shares of each class then outstanding; pro-

vided notice of the proposed amendment or alteration shall

ha^e been given in the call for the meeting; and in ease of
such alteration or amendment, the same shall be attached
to and made a part of this agreement, and a copy thereof
shall be filed with the OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gordon Abbott,

Charles Francis Adams, 2d, S. Reed Anthony, John N.
Beekley, Amos F. Breed, Everett W. Burdett, Charles E.
Cotting, Eugene N. Foss, Walter Hunnewell, Stillman F.
Kelley, E. Rollins Morse, Richard Olney, Percy Parker, S.
Endicott Peabody, and Philip L. galtonstall, Trustees,
hereinbefore mentioned, have hereunto set their hands and
seals, in token of their acceptance of the trust hereinbefore
mentioned, for themselves and their successors, and the said
E. Rollins Morse, Henry Russell Shaw, Robert W. Em-
mons, 2d, and George W.
Parker, as co-partners under the
firm name Morse and Brothers, and William
of E. Rollins
A. Tucker, S. Reed Anthony, Philip L. Saltonstall, and
Nathan Anthony, as co-partners under the firm name of
Tucker, Anthony and Company, Subscribers, have hereunto
set their hands and seals, in token of their assent to and
approval of said terms of trust, for themselves and their
assigns, the day and year first above written.


E. Rollins Morse,
Henry Russell Shaw,
Robert W. Emmons, 2d,
George W. Parker,

William A. Tucker,
S. Reed Anthony,
Philip L. Saltonstall,
Nathan Anthony, j

: : :

Gordon Abbott,
Charles F. Adams, 2d,
S.Eeed Anthony,
John N. Beckley,
Amos F. Breed,
Everett W.Burdett,
Charles E. Getting,
Eugene N. Foss,
Walter Hunnewell,
Stillman F. Kelley,
E. Rollins Morse,
Richard Olney,
Percy Parker,
S. E. Peabody,
Philip L. Saltonstall.

Agreement and
Declaration of Trust of the


For three years

Richard Olney, Eugene N. Foss,
Charles E. Cotting, Percy Parker,
Charles Francis Adams, 2d.

For two years

Gordon Abbott, John N. Beckley,
Amos F. Breed, Stillman F. Kelley,
Walter N. Hunnewell.

For one year

S, Endicott Peabody, Everett W. Burdett
S. Reed Anthony, Philip L. Saltonstal
E. Rollins Morse.


President—Ames P. Breed.
Vice-President— Charles E. Getting.
Secretary—Everett W. Burdett
Treasurer—Joseph H. Goodspeed.
General Manager—P. F. Sullivan.

Executive Committee:

Gordon Abbott, Chairman,

Charles F. Adams, 2d, Percy Parker,
Eugene N. Foss, Philip L. Saltonstall.

— . 9


References are to Pages.


Acknowledgment Same as of Deed

to Declaration of Trust, 11
Advantages of Incorporation Compared With Trust Agreements . 5-7
Advantages of the Trust Method Over Incorporation 7
Amendments to Trust Agreements
How Made 13-14, 23-24
To Be Recorded 10
To Be Filed 24
Application of Trust Funds, Liability of Third Parties to See to,
How Limited 14, 19


By-Laws Adopted by Trustees 19


Certificates of Stock to Cestuis Qui Trust 6,

Committee, Executive, May Be Chosen by Trustees 20

Common Law, Organization Under, as Protection 4
Compensation of Trustees 9-10
Continued Existence, as Advantage of Incorporation 5
How Limited in Trust Agreement 23


Death of Member Will Not Terminate Trust 22

Dividends, How Declared and Paid 21
Directors of Corporations and Trustees Compared 6

Dissolution of Trust Compared With Dissolution of Corporation.. 7


Eliot vs. Freeman et al 3, 7

Evidence of Regularity of Meeting 10-11
Executive Committee of Trustees 20
Existence of Trust, Limiting Time of 11


Fiscal Year, Provided for In Trust Agreements 22

Fixed Interest Rates on Certificates May Be Provided For 9
Form of Declaration of Trust to Handle Personal Property 15-26
To Hold Real Estate '.
Franchise Taxes, Trust Agreements Not Subject to 7


Holding Companies, Powers of May Be Provided in Trust Agree-

ments 7
Form Providing For 18
Hussey vs. Arnold et al 6


Joint Stock Companies Distinguislied From Trust Agreements . . i


Liability of Trustees and Shareholders, How Limited. .8-9, 17, 20, 23


Litigation, in CorporateName as Advantage of Incorporation.... 7

Brought and Defended by Trustees 18
Lost Certificates, New May Be Issued for, by Trustees 21


Maine Baptist Convention vs. Getting et al

IVIissionary 3, 7
Management of Trusts inHands of Trustees 17
Massachusetts Electric Companies, Form of Organization 15-26
Meetings, Safety and Convenience of 6
Of Shareholders, How Called 10
Of Trustees 19
Mortgages, Powers of Trustees in Respect to 6
Mortgagee Relieved From Liability to See to Application of
Money Loaned T. . . 14


Notice of Meetings 10, 22


Officers of Trust Estate, Chosen and Named Same as of Corpora-

tions 19-20
Olney, Richard, Reputed Author of Trust Agreement of Massa-
chusetts Electric Companies 4


Partition, Right of Denied to Shareholders 22

Perpetuities, Rule Against, How Avoided by Trust Agreements 5 . .

Personal Liability Limited in Trust Agreements 5

Preferred Shares, Provided for in Trust 20-21
Promoters, Compensation of. Provided for in Trust Agreement. 9 .

Proxy, Shareholders in Trust May Vote by 10, 22


Real Estate Business, General Laws of Massachusetts do Not Per-

mit Incorporation for 3
Reports Required of Corporations as Such, Not Required of Trusts 7
Resolution Authorizing Trustees to Borrow Money 14
Rule Against Perpetuities, Violation of. How Avoided in Trust
Agreements 5


Seal May Be Adopted by Trustees, Equivalent to Corporate Seal. . 17

Shares in Ttust, Transferable 6


Taxation of Corporations as Such Does Not Apply to Trust

Agreements .J'. 7
Trustees, Liability of, How Limited 20


Unissued Shares In Trust May be Provided for 21


Vacancies in Number of Trustees, How Filled 10, 11, 17


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