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Product Distribution: The basics, Smarta Startuploans. (s.f.). 2016

In the article "Product Distribution: The Basics" excerpted from Smarta Startuploans
(s.f.), the author shows the points to consider when choosing the transport to distribute
goods of a company, taking into account factors such as time and expenses, to allow an
optimal result. The article suggests that when choosing it, the budget, the time in
relation to what is going to be transported and the waiting time stipulated with the clients
should be taken into account. If the products are dangerous, the stipulated guidelines
must be followed. In case of insuring or tracing the merchandise, the author invites to be
clear about the terms between those involved, to avoid inconveniences. The author also
recalls that it is the suppliers who must ensure that the damage is minimal during

Once these tips have been suggested, the article aims to expose the points to consider
for each type of transport, taking into account the size of the merchandise and the time
required for its transfer.

The author shows that road transport is inexpensive and convenient, but is often
delayed and restricted in use. The author explains that when opting for rail transport
there are not so many delays or congestion, but it is economically feasible only if the
merchandise to be transported is large or it is a long journey, in addition to remembering
that additional road transport is needed. at the end of the trip. The article suggests that
in terms of time, air transport is the most suitable, but it is expensive, charges air freight
per kilogram, has surcharges, and is not environmentally friendly.

The author invites that, in case of using a bulking agent, choose those that are

When choosing ocean freight, keep time in mind because it is slow and inflexible as
there are no ports on all sides and additional transportation is required. It is cheaper
than air freight when shipping large quantities. The article reveals that there are several
types of maritime vessels, among which are container ships, freighters, bulk carriers,
tankers, loading and unloading vessels. These have two types of shipping: liner ships
and tramp ships.
The author comments that courier transport is fast, reliable and safe, but expensive and
its capacity is not very large, it is recommended for short distances.

Agente de carga / Bulking agent: que tiene una duración limitada, que no es para
siempre. El término en trasporte se refiere a persona física o jurídica que presta
servicios en el transporte internacional de mercancías.
Capacidad / Capacity: Propiedad de poder contener cierta cantidad de alguna cosa
hasta un límite determinado.
Congestionamiento / Congestion: acumulación de algún elemento, generando un
proceso que provoca una obstrucción o un bloqueo que dificulta la circulación o el paso
de algo.

Distribución / Distribution: en economía se habla de distribución o distribución de

productos para referir el servicio de reparto de mercancías a lo largo del territorio de

Ecológico / Ecological: que defiende o protege el medio ambiente.

Elegir / Choosing: seleccionar o preferir a una persona, cosa u opción para un fin.

Estipulaciones / Stipulations: disposición de un contrato, tratado, testamento o

cualquier otro documento similar, público o particular, que expresa alguna condición.

Ferroviario / Railway: del ferrocarril o relacionado con él.

Gastos / Expenses: un gasto es un egreso o salida de dinero que una persona o

empresa debe pagar para acreditar su derecho sobre un artículo o a recibir un servicio.

Inflexible / inflexible: que no se adapta a los cambios ni a las diversas situaciones o


Mercancías / Merchandise: es todo aquello que se puede vender o comprar,

usualmente el término se aplica a bienes económicos.

Óptima / Optimal: que está en el estado o en el grado mejor o más favorable.

Presupuesto / Budget: cálculo anticipado del coste de una obra o un servicio.

Proveedores / Vendors: que se dedica a proveer o abastecer de productos necesarios

a una persona o empresa.
Puertos / Ports: Lugar resguardado del viento a la orilla del mar o de un río donde las
embarcaciones pueden detenerse y permanecer seguras, que dispone de instalaciones
para hacer reparaciones o realizar operaciones de embarque y desembarque.
Rastrear / Track: seguir el rastro o señal dejado por una persona o cosa para

Recargos / Surcharges: aumento de la cantidad de dinero que hay que pagar en un

impuesto, cuota, deuda, etc.

Restringir / Restricts: disminuir o reducir los límites de algo.

Tiempo / Time: período determinado durante el que se realiza una acción o se

desarrolla un acontecimiento.

Transporte / Transport: medio por el cual se distribuye el flujo de entregas y/o recibo
de un bien.

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