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TSA 02 - Typical Food and Drinks

Paredes Gil, Jair eduard

In my family we usually have breakfast almost late, between 9 and 10 in the morning. At
breakfast we drink milk or oatmeal and eat bread. For lunch we usually eat rice with some
chicken, fish or meat, and for dinner we eat something light like tea and eat bread with jam or

My favorite dish is the cabrito a la norteña or dry goat is a typical dish from the north of Peru
and is a dish made with goat meat macerated with chicha de jora, salt, pepper, cumin,
chopped garlic and other condiments and then left to macerate for a couple of hours. After
the maceration, chopped coriander and other ingredients are added. It is served with a portion
of rice, boiled yuca and beans.

To accompany lunch one of my favorite drinks is the chicha morada is a typical drink of the
Andean region of Peru and its main ingredients are purple corn, sugar and lemon. To make it,
you boil the purple corn with water and then let it cool down, to finally add sugar and lemon to

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