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Lesson 1: Quick and easy dishes

Week 1
Logro de aprendizaje de la unidad:

To describe food, order food in a restaurant.

Logro de aprendizaje de la sesión:

At the end of the class, the student will be able to describe food to order it in
a restaurant, through different activities (reading, listening, writing, and

To describe food correctly to order it in a restaurant.

What is the lesson about?
Think for one minute and answer…

What’s your favorite dish?

Well, my favorite dish is rice and chicken.

Now, think one minute and answer the question.

What’s your favorite dish?
Match the food descriptions above (1-3) with the photos (A-C)

1) These muffins are delicious. There’s some oil in them and A)

tomatoes and I also used a carrot. Is there any sugar in them? No!

2) This chicken and rice dish is very tasty. There are some bellpeppers B)
and some zucchini, and also a special ingredient – there’s some
cucunut milk.

3) This simple cake is good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It has two C)
oranges in it and a lot of eggs – six! There isn’t any flour in it, so it’s
gluten free. It’s so easy! Eat it with fresh food.
Let’s practice: I like …, but I don’t like …

Complete the labels below with the food items. Then listen and check.
1. __________ 10. ___________ 19. ____________
2. __________ 11. ___________ 20. ____________
3. __________ 12. ___________ 21. ____________
4. __________ 13. ___________ 22. ____________
5. __________ 14. ___________ 23. ____________
6. __________ 15. ___________ 24. ____________
7. __________ 16. ___________ 25. ____________
8. __________ 17. ___________ 26. ____________
9. __________ 18. ___________ Listen and check
Let’s continue practicing…

Answer these questions: Excellent! 

What kind of vegetables are there?

What kind of fruit is there?
What kind of meat is there?
What kind of drink is there?

Complete the sentences with your own information.

1. My favorite dish to eat is ___________________.

2. My favorite dish to cook is ___________________.
3. Two ingredients I really love are _________________________.
4. Two ingredients I really hate are _________________________.
5. ______________ is a fantastic cook.

Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns are nouns that have a singular and a plural form. Most
nouns belong to this category:
a tomato – two tomatoes
a cake – many cakes

Uncountable nouns are nouns that only have a singular form:

water, paper, rice.
We use a singular verb with uncountable nouns:
Water is good for you.

Some nouns are countable in some languages and uncountable in English:

Hair, information, money, advice, news, homework.

My hair is blonde.
The news about the new diet is very interesting.
Some English nouns can be both countable and uncountable:
Do you like coffee?
I’d like coffee. (= a cup of coffee)

We use the plural of a countable noun with no article to make

I like carrots. ( not I like the carrots).

We use an uncountable noun with no article to make generalizations:

I love coffee. (not I love the coffee).

We use a or an with singular countable nouns:

I have an apple.
I don’t have a dog.

We use an before a noun or adjective that begins with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or

a vowel sound:
an Apple an amazing dish
an ingredient an hour
an egg an honest man
We use a before a noun or adjective that begins with a consonant (all the
other letters):

a pepper
a lemon
a delicious meal

Note that we can’t use a / an or numbers with countable nouns.

rice (not a rice)
oil (not an oil)

We use some and any with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns if
you don’t want to give an exact number:
some tea, some sugar, some water
some zucchini, some oranges

We use some in positive sentences:

There’s some bread in the kitchen.
There are some bell peppers.
We use any in questions and negative sentences:
There isn’t any butter.
Are there any onions?

Note that we use some in questions for offers and requests:

Would you like some cookies?
Can I have some coffee?
We can also use no article with uncountable and plural
nouns. We can leave out the article when we are not
talking about a particular quantity:

We need (some) butter.

We don’t need (any) eggs.
Now, let’s practice.

Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) for each Word.

1.milk ___ 6.salt ___
2.bean ___ 7.tomato ___
3.Flour ___ 8.pepper ___
4.rice ___ 9.bread ___ ___ 10.egg ___

Listen and check.


Look at the list of ingredients. Complete the text below with a, an, some or
1 large of onion 3 pieces of chicken
1 small red pepper pasta
2 small green peppers a little oil
3 carrots a little chili sauce

OK, so what’s in the fridge? There’s 1) _____ onion and 2) ______ red
pepper, but there aren’t 3) _____ green peppers. There are 4) _____ carrots,
so that’s OK. Now, is there 5) _____ chicken in here? No, so I need to buy
three pieces. And now the cabinet. There’s 6) _____ oil, but there isn’t 7)
_____ pasta and there isn’t 8) ______ chili sauce.

Now, listen and check.

Listen and repeat:
Amazing awful delicious fantastic healthy sour
Sweet tasty terrible unhealthy wonderful

Answer these questions:

1. Which words only describe taste?
2. Which words mean ‘very good’?
3. Which words mean ‘very bad’?
4. Which two words describe something that is good or bad for you?
5. Which word describes food that has sugar in this?
Now, listen and check.
Let’s practice

Complete the sentences with the pairs of adjectives:

unhealthy + delicious tasty + terrible sweet +

healthy + horrible amazing + wonderful

1. Zucchini is _________, but I think it’s also __________!

2. I don’t like _________ food like cake. I prefer __________ dishes.
3. Why is _________ food like sweets also __________?
4. My dad is an __________ cook. He makes __________ pasta.
5. The chicken was __________, but the dessert was __________.

Now, listen and check.


Now, describe a dish orally:

This dish is very tasty. The main ingredient is beef. It has …


A: Good morning, madam. What do you want to order?
B: Good morning. I want something different today.
A: Well, we have a fantastic dish today.
B: What’s it like?
A: This dish is very tasty. The main ingredient is beef. It has a lot of
potatoes and vegetables.
B: Oh! I want it. And I’d like a large soda, please. How much is it?
A: It’s 50 soles.
Now, listen and repeat.
TRANSFORMACIÓN: Personalize the conversation

Now, use your own information to complete the conversation.

A: Good _________, ________. What do you want to order?
B: Good _________. I want something different today.
A: Well, we have a ________dish today.
B: What’s it like?
A: This dish is very ________. The main ingredient is _______. It has a lot
of _________and _________. ____________________________.
B: Oh! I want it. And I’d like a _____ _____, please. How much is it?
A: It’s ________ _________.

Create your own conversation


What activities did we do?

How did we do them?
Why are they important?

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