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Relation with to Disciplinary Competences

Generic Competencyes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 Choose and practice a healthy lifestyle.
4 Listen, interpret and share messages in
different contexts through proper codes and
8 Participate and collaborate effectively in
diverse teams.
10 Maintain a respectful attitude towards
interculturality and the diversity of beliefs,
values, ideas and social practices.
11 Contribute to sustainable development in
a critical way, with responsible actions
Specific Competency Relation with to Disciplinary Competences
Take Make decisions thinking in about
consequences of different consumerism and
habits and risky behaviors. (CG3.2)
Apply communicative strategies according to the
interlocutor, communicative situation and the
purpose. (CG4.2)
Communicate in a second language in everyday
situations. (CG4.4)
Manage information and communication
technologies to obtain information and express
ideas. (CG4.5)
Bring Keep an open mindopen points of view and
considers other points of view s reflectively.
Assume a constructive attitude, consistent with
the knowledge and skills he has withinfrom
different work teams. (CG8.3)
Dialogue Discuss and learn from people with
different points of view and cultural traditions by
locating placing their own circumstances in a
broader context. (CG10.2)
Assume an attitude that favors the a solution of
to environmental problems at the local, national
and international levels. (CG11.1)

Basic Disciplinary Competences

3 Make assumptions about the natural and cultural phenomena of his one’s environment
based on the consultation of different sources.
4 Produce texts based on the normative use of the language, considering the communicative
intention and situation.
10 Identify and interpret the general idea and possible development of an oral or written
message in a second language, using previous knowledge, non-verbal elements and cultural context.
11 Communicate in a foreign language through a logical oral or written discourse, according to a
communicative situation.
Communication 12 Use information and communication technologies to do research, solve problems and
produce materials to transmit information.
Extended Disciplinary Competences
1 Use information from different texts to identify interests in diverse contexts.
3 Debate on problems in their context, basing judgments on the analysis and discrimination of
the information from different sources.
4 Propose solutions to problems in the community through different kinds of texts, applying
discursive, verbal and non-verbal structures and available graphic and audio visual models.
8 Recognize the influence of media in culture, family and community matters, analyzing and
comparing their positive and negative effects.
9 Communicate messages in a foreign language considering diverse contexts and sociocultural

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