Pam Hupp Files Motion

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IN THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, MISSOURI Divs ADI-CCO09Q7 ‘Judge or Di /) y Case Number: “on 2, Cuanméham| te iT"0 0454 - 0] FILED a Movants Adsress hnela Mane Hupp | acres 1d- 12g SEP 21 2020 dee, | 215) Litton Rl GIROUIE CLERK State of Missour, Respondent Chillteothe Wo vdeo! CHARLES CO : (owe Fte st Instructions - Read Carefully In order for this motion to receive consideration by the Circuit Court, it shall be in writing (legibly handwritten or typewsitten), signed by the movant, and it shall set forth in concise form the answers to each applicable question. Ifiecessary, movant may furnish an answer to @ particular question on the reverse side of the page or an additional blank page. Movant shall make it clear to which question any such continued answer refers, This motion must be filed in the Circuit Court which imposed sentence, ‘The movant is required to include in this motion every ctaim known to hinw/her for vacating, setting aside or correcting the conviction and sentence or it willbe waived or abandoned. Be sure to include every claim. Movant should exercise care to assure that all answers are true and correct. Ifthe movant is taken in forma pauperis, it shall include an affidavit setting forth information that establishes that movant will be unable to pay costs of the proceedings. When the motion is completed, the original and two copies shall be mailed to the Clerk ofthe Circuit Court from which to movant was sentenced, Motion to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct the Judgment or Sentence 1 Place of detention : Coe, Uniilcothe — Vovrectwra/ Venter 2, Name and location of court which imposed sentence: St Cnavks 0 dusty 3. The case number and the offense or offenses for which sentence was imposed: io - CRO4SIT-D) Murder in rer [ 4. (@) The date upon which sentence was imposed and the terms ofthe sentence: ¥-12- (J (b) The date upon which you were delivered to the custody of the department of corrections to serve the sentence you wish to challenge: - | Be ‘08ca (7-10) cvtas tots SOR 24,035, 20.15, 5. Check whether a finding of guilty was made: (2) After a plea ot ity DX (b) After a plea of not guilty 6. Did you appeal from the judgment of conviction? _ NO 7. you answered yes" to (6), list (a) the name of the court to which you appealed: (b) the result in such court and the date of such result: (c) the date the appellate court's mandate issued: 8 State concisely al he clsims known to you for vacating, seting asic or comecting your convition and sentence (a) oka HxetnS! Dives pees cik yo dud hud: iy ieut pg eile becca 4 ebritego cite Gola, EnU weed conten tol ir jesharnd! te plein Nex () bated) Melby Hts POY Gi Herre Ch a to Gt land weluvbsen . They oe fur’ ty ted. Spike tik - SA NMebiypty Hones for Speechy Hehe Hirao Mel aed Lev (ie, 9. State concisely and in the same order the facts supporting each of the claims set out in (8), and the names and addresses of the witnesses or other evidence upon which you intend to rely to prove such facts: U4 lve Wed ton ples de IE pee F hed Se meng Hlego te dyewer, They eet (iy Hine phat ices wel of He ater? Mad tg bo Cecation r Uuae free Ure nfl oO a Nushad & thu, Uverts’ se O_Acke! meti pG bie (Bur) fer Obert eleatin. Me Aberityge Nery fete fev ine. le Velev bec aoe. @ then poorer (ed i ( heie/ Yul Dey burs fev ue hn dng thin £ wee La feet tebe Ha, rile lowed it eCune lem, Ueked Lote acdvets le TiN Court tyawerypt rn TET DIN eer ey OScA (7-10) cv145, 206 SCR 24.036, 29.15, 4° i Cow ee Gort. from pag, 266 4,n,0 #9 (@) When ws han plea was of ree pomiee Confeverar ee wr eat Was Me hewskand of 35 _ oa yrreton thay would eet “ 1, Go E tered tal rae alee eons oy ‘ ih ta Meese. + Woartedl tad , Be Hs Clock ticked Qua fine Qtlenege, make | ye Oud) Sucd & ee L ehll Mop ee Now Ly es Metin i domme. 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Al) Hae Uinatis et have Chea lar” wove ese vert lh, (Elersed Lyon tus lew t. Ney (VNeseceh [ecoreh, fa Har yeh Clearly chow Tvs Not seu'e ilar dnd Vs cliticpted OY Chueed) Ori, Heda fey Dipes. TL wee obvi that Tees Kept frowe to Pucssuce WR FON a, plex Lt UGS Cyl avD trust Pinclinrat No one he mak vr Late hak Hed SAW Pwr fot (@) 5) dh. Hiet £ bebkec! V atone I ou tec it Po BQ opus tls bias Notun, was evry dene Dud T wes |, liek To all Hee pire Alot te -g- adn ee Wwésal furned) over, ote La) te wdse apt Glin, He Aessahites mire. laud “more tam when he Aes pret lus uted [ines Whur T Was [1 Cowl tHe Judy (ike) Wer thot W peed, fried. ached the dee whet le Console’ & Gpeed fered [E fol2 hunt my Lviect Was yot. T te Ose dud tht | dn Gees S Stewtet te K abet tA tul talbed thembclo jinte Hed Whee Hew Ad @ he Was cK, This Was Me Oy en re it re ns, that Was } gening te Wi. Ott ZL dls, bres 1a eg Iu Otorrug Wok e250) LEO Ylotles aud a ob @& wHos, eked shen to-Thenr “Hoy prs a ne to teking & pee Lo(th bid lev (ible te 4+n0k ooe Cres - locked! doen Wk caecee de Luk Un & tere Sut fev Bias. oF Chalke lvemans lSureil Unt 16 alos tHe BF Ade, becawe Hhewe has Vortar been fh Cenrede hole-on Ly Ha hike for males EF wes 2 byeateld tte Srime Os thre pepe In tha pele . oT. Chutes Seed Ld was Cop Wy, Wer Prdtecten- that Wes ee [ce-Theve Weve Mites Huck lec werse Oars Quéd Huy, Were Neer Keyt lin true for Mere Hun Huer| Menthe. + have heen at dee Ly ARH over & Ular NE, avd hace Never has’ Oa, Tren be tre (iw pa A It tt Be Uninates re Led st Vhevles Caek Wn pecan) cat St Cheles, Und hee gt CEE hack pec IM ang tHoublee or bothered by Isc ons 10. Prior to this motion have you filed with respect to the conviction (2) Any motion to vacate judgment under Missouri Supreme Court rule 24.035, 27.28 or20.187_NC \ | {b) Any petitions in state or federal courts for habeas corpus?_ © {c) Any petitions in the United States Supreme Court for certiorari?__/\/ C? (@) Any other petitions, motions or applications in this or any other court? _ NO 11. Ifyou answered “yes” to any part of (10), list with respect to each petition, motion or application (a) the specific nature thereof (b) the name and location of the court in which each was filed: (c) the disposition thereof and the date of such disposition: (2) if known, citations of any written opinions or orders entered pursuant to each such disposition (O8ca 7-10) ovtas, 3of 6 SOR 24.035, 29.15, 12, Has any claim set forth in (8) been previously presented to this or any other court, state or federal, in any petition, motion or application that you have filed? NO 13. Ifyou answered "yes" to (12), identify (2) the claims that have been previously presented (b) the proceedings in which each claim was raised 14. Ifyou have fled prior proceedings in any state or federal court involving this same sentence but did not raise therein one or more of the claims you now list in (8), state which were not raised in the earlier proceedings and why they were not raised in those proceedings: @ Ny (b), {c) (O8cA (7-10) vias, aoe SCR 24.036, 20.15, 18. Were you represented by an attorney at any time during the course of (2) yurpaiminayhearng? aye (b) your arraignment and plear “Yl (©) your trial, any? Ms (2) your sentencing? Lee (e) your appeal, if any, from Seen conviction or the imposition of sentence? Us ()) preparation, presentation or consideration of any petitions, motions or applications with respect to this convietion, which you fled? V0 16. tf you answered "yes" o one or more of part (15), ist (@) the name and address of each attomey who represented you i Keeley nod Wi tams - Clanton Mo. i Hin Pvete - 2255 Wevact later NW ip 3057 i, Pyadlock Weoley Nice W. Higms (b) the proceedings at which each such attorney represented you . i Bw ancl wi iliams i Plea 4 Haring wert- Heesle a- feesler wiiligns bude Evetec nteriding - Kecsien Wiliams dod eveteO 17. Are you now under sentence from any other court that you have not challenged? _ VO. 18. If you are seeking leave to proceed in forma pauperis, have you completed the swom affidavit setting forth the required information (see instructions, page 1 of this form)?_U 7S Ze the contents thereof; that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; that | have listed ‘movant in this case, state by subscribing to this petition; that | know every claim known to me for vacating, setting aside or correcting the conviction and sentence attacked in this motion; and that | understand that I waive any claim for relief known to me that I have not listed in this motion. 7 Dm TE, a ‘Signature of Movant” (08cA (7-10) cv145, 5016 SOR 24.035, 20.15, state of _|/ 2601/2, ) i ) County of Aiincc ti ) Forma Pauperis Affidavit (Secingten ee of fm) in Clitewty in Piste) The only moneys L Hh _Ghate pers Merge. Ve@erw ‘ew | Affiant, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that | have subscribed to the foregoing affidavit; that | know the oe contents thereof; and that the matters therein set forth are trug \ ‘Signature of Affi COZ cate) ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public !_ of ~202,3 | My commission expires: (date) UYNN WINEBRENNER Notary Public, Notary Seat tate of Missouri Livingston County | Commission # 19947124 How co emastan Eaten 61062 | si comission Expires 01.08.2029 | (OCA (7-10) ov145, eos SOR 24,035, 20.15,

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