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Number 56
Drawn by E. Tate Larscn ,

reproduced below indicates, the

Bristol Orpheus engine is mounted
well to the rear of the fuselage,and
the centml bay occupied by fuel
tanks. In the G 91A version,
sections of the wing have b€en
sealed off for additional tankage,
and the pylons carry disposable
overload tanks to boost the range.
One of the most demandingfeatures
of the original NATo specification
was that the fight€r should be light,
yet still carrying ample protection
for the Dilot and fuel tanks. and
should also have a high laie of
THE AvrATroN world is one full of engine-the Bristol Orpheus-and acceleEtion. The G9l can reach
contrasts:but mrely do we have such Marlin-Baker ejector seat, with 37? knot6 within 90 s€conds of
a comparison to offer among con- French undeacarriage gear, it really "brakes off" and will ac.elerate in
temporary single-seattypes as with does signify a closely knit Pro- the air at 5,000ft. from 280 knots
rhe c 9l and the F-105detailedlast duction effort within the NATO to ,1O0 knots in 30 s€c.-ample
month. The Fiat is to be the 6rst powers. evidenc€that th€ Bristol engine has
NATO strike fighter, and as such Lic€nsed Droduction of the G 9l moae than met the power demands,
meets thc entirely European specifi- in Germant (Dornier, Heinkel and and with promise of Orpheus units
cation laid down March, 1954, bY MesscNchmitt sent their represen- of higher poner, the C 9l perform-
Air Marshal Sir Basil Embry, then tatives to study C 9l engine€ringlast anc€ *ill continue to meet the
Commanderofthe Allied Air Fotces, October) seems to be a logical annual advanc€ofpurposeS, develoDment.
For that reason it is a relatively develoDment.and it has been re- For modelling the con-
small machine (though not far Dort€d that an R.A.F. mission has ventional lines which are reminisc€nt
rcmoved in size from the MiG t5) ilso made ao examination of the of the F-86 Sabre manufactured
capable of operating out of gmss rype. under lic€nceby Fiat at Turin, make
airfields and meeting a stringent the G9l a natural selection for
series of mission requircmentsplus To tmin new Dilots, the G 9l T ducted fan flying. It is not often that
quick turn-round time for re-fu€lling two-seat trainer version has been we are Siven such a convenient
anq te-ailnlng. ordered by the Italian Air Force, fuselagedoss-sectionfor this amount
and the C 9lR rpconnaissancc of useful wing a.ea and swe€pback,
Three aircraft were designed and variant with a camerain the pointed and we look forward to hearincof
built speciallyfor this NATO speci- nose and two oth€I lateral came€s successfulmodels in the near futirc.
fication. The Breguet l00l Taon, above th€ intake will also cafty Could we suggest 8xthe | /?2nd
DassaultEtendard Vl and the C 91. nomal armament. This can be scale plan opposite for l-llc.c.?
In addition, the Sud Aviation 0'5 in,, 20 mm. or 30 mm. guns Plus
Baroudeur and Dassault Etendard winc Dvlon mounted rockets or ,172,4.cdt. r.ori.t. or t,,i.
IV were admitted to the technical mis;lei. The firc-Dowerof the G 9l il.d|.i^t .d ttisth.rdti dt..
trials at Bretigny in Septemberand ,i^e Dttit. ..;
is in fact as heat as that of many A.P.S. pric. 6.L .nl
October. that five different much largerfighters,and itsflexibility 1.. ..1.t
tvD€s were up for selection. An a great advantage.
- As itrhe
rives 5.t. Do.r.t .nd oaot.
iiriernational team of the most Fiat sectional drawing Pt ; 2zt5' Fl
qualified pilots and engineersin lhe
Allied Countries put each aircraft
throush the most exhaustiveexam-
ination, and the result was that the
C9l has now been awarded the
contracts. drawing
The first batch of 148G 9lAs with
leadingedge slat modificationwill
ao to the ltelian. French and
berman Air Forces. Already, a
oroving squadron,with pilots from
Francel cermanv, Greece,Italv and
Turkey have madeevaluatingflights
wirh the initial batch of Droduction
aircrafl and delegationsfrom Austiia
and Belgium have made a study of
the lype. No fighrer has ever had
such an lnternationalbackground,
and with airframe by Italy, British

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