Curve Fitting

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Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Mike Renfro

February 27, 2008

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Spline Interpolation

Part I

Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Curve Fitting

Extracting parameters from experimental data:

A standard tensile test involves pulling on opposite ends of a
material specimen and recording the amount of stretch
(strain) in the specimen as the load and stress on the
specimen is gradually increased.
The initial portion of the stress-strain graph is theoretically a
straight line, and its slope represents the modulus of elasticity
of the specimen material.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Curve Fitting

Realistically, finite amounts of experimental error will be
introduced into both stress and strain measurements, causing the
data to not fall along a single straight line.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Curve Fitting

One method of curve

fitting attempts to find a
single “best-fit” slope and
intercept on a line that
will minimize the overall
amount of error between
the line and the data
points. The slope of that
line is then used as a best
estimate of the specimen’s
elastic modulus.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Interpolation

The behavior of many engineering systems is very complex and

difficult or impossible to describe analytically. Experiments can be
run for a large set of test cases, but not an infinite set.
Interpolation provides a method to estimate the results of untested
cases based off the results of known cases.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Interpolation
For example, the specific heat property of a given material can be
found via calorimetry experiments, but is not a constant for all
possible temperatures.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Introduction Relevance of Curve Fitting
Spline Interpolation Relevance of Interpolation

Relevance of Interpolation
Interpolation provides a way for us to make close estimates of the
material’s specific heat at other temperatures, in this case, by
fitting a series of simple compatible curves to each segment of the
original data.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Piecewise Spline Interpolation

Some interpolation methods shown early in Chapter 5 attempt to

fit a single function (normally a polynomial) to a wide selection of
data points. This can cause several problems shown in Figure 5.8.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Problem 1

Some functions simply aren’t accurately described with a single

polynomial function.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Problem 2

Most such interpolations yield an nth order polynomial when given

n + 1 points — the result is a function with large oscillations not
confirmed by further experiments. Even if the theoretical function
is a close match for a single polynomial, small errors in the fit
points can drastically throw off the calculations.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline


Spline: a piecewise polynomial of low order (normally linear,

quadratic, or cubic).
Piecewise: the particular function is defined only on a small
range of x values, not across the entire function domain.
Knots: the data points that the splines must pass through.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Trivial Case: Step Function Spline

The step function spline is the simplest case. The interpolated
function value is identical to the function value at the previous
knot. Since this has the potential to display large discontinuities, it
is almost never used.

fi (x) = f (xi−1 )
Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation
Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Linear Spline

A linear spline connects adjacent knots with straight lines.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Development of Linear Spline

For example, the first two knots in a set of data points are
(x0 , f (x0 )) and (x1 , f (x1 )). The equation of the line connecting
them is  
f (x1 ) − f (x0 )
f1 (x) = f (x0 ) + (x − x0 )
x1 − x0

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Development of Linear Spline

For the general case of knots i − 1 and i, the equation would be

f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )
fi (x) = f (xi−1 ) + (x − xi−1 )
xi − xi−1

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Linear Spline Procedure

Given: a table of xi and f (xi ) data, and a value x to interpolate a

f (x) value for.
Locate the interval of xi points that contains the required x.
Plug the appropriate values of xi−1 , xi , f (xi−1 ), f (xi ), and x
into the previous formula and calculate the corresponding
f (x).

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Linear Spline Example

(5.10) Find a linear spline to fit the following data:

i 0 1 2 3 4
xi 2.0 3.0 6.5 8.0 12.0
f (xi ) 14.0 20.0 17.0 16.0 23.0
Use the results to estimate the value of f at x = 7.0.
x = 7.0 lies on the interval [6.5, 8.0].
Use i = 3, xi−1 = 6.5, xi = 8.0, f (xi−1 ) = 17.0, and
f (xi ) = 16.0.
The spline equation becomes
f (x3 ) − f (x2 )
f3 (x) = f (x2 ) + (x − x2 )
x3 − x2

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Linear Spline Example (continued)

Substitute the values for i, xi , xi−1 , f (xi ), and f (xi−1 ):

16.0 − 17.0
f3 (x) = 17.0 + (x − 6.5)
8.0 − 6.5

Collect the terms:

f3 (x) = 21.3333 − 0.6667x

Substitute x = 7.0 into the equation:

f (7.0) = 21.3333 − 0.6667(7.0) = 16.6664

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline

One drawback to the linear spline is that even though it is a

continuous function (unlike the step function spline), it does not
exhibit a continuous first derivative. To overcome this limitation,
we use higher-order polynomials instead of straight lines.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Development

Assuming we have n + 1 knot coordinates (xi ,f (xi )),

i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n, we’ll need to calculate the equations for n
different quadratic functions that connect them. Each of these
functions can be expressed in the form

fi (x) = ai + bi x + ci x 2 , i = 1, 2, · · · , n

where ai , bi , and ci are unknown constants. Since we have 3n

unknowns, we can solve for them if we can find 3n independent
equations concerning them.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Development

First, the quadratic functions must be continuous at the knots.

That is, the function value at an interior knot xi must be the same
regardless of whether it is calculated using piecewise function fi (x)
or fi+1 (x):

fi (x = xi ) = ai + bi xi + ci xi2 = f (xi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1

fi+1 (x = xi ) = ai+1 + bi+1 xi + ci+1 xi2 = f (xi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1

The above equations provide 2n − 2 conditions, out of a 3n total

Warning: the x values are known here, the a, b, and c values are
the unknowns!

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Development

Second, the first and last quadratic functions must pass through
the endpoints x0 and xn , respectively:

f1 (x = x0 ) = a1 + b1 x0 + c1 x02 = f (x0 )

fn (x = xn ) = an + bn xn + cn xn2 = f (xn )
The above equations provide 2 conditions, making the total so far

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Development

Third, we need continuous first derivatives. The quadratic

functions themselves have continuous first derivatives, but we have
to ensure that the function slopes are continuous at each interior
fi 0 (x) = bi + 2ci x, i = 1, 2, · · · , n
fi 0 (x = xi ) = fi+1
(x = xi )
which yields

bi + 2ci xi = bi+1 + 2ci+1 xi , i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1

The above equations provide n − 1 conditions, making the total so

far 3n − 1.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Development

Finally, we need one more condition, and have some leeway in the
condition we can select. One common condition is to specify that
the second derivative (curvature) of the last quadratic function is
zero at xn :
fn00 (x = xn ) = 2cn = 0
cn = 0

We now have a 3n set of equations, with 3n unknowns. Use any of

the methods from Chapter 3 to solve them.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example

(5.11) Find a quadratic spline to fit the data given in Example

5.10. Use the results to estimate the value of f at x = 7.0.
i 0 1 2 3 4
xi 2.0 3.0 6.5 8.0 12.0
f (xi ) 14.0 20.0 17.0 16.0 23.0

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example: Step 1

The quadratic functions must be continuous
fi (x = xi ) = ai + bi xi + ci xi2 = f (xi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1
fi+1 (x = xi ) = ai+1 + bi+1 xi + ci+1 xi2 = f (xi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1

f1 (x1 ) = a1 + 3b1 + 9c1 = 20

f2 (x2 ) = a2 + 6.5b2 + 42.25c2 = 17
f3 (x3 ) = a3 + 8b3 + 64c3 = 16
f2 (x1 ) = a2 + 3b2 + 9c2 = 20
f3 (x2 ) = a3 + 6.5b3 + 42.25c3 = 17
f4 (x3 ) = a4 + 8b4 + 64c4 = 16

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example: Step 2

The first and last functions must pass through the endpoints x0
and xn
f1 (x0 ) = a1 + 2b1 + 4c1 = 14
f4 (x4 ) = a4 + 12b4 + 144c4 = 23

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example: Steps 3 and 4

The first derivatives must match at each interior knot

b1 + 6c1 − b2 − 6c2 = 0

b2 + 13c2 − b3 − 13c3 = 0
b3 + 16c3 − b4 − 16c4 = 0
Finally, set the second derivative at x4 to 0

c4 = 0

and we have 12 equations and 12 unknowns.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example: Matrix Form

 1 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  a1   20 
   
 0 0 0 1 6.5 42.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 b1 17
   
 
 
 

 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 64 0 0 0  c1

 
 16

  
 
 

 0 0 0 1 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0  a2

 
 20

  
 
 

 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.5 42.25 0 0 0 

 
 17

  
 
 

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 64  c2
 

 1
 =
 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 a3 
 
 14 

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 144  b3 
 
 23 

  
 
 

 0
 1 6 0 −1 −6 0 0 0 0 0 0 

 c3 

 0 

 0 0 0 0 1 13 0 −1 −13 0 0 0  a4 
 
 0 

   
−1 −16
   
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 b4 0
    

 
 
 

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 c4 0

Which can be solved for the unknown a, b, and c values:

a1 = −25.7858, a2 = 10.1683, a3 = 105.1112, a4 = 2.0000,
b1 = 29.1548, b2 = 5.1854, b3 = −24.0278, b4 = 1.7500,
c1 = −4.6309, c2 = −0.6361, c3 = 1.6111, c4 = 0.0000.

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

Step Function Spline
Linear Spline
Spline Interpolation
Quadratic Spline

Quadratic Spline Example: Conclusion

The quadratic spline functions can then be written as:

f1 (x) = −25.7858 + 29.1548x − 4.6309x 2 ; 2.0 ≤ x ≤ 3.0

f2 (x) = 10.1683 + 5.1854x − 0.6361x ; 3.0 ≤ x ≤ 6.5
f3 (x) = 105.1112 − 24.0278x + 1.6111x ; 6.5 ≤ x ≤ 8.0
f4 (x) = 2.0000 + 1.7500x; 8.0 ≤ x ≤ 12.0

and the value of f at x = 7.0 is then

f3 (7.0) = 105.1112 − 24.0278(7.0) + 1.6111(7.0)2 = 15.8605

Mike Renfro Curve Fitting, Interpolation

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