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Gen. Alejo Santos Highway, Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan

Mobile #0925-771-6138 Website:
S.Y. 2019 - 2020

Second Summative Examination in

English 7

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Year& Section: ___________________ Ms.Ana Theresa S. Tadeo

I. I. Match the meaning of the following group of word phrases in Column B with the words in
Column A. Write the letter only on the space provided before the number.


________1. subservient A. able to see and understand people and things or situation
________2. phobia B. to try or influence by words
________3. joust C. very willing to obey 
________4. gnaw D. silly flightly person
________5. flibbertigibbet E. a feeling of eargerness
________6. covestousness F. state of being tired
________7. supine G. lying face upward
________8. discerning H. extremely dislike or fear of someone
________9. syzygy I. fight a horseback with lances
________10.languor J. laughter and enjoyment
________11. remnant K. bite or eat away little by little
________12. merriment L. greediness
________13. ardor M. strongly dislike
________14. detest N.  alignment of celestial bodies
________15. exhort O. a small remaining trace of anything

II. Identify the word/words being described by the following statements.

______________16. It tells how pronoun used

______________17. Reference of dialogue to speaker
______________18. It used to emphasize the doer of the action
______________19. It tells how many
______________20. It used to refer back to the doer of the action
______________21. The doer of action or the one being talked about
______________22. One or unit considered as one
______________23. The reciever of the action 
______________24. Shows ownnership
______________25. Noun substitute or word the refers to noun

III. Encircle the correct pronoun inside the parenthesis.

26. Uncle Peter taught (us, we) many baking secrets.

27. (He, Him) learned (they, them) slowly.
28. The gift suprised (he, him).
29. The teacher asked (she,her) for a suggestion.
30. (Us,We) boys tried to finish the work given to (we,us).
31. Basketball interests my father and (I,me).
32. David told (we,us) girls  strange story.
33. The letter was adressed to Mother and (I,me).
34. Between you and (she,her) there should be no quarrel.
35. Mary and (I,me) was given the job decorating the room.
36. I knew the players except Mario and (he,him).
37. The red car is (theirs,their's).
38. All but Mary and (she,her) enjoyed the party.
39. (We,Us) boys will do all the work.
40. Please invite all of (us,we) students.
41. I recieved a present from (she,her).
42. Everyone seems to know more than (I,me).
43. This is the girl who is looking for (her,his) father.
44. My grandmother lost (her,them).
45. It was a complete surprise to (they,them).

IV. Construct the following sentence using words of the week.

46. ebullient

47. farouche

48. ramshackle

49. perilous

50. loquacious

V. Construct a sentence using the following personal pronouns.

51. I

52. mine

53. you

54. his

55. us

56. yours

57. they

58. theirs

59. we

60. ours

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13 

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