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A Research Proposal

Presented to

Atty. Bryan B. Fernandez

Cagayan National High School

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Chapter I : The Problem and Its Background

A. Introduction

The purpose of this study was to determine if a Grade 10 student time

management and coping affect his or her studies. This descriptive study examined

correlations between time management and coping strategies as well as among the

different subscales of those skills. The study was based on data collected by the

researcher using Britton and Tesser’s (1989) Time Management Questionnaire and

the grade point averages of the student. The researcher hypothesized that the

academic performance would be greater for students who scored higher on the time

management questionnaire than students who scored lower on the questionnaire.

The study supported that hypothesis.

Time is critical for the student. Each day should be productive. Being a

student is difficult. Their mind is focused on several goals. Their attention is also

consumed by the competing demands of practice, curricular activities, examination

dates and maintaining good health Learning time management can help student to

become more efficient. Practice, classes consumes a student time and knowing how

to manage a schedule can help the student deal with the competing demands.

Student should know that although academics is a major part of their focus,

obtaining great grades and passing their course units is equally important. Academic

progression is monitored by the school administration and a failure to maintain GPA

can result in upcoming grade 11. This will also result in failure to enter scholarship


Coping Strategies and managing time can help student better manage

commitments, reduce stress and eliminate procrastination and cramming. Having a

well-grounded approach and implementing sound time management and it’s coping

strategies can help the student realize their goals and better manage commitments.

Learning student time management and coping strategies will teach you how to

create a schedule. This schedule will help you to establish priorities.

B. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. presents paradigm of the study


Demographic 1.Determining the Level of time

difficulties in entering management
Profile: the classroom of the between male and
respondents. female

2.Knowing the Financial well being
difference of time
management of each
Sex respondents base on
their parents monthly

This study is based on the Time Management and Coping strategies of

Grade 10-Attentiveness. Figure 1 below shows the Input, Process, Output of the

study. Input the demographic profile of the respondents which is knowing their age,

sex, residence and monthly salary of their parents to process it to determine how the

respondents manage their time accordingly. Appropriate managing of students to

their time would result into a better student and reduce stress.

C. Research Questions

This study aimed to investigate the relationship of time management

practices of Grade 10-Attentiveness of Cagayan National High School.

Specifically the study attempted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Grade 10-Attentiveness students?




d.Monthly Income of Parents

2. What are the difficulties you encountered when you enter your room for


3.Is there a difference between how indigent and wealthy family apply time


D. Research Hypothesis

There is a significant difference on the Time Management and Coping

Strategies of Grade 10 – Attentiveness when grouped according to their Profile


E. Scope and Delimitation

The study is centered on how Grade 10-Attentiveness students gets

late in class and what are those coping strategies they do to manage their

time and to get in class in time. Grade 10-Attentiveness students from

different areas of the city are also in different time of getting in class, some

gets late and some gets in time or even earlier than the exact time of class.

As mentioned earlier, time management will be the research problem and this

will be relatively connected with their work, studying and social life in the new

environment. There were thirty-nine grade 10 students who were interviewed

in order to use their feedback as a research tool for this project.

F. Significance of the Study

Hopefully , the result of this study will be of great help to the following persons

The Administrators. The findings of this study will serve as a basis in

developing programs for students. It will make them aware of the students

problems and so this will be a reason for them to extend more understanding

and assistance to said students.

Teachers. It will enable them to look into extent to which time management

can affect the quality of pupil`s academic achievement.

Pupils. The result of efficient and effective time management will be

beneficial to them because school operations will be improved.

Future researchers. This study will provide them basis for further attempts

and guide to a research about time management and coping strategies.

G. Definition of Terms

Attentiveness. This is the section of respondents

Early. Going to school on time

GPA. Grade Point Average of Students

Late. Going to school not on time

Responsibility. Refers to assignments, projects, and requirements in school.

Time Management.Refers to a range of skills, tools, and techniques to manage time.


Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Study

Time symbolizes perhaps the most important resource of life. Time involves

multiple disciplines and is the most precious resource of mankind without which

every existence is questionable. Time is one of the most precious asset available to

everybody in their life. The increasing pace of life occasioned by such factors as

growing competition in all spheres is creating increased time pressure on mankind.

This is often expressed by doing thing faster, contracting time expenditure and

compressing action. Muse confirms that the productive capacity of individuals and

organizations and the development processes of creativity depends largely on the

ability to achieve efficiency in the investment of time available for work. It increases

the use of other human and material potential with high efficiency as time is

considered as limited resource that must be invested efficiently. It has become an

important dimension to be invested using it effectively for the future.

According to Campbell and Svenson (1992), time management refers to the

way students manage their time in order to have better academic performance which

is invaluable for academic success. Thus, it is important for students to know the first

step of time management i. e. giving priority to the important matters, and should

remain focused on issues essential for success In line with these notions, Gloe

(1999) argued that the techniques of time management are the best ways to manage

course materials successfully. These includes group discussion, exchanging ideas

and sharing views on key points, which ultimately help students to perform better in

the examination leads to superior academic performance.

Other researchers have described time management as the way by which an

individual more efficiently accomplishes tasks and goals; having balance, flexibility,

and control over time; setting priorities and scheduling tasks.

Recently, Kaushar (2013) found that time management plays a vital role in

students’ academic performance. The researcher also argued that lack of time

management skills act as the barrier to better academic performance

The Importance of Time Management for Students

In general have very busy and stressful lives because they are attending

classes, completing assignments and studying for exams. In addition they have their

own daily routines and lifestyles that are necessary for creating balance between

academics and extracurricular activities. However, finding time to do everything at

once can be challenging and overwhelming. This is where good time management

skills come into practice. This is a skill that students need to learn. They must take

the necessary approaches and apply those strategies in order to be effective and

more productive. Having these skills gives students the ability to plan ahead and

prioritize upcoming assignments and events. This is an important factor in keeping


students organized and avoiding procrastination, and ultimately leads to academic

success. Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule. It

ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to manage their

daily lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved

success, however, this is a skill that students have to learn and practice. Students

must change their habits in order to have good time management skills.

This can only happen if students take the first steps in identifying their

problems. Good time management skills stems from the issue of prioritizing one's

time effectively. This can be done by setting new personal goals and striving to

accomplish them with a new and improved attitude in mind. Another bad habit that

students need to change is procrastination. Students should learn how to work smart,

and not working too hard, and not retaining anything. Sometimes students need to

study for a couple of hours and take a break to clear their minds. It is a good idea to

take breaks when feelings of frustration come on. Too much information leads to an

information overload that the brain can't deal with at one time. If students are

motivated and disciplined, their time management skills will improve with practice.


Time management is the key to a successful and neat everyday work and it

can lower or reduce the stress or pressure in our minds and to our physical

appearance. Time managing should always be in our minds so that we can plan amd

to be unpressured at all times to every work we do and to everything we work on.

Steps to successful Time Management

1. Prioritize work. At the start of each day, make a list of tasks, beginning with the

ones that require your immediate attention. Some tasks may need to be completed

that same day while others can be carried forward to the next day. Prioritize your

tasks to focus on the ones that are more important.

2. Avoid procrastination. Procrastination wastes essential time and energy and has a

negative effect on productivity.

3. Avoid multitasking. Many of us feel that multitasking is a more efficient way of

getting things done. In reality, we do better when we focus and concentrate on one

task at a time. It’s better to finish one task before moving to another.

4. Set up deadlines. Set a realistic deadline for your task and stick to it. It may help to

set the deadline a few days before the task is due so you can complete any other

tasks that might get in the way. Challenge yourself to meet the deadline, and reward

yourself for meeting a difficult challenge.

5. Schedule tasks. Carry a notebook or a planner with you to write down all the tasks

that come to mind—or enter them on your phone. Make a to-do list at the start of

each day, and prioritize your tasks. Make sure your to-do list for the day is attainable.


Time management is about spending your time in the right places, on the right

thing. In order to manage your time effectively, it’s important to know your priorities,

obligations, and schedule. You have to find the strategy that works for you. The

following tips can help you to improve your time management skills.

Chapter III: Research Methods and Procedures

A. Research Design

The study made use of descriptive and correlational methods of research.

Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and

characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. These methods

were used since it would identify the difficulties students encountered when they

enter their classroom and how they will apply time management in school.

B. Sampling Procedure

Since there were only 45 respondents in Grade 10 attentiveness, total

enumeration is employed for respondents who took the achievement test. Thus, no

sampling technique was employed.

C. Data, Gathering Methods


After the permission was granted by our teacher, the copies of the

questionnaire were distributed personally by the researchers to the students of Grade

10-Attentiveness. Before they started answering , the researchers explains the

different directions and clarified queries of the respondents.

Data Analysis

To treat the data gathered, the following statistical tools were used :

1. T-test - to compare the mean values of different variables depending on the

monthly interest of the students’ parents, students, difficulties in entering classroom
and time management skills ’ t-test was applied.

2. Chi Square – to determine the significant relationship of the Time Management

and Coping Strategies of Grade 10-Attentiveness.

3. Frequency – to determine the average, to determine the standard deviation of

the Time Management and Coping Strategies of Grade 10-Attentiveness.

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