Module 2 - Accreditation Standards For Quality School Systems

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PhD EM 1 Professor


1. Using a self-made rubric and given the quality indicators per standard, evaluate (self-survey) your school in terms of the first four (4) standards discussed in
this module. Justify your ratings.


5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Formulation of a vision for the system with the participation of its 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 2
Communication of this vision and purpose to stakeholders for their 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
understanding and support
Establishment of system – wide goals and measures to articulate the 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
Development and maintenance of a profile of the school, students and the 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
Provision that the teaching and learning process and the strategic 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
direction of the school system are guided by its vision and purpose
Systematic review and revision of the vision and purpose as needed 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3

In terms of the formulation of a vision for the system with the participation of its stakeholders, I gave a score of 2, equivalent to a descriptive rating of “fair”, primarily
because our school follows the unified VISION and MISSION prescribed by the Department of Education. Although the vision incorporates the general concerns for stakeholders,
there was no specific consultation made between the school and our stakeholders.

In terms of the communication of vision and purpose to stakeholders for their understanding and support, I gave a score of 4 with a descriptive rating of “very
satisfactory”. This is because the school has been very active in engaging the stakeholders for their understanding and support for the department’s vision during PTA and
assembly meetings.

In terms of the establishment of system – wide goals and measures to articulate the vision, I gave a score of 3 with a descriptive rating of “satisfactory”. Despite having a
very good vision, the school has a moderate measure in organizing programs that vertically align with the stated vision.

In terms of the development and maintenance of a profile of the school, students and the community, I gave a score of 5 with a descriptive rating of “excellent” because
the school has a comprehensive system of recording all the necessary data ranging from the school’s and students’ profile up to the community profile. Currently, the school
employs the Basic Education Information System (BEIS) which records and monitors all the data from the students.

In terms of the provision that the teaching and learning process and the strategic direction of the school system are guided by its vision and purpose, I gave a score of 4,
with a rating of “very satisfactory”, primarily because all teachers are bound to follow the curriculum prescribed by DepEd in the delivery of instruction in the classroom. The
curriculum was designed to provide the students the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of “globally- competitive learners” (as stated in the vision)

In terms of the systematic review and revision of the vision and purpose as needed, I gave a score of 3 with a descriptive rating of “satisfactory” because the school can
manage to translate the general vision provided by DepEd using its own strategy and through the creativity of its teachers. However, should there be changes applicable to the
school context, the school cannot easily modify or revise the vision because it was crafted by the mother department itself.


5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Formulation and communication of policies and procedures that provide 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
for the effective operation of the system
Recognition and preservation of the administration and leadership 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
authority of the head of the system
Compliance with applicable local and national standards, policies and 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
guidelines is ensured
Execution of policies and procedures that provide for the orientation and 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
training of the governing board
Enhancement of public support, acquisition of sufficient resources, and 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
management of the system’s resources.
Maintenance of access to legal counsel for information about legal 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
requirements and obligations
Maintenance of resources to protect its financial stability and 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 2
administrative operations


In terms of the formulation and communication of policies and procedures that provide for the effective operation of the system, I gave a score of 5 with an equivalent
rating of “excellent” because every school policy or decision made is properly communicated and channeled to the authorities and people concerned. The principal for example,
channels any memorandum made to the superintendent for approval. In return, the superintendent scrutinizes the prudence of the decision and approves it for immediate
dissemination or implementation.

In terms of the recognition and preservation of the administration and leadership authority of the head of the system, I gave a score of 5 with an equivalent rating of
“excellent” because all school teachers recognize the administration and authority of our principal as the head of our school. Hence, teachers are bound to strictly follow the
procedures directed by the principal. Also, any planning or decision made by teachers shall pass through the principal’s approval prior to implementation. This is especially true for
cases affecting the school.

In terms of the compliance with applicable local and national standards, policies and guidelines, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of “excellent” because the school adheres
to the strict implementation of any applicable DepEd or Division Orders.

In terms of execution of policies and procedures that provide for the orientation and training of the governing board, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of “excellent”
because our principal actively attends seminars for School Heads and Division Heads for the progress monitoring of all schools. In DepEd, a quarterly meeting is held through the
Executive Committee for school heads.

In terms of the enhancement of public support, acquisition of sufficient resources, and management of the system’s resources, I gave a score of 3 with a rating of
“satisfactory” because the school is limited on its resources and facilities. Likewise, the available resources which are supposed to be optimally used are actually mismanaged.
In terms of the maintenance of access to legal counsel for information about legal requirements and obligations, I gave a score of 2 with a rating of “fair” because the
school is seldom informed on the legal requirements and obligations related to its concern. Even teachers are not legally advised by their duties, responsibilities and legal
protection as employees.

In terms of maintenance of resources to protect its financial stability and administrative operations, I gave a score of 3 with a rating of “satisfactory” because the school is
quite lax in the maintenance of available resources due to the availability of funds subsidized by the government

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Administration of systematic analysis and review of student performance 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
and school and system effectiveness
Establishment of collaborative networks to support programs of the 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
Management of resources to align, support and enhance all components of 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 2
the system to meet organizational and student performance goals
Provision of meaningful roles to all stakeholders in the decision-making 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
process that advance a culture of participation, responsibility, and
Appraisal of and action on community expectations and stakeholder 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
Employment of an evaluation system that provides for the professional 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
growth of all personnel


In terms of the administration of systematic analysis and review of student performance and school and system effectiveness, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of
“excellent” because the school regularly updates and reviews student performance as well as system effectiveness through constant submission of reports required by DepEd.
These include grades, drop-out rate, attendance, teacher observation sheets and student and parent feedback among others.

In terms of the establishment of collaborative networks to support programs of the system, I gave a score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory”. This is because the
school has been collaborating with other sectors and agencies to accomplish school projects. A good example of this is the implementation of the “Brigada Eskwela” where even
other government sectors like PMA and PNP actively join the program. Also, non-governmental organizations extend help through donations in kind and in cash.
In terms of the management of resources to align, support and enhance all components of the system to meet organizational and student performance goals, I gave a score
of 2 with a rating of “fair” because based on my observation, school funds are misappropriated to projects that do not last long. Also, due to the limited availability of facilities,
students do not enjoy appreciate learning topics that are relevant to these times with the aid of technology.

In terms of the provision of meaningful roles to all stakeholders in the decision-making process that advance a culture of participation, responsibility, and ownership, I
gave a score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory” because a as a school, we recognize the active involvement of the stakeholders most especially the parents. This is the reason
why PTA is given the chance to take part in the decision-making for the school’s improvement plans. The PTA also manages the miscellaneous fees paid for by the students

In terms of the appraisal of and action on community expectations and stakeholder satisfaction, I gave a score of 4 with a descriptive rating of “very satisfactory” because
the school tries its best to uphold community expectations and stakeholder satisfaction by making sure that the school maintains the provision of “quality education” to all students
who enroll.

In terms of the employment of an evaluation system that provides for the professional growth of all personnel, I gave a score of 5 with a descriptive rating of “excellent”
because all teachers and administrative staff are required to submit an evaluation form through the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). This gauges
the actual accomplishment of each employee in performance of his/her duty.


5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Development of a curriculum based on clearly –defined expectations for 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
student learning
Creation of expectations and reinforcement of student engagement in the 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
learning process
Establishment of system-wide curricular and instructional decisions based 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 1
on data and research
Accommodation of instruction that is research-based and reflective of 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
best practice
Accommodation of a curriculum that challenges and meets the needs of 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
each student and reflects commitment to equity and appreciation of
Allocation and insurance of instructional time to support student learning 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
Maintenance of a system-wide climate that supports student learning 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
Establishment of regular curriculum review and revision 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 2
Coordination and assurance to ready access to instructional technology, 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
Information and media services, and materials needed for effective


In terms of the development of a curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations for student-learning, I gave a score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory” because the
K-12 Curriculum, though crafted, should be revised by the school teachers in a way that would suit the students’ needs.

In terms of the creation of expectations and reinforcement of student engagement in the learning process, I gave a score of 5, with a rating of “excellent”. This credit goes
to the hardworking teachers who are always creative in finding ways to engage the students in the teaching-learning process.

In terms of the establishment of system-wide curricular and instructional decisions based on data and research, I gave a score of 1 with a descriptive rating of “needs
improvement”. Since the school follows the DepEd K-12 Curriculum, teachers are encouraged to stick to it as their main guide in the teaching-learning process.

In terms of accommodation of instruction that is research-based and reflective of best practice, I gave a score of 3 with a rating of “satisfactory”. This is because, at some
level, teachers who conduct action researches, share the results to other teachers to improve the quality of learning.

In terms of accommodation of a curriculum that challenges and meets the needs of each student and reflects commitment to equity and appreciation of diversity, I gave a
score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory”. This is because teachers of all disciplines in our school are being trained on how to teach specific topics in a culture-based
approach. Not only do teachers teach content, but also, they teach culture and sensitivity.

In terms of the allocation and insurance of instructional time to support student learning, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of “excellent.” The fact that teachers scaffold the
learning of students is a proof that teachers support students in the process of learning. All teachers have gone away with the traditional teaching methodologies such as pure
lecture-based instruction and “teacher talk” discussion.

In terms of maintenance of a system-wide climate that supports student learning, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of “excellent”. The learning atmosphere in our school
has been very accommodating to students. This is the reason why many are attracted to enroll because of the fun and exciting atmosphere as well as the approachable teachers and
In terms of the establishment of regular curriculum review and revision, I gave a score of 2 with a rating of “fair”. Since the curriculum is prescribed, teachers do not get
the chance to meet for a curriculum review and revision as a group regularly. Rather, they individually remediate and adjust their own lessons following the curriculum according
to their students’ needs.

In terms of coordination and assurance to ready access to instructional technology, Information and media services, and materials needed for effective instruction, I gave a
score of 3 with a rating of “satisfactory.” Teachers continue to train themselves in terms of technological advancement to effectively teach the students using ICT. Also, in a way,
this helps them make student learning more interesting.


5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Establishment and implementation of a comprehensive assessment system 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5

Establishment of the use of student assessment data to make decisions for 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
continuous improvement of teaching and learning
Administration of a systematic analysis of instructional and 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
organizational effectiveness, including support systems, and uses the
results to improve student and system performance
Provision of a system of communication which uses a variety of methods 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 4
to report student performance and system effectiveness to all stakeholders
Adoption of comparison and trend data from comparable school systems 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 3
to evaluate student performance and system effectiveness
Manifestation of verifiable growth in student performance that is 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 1
supported by multiple sources of evidence
Maintenance of a secure, accurate, and complete student record system in 96 - 100% 91- 95 % 86 – 90 % 80 – 85 % 79 % and below 5
accordance with local and national regulations


In terms of the establishment and implementation of a comprehensive assessment system, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of “excellent”, primarily because the school
follows a standard assessment system as prescribed by DepEd. This includes the formative and summative assessment alongside other various assessment tools.
In terms of the establishment of the use of student assessment data to make decisions for continuous improvement of teaching and learning, I gave a score of 5 with an
“excellent” rating. Teachers are trained to use available data based on previous assessments in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the future. Also, teachers
collaborate with others to benchmark some of the best teaching practices inside the classroom.

In terms of administration of a systematic analysis of instructional and organizational effectiveness, including support systems, and uses the results to improve student and
system performance, I gave a score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory”. This is because the administration tries its best to address student and teacher concerns through a
comprehensible survey and analysis.

In terms of the provision of a system of communication which uses a variety of methods to report student performance and system effectiveness to all stakeholders, I gave
a score of 4 with a rating of “very satisfactory”. Teachers report student performance through the student Report Cards (Form 138) an a date specified for Card Issuance.
Meanwhile, the school reports system effectiveness through general assembly between the school and the stakeholders.

In terms of adoption of comparison and trend data from comparable school systems to evaluate student performance and system effectiveness, I gave a score of 3 with a
rating of “satisfactory”. The school designates a teacher to compare school systems but the results are seldom used to evaluate student performance and system effectiveness.

In terms of manifestation of verifiable growth in student performance that is supported by multiple sources of evidence, I gave a score of 3, with a rating of “satisfactory”.
One indicator of student growth is the comparison of their test results for each quarter and their National Achievement Test scores. The higher they score, the more positive
outcomes it is.

In terms of maintenance of a secure, accurate, and complete student record system in accordance with local and national regulations, I gave a score of 5 with a rating of
“excellent”. Teachers are required to furnish the school all the necessary documents or records pertaining to student files. All of these are kept in through a system called Learners’
Information System or LIS.

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