Emotional Intelligence

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12/6/2019 OneNote

Emotional intelligence
Thursday, 26 July 2018 6:08 PM

1. Emotional intelligence
a. is ability to perceive, understand, control and generate emotion.
b. Emotion makes thinking more intelligent + one thinks more intelligently about emotions
c. Emotion is an affective component of consciousness. A strong feeling deriving from one's
circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
d. Intelligence is ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
e. 5 traits are
i. Self awareness (monitor own feelings)
ii. Self management (control impulses, reaction appropriate)
iii. Self motivation (channel emotion towards achievement of personal goals)
iv. Empathy (ability to read others' emotions)
v. Managing relationships (manage one's own social competence)
f. People with emotional intelligence are able to resist the urge to respond impulsively and
insensitively during interactions with others. 

2. Benefits of emotional intelligence

a. Better communication with differing perspectives => defuse conflicts
b. Better equipped to deal with uncertainty
c. More empathetic person, better work (service delivery in govt)
d. More efficient => challenges overcome
e. Positive attitude overall => leadership
f. Personal and peer relationships are improved

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