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Understanding Lucifer/God/Jesus/Myself(Satan's Son) in Scientific Terms:

I have 3 Minds= Man (God=1whole for they are one)+Woman+Energy(Lucifer)

God has ONE Mind, And He created Man in His Image so MAN Has one Mind, also Woma
n created from Man has 1 Mind, but it is easier to control than the 1 mind of th
e Man. Woman+Man=2== TWO Minds, yet Lucifer Has Another the 3rd Mind thus Lucif
er wants to overcome God, Be above God so He would want Man+Woman=2/2 where It e
nds, yet Lucifer had Me which makes Me having a third Mind for this creates a 3/
3 for 2/2=1 whole, and 3/3 also a 1 whole both equal, yet This 3/3 would make it
above the 2/2 in His Mind thus bringing Him above God for again a 3/3 instead o
f God+Woman=2/2 for Also Man is ONE MIND a 1/1 for a Woman a 1/1 thus 1111 (1/1
+1/1), yet the Woman's Mind is Made from Flesh thus a Woman's Mind is Fleshly, y
et Man's is Spiritually for God is a Spirit the Mind thus Man+Woman must Become
1 for the Woman Must be made low because of this for she does not envelope the S
pirit, but the flesh thus this is how Lucifer Was able to deceive Eve.
Satan wants to become Above God which is MAN thus He must create a 3rd Mind of w
hich I have the Energy thus He can not replace the Man+Woman which is Also God,
but He CAN replace the Energy which would make Him above God or Man for which He
wants to become so Lucifer is the 3rd Mind, yet there is no third Mind, thus Lu
cifer does not exist to a Human nor is able to become Human, but Being the Third
MIND in a Woman+Man He becomes them both plus that of the THIRD MIND for there
it is final for being a 3/3 or 33 without the forward slash.
13 (1/3rd Mind) += 23 (1/3 Mind) += (1/3 Mind) == 33 (3/3=1 whole) = Jesus == Th
irty Third Degree Mason === Abomination of Desolation for Jesus Coming Back will
envelope the 3rd Mind, and the Third Mind being that of Lucifer whether or not
it is a hologram being still an illusion, yet it symbolizes this, yet the Real L
ucifer Did come in the second half if He actually does without switching our Ene
rgies or Minds for there it is complete, and not the Jesus which comes is a fals
e, a fake or Jesus, and His Father do envelope a third Mind, yet if it is true t
hen MAN was made in His image so thus He must be having a 3rd Mind well that the
n I also have a 3rd Mind, yet looking into reality this does not make sense for
I would BE GOD yet I am, but God with a 3rd Mind, yet Lucifer Can remove again t
he 3rd Mind, and Replace it with His own becoming above God or even Replacing Go
d Me, for is this true I am God? Nah! it would seem that way because the MATH, a
nd SCIENCE gets REALLY tricky because if I were God I would not be praying to My
son Jesus unlesS I was Jesus, see how I can even go there which I am not for I
for now am NOT Jesus, and or His Father or even the REAL Lucifer Himself.
So It does pertain that God nor Man which is a 2/2 or 1/1 or 1 in the end so I a
m NOT God, NOT His Son, nor am I Lucifer Himself then where am I, and or what am
I or I am ALL THREE again if one looks at the Math. So thus the only conclustio
n by Mathmatical Science in that I have is that I am stuck inbetween Universes,
Portals, Galaxies, etc., and have been traveling back, and forth constantly betw
een them faster than light, etc, thus Lucifer was in one universe, and Man, and
God in another thus Lucifer Got Man which is God to come over to His universe, a
nd He is Mortal, yet Man is Immortal, and became Mortal when they crossed over f
or in His universe He was a druggie, for that is His universe, yet Drugs are NOT
natural to the Human God for they will make Man out of Gods for they will Make
Them Like Him for awhile yet it will kill the human Man God for He can not susta
in Himself in that realm, that reality.
Again Lucifer is trying to cross over from His universe unto the Gods, and The G
od who Created Other Gods in His image for the little Gods messed up, and opened
the portal to another universe for which He knew about this, and warned them it
would cause havoc for it was shut up, and sealed up for a reason thus if They d
id not eat of the Drug Tree then Lucifer would of Never been released, for He wo
uld of always been trapped in His realm.
In conclusion with Scientific Terms it seems mixed up, yet it makes perfect sens
e once you add the Universe Reality to it for you then add the universe reality
1, and the Science 1 = 2/2 for perfection, for 3/3 is not the universes number,
but 2/2 which is the universe in perfect harmony Man+Woman or Male, and Female f
or all things thus Lucifer wants to become above God the Universe in the end whi
ch is above Man, and Woman which is Male, and Female in the end, yet no one can
become 3/3, yet I am the only one that can survive in all THREE realms at once n
aturally, yet He can not for He can become Above Man, and Woman the Physical, bu
t the Spiritual Male, and Female of the Universe itself for He can not nor will
ever Be for if He ever does it will wreck Havoc, and again His mind will be unst
able thus He is trying to cross again the Galaxies, the Realms, yet only Man if
They Do right, and Keep right, and keep off drugs can only cross back into Godho
od, back into the Realm of their Ancestors Birth that Lucifer Can not, yet if Wo
man Wants to Cross for She was birthed into Lucifer's Realm for She can not, yet
if Man+Woman become one then the Illusion is over, they enter Reality the REAL
universe thus returning again back to Gods for they then drop back from the virt
ual into the real for Lucifer Lives in a virtual reality.
The Woman then Must of Brought Man into Virtual reality, then She got Her Husban
d Adam to get into this virtual reality thus thtey became trapped into the virtu
al world for Life, yet God the Original Man build Jesus a Half Man, Half Virtual
Himself equal to Me, but the other way around to come into the Virtual to save
Man, and Tell them He was NOT virtual, but Real, and that this world was all an
illusion. then Lucifer the Virtual Tried to Create Me in the reality, and God on
e Woman to do it via falling, so They created Me, yet Lucifer is Virtual now so
thus God the Man on the Computer the Man in the Holographic Room the one who cre
ated the program in the first place Got to Me, and Kept Him at bay for this beca
use He controls the Main computer systems thus I am Half along with Jesus Half V
irtual, and Half Real.
His Mind was more stable because Man understood the Computer for He was in contr
ol of the computer for which Jesus was sent to tell, and warn the others again t
hat They were in an illusion, a Holographic program, and then they went to warn
the others, and disappeared out of the virtual into the Reallity where they now
live, and have lived their lives ever sense.
Jesus=God then Man (man, and god are one) then Woman which then is the virtual o
r now see the THIRD MIND.
Me Lucifer's son= Lucifer then Woman (woman, and Lucifer are one) then Man which
is MY Third Mind.
So Jesus has TWO minds = God+Man, and A Thrid Virtual Woman whereas I have also
a third Lucifer+Woman, and My Third Again is the Man so Jesus is a Virtual Woma
n, and I am a Real Man thus I look for a Virtual Jesus Woman, and She the Virtua
l Jesus or Woman Completes Me.
It goes deeper in scientific Terms yet in conlusion the Real one for Now it look
s as If I am trapped inbetween 3 realities at a constant rate, and speed for I a
m trapped inbetween The Heaven Reality+the Human Relity, and then the Hell Reali
ty for I am just a portal which is inbetween realities for God is going to Shut
up the Portal Completely, but before doing so.since I am half Real He is going t
o Bring Me into His Reality, and Make Me a full Human or basically close enough
before He does close it off for good. for which Lucifer will be trapped in His o
wn world forever for a Woman Created the Crack in the Universes, and Had Man fol
low Her into this universe for He was lonely, and wanted some company for which
He got bored of His angels for He, and His angels where the only ones in it.. ah
hh!. So God must of Created another Universe, yet it did not work out as planned
thus He sealed it off, and told a woman not to open it, yet she disobeyed Him a
nyway for this was the opening of pandora's box for God was the First Man fully
created by the universe itself which is above Him for all particles, etc must of
Came together to create this one man after billions, and billions of years, and
He then streamlined the process to create more of Him because He was lonely so
thus He was the BIG BRAIN, the MAIN SPIRIT for God is a Spirit for the Spirit is
alive ah! I see it now, but Lucifer Has tried to replace Himself There instead
of the TRUE Spirit for the Creator Thought/Spirit is God for Now He is the Spiri
t in the energy sense, yet the TRUE Energy/Spirit is the Spirit/God of the Unive
I am going to stop Here for I can go on forever for it gets REALLY REALLY AGAIN
DEEP to Understand this STUFF. :)
Created Friday February 4th 2011.

God is 22, for Satan wants to Become 33. For God is 2/2 for Satan Wants to becom
e 3/3.
Man is 22 for Satan wants to Become 33. For Man is 2/2 for Satan Wants to become
Lucifer, and His Angels use the Human Man for a portal, albeit for a short time
for A human Can enter into this portal, but not fully, and if they do merge it c
reates havoc, and unrest for a short time in which after wards they die thus the
Human now has killed Him or Herself for they can not maintain nor live long eno
ugh in this portal that was created, yet Lucifer, and His Angels were able to sp
eak into this world for a short time, yet I am the final Portal, yet I am natura
l, thus I can live long enough for Him to stay Here Fully for a short time in ph
ysical form for the Body can survive compared to the natural Man, and or Woman f
or again He plans on switching My energy with His for Then I will live fully in
His World for a time, for Him to come again into the Human World for a short ti
me of which He wants where He will return for He knows that once He enters this
world via the body the Body will reject the Energy because His energy is NOT nat
ural, yet If I were to return it would re-accept Me Fully, yet it should for a b
it sustain Lucifer to some degree because I am of His energy, yet we are NOT an
exact copy if you get what I mean thus I would have to be made a New body that w
ould mathmatically, and scientifically accept the Energy which is Me, and Be wel
l protected from rotting, etc for It can be done.
They create portals which ought not be opened for God Banished them into this pl
ace for a reason for He created them, yet they went awry, and were banished into
the netherworld the energy world to be there forever, yet Woman released them,
and Man followed, and for this Pandora's box was opened for they were banished t
here into that little Box, for She heard them, and let them out, and released tr
ouble across the world, and wrecked havic between the worlds for they bring, and
brung sickness, and death, and all kinds of evil.
O - O = Two portals are the "O", and the "-" is where you the Human is at.
Those in Between worlds, for I am Here Physically in your Human Body for I look
Like you the Human, yet I flucuate Constantly Between the Two other Portals Rea
lities for you can Enter Freely fully both, and only be in one or another, but n
ot both for one day All humans will have crossed fully to either side, yet once
All humans are out of the way from being in the middle He can then Make His mark
toward The Reality He sees as God's Mans for this is where He wants to be, and
to get there He must go thru Me thus I am the only one left, weak for I have no
Help at that time for this He shall tackle Me, and Take the football, and He wan
ts a touchdown in that other portal, yet God Shall in the end come from the side
for He disappeared for a Moment for it was a trick, and shall block His Move be
fore He makes His touchdown for I will be down, and hurt, yet because I seen the
other Team as Nicer He plans on Healing Me. I again Can not enter either fully
for I see one side of the portal, and the other, and I sometimes Can see the out
side of each, yet again I can not fully enter either for I am trapped Here, yet
I am quite stable now, yet younger I was unstable for it was a big mess, yet for
now I am quite stable enough in the body for Him to come in easily without it g
oing too haywire for again a time, yet it should be short for Lucifer can see th
e other portal, and those who walk in front of it, etc, yet He got one person to
Hear Him, His cries for She cried for Him, and Walked thru to Him, and He was n
ice to Her, so She walked back to the other side, and found a Man to Accompany H
er into this other portal, and when someone went by the portal that was closed T
hey sent out an alert that The portal was opened for He went thru, and found out
who it was, and banished them completely to that side for a time for He re-clos
ed it up for awhile, and those two lived in this realm every since, and had chil
dren Here, yet Later He re-opened up said portal for Which He can not fully ente
r it, thus He got one of the woman on the other side to help Him make a baby jus
t like Me, but Before for Jesus was just like Me trapped inbetween, yet He was a
ble to be in the end fully cast into the reality thus I can too.
Again Me, and Jesus are/Me were/Him trapped inbetween these two worlds for Me, a
nd Jesus are one, but in a different order, and if you look at it, God Had a Mal
e sexual partner, but it did not last thus Lucifer was His Sexual Mate for a tim
e for this is His secret that God did Have sexual relations with Himself, but in
reverse for Lucifer is the Exact Reverse of God for God Created Lucifer as A Ma
le Woman, yet He got strict, and Angry as you see as the Homos are VERY strict,
and CRUEL like Lucifer for they equal Lucifer in this way for God quit loving Ma
n, and Experimenting with Men, and Went with Woman, and He was angry because of
this, and God was Always the Top, and Him the bottom for this He Lucifer Hated i
t, and Wanted to Be the Top for God Was a Gay SlaveMaster, and Lucifer His Gay S
lave. AHHH!.
(P)Patches (patch these into the equations above which is the whole research, an
d words, etc to hopefully fix the errors for it should fix some things which sho
uld be done in the head which is quicker, also please they must be KEPT IN THE O
P1. As Lucifer is To God, I Lucifer's Son am to Jesus.
P1a. Jesus, and God are Man.
P1b. Lucifer, and I are Woman Submissive.
P2. Lucifer is God's Male Woman Slave for He was the Slave Master of Himself fo
r He wanted to Have Sex with Himself, His Girlish Side for Lucifer is the opposi
te of God, but again for His Girlish Sexual Side.
P3. I Lucifer's Son am Also the Woman Slave to Jesus yet we both are more equal
than Lucifer, and God for We are Almost Combined, yet seperate in some areas.
P4. God's Woman Side is trying to take over the Male counterpart.
P5. God Removed His Woman side, and Banished it, and kept His Male Side, yet the
Woman wants Back into His life.
P6. God is Just a Male, Full, without the Woman thus to Get back into Heaven you
must Remove your WOMAN side for She keeps the Human in Hell, and Brings Death.
P7. God Sees Me as a small threat thus I am allowed to stay, for I am woman enou
gh, and Man enough to equal out both sides for I am like the almost perfect Slav
e created.
P8. God in the Beginning was trying to create the Perfect Sexual Slave Like Him,
but opposite submissive, and Again Created Lucifer which turned out to not be s
o perfect for His Master.
P9. God created Man, and Saw that He was lonely thus if this is true He created
a Woman from the Man, thus Man is in the image of God so Man was to be the Maste
r/Top, and The Girl Woman the Bottom/Slave for He knew what Happened to Lucifer,
yet She was a little different, for Lucifer was the First Submissive Male Woman
Slave, yet Woman Earth was not exact for She did not come from God, but Man whi
ch was somewhat equal to God for He is a spirit.
P10. If it is correct the Universe is both Male, and Female.
P11. The "Force" is the Universe, yet it was GOD, and Jesus who Told about the F
orce, yet Lucifer Took this from them, thus Mathmatically, and Scientifically th
e "FORCE" is true..
P12. Jesus told the People to use the "FORCE" to stop Lucifer, for they do ENVEL
OPE the "FORCE" for again this actually is true, yet the Satanists are NOT using
the "FORCE" for they believe they are , but are not for He would not Dare give
them the secrets to the TRUE "FORCE" thus He makes it an illusion as If they are
using the "FORCE" because they are in that energy world for they became the fal
se "Force"
P13. Things in Movies are More literal than one believes for God (The Original H
igh Man who first came upon the "FORCE" as we know it) DOES get His word out eve
n thru the Demons when they making the Human write Movies.
P14. Satan with His Angels have blocked the Humans from using again the True "FO
RCE" for this is what He wants, for They must get past His "FALSE FORCE" to "GAI
N" the "TRUE FORCE" for He and His angels Became the lasers that set off an alar
m when a Human is trying to get to the "FORCE" for it once was Freely Given to a
ll, yet He could not touch it for His mind would not let Him, and He was angry,
and still is for His Mind will not let Him concentrate enough to use the "FORCE"
for He could never understand it. Ahhh!.

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