Safety and Care About Workers - Eng

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Safety and Care About Workers

* Safety, protection, social and health care of workers

- Article from (91) to (101)
- Ministerial resolution no. (37/2) of year 1982
Every employer shall, before employment of any worker at his establishment, conduct
medical examination with the competent health authorities and he shall issue to the worker
a health card enables him to the medical treatment during period of his work with the
employer, or includes him in the health insurance which enables him to receive required
treatment.. Article (10) from the ministerial resolution no. (37/2).

1. What are the duties and responsibilities (of employer) in protection of workers and their
1. He shall display detailed instructions in a conspicuous position indicating the measures to
be taken to prevent fire and protect workers against hazards to which they may be exposed
in Arabic language and another language understood by the workers .. article ( 92) .
2. He shall provide first-aid boxes containing medicines, bandages, antiseptics and such
other first-aid materials and shall be put in obvious position and within the reach of the
workers, and he shall assign its use to a person specialized in providing first-aid services.
there shall be one first-aid box for every 100 workers… article ( 93).
3. He shall ensure perfect cleaning and ventilation, adequate lighting, drinking water and
toilettes…article (94)
4. He shall arrange for one or more medical practioners to carry out a periodic general and
thorough examinations each six months and enter such examinations in his records and in
the workers files, Article (95) .. and to notify the ministry of labor about any case of disease
or death resulted from occupational diseases.
5. He shall provide proper medical care facilities .. Article ( 96).
6. Inform each worker at the time of his recruitment of the dangers connected with his
occupation and of the measures he must take …article (98).
7. He shall not allow bringing alcoholic beverages into workplaces and shall not allow any
person who is in a state of drunkenness to enter the establishment.

2. What are the duties and responsibilities of workers toward their safety and protection?
- They shall comply with the instructions and orders respecting industrial and personal
safety precautions.
- They shall use protection equipments
- Shall undertake to keep What they have from protection means and keep them from
damages.. Article (100).

3. If the work site is far from cities and in areas which are remote from towns and not
connected with the normal means of transport, What are the services that are provided by
the employer to the workers, Article (101):
- Adequate means of transport
- Suitable living accommodation
- Drinking water and electricity suitable food stuff
- First-aid facilities
- Recreation and sports facilities.

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