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July 14, 2020, 10:00 AM

Lord, thank You for bringing us in this venue safe and sound. As

we gather, we remember those who are not with us today – For those

who are sick, we ask for healing. For those who are in distress we ask

for peace. And for those who are weary we ask for comfort.

Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of isolation from people

receiving treatment or under quarantine. Give them a sense of purpose

in pursuing health and protecting others from exposure to the disease.

God, as more people get sick, healthcare workers, first

responders and our police officers are working longer hours with fewer

supplies and with more risk of contracting the new coronavirus

themselves. Renew their energy and sustain their good deeds. Bring

Your protection upon them as they work your will amidst this pandemic.

Thank You for the genuine love and care for us and for our loved

ones whom we have left behind in our own homes. May they continue to

be healthy and safe.

Bless us that we may bring out our best skills and judgment with

impartiality and neutrality as we pursue on all matters that are placed

before us today. Guide these artists that they continue to hone their

talents and use them to glorify your holy name.

All these we ask for your greater glory. Amen

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