Comparative Essay 4

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Urban vs.

country lifestyles 1

Urban vs. country lifestyles

Sulekha Nagpal



Zohreh daeizadeh

Yorkville University
Urban vs. country lifestyles 2



 Attention getter: Where to live in, urban or rural areas?

 Requirements of living.

 Major reason to live in rural areas and urban areas.

 Thesis statement: Aspects such as utilities, population, education and environment etc

differentiates living in urban or rural areas.

Living in urban areas is privilege.

 Better opportunities for education.

 Good jobs which leads to more money.

 Higher population.

 Busy schedule.

 More developed infrastructure.

Rural area livings be alike living in the lap of nature.

 Simple and relaxed life.

 Major occupation farming and forestry.

 Plenty of time for loved ones.

 Less population.

 Less polluted.
Urban vs. country lifestyles 3

 Happy and healthy living.


 Even though life in cities is full of amenities still people crave for the calm and peaceful

life in rural areas.

 According to one’s desire people choose to live in villages or cities.

Urban vs. country lifestyles

If anyone has a choice to live in the urban or rural areas, how would a person decide? Both the

lifestyles have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are many aspects of living which
Urban vs. country lifestyles 4

a person accounts according to their desires. These include physical, mental, emotional, social,

financial and spiritual[ CITATION Chr62 \l 1033 ]. There is a choice we all have to make at some

point in our life that whether we have to live in countryside or towns. Living in countryside

includes having their own personal space, close to nature which in turn leads to healthy mind and

healthy body, whereas urban dwellers have easier accessibility to goods, services and better

opportunities for recreational activities. Factors such as utilities, population, environment,

medication and education system helps differentiating urban and country lifestyles.

Urban lifestyle includes living in cities and towns which is fast and complicated. It has

been considered that the life in cities provide better opportunities for Education, job and proper

medication that is everything the person need in today’s life. Many people live in big cities just

because job opportunities are in abundance. In fact, they live in urban areas because they want to

have good jobs to get more money and one of the best ways to achieve this is through proper

education[ CITATION JGe \l 1033 ]. Today, if we look at good universities and colleges probably

most of them are located in Metro politician cities. Due to these all factors people crave to live in

big cities and that’s why urban areas accounts for higher population compared to rural areas.

Lifestyle here lacks in peace because people have a hectic schedule and do not have time for

each other. So, sometime a person feels emptiness as they feel difficulty connecting with friends

and family. Also due to modernized machinery and increased use of automobiles, environment is

polluted and is not healthy to live in but considering financial as well as better opportunities it is

a better place to live in[ CITATION Nik99 \l 1033 ].

Living in Countryside accounts for villages and hamlets. Life in villages is simple and relaxing.

Although, social economic conditions in villages are poor and the education and medical care
Urban vs. country lifestyles 5

facilities are less due to the lack of funds provided by the government, which also results in less

development in education and medical sectors. So, people have to go to urban areas in order to

get better education and medical treatments. Apart from this, People here basically rely on

farming and forestry because they do not have another job options. This is due to

underdevelopment and lack of industries. However, people here have long lifeline as foods

available here is of good quality and is chemical free[ CITATION Jam03 \l 1033 ]. So they rarely

suffer from serious health issues. Being away from hustle bustle of city life people among each

other share good bonds. They do have enough time to connect with your family and friends.

They are generous and have a room for emotion. In contrast to cities, villages are not crowded

because less number of people lives in rural areas so there are less number of vehicles which

results in clean environment. Hence, minimum level of pollution provides good quality of air to

live in.

Even though the life in the cities is full of amenities still people crave for the calm and

peaceful life in the rural areas. On basis of jobs, education, family, lifestyle and personal

development different people live in urban or rural areas. Life in cities is very busy. They do not

have quality of time for themselves as well as for family or friends whereas in countryside life is

enjoyable, stress less and healthy. One who seeks a mixture of leisure and work prefers city life;

however, people who need peace, calm, beauty, and harmony prefer rural life.
Urban vs. country lifestyles 6


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Muldoon MF, Barger SD, Flory JD and Manuck SB (1998): What is quality of life

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WANG Jing et al(Department of Physical Education, Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei,Anhui

230036) (2008) Study on Sports Development Countermeasure in Countryside School

under New Rural Reconstruction Background ,Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,36

White, M. P., Alcock, I., Wheeler, B. W., & Depledge, M. H. (2013). Would you be happier

living in a Greener Urban Area? A Fixed-Effects Analysis of Panel Data. Psychological

Science, 24(6), pp. 920–928.

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