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Colegio María Reina Inmaculada Depto.

de Inglés
Isla de Maipo 6tos Básicos

Verb to be

Affirmative and Negative Form Interrogative Form

Para trabajar tanto la forma afirmativa Verb Pronoun ? Answer
como negativa del “verb to be” debemos
Yes, I am
tener claros los pronombres y el verbo que Am I
No, I’m not
le acompaña.
Yes I am /Yes, we are
Negative You No, I’m not /No, we
Pronoun Verb aren’t
I Am I’m not Are Rest of Yes, we are
the No, we are not
You You aren’t
question Yes, they are
We Are We aren’t They
+ No, they are not
They They aren’t ? Yes. He is
He He isn’t No. he is not
She is She isn’t Yes, she is
is She
It It isn´t No, she is not
Yes, it is
No. it is not
Recuerda que los verbos también te Existen “contractions” que te Los nombres femeninos pueden ser
ayudan a identificar cuando la ayudan a unir dos unidades léxicas reemplazados por SHE, los
oración habla en plural o singular en solo una, ejemplo: masculinos por He y los objetos,
(IS: SINGULAR) (ARE: PLURAL) You are not = you aren’t animales, o lugares por IT.

I. Las siguientes oraciones están desordenadas, reorganiza y pon cada parte correctamente.

1. I / not / a teacher. / am ___________________________________

2. She / my mother. / is ___________________________________

3. The boys / playful. / are ___________________________________

4. not /The girl / in the room. / is ___________________________________

5. are /We / not / at home. ___________________________________

6. My mother / a housewife. / is ___________________________________

7. She / not / my sister. / is ___________________________________

8. The dog / in the kennel. / is ___________________________________

Colegio María Reina Inmaculada Depto. de Inglés
Isla de Maipo 6tos Básicos

II. Puedes transformar las siguientes oraciones de su forma afirmativa a negativa

1. She is a young girl. ___________________________________

2. I am a detective. ___________________________________

3. Steven is from England. ___________________________________

4. You are a nurse. ___________________________________

5. He’s a basketball player. ___________________________________

6. They are bottles. ___________________________________

7. That is a fish. ___________________________________

8. The black cat is small. ___________________________________

III. Observa las imágenes y responde las preguntas utilizando “short answers” que aparecen al inicio de este

1. Is he a teacher? No, he is not

2. Is it an elephant? _________________
3. Is it a pencil? _________________
4. Are they twins? _________________
5. Is he in the park? _________________
6. Is he a painter? _________________
7. Is Ricky in the living room? ________________
8. Is mom in the kitchen? _________________
9. Is your dad a postman? _________________
10. Are the books on desk? _________________
11. Are you Mrs. Perkins? _________________
12. Is the broom on the door? _________________

IV. Responde a las siguientes preguntas con oraciones simples, utilizando “Verb to be”
• Example: Who are you? → I am John Cena.
What do you do? → I am a wrestler and an actor.

1. Who are you?

2. What do you do?

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. Who is your best friend?

Colegio María Reina Inmaculada Depto. de Inglés
Isla de Maipo 6tos Básicos

V. Completa el texto usando la forma correcta del “Verb to be”. Pon atención a los sujetos de oración plurales y

Harry Potter _________ a very special boy. He _________ a young

wizard. His hair ________black and his eyes ________green. He has a
scar on his forehead. He lives with his aunt, his uncle and his cousin. He
________ (not) happy living there because they don’t love him.
He ________ a new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. His new pet ________ an owl. Its name _________ Hedwig.
He goes to school for the first time by train in Platform 9 ¾. There he meets Ron Weasley and
Hermione Granger. They __________ his new friends.
A special hat (the Sorting Hat) select a house for the students. Harry, Ron and Hermione go to
Gryffindor House. They _________ very happy!
At school, they __________ at Potions classes, History of Magic classes and Defense against
the Dark Arts classes. Harry also play Quidditch. He __________ the Seeker, he has to catch the

VI. De acuerdo al texto responde las siguientes preguntas.

1. Who is Harry Potter?

2. Is he living with his parents?

3. What is his new pet?

4. Who are Hermione and Ron?

5. are Math and Literature classes in Hogwarts?

6. Is he a member of Hufflepuff House?

7. What position he plays in Quidditch?

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