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12/6/2019 OneNote

*Past papers
Sunday, 10 June 2018 12:42

1. Ethics and human interface

a. 2013 - values and ethics; integrity, perseverance, spirit of service, commitment, courage of
conviction; values change vs universal;
b. 2014 - what do ethics promote in human life;
c. 2015 - environmental ethics and example; law and ethics, ethical management and
management of ethics, discrimination and preferential treatment, personal ethics and
professional ethics;
d. 2016 - ethics and human well-being;
e. 2017 - relevance of transparency, accountability, justice, courage of conviction and spirit of
service; ethical people in active politics;
2. Attitude
a. 2014 - what does happiness mean to you; integrity without knowledge and knowledge
without integrity; how have you improved your ethical competence; attitudes towards caste
system and explain contrasting attitudes, measures to tackle sexual violence
b. 2015 - social values more important than economic values; democratic attitude and
bureaucratic attitude
c. 2016 - impartiality and non-partisanship in public services; Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and
persuasion; undesirable attitudes in educated Indians; Anger as a negative emotion
d. 2017 - tests of integrity in refusing to be compromised; crisis of ethical values traced to
narrow perception of good life; discipline being counter-productive
3. Aptitude and foundational values
a. 2013 - Voice of conscience; crisis of conscience (personal anecdote);
b. 2014 - patriotism in everyday life; trust deficit and society and how to make yourself
trustworthy, causes of corruption
c. 2015 - governance, good governance and ethical governance;
d. 2016 - Law and ethics in controlling human conduct;
e. 2017 - CSR makes companies profitable and sustainable; shared moral values and
functioning of law, govt and economy;
4. Emotional intelligence
a. 2013 - what is it and how does it help,
b. 2014 - human beings as ends in themselves,
c. 2017 - emotional intelligence in administrative practices
5. Contributions of moral thinkers
a. 2013 - enough for need but not for greed; test man's character by giving power; brave
overcome desires
b. 2014 - personality which has inspired you and how teachings applied;
c. 2015 -forgiveness is attribute of strong; when men are afraid of light;
d. 2016 - Gandhi's 7 sins; Rawls' concept of social justice; Kautilya's view on corruption; Max
Weber and morality of bureaucracy
e. 2017 - rulers who worked for development and those who harmed society; father mother
and teacher role in making country corruption free;
6. Ethics in public administration
a. 2013 - good of individual is contained in good of all;
b. 2014 - accountability in public service;
c. 2015 - legally correctly but not ethically, and vice versa; trustworthiness and fortitude in
public service
d. 2016 - 2nd ARC Public Services Code;
7. Probity in governance
a. 2013 - can politics and ethics go together
b. 2014 - probity in public life and difficulties in present times;
c. 2015 - dichotomy bw transparency and policy paralysis in governance; effectiveness of
vigilance and RTI and media on corruption; ethics in bilateral relations; conflict of interest
and example
d. 2017 - conflict of interest in public sector; strength, peace and security as pillars of IR;
inequitable distribution of increased national wealth; 4 - Ethics.… 1/1

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