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Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________ Score:____/30

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(Performing Roles in Life; The Seven Ages of Man; Agreeing and Disagreeing;
Journalistic, Literary and Informative Writing)
I. ALTERNATE RESPONSE TEST. Determine whether the following statements about The Seven
Ages of Man are True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. Write
your answers on the spaces provided.
_______ 1. People are described as sportsmen and sportswomen.
_______ 2. Life is compared to a play.
_______ 3. Babies vomit on their carer’s arms.
_______ 4. School boys go to school quickly.
_______ 5. Lovers create great poems for their mistresses.
_______ 6. In the sixth age men have big manly voices.
_______ 7. In the last stage, we resemble babies in some ways.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST. Write the letter of the choice that corresponds to your answer. Write the
letters on the spaces provided. Use capital letters only.
A. The Seven Ages of Man. Determine what are asked in the following statements.
____ 8. The poem states that people are only ______.
A. actors in a play B. human beings C. soldiers D. foolish children
____ 9. The poem holds the opinion that all people ______.
A. are foolish and make many mistakes C. are like actors playing roles
B. will see the seven ages of man D. are quick to quarrel
____ 10. It compares the ages of man with _____.
A. change of scenery B. stage directions C. an actor’s lines D. a play’s acts
____ 11. According to the poem, a person in the last age is ______.
A. shrunken B. childlike C. brave D. wise
____ 12. What does “sans everything” probably mean in the poem?
A. Imminent death B. complete dark C. crushing poverty D. horrible disease
B. Providing Expressions Appropriate for the Situation. Determine what are asked in the
following questions.
____ 13. Which of these responses expresses tentative agreement?
I think it’d be better to postpone the meeting till next week.
A. Exactly. Too many people are away this week.
B. I’m inclined to agree. Too many people are away this week.
C. I couldn’t agree more. Too many people are away this week.
D. It would. Too many people are away this week.
____ 14. Which of these responses gives an impression of politeness?
The 1960s were the best decade for music.
A. Rubbish! Have you listened to any music since then?
B. I’m sorry, but have you listened to any music since then?
C. How can you say that? Have you listened to any music since then?
D. Are you kidding? Have you listened to any music since then?
____ 15. Which of these responses expresses disagreement most strongly?
What use is history? Do you remember our history lessons at school? Most of what they
taught us was completely useless, wasn’t it?
A. I don’t know. I don’t think it’s fair to say that, actually.
B. I take your point, but that was probably because of the way it was taught.
C. You’ve got a point there, but the problem was that the teachers didn’t really show how it was
relevant to us. D. That’s true, but I think it’s taught a bit differently nowadays.
____ 16. Which of these responses is the most polite?
I think we all agree that the writing was the hardest part of the test.
A. Speak for yourself. B. Excuse me, but I’m not sure whether everyone thought so.
C. We all agree? You must be joking!
D. Nonsense! The listening was far worse.
____ 17. Which of these responses is the most polite?
All public transport in cities should be free.
A. Don’t make me laugh. How on earth would it be financed?
B. Nothing of the kind! How on earth would it be financed?
C. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. How on earth would it be financed?
D. Of course not. How on earth would it be financed?
____ 18. Which of these responses express partial agreement?
Listening to English is really impossible.
A. Absolutely, but speaking it’s even worse!
B. I agree up to a point, but it gets easier with practice.
C. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that. It’s difficult, but it’s really just a matter of getting used to it.
D. That’s right – so many of the words are unclear.
D. Distinguishing Between and Among Literary, Journalistic, and Informative Writing. Study the
following texts and determine the text type. Choose your answers from the following choices.
A. Literary B. Journalistic C. Informative
Once upon a time, there lived a nymph called Echo. She was beautiful and friendly but very
talkative and always had the last word.
One day, the goddess Juno was looking for her husband whom she feared was entertaining
himself among the nymphs. Juno had a bad temper and would like to punish the nymphs with whom she
might find her husband. Echo feared for her friends, so she detained Juno by talking to her in the
friendliest tone. When Juno discovered that she had been tricked, she punished Echo by taking away from
the latter the power to speak first. She could only use her tongue when making a reply.
____ 20. FOLK ART
Folk art is an art produced by ordinary people for their own enjoyment. It is usually simple. It is
produced by the artist out of available materials with the use of homemade tools. It may be an ornament,
but it may be useful and may have some religious purpose or meaning. Year after year, generation after
generation, the same symbol or scene may be treated by different artists. The good artist, however, uses
his own style.
The Muntinlupa City government yesterday ordered an inquiry into the existence of 43 alleged
illegal water pumping stations which may be the real culprit for some mysterious “earthquake” in the city.
Frequent extraction of huge volumes of groundwater by giant pumping stations and deepwells had
be cited by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology as a possible cause of mysterious
ground fissures.
____ 22. Viruses are the bridge between living and non-living things. They are the tiniest particles that
naturally reproduce. The resemble genes, the millions of invisible particles that control the characteristics
of every living cell. Like genes, viruses are made up of the two basic compounds of life-nucleic acid and
protein. Some viruses contain small amounts of fat and sugar.
____ 23. The barangay government is the answer to a history of political centralization that has choked
the community initiative. Giving the members of the barangay the right to choose their own leaders is a
great step toward realizing the democratic ideal. It is only the beginning of serious and sincere effort to get
the voice of the people heard.
____ 24. Tourism
The tourism program provides an effective tool in the development of nationalism, love or country,
loyalty, cooperation, social-mindedness, self-discipline, and respect. Instruction, travel, and research on
tourism can very well contribute to the development of these values.
III. ESSAY. Answer each question in not more than or less than two sentences only . (2 points each)
25-26. What roles can I perform that will make a difference in my life?

27-28. Why is it important to recognize my roles in life?

29-30. How can I perform my roles in life effectively?

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