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Reference Library in the Pocket: Mobile Reference Services for Libraries

Dr. Sanjay Kataria John Paul Anbu K

Head – Learning Resource Centre Head- Periodical
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (Noida) Swaziland University Library
India – 201307 Swaziland

Mobile communication technology and its 1. Introduction
rapid growth in the field of E-commerce The Educause study on “Undergraduate
have set an unprecedented tone in the students and the Information Technology”
growth of information and consumer (Educause centre for Applied Research)
science. The current E-commerce carried out in 2009 clearly portray the fact
applications invariably combine the that the teens and adults use mobile
advancements of the current web technology not only for communication,
technologies and the novelty of mobile entertainment or for commercial
technology to offer advanced level of service applications but they use it for information
and business propositions to the general as well. This sampling of research is not
public and target the customers who are only applicable for the United State but also
constantly on the move. Though libraries for the entire spectrum of students and
are perceived to be the sanctum sanctorum researchers around the globe. While the new
of man’s quest for Information, where and exciting computing environment with
humanity has traditionally journeyed to the advent of web 2.0 and its allied services
quench their thirst for knowledge, today’s has enthralled the information seekers there
information society seems to be living in a is no doubt that the mobile telephony has
world where the library is engulfed in their further enlightened the information hungry
own mobile phones right in their very own modern society. While there is no doubt that
pockets. This paper looks at the overall the mobile and satellite communications are
impact of mobile services and applications triggering a wave of unprecedented growth
in libraries and looks at the specific area of it is common knowledge that people are
Reference services in the libraries where the becoming more dependent on wireless
potential, demand and opportunities are communication systems (Olatokun: 2006).
more for mobile applications. There is no doubt that Mobile phones have
become an inseparable part of everyday life.
Jacobs observes that “everywhere we go we
cannot help but notice the number of mobile
Mobile Communication Systems; Reference
devices being used; cell phones, ipods, MP3
Services; Mobile Library Applications
players, GPS systems, blackberries and even
mini-laptops. Mobile access is the
remediation of wireless internet” (Jacobs,
2009). While mobile communication system
was born out of necessity, the consumer
centered business world has quickly
exploited this prolifiration of services to its

114 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
advantage and provide services which are (
easily reachable for users who are constantly mobile-subscriber-statistics.html), which
on the move. During this time of represents more than 50% of the global
information explosion, Libraries cannot population. Infonetics research predicts that
shun away from this development hence we by 2013 the number of worldwide mobile
see a number of services in the libaries subscribers will reach 5.9 billion
which are becoming more and more (, mainly
mobilised targetting the users who are on due to the anticipated growth in mobile
the move. The advent of library services communication in Africa, India and China.
over the internet proved to be a blessing for Along with the mobile network and mobile
users who found it hard to visit the physical users the mobile gadgets have also started
library for accessing its collection. With the growing from the humble beginning of 2
advancement of these services through pound heavy solid mobile phones to modern
mobile network it has become much more ultra lightweight mobile phones with a
simple and easire for libraries to deliver number of services embedded in them. With
them for the users who are on the move and the future promises of TDMA (Time
delivers the entire spectrum of library Division Multiple Access), CDMA (Code
services in the palms of today’s library users Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global
and information seekers. Murry observes System of Mobile Communication) the
that by providing these specilised services to mobile communication system is poised to
its users the librarires not only “provide new an exciting zenith. The future Mobile
services or enhance traditional services, but communication system promises much
also make it more relevant to their users” better gadgets with increased internet
(Murray, 2009). accessibility with DSL and broadband with
“possibilities of video conferencing and
other related web 2.0 services which will
2. Growth of Mobile Communication
resemble an ultra mobile personal
The mobile communication services have
grown dramatically from its humble
beginning during the Second World War. 3. Mobile applications and Libraries
The mobile network of that time was called Libraries have greatly utilized the growth of
as zero generation (0G) mobile networks internet technologies, especially the
where it was mainly used for military advancements of web 2.0 applications in its
communication. This was followed by the
library services. This positive trend has a
first generation (1G) of cellular network, great implication on libraries and its various
established in 1973, followed by the 2nd services it provide. In the modern e-
Generation (2G) in 1991 and the 3rd commerce world most of the works are
Generation (3G) in 2001. The current easily accomplished through the mobile
mobile network which hovers around the 4th telephone. The emerging Information
generation is yet to be fully operational Service Delivery trends in libraries also tend
hence we see most of the 3.5 Generation to follow the same pattern. The users expect
services which are currently provided the information to be delivered where they
through the mobile networks. While the are rather than going to the information.
mobile network kept growing in its stature This is mainly because of the influence of e-
the mobile users also steadily grew over the
commerce and entertainment services which
years. The current mobile users in 2010 are make use of the internet and mobile
estimated around 4.2 billion
115 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
revolution to skillfully market their products funding and human resources are very
and service especially targeting their limited but at the same time they have the
customers who are on the move. Making use inclination and need for mobile based
of such opportunities created by these websites.
commercial services the library and
information centers have also started using
3.2 Mobile OPAC (MOPAC)
mobile technology to further their cause.
Murray quotes Spires with the observation Traditionally the Online Public Access
that “the adaptation of mobile initiatives by Catalogues (OPACs) served as the binding
libraries and librarians began with medical wine between the user and the library
libraries, as medical professional were collection. With the advent of mobile
among the first user groups to implement an services, new Mobile based OPACs are
information-on-the-go philosophy into their being developed for mobile users in various
daily work lives (Murray, 2009). Followed libraries. Development of mobile optimized
by this there are libraries that have modeled OPACs nicely cater for both the regular
their services to mobile revolution and desktop OPAC users and mobile OPAC
provide library services on the move in other users. The biggest challenge in this endeavor
areas of library labyrinth. While a number of is to scale the information display into the
mobile based applications are available for mobile optimized output. Sometimes it is
users the Reference Section in the library very difficult since most of the library
seems to be the ideal place for mobile based catalogues make use of the web 2.0
service as it has the potential to transform advancements and use lot of content
the face of the library. enrichment and other allied services to their
regular catalogues which will be very
3.1 Library Website difficult to scale for the mobile phones.
Many of the Integrated Library Services
The adaptation of internet technologies into (ILS) has taken up this challenge and
libraries saw the emergence of library already there are some products which
websites which promote the library services provide a good MOPAC service.
through these websites. Any mobile phone Millennium ILS provides a catalogue
which supports internet connectivity can service for mobile users called AirPac
access these library websites and its various (AirPAC) which is a good model for
services from anywhere. With this dynamic consideration. Notable advancements such
development it is important for the library as Library Anywhere from LibraryThing
administrators to provide due consideration
(Bowker 2009) and initiatives of SirsiDynix
for mobile users, who will be accessing the and others in developing specific Mobile
library website through their mobile devices OPAC ignites a enchanting mobile
since the viewing area and the downloading catalogue revolution in libraries.
speed between the desktop user and mobile
user will be vastly different. In modern
context most of the libraries provide parallel 3.3 Mobile Collections
websites for mobile as well as desktop Apart from the above mentioned specific
websites. Though this is a good services libraries are also engaged in
development it is time consuming for library developing their collections specifically for
web-administrators since simultaneous mobile users. As more and more digital
updating becomes mandatory when the medium come into the library collection a
updating of the websites is warranted. This number of libraries are looking ways into
is a huge challenge for libraries whose market them to the mobile users.
116 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
of the notable databases and services which
3.3.1. Ebooks are available through mobile networks.
The advent of digital resources saw libraries Some support services like MobiLIB
embarking on Ebooks to strengthen their provide users with service which link to
collection development and optimize its already existing information providers and
usage. The advent of mobile phones has act like intermediates and create simplified
taken these Ebooks to the next level of interfaces to the different services of the
readership. While Ebooks can be used by libraries such as its OPAC, Directory,
any computer connected to the network, the library operations etc.,
mobile access to them have transformed
these collections to be read and carried 4. Mobile Reference Services
anywhere. There are a number of libraries
which offer to their mobile users a number
of audio books from their collection to be
downloaded and used by them. Most of the
libraries which give the mobile Ebook
service concentrate on providing audio
books for their patrons.

3.3.2 Journal Databases

Researches in modern libraries are greatly
enhanced with the introduction of Electronic
journals which are normally accessed
through the desktop web. But the current
trend is slowly moving towards providing Among the many services which are capable
mobility to these databases which offer of changing the library landscape Mobile
some full-text access exclusively for the Reference is one of the foremost and notable
mobile users. Ebscohost (EBSCO, 2009), service where the impact of mobile interface
LexisNexis (Mintz, 2009) are few notable can be readily felt. The reference section is
advancements in this area. These databases often considered to be most potential place
provide current and time critical information where dynamic data are often consulted by
which a user might need urgently while on library users. The advent of web 2.0
the move. Following EBSCOhost, Swets applications into library services, especially
Information Service has also announced that the Instant Messaging service saw the
their aggregation of electronic journals will advent of an enhanced and dynamic web
be available soon on mobile. PubMed based reference service into the library
database is also available through mobile mainstream. Most library catalogues make
interface. use of the Instant Messaging to provide
services like “Reference Desk” and “Ask a
3.3.3 Other Databases Librarian”, where the librarians are
Apart from these specific resources there are connected through an instant messaging or
a number of other databases and services voice chat environment to get most of the
which provide a combination of e-book, e- reference queries sorted. This healthy
journals, e-reference and a number of other interactive trend along with the mobile
services exclusively for mobile users. BBC telephone facilities has started adorning the
Audio books, arXiview, IEEE Explore, library services. With more and more users
Social Science Research Network are some wanting reference information on the move,
117 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
most of the libraries provide reference different reference access on a subscription
services through mobile interface. There are basis to libraries which can be effectively
many specialized services and reference provided to the library users. These Mobile
products which has made a great impact in Reference websits have a selectable module
Library services. based subscription approach where the
needed subject references can be choosen
4.1. Mobile reference services and for subscription.
4.1.3. Free mobile reference resources
4.1.1. Mobile Encyclopedias
While a number
of subscriptions
based mobile
references are
adorning the
library collection
there are a
number of free
reference sources
which are also available which provide good
mobile interface and can be effectively
tagged into the library mobile services.
easi and
ngly available as mobile reference sources are some of the leading
for users. Time tested reference sources such
mobile reference sources which can be
as Encyclopedia Britannica are now
added to the mobile library services in a
available for mobile users. Subscription to
library. Services like google Mobile
this can be done individually or it can be
routed through the network authentication
Mobile GMAPs (
which allows the users to access them while
provide a simple but effective atlas and map
on the move. Britannica has specially
services to the mobile users which are
optimized this site for mobile phones which
available free. These utilities can be
ensures a wonderful experience for mobile
effectively added to the library.
users. Increasingly more and more reference
suits are opening up for mobile users.
Merriam Webster mobile English Dictionary 4.2 SMS Reference System:
Series (, Over the years it has been proven that SMS
the concise Encyclopedia Britannica, the Big Referencing can be a major service which
English Encyclopedia 8.3 can be effectively run on mobile networks.
( Beth Stahr (2009) observes that “Text
ocid=800313) are some of the growing message library reference has several
encyclopedias for mobile users.
inherent advantages for the patrons. It is
convenient, available, immediate and
4.1.2. Mobile Reference website comfortable”. A number of very simple
Increasingly a number of mobile reference referencing services are run through the
websites provide a third party reference SMS system in various libraries. The most
interface to Libraries. Services like Mobile common and simple way of using SMS, provide a handful of
referencing is by making use of the Instant
118 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
Messaging (IM) service. Many university the noble path of adhering to the
libraries including American University, technological route. There is no doubt that
Monash University and Rice University mobile applications are influencing a major
have implemented this type of reference change in libraries. The underlying principle
system which is very cost effective and of providing next generation of library
reliable. Libraries which don’t want to services is to connect – people, technology
depend on the IM services opt for and information in the same context; to
independent SMS gateways. Through these connect using their choice in the mode of
independent gateways, as soon as the user communication – telephone, SMS, IM,
sends a reference query as a SMS it reaches texting email, name anything. By
the library in form of an email. Once the acknowledging and adapting to these newer
library sends the reply through the email it technologies there is every possibility of
reaches the users as a SMS. advancing the field of information science
and providing quality service to the users at
4.2.1 Commercial SMS Reference Systems
Currently there are a few commercial SMS
Reference Systems available which help the 6. References
libraries in formulating a SMS based
Reference service. Altarama’s Reference by 1. AirPAC. “AirPAC: Innovative
SMS Interfaces”:
and Mosio’s Text a Librarian html
( are two
important commercial SMS referencing 2. Bowker. Library Anywhere from
system currently used by a number of LibraryThing.
libraries worldwide. Both the systems are
very simple to implement and easy to aflets/LibraryThing%20Mobile.pdf
operate. In case of Altarama, the users can
send their questions to a local number 3. EBSCO. EBSCOhost Online
marked for SMS Reference and receive their Research Database for Colleges and
SMS reference answer through Altarama Universities.
system which either sends the question as an
email or as a text to the library. Mosio’s .php?marketID=1&topicID=1336
text-a-librarian also uses a similar process
where the reference quarries are routed 4. Educause Center for Applied
through their server to the library and back Research “The ECAR study of
to the user. undergraduate students and
information technology 2009”,
5. Conclusion: available at
The availability of a number of mobile
based applications for libraries and the
5. Encyclopedia Britannica Mobile.
realization of the fact that the technology
Britannica Mobile -iPhone Edition:
evolves every day and newer applications
and innovations are implemented in every
walk of human life there is no wonder that
6. Jacobs, Michelle Leigh (2009),
the Information dissemination has also taken
“Libraries and the mobile revolution:
119 International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol. 1 No. 2, Dec. 2011
remediation=relevance.” Reference Services Review, Vol. 38, No. 2,
Services Review, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 233-249.
9. Olatokun, Michael Wole &
7. Mintz, Mike. (2009, November 05). Bodunwa, Ibilola Oluseyi (2006),
“Need to Get Cases and “GSM usage at the University of
Shepardize?”“ Ibadan”. The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No.4, pp. 530-547.
an-app-for-that 10. Stahr, Beth (2009), “SMS library
refrence service options” Library Hi
8. Murray, Lilia (2009) “Libraries “like Tech News, Number 3 / 4: pp.13-15.
to move it, move it”. Reference

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