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Polling Update
Senate Victory / FDLCC recently conducted tracking polls in our four
target races, showing all four candidates winning or tied.

Race Date Pollster Sample Size Biden Named Head
to Head
Ausley 48
SD3/Ausley 10/15/20 ALG Research n=503 Plus 11
Preston 40
Sigman 42
SD9/Sigman 10/16/20 GQR Polling n=400 Plus 11
Brodeur 42
Rodriguez 42
SD37/Rodriguez 10/13/20 SEA Polling n=400 Plus 14
Garcia 37
Fernandez 43
SD39/Fernandez 10/9/20 GQR Polling n=503 Plus 3
Rodriguez 43

At the beginning of the decade, Senate Victory / FDLCC charted a Path to

Parity in the Florida Senate. In that time, the caucus has grown from 12 to
17 members, and with recent polling we expect to return next Session
with 19 Senate Democrats.

Path to Parity
CYCLE 1 2 3 4 5

YEAR 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

TYPE Midterm Presidential Midterm Presidential Midterm

GOALS Hold +1 +2 +2 +1

SEATS 14 15 17 19 20

Political advertisement paid for by the Florida Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, PO Box 1701, Tallahassee, Florida 32302

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