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Problem selected: The newspaper waste around the world .

Everyday thousands of newspapers are read and then disposed of in regular garbage. This
increases the number of trees being cut to produce paper. If we recycled this paper, thousands of
trees could be saved.

What do you think about the problem?

Since the paper invention in China, the mankind has used this product in daily activities one of that
is the newspaper print, the production of newspaper was essential to inform the population for
centuries. However, this production creates a problem whit the paper consumption. Our forest is
over for that, according to in 2016 the industry kills 10 million of trees to supply the
demand. It is an amazing data. It means that is a real issue for sustainability, we need to think
about new ways for presenting our current information and innovate this industry.

What would be a possible solution for it?

In this problem we could take many ways, for example the pdf printer is a current solution to
replace the pulp and paper industry. The newspaper will send to the customers for mail in this
format file. Other one solution is the industry will use digital channel for communications for
example webpages, social networks. It is other channels for the information industry of

Do you see this problem in your community? What do people do about it?

In this particular case, I think that the new generations will forget the paper use for news, the
people is using other channels like social networks, twitter and Facebook is the new way for el
tiempo, a daily newspaper from my country to report the news.

What will you do in the future to help solve this problem?

I think the pulp and paper industry will be out of market for the digital channels the printing
industry will need reinvented and create new ways to survivor in this new age. Maybe from
recycling paper products for example. I will start to use less paper and I will read the newspaper
on digital channels

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