N. N. N. N. N. v. N. N. N.: Indian People Not To Eat With Their Left Hand

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bow: n. the act of bending one’s body to greet.

cheek: n. the side of the face under the eyes.

chopsticks: n. long pieces of Wood used for eating.

church: n. a place where people go to pray. (syn. temple)

costume: n. a style of dress including accessories, make-up, or hairstyle that is characteristic of a

community, event or celebration.
custom: n. special practices or actions a specific community has. (syn. habit) It’s a custom for
Indian people not to eat with their left hand.
Easter: n. the most important celebration in the Christian religion.
envelope: n. a rectangular container usually used for putting letters inside.
fair: n. a kind of bazaar where people meet, show products or get entertained. It takes place at a
certain site and time of the year.
fast: v. to not eat food especially during religious celebrations.
fireworks: n. exploding objects that are used for entertainment or celebrations.
float: n. a platform mounted on a trailer with flowers, inflated figures that are presented in a
folk music: n. traditional music that identifies a commun.i ty “Cumbia” is a kind of folk music in
South American countries.
greet: v. to say hello to someone.
holiday: n. a day of special importance to a community when people celebrate or remember an
important event.
hide: v. to cover something so people cannot see it.
kiss: n. the act of touching with the lips.
local: n. a person who lives in and represents a particular community. The locals are telling the
tourists about the best restaurants in their city.
miss: v. to feel sad because the people you love are not with you.
once: adv. on one occasion. (syn. one time)
parade: n. a public procession that includes floats and bands.
pray: v. to speak to God.
present: n. an object you give someone on a special occasion. (syn. gift)
Ramadan: n. a religious celebration of the Islamic religion. During this time people don’t eat food
until the sun goes down.
ride: v. to sit and travel on the back of an animal such as a horse or a camel.
slide: n. a transparency that is placed in a projector for formal presentations at school or work.
twice: adv. on two occasions. (syn. two times)
veil: n. a piece of cloth that covers the face.

Colloquial Expressions
Here, try this one: take, eat this.
Hope you’re doing well: I expect you’re OK.
I’m feasting my eyes on: to enjoy what you see.
It’s out of this world: spectacular, extraordinary.
The place is packed: the place is full of people.
Take place: to occur, to happen.

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