Lab 13 Student

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13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

When a juggler tosses a ball straight upward, the ball slows down until it reaches the top of its
path and then speeds up on its way back down. In terms of energy, when the ball is released it
has kinetic energy (K). As it rises during its free-fall phase it slows down, loses kinetic energy,
and gains gravitational potential energy (U ). As it starts down, still in free fall, the stored
gravitational potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the object falls.
If there is no work done by frictional forces, the total energy will remain constant. In this
experiment, we will see if this holds true for the toss of a ball. The energy changes will be
studied using a motion detector.

M o tio n D e te c to r

Figure 13-1: Energy of a tossed ball experimental setup

 Measure the position and velocity of ball using the LabQuest unit and a motion detector.
 Calculate the potential, kinetic, and total energy of the ball vs. time.
 Identify various regions of motion on the position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and energy
vs. time graphs.
 Compare the experimental results to the expected conservation of energy for a freefalling

 Vernier LabQuest Unit
 Vernier Motion Detector
 Mass scale or balance
 Large, heavy ball
13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

1. Measure the mass of the ball and record it in the data table.
1. If your motion detector has a switch, set it to Normal. Connect the
motion detector to DIG 1 on LabQuest and choose New from the File
2. Place the motion detector on the floor and protect it by placing a wire basket over it as
shown in Figure 13-1.
3. On the Meter screen, tap Rate. Change the data-collection rate to 40 samples/second and
the data-collection length to 5 seconds. Select OK.

Data Collection
4. Toss the ball straight upward above the motion detector and let it fall back toward the
motion detector. This step may require some practice.
a. Hold the ball directly above and about 0.5 m from the motion detector. Use two
hands. Be sure to pull your hands away from the ball after it starts moving so
they are not picked up by the motion detector.
b. Start data collection. Wait one second, then toss the ball straight upward. Be sure
to move your hands out of the way after you release it. A toss of 0.5 to 1.0 m
above the motion detector works well. You will get best results if you catch and
hold the ball when it is about 0.5 m above the motion detector.
5. After data collection is complete, graphs of position and velocity will be displayed.
Repeat the toss if your graphs do not show a region of smoothly changing position.
6. AJB
7. Complete the LabQuest portion of the analysis section. Make sure you have good results.
8. Save the data. Everyone will need a copy in order to analyze the results and print graphs.
9. Clean up and return all equipment to its proper place.

2. Calculate the ball’s gravitational potential energy for each time instance and store the
result in a new column.
a. Tap Table to display the data table and choose New Calculated Column from the
Table menu. Enter the Name (Potential Energy) and Units (J).
b. Select the equation, ABX. Select Position as the Column for X.
c. For the A value, enter the mass of the ball in kg. For the B value, enter 9.8.
d. Select OK to display the graph of potential energy (U ) vs. time.
13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

10. Calculate the ball’s kinetic energy for each time instance and store the result in a new
a. Tap Table to display the data table and choose New Calculated Column from the
Table menu. Enter the Name (Kinetic Energy) and Units (J).
b. Select the equation, ABX^C. Select Velocity as the Column for X.
c. For the A value, enter 0.5. For the B value, enter the mass of your ball in kg. For
the C value, enter 2.
d. Select OK to display the graph of kinetic energy (K) vs. time.
11. Calculate the ball’s total energy E=U + K and store the result in a third new column.
a. Tap Table to display the data table and choose New Calculated Column from the
Table menu. Enter the Name (Total Energy) and Units (J).
b. Select the equation, X + Y. Select kinetic energy as the Column for X. Select
potential energy as the Column for Y.
c. Select OK to display the graph of total energy (E) vs. time.

Logger Pro
3. Make a graph of velocity vs. time.
4. Make a graph of potential energy vs. time, kinetic energy vs. time, and total energy vs.
time. Include a legend on the graph.
5. Make another graph of just total energy vs. time. Display the statistics for this region.
6. The total energy should be constant. To determine the variation in total energy we will
be using the mean value and standard deviation.
a. Record the standard deviation from the statistics box in the analysis table. Treat
the standard deviation as an uncertainty and only record 1 significant digit.
b. Record the mean value from the statistics box in the analysis table. Treat the
mean as a best-estimate and only record to the same precision as the standard

12. If the conservation of energy is correct, there should be very little variation in the total
energy. Calculate the percent variation in total energy. Record your answer in the
analysis table (round to the tenth of a percent).
13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

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13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

Course-Section: Lab Date:

Fill in the following table(s) with your experimental results. Be sure to record the values
based on the units specified. Make sure all values are to the proper precision and appropriate
number of significant digits.

Table 13-1: Ball toss experimental results

Mass of ball, m[kg]

Attach the following graph(s) in the order listed. Make sure all graphs are properly labeled.
Handwritten marks must be made clearly.
 Velocity vs. time graph.
 Potential energy vs. time, kinetic energy vs. time, and total energy vs. time on one graph.
Include a legend on the graph. For black and white printouts, be sure to identify by hand
each line.
 Total energy vs. time graph with statistics.
 Mark the following regions directly on all three graphs. Be sure to indicate the starting
and ending points of the region.
o Identify the region where the ball is being tossed by your hand.
o Identify the region where the ball is in free-fall.
o Identify the region where the ball is being caught by your hand.

Fill in the following table(s) with your analysis results. Be sure to record the values based on
the units specified. Make sure all values are to the proper precision and appropriate number
of significant digits.

Table 13-2: Ball toss analysis results

13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

Total energy during free fall, E [ J ]

(mean and standard deviation)

Percent variation [%]

1. What assumptions were made during the analysis of the experimental results? Were the
assumptions appropriate? Justify your answer based on the experimental results.
13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

2. What is the expected relationship between velocity and time (constant, proportional, etc.)
for an object in free fall? Do your experimental results support the expected behavior?
Justify your answer. Explain any discrepancies between the expected and experimental

3. What is the expected relationship between potential energy and time (constant,
proportional, etc.) for an object in free fall? Do your experimental results support the
expected behavior? Justify your answer. Explain any discrepancies between the expected
and experimental results.
13-LAB 13: Energy of a Tossed Ball

4. What is the expected relationship between total energy and time (constant, proportional,
etc.) for an object in free fall? Do your experimental results support the expected
behavior? Justify your answer. Explain any discrepancies between the expected and
experimental results.

5. Was the conservation of energy successfully demonstrated in this experiment? Justify

your answer. Provide an explanation for why the results may not have followed the
expected behavior.

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