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Evidence: Live longer

Well, when I was writing these words I think in my daily activities and how I could
make a better way of life. So, I investigated around the right way for healthy habits
about to food, stress, sleep, and other common activities for anyone.
In this time, when the people have an extreme way of live whit a high level of job,
family and friends, the experts says you must keep calm, you must be life slowly; it
could help you with the stress. Likewise, the food and nutrition must be healthy, it
means we need consume more fruits and vegetables. Avoid the food processed
and take care with the salt and sodium in your feeding.
on the other hand, you have to sleep at least 8 hours per day, it sleeping must be
an important part of your daily activities, usually, the people forget to have a good
rest, so at the other morning people feel bad and sad.
likewise, you must take water, many glasses of water to achieve, 8 liters per day is
your goal. it helps you to care your skin and it could help you to keep young for
more time.
These three topics about healthy habits for my life can change my way of life.
Since today, I must improve my water level of consume, I must sleep more and
better and I would like to change my favorites food for anyone healthier like
In summary,
you should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, because the meat and fast food are
not good for your health
You should drink water every day because our body contains 80% water and
needs to be renewed daily.
You should have a medical check-up every year.
You should not smoke
You should not drink beer
You should read a book a year
You should not watch much TV

You must drink at least two liters of water a day.

You must wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom.
You must use solar protection especially if you are exposed to the sun
You must put your health in the hands of professional people.
You must not remain all day on the computer
You must sleep at least seven daily hours
You must sit in a appropriate way

You have to go to the doctor if you feeling sick.

You have to be alert to any symptoms to not get sick
You have to heed the recommendations of the doctors
You do not have to self-medicate
You have to take care of both your physical health and your mental health
You have to leave the stress
You have to be happy
You have to love your family

At the moment I cannot make the video because my camera is damaged and I
cannot get one in my forties.
I did the exercise with an introduction to demonstrate the lesson learned.

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