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'!?e were understandably proud
Tumíng Poinr" won not one, but four p¡estigious awards:
I Origins' Charles Roberts Award, Best Military,/Strategy
Computer Game. I ComÞuter GamingWorld's Strategy Game
of the Year. lFami\ Comþuting's Critics' Choice Awarri,
Best Strategy and Tactics Game. I Fire €l Movement's Computer
Wargame of the Year.
So what can SSI do for an encore?
Our game designers went back to the d¡awing board and rook on
the daunting task of making an even better game system.
The result of all the hard wo¡k: SHILOH: Grant's Tríøl ín rhe'Westl
This superb simulation includes three games ro sarisfy all Civil !Øar fans.
The Introductory Game features joystick control to make playing even easier
for the beginner. The lntermediate and Advanced Oames, with their progres-
sively more complex rules, will challenge even the most hardcore of wargamers.
We then lowered the price to please everyone's pocketbook.
Refinements in the game system include the ability during play to switch
berween an overall strategic display and a super-detailed tactical map. Special
morale rules for "green," untried troops have also been added.
ln judging our handiwork, we are convinced SHILOH will soon
claim its own space in our
trophy case.
Look for all our Civil War
titles at your local computer/
sofrware or game store today.
All SSI g(tmes car"ry ø "74-day srR{TEctC stMULATtoNs. 1ïc.
s(rüsfaction or yow money brrck" 1046 N.Rengstoff Avenue
gunrantee. Vlrite or call for d Mountain View, CA 94041
free colar catalog of ow fulllnw.
Ø15) 964-1353

Our fow Cíuíl Va¡ títles for Apple, IBM, C-64/128 and Atarí 9-bit computers.

$49.95 $5e.e5 $49.95 939.95

R. MacGowan
If there are no convenient stores near you, VISA and MC holders can order these games by
calling toll,free 800,443.0100, x335. Or send your check to SSI. CA residents, add appli-
cable sales tax. Please specify computer format ¿nd add $2.00 for shipping and handling.
The Fire & Movementlndependent Games Rating Chart
a game
game of Statistical Reviews

The Fire & Movement Independent Games Rating Chart began accumulating and publishing data in April of 198?. The top 60 wargames of

epochs, scales and types appear combined herein, in order ofthe highest rating in the Overall catÃ,goty. Garnes ¿¿rú appearing on tliis chart

Wbrld War
World would be for reasons ofage (most pre-April 1987 wargames), availability (out-of-print and hard-to-frnd games) and, ofcourse, low ratings.

Title ,lü1" ïiï "*,
Paratrooper(ASL) AH


o-^ .
subjec,Game o"" $ål-åTii
l'yp€ 'fype c"-" lation ity phlcs
o,",- *Jiå,"
",,. alt -woru
Sea HBW 8.00 7.57 7.43 7.OO 7.86 *
Land HBW ?.86 7.00 7.29 8.57 7.86 *
Sea HBW ?.77 7.54 7.23 7.15 7.77 too%
GDW's exciting game of of tactical combat in Europe has arrived. You command the elements
elements 5 Korean War VG 1986 $24 M opr Korea Land HBW 7.26 7.38 7.65 7.97 7.68 88*
of Team Yankee in their desperate mission to hold out against against the Soviet onslaught. As team 6 in Arms AH l 986 35 H Str N L,/Pol HBW 7 7.24 *
leader it is your responsibility to out-fight
out-fight and out-maneuver
out-maneuver the Soviets in aa game which faithful- 8 Silent Service MP 1986 $35 M Tac WWII Sea ÍIC,W 7.63 7 .00 7.33 7.50 7.65 94%
ly recreates the uncertainty and action of the best-selling
best-selling novel. Team Yankee features Jump I RAF WEG 1986 M Str WWII Air HBW ?.94 6 7
Start@ rules you start
rules which let you start playing right away!
away! $24.00 at hobby Ate of Aces Nova 1980 $20 I-L Tac WWI .Air rIDW 8.17 6.58 7.50 7.33 7.58 92%
many fine Waldenbook stores, or direct from GDW. Write
stores and many Air & Armor WEG r986 22 M.F Modern l^/L,
for our free catalog.
free 14 Advanced Squad Leader AH 1985 $45 H Tac WWII Land ÍtBw 7.22 7.00 7.67 8.56 7.44 67%
&I.M. AH 1975 t4 M Tac Sea HBW 7.38 7.06

t7 ar tn Europe SPI 1976 $50 M-F Opr WWII Land IIBW 7.86 6.29 5.86 6.14 729 .
m I 18 H Tac W'WII Land HBW I
20 Fredrick the Great AH r983 $12 M S¿r Pre-N ap Land HBW 6.89 7.44 7.22 6.56 7.11 89%
2t AH r976 t7 I Str wwr Land HBG 7 ?0 4_50
23 AHouseDivided GDW 1981 $12 I Str ACW tand HBW 8.13 5.33 7.29 6.50 7.08 96%
24 A 1985 20 M Tac Modern UA IiBW 7.11
26 Nap Last Battles Quad TSR 1985 $20 L opt Napol Land HBW 7.24 6.47 ?.18 6.94 7.00 IOO%
War s&T 1 987 M WWII Land 7 7 t00%
29 Terrible S. Sword 2ed TSR 1986 $35 F Tac ACW Land IIBW 6.98 7.20 6.68 5.8õ 6.98 90lr
30 AH r976 t4 L Str WWU Land HBW 93*
32 Rommel in the Desert CGI 1984 $19 L-M Opr WWII Land HBW 7.93 6.07 6.57 ? .00 6.86 79%
33 Leader A}I 1986 26M HBW 7.03 6.35 6.39 7 .29 6.77 77%

Assault GDW 1983 $16 M Tac Modern Land t{BW 6.58 6.58 6.32 6.75 6.74 79%
36 Remember the Maine S&T 1986 M I"/S HBW 7.00 7.43 6.86 6.43 6.71 *
38 Axis & Allies MB 1984 935 L Srr WWII LAS IIBW 7.41 3.27 6.77 7.68 6.64 86%
Wellin 's 1 1 M-F Tac Land HBW 6.64 7 l8 7

41 Third Reich AH r974 $18 Ì{ Str }VWll T.AS HBW 7.27 6.09 5.64 6.36 6.45 9t%
42 Fortress America MB I L Str Future UA FBW 6.75 3.83 l7
44 Battle For Moscow GDW 1986 g0 I S¿r WWII Land HBW 6.80 5.40 7.40 6.20 620 r00%
45 1984 I-L Str Modern US HFW 6.77
47 PanzerBlitz AH l9?0 Sl8 L-M Tac WWII Land HBW 7.08 5.00 6.69 6.54 6.08 92to
49 War at Sea AH l0 I Str WWII Sea HBW 7,04
rps 4
Panzer Leader AII 198r $1 I L-M Str WWII Land HBW 6.64 5.45 6.64 6.45 6.00 9lEo
Air ATI l 980 M 6 Tac WWII Air I{B 6.80 5.30 6.00 90%
53 Napoleon & Archduke 3W 1986 S9 M Opt Land HBW 6.03 6.24 5.66 5.10 5.80 83%
TF'G 1986 10 L-M HR 75 6.00 5.00 5.88 75Eo
56 Luftwafle AH 1958 $11 I op. Land FBW 5.67 5.6? 6.00 5.73 5.67 80%
57 rossa TSR 1986 F HtsW 5.?6 5.86 5.50 6.14 5.50 79%
59 StruggleforStalingrad 3W 1985 $9 L-M Opr WWII Land HBW 5.58 4.?1 4.42 4.25 5.00 63%

AbbreuøtíatL Xøy; Publrsher; AlfG=Australian DesigD Qreup, AH=Avalon Hill, CGf=Columbia Games, Ìnc., GD\{=Game Desrgnem \{orkshop, MB=Miltoû Bradley, Mp:Microprose
Software, Nova-Nova Gaoe Designs, Omega=Omega Oames, PB=Parke¡ Rothers, PG=Pantber Games, QDG=Quarterdeck Games, SG=Supreamacy Cames, SpI=siouiations publidtiou,
IDc., SSC=Strategic Studies Group, SSI=Strategic Simulatrons, lÂc., S&1=Strategy & Tactics Eagaziûe, TFG= Task Fom Games, TSR=TSR, Inc., VG:Victory Games, WEG:West Eod

L:l¿w, M=Moderate, F:Fairly compler, H=Highly compler; a dash iDdicaies a varyirg mnge of conplãriç $ggþ; S?R:Straiegic, OPR:OperatioDal, îAC:îactical. Epocúj
õAmê Medvl:Medieval, Renn=R¿nnassiance, Pre-Nap:Pre-Napoleooic, Napl=Napoleonic, ACW=Âmencan Civil War, lStb C. & lgth C.=l8th and lgth Ce;tur, rsp€ctivìy, WWj=Worlã-Fir
Ooe, W¡fflI=World Wa¡ Two. Subiect Tvpe=Subject; L.=Land, A.=Ar¡, S=Sea, E or Ecoa=Economic, P or Poi=Political. Game Tyre (a three le$ei codi); lst ietrer H=Hi6toriæ1,

Game responding that they recerved Lh€ir money's worth with tbe pu¡chase of this gaoe, * d¿uotes the game was rated by a suruey of prcfessional reviereÉ ;ho-reõü-F!ævìew copie-s.
GDWffi¡gr:t Wor~shop
Since 1973
Ovêrall = syolhisis of game, simulatrrn, rules and graphics quality.
9,A(csrSaEs) ¡fill)
0,8(a¡ð¡inulatiou) P¡t¡ô!', Bcrt (Avaloo
. C (thê rulo¡)
D (th. ¡ireDbica) 180. B(úa¡iEulålion)
E (ovrnll) 181. C (tb€ ruloô)
F (¡olit¡in) 182, D (thc gtapbiæ)
G (EoDsy'r PoÉt)
199. B (ovo¡all)
19,1. F (ælit¡iro)
. No quo¡tion
13ó. G (mo¡ey'¡ sorth)
196. No qucetioa
ctor', ln Europo (Omo3â)
8.B(ssa¡iBülatioû) K¡nev (S&T)
, C (th. rol€3)
l8?. A(a¡ s gre€)
198. B (as ¡ si¡ûu¡âtion)
. D (the Sraphics)
189. C (tbo rulss)
. E (ovGmll)
F (¡olit¡ir€) 1¿0. D (th€ ¡irâpÀics)
2, ' 1,11. E (ovemll)
3. G (money's mÉh)
. No qùestion 1t12. ¡'(¡olitåin)
1,1{1. G (ooaoy'c vrrth)
144. No quå6tion
¡d Fleot(Vic'tory)
5. .l (a6 ô gsn€)
War ¡¡d Poaco (¡lvalot
6. B(âsasiEul¡tion)
?. C (th6 nles) ¡{ill)
8. D (ths ¡rtphics) 1,1õ,¡t(asag¡n6)
1,t6, B (as a simulatiôl)
9. E (ov¿rsll)
147. C (tbe n¡le¡)
0. F (solitâin) (tho frâphic¡)
(úomy'r Forth) 1,18. Ð
1, G
No gu.stior l¡19. E (ovorôll)
1ó0. F (rolibim)
1õ1, G (úonoy'¡ worth)
Arc{c &ont (GDW)
No quostio!
- . - =-- --- = -- E=-

......., ..

B(ua ¡ioulation)
- . - ---- - - --~ j i E

Itlrd ßelch,lth Ert. (Avelo¡
--- - - - - -- --- --==--=

ó. C (tbe rolss)
0, D (thc rFaphicc) Hilr)
7. E (overall) 1õ3..{(aragame)
8, F (mlitain) 1ó4,8(aga¡inul¡tion)

lõó. C (the rule¡)


9. G (mo¡sy's mrth)
D(thê grtphi6)

0. No quertion
1ó7, E (ov6rall)
Dcul l¡t tùe De¡er! (The 1ó8. l'(slitsirt)
Vargamer) 159. G(moa€y'ssorth)
160. No quôstioD
. --

2, B(a¡a¡imulatioB)
{1. C (the nlo¡)
{. D (the ¡raphic) l8l.A(ssa¡!ne)

t6Þ. Bta¡asimulation)

ó. E (ov¡nll)

1G3. C (the nle¡)

6. F (¡olitaiF)
r04. D (the graphiø)
?. G (nonsy'¡ rtrth)
Noqusstio¡ 16ó, E (ovenll)
168. F (¡olitairr)
Lrrl Puzc Vlctory 0{ert 167, G(Bonsy's mrth)
No quertion

End OaEss) 108.


90.8(a¡a¡imulatiou) Bluo Posdwô Grey Snole
(Gå¡de GaEas)
1. C (the rulås)
- =--- --- -----

2. D (the Snpbice)

9. E (ovonll)
171. C (th€ rules)

94. F (¡olitaiE)
172. D (the gEphi6)

95. G (Eoråyb worth)


1?3. E (ovoÉll)

08. No qugstio!
17,1. F (þlitaiÉ)
1?ó. G (EoDey's frrih)
Caúp¡¡lü for Nortù Afrlca
8P¡) 176. No quê6tio!

99. C (tb€ rulos)
100. D (ths gnpbic¡)
101, E (ovenll)
102. F (Eolitair€)

- - - - --- ---
= ---
-- -- ---- ---
-- -- ----
OS, C (Doney'E m¡th)

10¿. No quostion
Itu¡llrl¡ lOdo (The

- r-

106. B(a¡a¡imulatio¡)
10?. C (th8 n¡lor)

108. D (th3 gt¡phic.)
109. E (ovonll)

1r0. F (.olit¡iÊ)

111. G (Doosy'¡ mrtb)

I Oircle.Re¡¡ler $ervice # !
Christopher Miller scenarios to both new releases and old
>Charts & Tables, don't go overboard. favoriLes are particularly desired , however, pieces like those used in The General will be
Edmonton, Alberta Begin by submitting a one page game considered as well. Na-ffiãä]lãetailed
they should be more of the 'play-tested"
Canada proposal to: BP Game¡ Ediør, P,O. Bor 83g9, variety and less 'experimental" in terms of examples of play, indicating specific board
Long Beach, CA 90808. In it, describe deyelopment and game balance. spaces and unit locations, combat regrlts
or: WeII put. Now, this is ci generally the game you wish to design. Manuscripts should be typewritten or tables, die rolls, etc. almost entirely
consti¿ute this type of analysis article. A

Mention the topic, scale, complerity, and the


ple of exøctly the þind of \çttei computer printed with a dark ribbon on white
sample of exactly the kind ofZf;tier.

..... Please concentrate on the-

now the Sargette on the cover of
Battleplan #4? There's nothing

buy or recommemd a game or

What's with the ttriew lo()k"in

just have nothing to do with

companionship he'll probably buy

photos and shows more of the good

some time, and brings us back to

wrong with sexy drawings, they

with dozens of titles, Battleplan

wargaming. If the typical (lonely

guy' wargamer wants female
new interest in older titles which

calendar from Victory Games ana

Editor: Well put. Now, this is · d,

a girlie magazine, which has real

wargaming, first theG.I. Jan~~
on the market. Battleplan sparks
industry. For veteran garners

may be the most useful magazine

may have been shelved for quite

parts. Do you expect wargamers to

reader must úeally have felt like he has read

Joe Isuzu, says that thi,s issue sold

-- . ' -

most of them. Keep those cards

and letters coming, hang by your
fun, and it was that. On the other

Well, I, myself, never read edi-

appreciate it. There are many

torials, but if you do, I really
and, as a matter of fact, I think the
Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

hand, our distribution manager,

is pretty silly. The cover was for
Editor: I tend to agree with you,
and leave the sexy drawings to

more letters to print, and I'll get to

wargaming, which you do so well,

nurnber or counters, charts and tables that,

thumbs, and write if you get work.

paper, double-spaced, and amply margined.
looking for. 'test driveo ofthe game.
a good, solid

will probably be needed to make the game.

Christopher Miller ,

Computer printouts should be ragged right

Edmonton, Alberta

If the proposal is accepted for (nol justified!) and bu¡st. Game titles should
development, you will receive a'go ahead'on be in upper and lower case letters and COMMANDER'S NOTEBOOKS:
Sincerely yours,

magazine based on this art?

Sir: it, plus our standard 'Poor and Obscure' underlíned (eg. Russian Campaign). In addition to Game Replays, v/e are

~~t., ~
contraci (you didnt think you'd get "Rich and Game and product reviews should be 500 interested in what we call the Commander's
What's with the "new look" in
Playboy and Penthouse.
Famous" designing little wargames di{ to 850 words in length, presented in a brief, Notebook, or other'how to play'articles.
gaming, first the G.I. Jane

you?). The pay scale varies, but it is around These disôuss game strategies, tactics, rules

thirty million copies.
capsulized format (see the adjoining review

ndar from Victory Games an'd $f 30.q0 per game design, plus a royalty if we subtleties, tricks, etc. The best ofthese type of
we~re looking (or: '

format guidelines). We are nol looking for for

the Sargette on the cover'of ever publish seperately as a bored game it in-depth analysis in a game review, merely analyses cover not only what is besVoptimum
(dont hold yoür breath). You'll owe us two play, but also show why the suggested
epløn #4? There's nothing playtest,copies ofthe game, plus a historical
brief concise descriptions of games. Variants
strategies and tacticÊ are best by eramining
g with sexy drawings, they of all sizes, but particularly short variants,
background article as well as designer's clarifications and optional rules running alternative approaches to the game. In oùher
have nothing to do with
Dear Sir:

notos. We'll owe you the money, your name in from 350 to 1600 words are particularly words, they are true analyses. This type of
them .....

aming. If the typical 'lonely the credits, and five copies of the game welcome, as are full blown scenarios and article requires exhaustive playtesting, but is
(presumably for your mother). *mega-variants" (with oft,en the most rewarding.
wargamer wants female cardstock compon-
panionship he'll probably buy ents). Note that a *word" is defined as hve
letters plus a space, or sir characters. Longer VARIANTS:
lie magazine, which has real While virtually ony suggest€d change to
to cities, take the cities, and get o

. Betûrn Witb Article Submissions for articles are still welcome, but shorter articles

and all that. Don't you love a cliff-

be in the next issue. Lack of space

hanger. No hate mail, please. I

Editor: Sorry, but that will have to
clarify a few rules that players
a game is a variant for it, we are more

a very emotion-filled game. You

really have to know your
opponents to play well. I'd like to
that the US always woo .... I think

are right, there is a seetion ~n the

we got 42 responses to ' our

invaders always won, and 9 said

that they felt the game was
balanced, 11 said that the

those who are dead sure that they

questionnaire. 22 players said

the controversy is great! And for

-<,~-:'; ta~in$' these g~m~sJor what they "" balance, the jury is still out. 'Of the
60 games we ,soldat ORIGINS 86,
game right? A major strategy of

, On the issue of 'Fortress' game

Shogun is another matter. It is

ir';, " ~':?,;-:>ther~for .0l:lr G(l:n~master lille. " -; : (mistaken) inability to introduce
In summary, it 'looks like

't:::;:": '/~~' ,'; th~t ~herels,some, re(;d~upportout ,~ Amencan strategy fueled by

~J~' .,/(:_here , at~~ to ' :reInforceth~ fact , _,,_ Chris• .is playing with a weak
I guarantee that a competent
is to eliminate the southern

I have just received my second

Michael Gray, Milton Bradley
If anyone has any question about
Another of ,Chris' suggestions

the Gamemaster games, write to

Company, 443 Shaker Road, Eas(

s and shows more of the gôod
ungarrisoned territories adjacent

.,',i.:;:, : ~'; _ C~ f()~ writing you today; all relating,_' A~ericari player will NEVER lose

issue of Battleplan (#3). I WANT

this magazine! There is certainly
the American player is to let

,invader from the game altogether!

a place for this magazine in the

lots of extra partisan cards on the

BATTLEPLAN magazine are best to start with and easier for us to

interesl,ed in brief, intelligent variants.
a game, even with bad luck.

. Do you expect wargâmers to publish.

rules called ,(BalancingFactors.'

AGREEMENT These might be of the Quick and Dirty
or recommemd a game or This agreement between BATTLE- Submissions will not be ret,urned to
".'·,~", , ~ ·,;, A~the,de-slgner, of !o~tress : ' partisans behind enemy lines.

PLAN magazine, a division of Diverse writers, so only send us copies ofyour work, varíety (ll2 - I l/2 ms. pages), which are just a
azine based on this art?

Milton Bradley
lalents, Inc., with its addrêss at 5374 noú originals. A cover sheet should be inclu-
few sentences or paragrapþs suggesting an

Michael Gray
Village Road in lnng Beach, CA 90808, ded with all submissions and contain the optional rule or changes to. oristing rules.
...Please concentrate on the.

have asked me about ....

ano: author's name (as you wish it to be pub- Alternately, they might be rnore comprehen-
aming, which you do so ïyell, sive revisions of already existing papular

Longmeadow, 01028.
lished), address, telephone number, sugges-
eave the sexy drawings to t¿d title, and the date submitted. A completed running from 3-7 ms. pases or
oy andPenthouse. (hereaft,er knownäs Author) of:
Print your uame hsre
facsimile of the writer's agreement, left, must å::å:-*

hate hate mail.


also be included with the article.

next turn. '

or: I rend to øgree with you, IDsert title ofarticlE submitted

Ease of editing will increase probabil-
ities ofarticle acceptance. The Editors defer Scenarios are complete 'games within

Dear Sirs,
a.s a matter of fact,I think the (hereafter known as Work). games.' They usually consist of listing
to Fowler's Modern English Usage, Strunk
ús lllustrated. swimsuil issue and White's Elements of Style, and Webster's alternate orders of battle and victory
V/IINESSETH conditions. Occasionally, an odd chart or
etty silly. The cover wús for New World Dictionary on matters of gram-
" ,, - - to ' M;B's ,Gamemaster Series. J ' ', such

t, Tha Author a6rms that no portion of the Work has


table is required to round out the components

and it wøs that. On the other beeu previously published, excspt for citations of mar, syntax, and spelling.

: ~ .". '-" Ameru;g,and Shogun, It 1S en- , ' ,

po¡tio¡s of th6 wort i¡dicated to be such with due All artieles submitted automatically for a standard game Scenario article. Length
, our distribution nløna,ger, atttibutio¡.
become the property of this magazine. In may vary, but should be about 3-7ms pages.

in issues 3 and ~ _~have done a lot ,

2. The Author afñrus that Do portion of tbis Work is
suzu, søys that this issue sold

submitting an article, the author affrrms that

per territory." I went to page 9 of

øndrrsntly Eubnitt€d for co¡sidêrâtioa for publicatiou

the rules where it states

game is, Hto allow partisans to pop

ritories (except city territories). I

optIon for restoring balance to the

unoccupied enemy-controlled ter-

wonder if Chris is playing the

"reinforcements can be placed in:
up in ungarrisoned territories; one
: : sacrificed to ' avoid, lots of
your ~win! I ha ve -severalreason~_

'; explanations and specialsitua-

evening or a weekend most

statement he says that another

1'hank you for telling your

received hundreds of letters about

balanced because there is a 5 unit

than one territory can attack at

roleplaying, the social interaction

readers about the 2nd Edition

Shogun replay , so soon in

In Battleplan issue 4, there is

between players is what makes an

rules for Axis & Allies . We had

Christopher Miller. Chris is in the

;;, Sirpulation often has - to be

boardgaming as well as in

an article on Fortress America by

the first edition rules and decided

for the US. However, later in his

I was very surprised to see , ~

$r;;,:;~ ~, w'a n:fyou to know that the article~

;5 ~;~;:'coUraging~0 heatth~t ga'mers~re

tions. Having worked at MB and

He claims that the game is un-

':Battleplan!Congratulations on

per territory limit and that more

'~ :;: ", are:~-easy to get into and playable.

at TSR, it is my expedence that in

the same time. So he has found

(tthe Americans can't win" camp.
million copies. elæwherc. none of the material is copyrighted, previ- MEGA.VARIANTS AND SCENARIOS
8, Slould the l¡l/orl. be published i¡ BATTLEpLAN, it These babies are like lhe ones described

that this results in a fdefeat

ously published or concurrently submitted for

to make some clarifications ..... .

shall bo u¡derstood and agre€d that the Author will be above, except that they often require

, I, myself, never read edi- æm¡nauted upoo sucb publicatioo at tbs mo6t Fceûtly
published honorarium rate.
consideration for publication elsewhere.
BATTLEPLAN currently pays l.5g per word additional game components be created by
ls, but if you do, I really .1. Should tho l\tork bê åccepted for publicatioû iû
upon publication. All submissions should be the magazine such as counters, maps, charts
eciate it. There are many BATTLEPLÀN Bâgaziûo, the Âuthor assigrs all his
dghts, titl6 aud iDtêr€st iD tbe Work to BAI':ILEPLAN sent to: Editor, Pete Flahive, P.O. Box 8399, and tables, game cards, etc. There's
telling on the length, but the components
is no
letters to print, and I'll get to magazioo, or its assigns, absolutely. Long Beach, CA 90808. Please include a
stamped, self addressed post, card for an nr¿st conform to the physical production
of them. Keep those cards Date Submitt¿d: limitat,ions description as previously
immediate appraisal response.
etters coming, hang by your Some review copies of certain games are described i¡nder Game Design for BATTLE-
bs, and write if you get work. SocialSec. # _ PLAN.

available at the offrce for established game
Author's Address: reviewers. If you would like to write for

Dear Pete,
VE, ownership of ¿he review copy as well as
payment, pleÂse con¿act the Editor, who will People Read Small Ads.
let you know if a review copy is available to You rlust. Didl
lþ,L---z City: State: Zio: send to you. The Editor controls the writing
Try an ad in the Ganrér's Guide
Pete ClasifÌed secüion today.
assignments, with the assistance of thõ
various magazine Department Editors,

_,<~:_:_ "

'i>,; ,
,~ ,--" ""
" ' ".'"~~;I. .'.~.: :: ~

.,.. _".
I . :
bo¡ss, lable Gaoiag Club
gsl, old c-lo Stud€lt Lif€ Oñco
or list: Student Ce¡ter
5 South StÊet
Faniogtan, ME 0,1938
ll ItÌ
Your Publication ,\l tlli

Gets Discovered

ou tbe With a Classifred Listing!

l eacb l
. t8.00
Pete Flahive


regroup, thus relaxing the pressure on the western front which

would enable the Germans to concentrate on the Russian front
In 1944 the German situation was becoming desperate. Both

the time when a new, strong offensive could be mounted. Each

river and strongpointhad to be defended to the last. The Oder
In the east the order of the day was to hold at all costs until
One hope was that an all-out effort against the Allies in the

That gamble would come to be known to the Americans as

i6 ths i¿d¿pc¿&rd foruE

west would force the British and Americans to fall back and
material since the beginning of the war were becoming im-
qo9 ¡! 6
r used;
sd; call
igues For EoÉ fronts were crumbling, and the losses suffered in men and


BREAKOiIT! i0 the Austra¡is¡ gaBiog

quarterly whicb æwn all arpocs ofthe hobby
(board, rcle-pl¡yi¡c, Bi¡iåture8, conputer!
aud ir all ¿he hist ric8l, fâatssy
ra3ou, a¡d scieûæ-fic{ioD groreE. Sùbscriptioos am
Sl2.ü) for,l isue¡. For Bore i¡forutio! or to
6ubEcribs writs to:
P.O. Bo¡ 8t199
IrDg B€aeh, CÀ 90608
or ell (213) 42036?ó
a Ppte- Flahlve
es, both
A$E for
A FirstOlass Chance
to find new PBM
customers bv listing here,
AH, VC, In 1944 the German tu ation was becoming desperate. Both
fronts were crumblitg, and the losses suffered in men and
material since the beginning of the war were becomin$ im'
possible to make uP.

uThe Battle of the Bulge."

ou. Àll
es. New Advo¡tu¡e¡ By Ma¡¡
One hope was that an all-out effort against the Allies in the

River was one of thesc:.

5-9pm, G6t ô freô stsrtor paclage aad 2frce tumriaa
r Hall, ojor PBM gmae. Ïo st-riagr atieched. îry it
out before payiog. Write to:
west would force the British and Americans to fall back and.
ugt, CA

pos~ible to make up.

n. It'6 â C¡ioo
Bor 436
P. O.
Cohæs, NY 1204?
to6 all
ypes are regroup, thus relaxing the pressure on the u¡estern front which
turday, Retail
British Isle6, Es¡tb, Gnld Eurcpean,Ilæ1.
would enable the Germans to concentrate on the Russian front
All a¡ds, M¡pe, Rule¡ ONLY $IOU.S, once more.
Caeb, Cheque, Moaey O¡derto

once more.
Job¡ R Biehl
'l #108-2040 Yorl¡ Ave
HE That gamble would come to be known to the Americans as

Vaacouve¡, B.q.
Ca¡ada VôI lE?
I H-(604) 732.3568
re! r
BacL- Bslieve thie! Bolieve it! "The Battle of the Bulge."
The Gamer's Guide
Your guide to better gaming!
Clasified: In the east the order of the day \ras to hold at all costs until
the time when a ne\ñ¡, strong offensive could be mounted. Each
river and strongpoint had to be defended to the last. The Oder
River was one of these.
nfs forward
to: érush' the,
wer,tJrre Cl.erf The normal basic game rules apply to the Commencement of Play: After set-up, begin
tournament. r Only the advanced game provisions play with the Collusion phase.
't"t'" t"'
tlft 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+ 9 ·-10 11 12· END '

relating to the marine detachments and the White



Tournament Length: Five years.

. - ~"
8AnLEPl,AN .# 5

Russlan minder are used, albeit with modifications.

~ .,

Z-lO '


Shipping: Ships çþ operate in the first year.

-' .

National characteristics are ignored.


Number of Players:6

Bribes and Diplomacy: Bribes may be given at


2-1 .
any time. Diplomacy must be open. There can be


Player Holdlngs: Each player begins


~6~ 4
no "sgcret deals".

$200,000 and one racket district, a warehouse and


outpost at llolzthum. their objectiveist({:'~ru·sh . the :'

a factory selected in the manner below. Muggers: Still cost |$90,000 but if successfulthe
Volksgrenadiers, who had stolen march on the troops '

the opposition and reach the stone bridge Qv~r";theClerf

" ':" : .
on either side of them, moved up through the Woo9S
and contacted the American 10 1st Di vision's forward
In the early hours of a cold, foggymornirig :the 26th

hiring player receives hatl the take (rounding up)

, ,, Contractor/Racket Set-Up: lgnore the

Nazi and the remainder goes to the owner of the


: Spy 'and one of the Mar¡ne Detachments and

'-, -

Temple of the Jade Buddha. Nothing is gained if

,remove them from play. The remaining Marine

AI~ ::Cft
" ', "

Detachment is attached to the Transport Company

Board ConfiguratiQ~ t · .

Passport Cost: $20,000 per player. A player

and the White Russian Minder is attached to the


;..- ,
Frenchtown Casino. These contractors may be may choose to roll for a lree passport at the

used or hired out by the owner of the racket lor lnternational Gonsulates, and run the risk of

the same benefits as in the normal game. The

ending up in Old Chrnâtown.
t0 t2

11 END other contractors are placed as usual, eg the Lido

Wlnner: of each game is st¡llthe escaped player

Courtes¿n on the nightclub and so on.
who has the largest inlernal¡onalbank account. A


~I~ joG)
Prlbe of Rackets: Ail rackefs cost g40,000. player may win w¡th no money, provided he or she


*;-. ~6~
-rn¡ alone has escaped. ln case of ties, the winner

J+tz T-l lnltlatlve: All players roll for initiative. Highest

off Qfthe ,Southern Edge of board 3. The Americans win by

The Germans win by exiting eight units (excluding leaders)
Alrr between those sharing the highest money score is

goes first of course.
the one who escaped first. Cash in hand is

All Winter rules are in effect.

Either side wins by causing the other side flfty percent

Racket Allocatlon: All racket cards except the useless for the purposes of determining winners.


Once escaped a,player cannot participate in the

ShanghaiClub and the Soochow Creek Emporium


• 6-16
are shuffled and placed face down in a stack. The remaining action in any way - including bribes. ln

2-4-7 ~

particular, remaining cash in hand cannot be used

player with the highest initiative chooses one card

;.'- ,.iCC)


6 from the face down stack, the next highest player for assassins or lent to other players - do so before

avoiding these German victory conditions.

follows. you get out.

Players then place one of their racketeer and two Each round of the tournament will consist of a

' ia,


of their coolie counters in the district they have number of preliminary sessions and one final


drawn. The remaining six rackets (including the session. The top 12 or 18 players from the


casualties, excluding leaders.


A: It -T lMG
preliminary sessions will play off in the final. The

Shanghai Glub and Soochow Creek Emporium)


top 12 or 18 players will be determined by ranking
k* I,IG
are left vacant but may be purchased in the usual

{ the bank accounts of all escaped players. So a


i:N 6-6·6


4-6-7 ¡t2


good place

second or third get you

may still into
Warehouse and Factory Selecilon: The

3 2 the finals. The tournament organizers may
highest player selects one warehouse and one

A!N .!o
automatically seed winners of previous rounds into

I-10 factory site from anywhere on the board, and


a ,

. i OCl
the finals.

• L
places one of his overseer and manager counters

·U.S. sets up first
frt movesrtrst
2{ on them, respectively. The second highest player
10 * cl
¡r2 follows likewise, and so on untíl all players have


3 3 selected a warehouse and factory.

At early dawn in February 1944 swiftly
of the ix Russian Army ðome upon elements of the VI SS
Panzer Army situated in strong defensive positions in a
town. Possession of this town is vital.

: Y-IO

. PAGE 5


Panzer Army situated in strong defensive positions in a

. of the IX Russian Army come upon elements of the VI SS
towards the Oder, the Germans were forced to turn small

: Eastern Front collapsed and the Russians advanced

At early dawn in February 1944 swiftly moving elements

THE ODER RIVER. RUSSIA. February 1944: As the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
villages into temporary strongpoints to be defended

, iG)






The side wins which possesses the majority of the nine buildings inside I
the circular road. Pôssession goes to the lasl unit to occqpy, or move t



through the building

town. Possession of this town is vital.

against numerically superior forces.



me tournament


* Russl¡! novss ñrst

a. 4 5 6 7 10

1 2 3

1 4 -4-
+ Gorù¡¡soisuÞfirst

. i-
~!~ -olO



ON BOARD #3 ·6

{! .

klC? t8~:+
3 and 4'
the circular road. Possession .goes to the las.t unit to ocCUpy, or move

The side wins which ppssesses the majority of the nine buildings inside

Elements of the VI SS Panzer Army set up on board


r either or both rounds


.. I


contact the convention ufitG LTG

- . .
aa .T .tÁ i.ï; .*Å { 2-A

frs Q-7 fi!s


' fri€ Ès ffi

,,i 'r, F$8 Bt2 LüG


-r B12


3 8t2

3 3 3




~:\ - ~k
PO Box 1016 ON BOARD#3

City ACT 2601. nnt

8 **
24 *il: P-1 *Å { 24 o-1
Èffi 312
O Box 158

-: 4 '


- 3
A$3.00 per session. lf




opy of Shanghai Trader Advance elements of the Russian IX Army enter on board 3 and 4

Games booth you will

registration one for llf,Êì
2-8 A-6 24 l( l( FF.5

{ ft¡; ft!a T ¡10+ 4-4-7

n, valid at either round.

r 87 oru¡oaRo#3'

through the building.

mbe issue of ON BOARÞ"#3

German sets up first .

. · jCO
· ~i~
urnament rules.

RU,ssian moves first

. ttc tn8
I( l( l( l( 2-A

4-4-7 { ¡t2
10 Y-10
| ¡¡0.
ftås ftls T 310+ â-4-7 frþ

'* .
5. Squad Leader -Fred Minard _ and eager to
help out fellow wargamers, you may bã
Sole Price 6.
Gamer's Guide
Pittsburg, PA interested in blindtesting/developing
Battleplan mini-wargames. To do this,
Clas¡ifieds "Not everyone is a Squad Leader simply read this column, and if you would
like to help with any game described, write
7. Midway Scenarios or Son ofSL freak! There are a lot

COMPUTE R DIRECT ~1::O!r7o~~~~;!do~'~i:: ~:i::'·~0~;~:Sc~~~~~~~~=.e:~O:i~~i~lc~~~ ~~:!~ ~;:~;.~~:.~~ ~~:~I:~~d!.A~~i

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Prices Expire 2-29-.. 1

Complete System COlllpatible.Syslelll

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covered. AH's Russian Front is a P.O. Bor 8399

IBM® Is the registered trademark of Internotl.o nol Business Machines. Inc .

4.77 /8 MH~ ; Clock/Calendar; .

Basically, you enjoyed our new

Parallel, Serial And Game Ports

Feedback Forum column, our dialogue great game. Let's see some ink on Long Beach, CA 90808

t5 Day Horne Trial • 90 Day Immediate Replacement Policy .

and say so. What you'll get is a copy ofthe
with you, the readers of Battleplan, most. it! Victory Game's Civil War is

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Video, Parallel, And Serial

Reading your Feedback comments is very game (you'll have to f¡r up the components
enlightening for us, so keeps those cards
another. Come on!" a bit), and the tâsk offiring as much of it as
and comments comming! -ToddA. Hively you can. You'll also get credit for your
MHz (Norton Cl Rorlngf work, but currently, only designers get, any
Obviously, the larger articles are the Waco, TX
K Profes¡ionol XT Compuler pay. Why not help playtæst? Ifyou love the

• HI·ReI12" Monochrome Monitor

• HI·ReI12" Monochrome Monitor

more popular ones among our readers.

/8 MHz ; Clock/Colendor; game topics deacribed below, write to us

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7 Interestingly, these are the very ones that AII we cøn sa.y is, that if you want today!
rollel, SeriolAnd Gome Ports create love/ hate on the newsstand. Ifwe
to read, it here, write it for us! We

DOS 3.2 e G.W. Bo¡lc lncluded don't pick the right two or three games to
really cover, we could have a poor issue in can only publish wløt you write!! M iní - war garnes in pr og res s
ome llonltor terms ofsales. For that reason, each issue After all, being creøtiue is ø pørt of
Prlnter with Inlerfoce And Poper around here are bøsicølly three
will be built on these 'features'(including being ø u)o,rgarner, so put your
cessor, Spreodsheet & Doto Bose the upcoming mini-wargames), with the right naw. Up on the playtest shelf
scenario ønd uariønt ideøs to right now øre ZuluWar, The Roch,
morter holding it all together being the

mork ol lnl.¡rc|¡ðnol Surimt. rvlchlE. læ.


shorter variants and scenario piecés. paper and send them in. andSicily.
This section is where we respond to ZuluWar is infirwl playtest,

No One Sells
No One Sells

This System
This System

the remarks made by our readeri through "Why is "Civil \üar" (feedback
bo being blindtested by three different

For Less!
For Less!

their Feedback Cards. Perhaps yozr question #39) always taken as a

quéstions and comments will appear here groups øbout the country. Reports
nert issue! vote for ACW? Why not colonials, and feedbøck øre corning in, and so
Franco-Prussian, etc? That's what
System I'd like to see, not the l00lst game
on Gettysburg. Pleas do Zulu-

the gøme wiII enter into firw,I

production by the time you read
Reader's Comments: this. It you like the mouies, you'll

onítor, PrÍnter & Sof¡wore 'War!"

liþe this garne.
"Cover art was nicely done, but a -R. Dral The Roch needs playtesters.It's

1 . BOx of 100 ••••••••• $22.00 (22 C each) .

uery Wor subject (it made me

514" ·Double-lieleel, Douille

Columbus, Ohio
Computer, Drltle, Monitor, Printer & Software

ø sotid little wørgaïrc (forgiue the

1 Box of 50 ••••••• ~. $13.50 (27 C each)

Each Disk 100% Cartlflcatled e Automatic DUlt .emover
sob Price embarrassed to be seen with the

Disk Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 per quantity of 100

No One Sells

Paper Economy Sleeves ... $5.00 per quantity of 100

pun). Please write if youare

This System

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magazine; and I get enough gibes "Include ratings for solitaire interested in the Axis assøult on

.Density Floppy.Disks
. • Software: Word Processor, Spreadsheet & Data Entry
• Genuine IBM 1%" Printer With Interface And Paper
about gaming as it is)." playability. How about, a mini- Gibralter.
-Ray Russell
$ wargame on Charlemagne's

Free Lifetime .eplacement Warranty

Anzio nuts m.ay want to try the

Minneapolis, MN campaigns?" Sicily megø-uøriant. Pleøse write if

Apple ® is the registered trodemork of Apple Computers Inc .

-Steven Lakoff you are interested, in playtesting.
"Your front cover looks like a pin- Philadelphia, PA
up for Soldier of Fortune At thís point, it is time to

New Lower2 2·
Li¡l12195 (Add135.0shipping.')
magazine." WelI, beginning with this issue, we ennounce whieh games rated well

• HI Rei 12" Monochrome Monitor

-Michael C. Marks will be rating games for solitaire

22292 N. Pepper Rd. Barrington. Il. 60010

in the feedbøck from last issue.

Call (312) 312·5050 To Orderl

ttHr / 5l2K Super Turbo Hope, AR pløyability, so tlwt uas øn eøsy

(Add $35. 00 shipping. *)

Sale Price
Do,uout øt Auersta.dt was the

Video, Parallel & Seripl Ports

tl@ XT Compollble Compuler .
one, ra,nked, highest. This is basecl on
deo, Porollel, And Seriol WeIl, we tried something different, As for doing a game on the

Apple lillie/lie Software

the N apoleon at W øterloo system

Runs Virtually All of the

• Laser 121K Computer .
ords lncluded that's all. We'll be switching back Frqnco-Prussian war or and ought to be cute.
DOS 3.2 t
G.W. Bo¡lc lncluded from ser to uiolence on our couers C ln rle møgne b cømpøig n:s, if

(Add $3.00 shipping. *)

Siege ønd Sally rated, well, so
ome ßlonltor øgain. By the wøy, the ørtist, you're willing to design it, we're Waynz Close - You can go aheod

Prlnter wilh lnterfoce And Poper

(with sleeves) .
Ja¡nes To\bot, has leftVictory

(without sleeves)
willing to feedbøck it inø future on this onz!
cessor, Spreodsheet t Dolo Eose Gomes for Milton Brad,Iey. Sort of issue and see what the readers

list $lm
Phoney W ar looh,s " iffy." M r.
m.k of lnl.rml¡oml¡t l¡læh¡Ë, lß. m.akes you wonder what he could to try.It's not enough to Meldrum, could you whip up a
ha,ue done for the couer of Axis & complain about so¡nething you prototype
cernerrt Pol¡cy Allies... don't like, you haue to be willing to
for ins pec tion?
Tlnfs øIl for now! See you next
å;.îîS,31,!,Y;'11î,å,li;iå1""ff; þsomething about it. Are you up issue!
vr3a _ ¡rl3lr¡ca¡D - c.G).Þ.

elp to illuminate the process by

hich manpo\l'er is estimated.

ong the way. This chart, cgn


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an Guards, German Army, or corrections half-way through. he cannot now change the values
units are eliminated in as radically as historical accuracy
bat, a battlegroup survives. For instance, when designing would require, without starting
battlegroup is then retreated wargame maps¡the first fact I al- over on the design. Probably to
ways require is the size of the map many designers the possibility of
hexes by the attacking player,

sheet after it is trimmed by the beginning again with the right of library time you should have
unit. At certain times the'Russian
the introduction of battle groups. If

unit must be in range. The effects

forces. However, there are certain
his battlegroup is located. Of

restrictions and the ST A V KA

player will be allowed to declare
an artillery barrage on Axis
them a chance to. rebuild their

Now ... About that STAVKA

tant. Frustrated German players
Russian Guards, German Army, or
By far the biggest change is

will love this rule because it gives

minimum number of cities
victory conditions in the game
now. the catch is that the German

Russian attacks. They are impor-

player will automatically lose the

German must be careful not to

leave his battlegroups exposed to
that allows German battlegroups

resul t of this optional rule the

if he is able to. Further, a player

to combine and be replaced with

further interest is an optional rule

previously eliminated units. As a

The battlegroup is then retreated

may receive replacements where

game if he doesn't hold a

two hexes by the attacking player,

SS units are eliminated in
combat, a battlegroup survives.

is able to. Further, a player

receive replacements where binder, and before I do anything fïgures never occurs. All their enough information.
battlegroup is located. Of else lwant to see where the outer experience has taught them that -to
er interest is an optional rule margin will fall. historical veracity ié impossibie regarding map research, it is
allows German battlegroups maintain. probably better, because ofaerial
Ironically, the more work you photography's advent, to use a
throughout the game. I

ombine and be replaced with

shattered formations.

ously eliminated units. As a have invested in a project based In fact, I believe it is no more' modern source as your point of
ult of this optional rule the on wrong assumptions, the more difficult to create a game design departure no matter what area
man múst be careful not to desirable it is to begin again. based on a frm foundation of fact you're researching. Usually the
e his battlegroups exposed to than it is to cook up a big batch of alignment of roads does not
ian attacks. They are impor-
This explains my attitude fudge. Starting out with an accur- change. Rather, you just need to
Frustrated German players toward historical research rela- ate manpower estimate for the determine which roads are on
ove this rule because it gives ting to game design. I try to avoid forces and an accurate map will entirely new alignments, and
m a chance to rebuild their surprises once the design is be- eliminate the need for great which major routes have declined
ered formations.
gun. amounts of tinkering and jiggling to secondary status. Use period
of numbers to make the game maps and sketch maps in the
Ifa vital bridge or ford or crest
capability will tax the best of
attack has a 66% chance of
failure? And if you consider that if

There are no sudden death

since his defenses will be easier to
give the Russ·ians the (shakes'
players because you will now ha ve
to plan your attacks much more
changes in rule 16.2. Units that

their second impulse. This new

substitute a DR result in combat if

Would you believe that a 3 to 1

now allowed to move and attack in

took part in 10 to 1 attacks are

Conversely, this new option wi11

You breakout fans will like the

history books to estimate this. The
results are obvious. Bottom line is

come out with the right results.

at high odds to insure a kill. Smart

to trap enemy units, rendering

you play with all the optional

wood hexes at half strength. The

This new rule can be deadly when

that if you are going to attack ...

essentially means is that enemy

to eliminate. A player must attack

Ipincer and envelopment' attacks

rules, your armour can only attack

units are going to be a lot harder

players wi 11 try to make true

a C or EX is rolled. What this

attacking units in the woods.

the ensuing retreats punishing.

Now... About that STAVKA

At certain times theRussian is left off the D&p, or not sources will not agree, so you have
er will be allowed to declare positioned properly, the confused Doing the manpower research to use your judgement. regarding

artillery barrage on Axis designer may find himself forced is not diffìcult, provided you have rivers, by and large, they don't
s. However, there are certain to "fudge" the strength, say, ofthe access to a large research library move drastically over a century or
rictions and the STAVKA unit that's supposed to hold that like those found on university two. Woods tend to shrink, but not
A VOID wooded hexes. campuses and maintained by
location. Now, he has compounded always. Sometimes the trend is
must be in range. The effects

an error on the map with incorrect state governments. Then there are reversed, and sometimes, where
strength. the archives of the nations in- there are slopes, they are just
volved, but you probably don't never cleared. But, it is unlikely
I have a feeling that the prlme you will fïnd anything reliable on

have to go to this extreme. Also, in

ingredient in many a game design our hobby there are networks of woods coveråge in pre-1850's
these days is fudge. researchers who specialize in OB sources. ln those days the best
information for particular periods. surveys were made by military
It is certainly true that every If you can find these folks they are engineers, who were limited
game has a certain amount of that most often happy to see their to select lines and points of

year. This can be significant

defending urii t can chQose to

seem quite small and you are
right! Now, let's talk about the
real changes and forget about the
I realize that these changes

chrome. Beginning in 1942 any

new capabilities. Anyway, we'll
move as normal units. The Stavka

because the Stavka counter has

unit can now be replaced once a
booklet. You must have a copy of
off your old and battered copies of

Simulations and sells for $3.50 .

Artillery pieces. the Afrika Corps

First, say goodby to the variant

counter is also gone. Rommel is

The Hitler and Stalin pieces are

rules and the alternative strategic

longer any German Airborne or

. Before I talk of strategies let

scenarios. As well there are no

no longer considered HQ's and

the Avalon Hill Company's The
a,nd methods of play. the variant

Russian Campaign in order to

players to seek out new strategies

For that you get a new set of die

cut counters and a four-page rules

deemed to have stayed in Africa.

Well wargamers, time to dust

is published by International
revised edition that will entice

me explain some of the changes.

Russian Campaign. John Ed-
wards has presented us with a
tell-tale confection. The most efforts made use of with their interest.

Russian Campaign II
exacting designer must reach a name in print beside them,

Changes and Strategies

point where, after studying all properly credited. In researching my series of

play Russian Campaign II.

the variables, he concludes that operational-level games on the
things don't feel right. At this You do not have to read every Napoleonic campaigns, I have

Art Kritzer
point his intuition tells him where book you find on your particular found it necessary to estimate the
to add and subtract "weight". And campaign. Use the index... Read total manpower pool of a nation, to

you could call this adding and it thoroughly.Check every refer- know exactly how many were

getto that later.

subtracting, "fudging". But if so, it ence you can find as to manpower, liable to call-up, and so on. This is
is a different variety than the individual units, replacements, because of the importance of
wholesale fudge that takes the hospitals, depots, recruitment, march attrition at this level in
place of proper front-end research etc., ect. Checking these entries this particular era. In order to
in many game designs. These will lead you to other key words calculate attrition, I need to know
games' designers probably think which you can in turn look up in the strength of the army at the
they will fine-tune their initial the index. In thirty offorty hours beginning and end of the
In 1941 it is best that You PlaY it

with your paratroops. Forget

spread out. Continue to attack (out

rear. Also, threaten a Black Sea

A good Russian ploy is to keep it's absolutely necessary. This

keep the Germans watching their

Try to use them in conjunction

invasion. German units elsewhere
let the regular army be the cannon

block lines of retreat, cut supply

k~ep one paratroop unit in

able to advance in the second Keep your battle groups handy, so

safq. Since the Germans will be
Especially in the winter. Always

A final concern to the Ger-

regular 6-3 units stacked with 6:5 delays German reinforcements

units. The bottom line here is that

you can only receive one armor

impulse and if need be, take the 6- you will be able to rebuild new
3 as a loss if it's required. This units exactly where they are
This will force the Germans to

active at all times. Use them to

and one Guards unit per turn, so
even though you can afford losses

reserve, as its mere presence will

fodder. Also, keep your 8-6's and

mans is the partisans. Keep them

Rumania and avoid Warsaw until

of supply' units whenever you can.

sources, and block rail movement.

ca valry uni ts roaming in the rear.

armor units. This way you will be until the last possible moment.
3. The final variant assumes allowed to attack in the second
hat the Germans assigned toP impulse of an automatic attack,
riqrity to evacuating their you must be careful not to leave
anzer and motorized formations your flanks exposed. You will not
eforeall other units. When this be able to defend everywhere in
ariant is used, all German strength, so concentrate in the
anzer and motorized formatior¡s most threatened sectors' Use
ormally appearing as reinforce-
........ .-.-

sacrificial units here and there to

is good for you.

ments on 10 through 18 are slow down the German attacks'
ogether as a single group on turn Your cavalry and armored units

will also work with 5-3 and 7-4 required.

0 on hex 1052. All other units will do great here because of their
ppear normally at the indicated greater movement factors theY are
mes and locations. able to return to the action those exposed stacks. If need be, units. The bottom line here is that
quickly when used as rePlace- force the Germans to overextend even though you can afford losses
ments. If you plan it right, You themselves by withdrawing into you can only receive one armor

take losses. Remember, a war of

because a (safe' German player

center stack open for a second

impulse attack with no possible
can muster. Attack the mid-point

flanks will retreat leaving the

way to retreat. Should the

with the least odds. This strategy
leave a few armored units on

losses. This means that both

should be planning pincer attacks

will work to your advantage

will give way rather than take

themselves by withdrawing into
force the Germans to overe'x tend

German player stand fast he will

each city a stronghold and always

From 1943 onwards, you

whenever possible. Attack the

fl~nks with as high odds as you
those exposed stacks. If need be,

the interior of your country. Make

will be able to use these units over the interior of your country. Make and one Guards unit per turn, so

railway lines for quick transfers.

and over again as the game each city a stronghold and alwaYs let the regular army be the cannon
progresses. Try to build uP a leave a few armored units on fodder. Also, keep your 8-6's and

attrition is good for Russia.

strategic reserve, and do Your railway lines for quick transfers. cavalry units roaming in the rear.
utmost to deny the Germans the This will force the Germans to
woods west of Moscow. ln 7942 From 1943 onwards, you spread out. Continue to attack'out
these.woods are harder to take. should be planning pincer attacks of supply' units whenever you can.
During the first winter, strike whenever possible. Attack the Especially in the winter. Always
hard at the German lines. flanks with as high odds as you keep one paratroop unit in
Concentrate on 'out of combat can muster. Attack the mid-Point .reserve, as its mere presence will
with the least odds, This strategY keep the Germans watching their
i ng House supply' units. Commit Your
reserves, use Your ParatrooPers. will work to your advantage rear. Also, threaten a Black Sea
ll90 E. Colorado Blvd' Be relentless, as this is Your because a 'safe' German PlaYer invasion. German units elsewhere
chance to get even, and more. TrY will give way rather than take is good for you.

Pasadena, CA 9t106
(sls) 44s-9107 to take out units that the German losses. 'lhis means that both
flanks will retreat leaving the A final concern to the Ger-

-behind your lines to strike at

armor and Guard units roaming
on them if you can. Keep your
battlegroup. Try to concentrate
mind that any destroyed stack
may only give way to one
will be able to use these units over

replacement superiority. Strike at

and over again as the game

battlegroups as you can. Keep in

Above all, destroy as many
will do great here because of their
greater movement factors they are

quickly when used as replace-

ments. If you plan it right, you

ous. Take advantage of your

able to return to the action
your flanks exposed. You will not

Your cavalry and armored units

In 1942 your forces should be

In 1941 it is best that you play it

be able to defend everywhere in

most threatened sectors. Use

looking stronger and more numer-

strength, so concentrate in the

sacrificial units here and there to

allowed to attack in the second
safe.. Since the Germans will be

you must be careful not to leave

cannot replace in the next Year.

chance to get even, and more. Try

to take out units that the German
impulse of an automatic attack,

Be relentless, as this is your

woods west of Moscow. In 1942
slow down the German attacks.

exposed Axis units at all times.

supply' units. Commit your
During the first winter, strike
the whereabouts of the STA VKA

reserves, use your paratroopers.

forced to scan the board to seek
Germans edgy as they will be
Stuka attacks on the Russians. At

strategic reserve, and do your

utmost to deny the Germflns the

hard at the German lines.

last your Russian opponent will

This new threat will keep the

of this barrage are the same as the

progresses. Try to build up a

these woods are harder to take.

get a taste of their own t.error.

smile in delight as the Germans

Concentrate on ~out of combat

center stack open for a second mans is the partisans. KeeP them

cannot replace in the next year.

of the largest In 1942 your forces should be impulse attack with no Possible active at all times. Use them to
looking stronger and more numer- way to retreat. Should the block lines of retreat, cut suPPly
l, wargaming ous. Take advantage of Your German player stand fast he will sourees, and block rail movement.
res, the world replacement superiority. Strike at take losses. Remember, a war of Try to use them in conjunction
House offers a exposed Axis units at all times. attrition is good for Russia. with your paratrooPs. Forget
Above all, destroy as many Rumania and avoid Warsaw until
n of fan-üasY' battlegroups as you can. KeeP in A good Russian ploy is to keeP it's absolutely necessary. This
storical games

mind that any destroyed stack regular 6-3 units stacked with 6'5 delaYs German reinforcements
may only give way to one armor units. This way you will be until the last possible moment.
battlegroup. Try to concentrate able to advance in the second Keep your battlegroups handy, so

ve, special ordering on them if you can. KeeP Your impulse and if need be, take the 6- you will be able to rebuild new
armor and Guard units roaming 3 as a loss if it's required. This units exactly where they are
behind your lines to strike at will also work with 5-3 and ?-4 required.
.l b=.i'l,
Þ:gE9 ¡. í-.-ì pln å[giääFËã -
ô È
T Ë;lF
ã ãer i!-íirJ
ut =D= äg-l o E
X õ -,o
EãËa:üks"I Õ
Þ': FP >'E I
lE= Tfcl o
, . FãE'ã
o -tO
' . PAG~ , E"ä F,Ë:*E E*J
" '~~--~-=--~~~------------------------------~------------~--------------------------,
, '~ 'RUSSIAN'
É$ ËT ãËäåË åFär
¡* U)
: ~
È ååiËåå ËH* J o
$F;eEHíå LLJ
.: ,,' In '1941
dx ' 1Þ.-.Ë
your prime Ë
by side. That insures
Ë Þ 3.Fç iã.
two battlegroups
t#lthere will be two maximum per turn. To let
left ' if disaster reason prevail, do not allow 205
uÉ+ ËFËå
German units to form battle-

units as you can, $captureårg

.oËiü e g àiE
should be to destroy as many ã1943 to ,1945 the Rus- groups.
i¡i¡-S1 iååägå;g
With these changes you
, Russian
," , your minimum required amountI From will probably have a better
sian replacements will force you balanced game. Of course, if you
' of cities and minimize your losses. to fall back and take losses. You don't agree, have the German
An of this sounds too idealistic, can minimize them by making units stand fast and recreat
\,'_ . and simplistic,but with careful stands behind rivers, in cities, and history.
:~,:" , 'planning , you should be able to in the woods. With the new rule
):,>"'.l B.ccomplish your goals. Your that allows you to retreat rather ruqne6YlLô7A
~;t '~ initial attack can make or break than take losses you will often be CONCLUSION 0þl?:L
you. Use your Stukas to force a tempted to do so ... Don't! Take
breakthrough. Don't be tempted to stock of yO'\lr forces. If you can
\ For $3.50, this kit is a MUST for
, attack everywhere at once. It is afford to lose a 'u nit, lose it rather all true east front wargamers.
better to surround and block the than risk a surrounded stack. An Getting used to the new changes
retreat routes of the Russian units exchange might deny the Russian I and strategies is challenging. And
not attacked in the first impulse. of the very unit needed to ) since it's your game, if you don't
They can be mopped up in the surround a vulnerable stack. like the new changes
second impulse by your infantry Essentially, then, you must make them. Hope these options and
Ft[ =v-c
d5... ?-O

units. Keep in mind that you are the Russians attack as many ideas have helped you out, and
able to attack In the second doubled or wooded positions as peeked your interest.
impulse, so set up accordingly. possible . Try to ,keep a mobile
Don't place your armored units reserve ready to, counterattack in
where a second impulse move will case the Rus~ians
.Nauù getr/Avt
careless. If
be impossible or difficult because the Russians¿ ignore Rumania or
of woods. Leave oyour tanks
bpçnaúO¡¿aåroom Hungary,cQncentrate on the
h> maneuver. Further, don't forget defense of thet Reich. Finally,
FI{H In the world of
that any units adjacent to enemy treasure your battlegroups. Don't
units in the second impulse will expose them to front line duty. SQUAD LEADER .
'lOt be able to move. Lastly, try to They ·are your life's blood. Every
all faithful players
IR ilwq
avoid areas where your units will saved batt Ie g r 0 up willI pay
be out of combat supply during the di vidends as the game progresses.
winter. To clarify, the area
should rally to
7þ3 of ,Moscow is open to fP~:fi1 ;~, II\fl-,T,.,
~!~J~~~a---. ~ ~l'!e!~~ ~
\fi~rt: m'r:nif,WM lSl '
vicious Russian counterattacks in OPTIONAL CHANGES
the winter ... Avoid it!
The new rules tend to favor Io
the , Tbe source for
By 1942 your Axis allies will Germans. If the German is conser-' qG. on all
, .reports rl ofth~ '
be making their presence felt. Use vative and falls back to short, well SQUAD LEADER games
these units in conjunction with defended lines, the Russian will and gamettes,
German units. Stack a weak 2-4 be lucky to reach Berlin due to the
or 2-3 unit with an attack. That fact that the new rules allow the (À:r< in articles,
6ll{ ¡e¡n{
way if there are any losses they Germans to continually deny new scenarios, and a
will be there to take them. Also, battle and reform battlegroups. æz fA\rfs
national player
make sure that you have a few of After eliminating a 3-6 and a 4-6, øL 3Psystem.
these weak units available for their batUegroups can reform to
rear area duties. They can deny an 8-7 unit. Further, two eliniina- For more information, please
critical rail way junctions to the ted 3-4 units will result in two 2-3 write to:
partisans and their additional battlegroups. these then form a 4- OnAll Fronts
zones of control will deny the 4 uriit. Keep in mind that the P.O. Box 265
Russians a potential paratroop Russians are not allowed to Marshall, AR 72650
drop zone. Don't, under any combine their battlegroups.
circumstances, allow the Russian 9tfvarro ¡¡ MoP acT.
One year, 12 newsletters, is only
11 \qê
$12.95 or a half year (6-issu~) ' trial sub-
player the opportunity to attack at To counter these advantages
high odds any stack with one or it is suggested that the RussiansllO = R\SStÀh''I \srr
scription is only $7.50. All payments must
be in U.S. ·, funds and made payable. to
more armored units. Since only be allowed to set up second and M.C.C. Overseas subscriptions are $15.0Q
one battlegroup will be allowed to move first in the 1944 scenarios. 6ør<¡n¡¡.r
survive per stack, it is sometimes Allow the Russians to make three
per year for surface mail. .

vl Service
and 1945, éoc¡¡'À¡¡
better to place armored units side barrage attacks in 1944oê+ ú-rq Circle Reader #4

6th Gd Tk Army

race to only a cavalry
h corps must trace to that

my leader. Rumanian units

by This scenario simulates the
JAMES E'. MELDRUM historical invasion of the fortress
of Singapore from the landward
During Wor ld War Two there side.
were many daring, outrageous,
and patently impossible opera- INITIAL UNITS
tions developed by the belligerent
powers. Somt of these, like the BRITISH
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 22 Aus* 1707; 27 Aus 1908; 6 Ind* planned for is directed at Singa-
' were brilliantly successful 'while 1705; 151nd* 1705; 54 Br 1803; 55 pore. This scenario may be used to

and patently impossible oPera-

Japanese attãck on Pearl Harbor
IÐwers. Som.e of these, like the
tions developed by the belligerent
others like the Canadian landings
were brilliantly successful while
just such a chance to simulate the

of Great Britain (Operation Sea

others like the German invasion
at Dieppe were disasters. Still
[his because of the question of
gamers are fond of situations like
Lion) never materialized. War-
Strøtegy & Tøctics, gives PlaYers
ties. Singapore, published in
"What If..." and of the opportuni-
invasion of Singapore -- both bY
land and sea.
fortifications and other' installa-
anticipated an amphibious inva-
tion at Singapore, the Planners
oriented the fortifications theY
Because of the way the Planners
sion that never materialized.
seemed to indicate a World War
expected the Japanese to advance
One mind-set as though theY
Japanese, as history shows, had
a point of honor to do so. The
British guns as though theY were
straight into the rnouths of the
no-such naive notions of honor (at
least in this case). They learned
attacking the German fortiñca-
their lesson the hard way when
during World War One and
tions at Tsing Tao in China
Consequently they did not wish to
suffered massive casualties.
Wrong-Way Bastion

The rest is history.

repeat this mistake and attacked

Singapore from the landward side.

others like the Canadian landings Br 1803; 12 Ind* 1805; 28 Gur* determine how successful a J apa-
at Dieppe were disasters. Still 1805; FMSVF 2004; SSVF 2105; 1

When the British built the

nese amphibious invasion would
others like the German · invasion Maylay 1706. have been.
of Great Britain (Operation Sea
Lion) never materialized. War- JAPANESE
garners are fond of situations like 18th Div. (all units) 1507; Any INITIAL FORCES
this because of the question of two units of the 5th Div. 1608;
"What If... " and of the opportuni- Any two units of the 5th Di v. BRITISH
ties. Singapore, published in 1709; Imp. Gds. Div. (all units) As in scenario one except that
Strategy & Tactics, gives players 1602. the British may deploy anywhere
just such a chance to simulate the on Singapore.
invasion of Singapore -- both by
land and sea. REINFORCEMENTS
On assaul t pulse two the JAPANESE
When the British built the Japanese player may receive one As in scenario one except that
fortifications and other ' installa- tank regiment of his choice at full all units must arrive in an am-

Br 1803; 12 Ind* 1805; 28 Gur*

22 Aus* l7O7;27 Aus 1908;6 Ind*
Maylay 1?06.

1705; 15 Ind* 1705; 54 Br 1803; 55

Any two units of the 5th Div.
two units of the 5th Div. 1608;

1805; F'MSVF 2004; SSVF 2105; I

18th Div. (all units) 1507; AnY
Japanese player may receive one

1?09; Imp. Gds.
tank regiment of his choice at full
The British player receives no re-
strength appearing in hex 1507.
asterisk (*) appearing next to it is
assault pulses. Any unit with an
set up at reduced strength.
using rules 13.4r-3 in any combin-
except that they continue to be
deploy their units as they wish
use free deployment where they
governedbyrule 11.0.
the invasion that the British

tion at Singapore, the planners strength appearing in hex 1507. phibious landing.
anticipated an amphibious inva- The British player receives no re-
On assault pulse two the
This scenario consists of four
2. Either, or both players may

1. The British player may try

In this hypothetical scenario


sion that never materialized. inforcements.



Because of the way the planners REINFORCEMENTS

oriented the fortifications they The British receive no rein.:

seemed to indicate a World War SPECIAL RULES forcements . On assault pulse two
One mind-set as though they This scenario consists of four the Japanese may receive one
Dív. (all units)

expected the Japanese to advance assault pulses. Any unit with an tank regiment of their choice; this
straight into the mouths of the asterisk (*) appearing next to it is unit must arrive in hex 2105,
British guns as though they were set up at reduced strength. which must be occupied by a
a point of hono,r to do so. The Japanese unit. The arrival of the
Japanese, as history shows, had regiment may be delayed.
no such naive notions of honor (at OPTIONS
least in ,this case). They learned 1. The British player may try
their lesson the hard way when using rules 13.41-3 in any combin- SPECIAL RULES
planned for is directed at Singa-
pore. This scenario may be used to
determihe how successful a JaPa-
nese amphibious invasion would
have been.
on Singapore.
the British may deploy anywhere

phibious landing.
all units must arrive in an am-

attacking the German fortifica-

forcements. On assault Pulse two
the Japanese may receive
Japanese unit. The arrival of the

tank regiment of their choice; this

unit must arrive in hex 2105,
which must be occuPied bY a
regiment may be delayed.
assault pulses. Any unit with an
asterisk (*) is set uP at reduced
strength. Rule 11.2 must be used'

The scenario consists of four

full strength

rules 1.3.41-3 in any combination.

tions at Tsing Tao in China 2. Either, or both players may assault pulses. Any unit with an
- 3. Combine options one and

As in scenario one excePt that

As in scenario one excePt that
The British receive no rein-
The scenario consists of four

use free deployment where they

2. Add any single British tank

1. Deploy all British units at

4. Allow the British to use

during World War One and asterisk (*) is set up at reduced



suffered massi ve casualties. deploy their units as they wish strength. Rule 11.2 must be used.

Consequently they did not wish to except that they .c ontinue to be

governed by rule 11.0.

repeat this mistake and attacked



Singapore from the landward side. 1. Deploy all British units at

The rest is history. full strength
AM'P HIBIOUS 2. Add any single British tank
INVASION regiment.
3. Combine options one and
Wrong-Way Bastion two.
In this hypothetical scenario 4. Allow the British to ·use

the invasion that the British rules 13.41-3 in any combination . .

through enemy coun- chart list units
fy the die toll. If more than ters, or their zones of con- which should be added to the
4-5 Causeway is deátroyed; one leader is in the stack, trol. game.
partially and may be choose the one vou wish to

, Sept./Oct. 1986

'WQI;'S .~.

Review Jrvrri The V .I~P. of Gaming Magazine

Reli~ethisbattle and many others.with your own.eta of CroissantNiiniature. a;rplanes.l"he.e286th
begun. He-111 's, JU-88's and DO-17's escorted by ME-109's rise out of airbases in France arid Germany.and headfor
the English Coast. There, waiting to meet them are squadrons of British Hurricanes and Spitfires. The day is bright and
July 10, 1940, the Battle of France is over, and in the clear, surnrner skies over England, the Battle of Britain h~
used only by iafantry have ntodify thõ die roll.
used only by irifaIl~ry;
not be used by either

. 'N 0 effec;t;Caus~~ai is
partjally ~nd .PlaY,be
completely and may
Causeway is destroyed


They :are -utremel" -well rese(J,rched

12.52 At least one subordinated

uni't must be in the de-



6 No effect; Causeway is
' .

intact, fending hex, or attacker

... TABLE'

hex in order for the modi-


fier to be applied.

intact .

"•.• Q1tt8t.andiftg ,aM iftall


exceptio-rudl'll sC1Upted. "

12.53 If the units involved are
. .. . .. .


not within range of their
.. :.

leader, no modifier may be


used. A leader may only

Icale, single-piece metal planes are t'he finest detailed models on the market.

modify his own units.



However, if the units can

:: ',

trace to a non-divisional
leader (Corps, Army) the
modifrer may be used.
end of each British movement
The Bri tish player may

an Allied unit in inset map hex

phase and may be repeated until

1706. Demolition may occur at the
single die and consulting the
(inset map hex 1606) once per turn
attempt to demolish the causeway

This is accomplished by rolling a

until it is completely destroyed.

following table if there is

12.54 If an eligible divisional

2. Causeway Demolition

and Corps/Army leader

are both within range of a
the causeway is destroyed.

subordinated unit, always

PO Box 510. Lakewood, CA··90714-0510

use the highest level
This leader precedence is
as follows: Army, Corps,
Circle Reader Service #14
and Division.
nissent 72.55 Leaders may only cause

the units with which they

warm f the foe is sighted, the Spitfires dive ...

are stacked to regroup.
MINIATURES Game Convention
12.56 Prior to moving a leader, Organizers! STRATEGICON presents
sunk in theJ ohore Strait by
variation and should be used only

Prince of Wales and Repulse were

This rule assumes that the

represent the crews~ This unit

The following optional rules

-J ;a panese midget submarines.

the 2 Maylay in hex 1705 to

in the defense of Singapore. Place
are added to provide further

Their crews could have been used

Eryland,, the Battle of Brítni,n has the player must specify if GAMA, the Game Manufacturer's Associ- \Morld \Mide'lVargames'
with the consent of both players.

may not lea ve Singapore Island.


Croissant Miniatures
Frørwe and GermanV,and, headÍm (the leader) is traveling ation, is interested in your öid to host its
by foot, or is motorized. Keith Poulter at

For,inore .information contllct:

and,Spitlires. The dag is briAhf ønd Origins convention on a national or

(213) 496-1154
Once decided, the leader
will travel by that mode in
regional bøsis. Yes, smaller, reginnal
Origins bids are now being accepted! oRccoM 11
1. British Sailors
iaturcç airpltnet. Tl¡e¡c 28.ãtli the movement phase. Contact the Site Selection Chairman: ORCCON 11: at the L.A. Airport Hyatt
Martin V/ixted Hotel, February l2th - 15th, 1988, over

Circle Reader Service # 5

Leaders may only enter an c/o West End Games President's Day Weekend, Pre-register
enemy zone of control, if it 251 W. S0th Street for only $20.00 ifpostmarked by January
nnùÍa41 ,o¡ú ôn olt'woi¡c æqtiWL is occupied by a unit New York, NY 10001 3lst, 1988.1o pre-register, or for more
ur cswll uell rcæo¡phe'd o;d friendly to him. If caught for a bid application form. Why not host a
regional Origins in your area?
convention information, contact:
wlptad"" Diverse Talerrtsr lnc.
¿wlrom The V.I.P. of Gamlng Magazine
alone the leader is oRccoN r1
destroyed and may not Circle Reader Service #15
5374 Village Road

Sept./Oct. 1986
return to the game. The Long Beach, CA 90808

or call:
leader modifiers may or call (213)420-36?5
apply to any number of Circle Reader Service # t6

RUSSIANS aír combat game may be üsed to Libyan player may play this
The Russians deploy ñrst. simulate almost any kind of air scenario without an acceptable
battle between supersonic jet loss restriction. All scenario rules The Libyan player receives
th Cav, 6th Cav Corps and ?th fighter aircraft. Because Top from Mtssion 7 are in effect at all two each of Su-22s, Mig-21s, Mig-
Gun uses a relatively simple, times.
. F-18s are worth 16 points e~~h . .

Mech Corps - 2 hexes from #3540

may', as another option, try hiding
an option, playe'r s may ignore
Libyans and. four for the US . As
level is 3. All other. ~ibyan pilots
worth 20 points each. The F-14s

have a, skill level of 2. Acceptable

losses are thre~ planes for the

acceptable loss restrictions and

18 aircraft. All aircraft are set up

as each player desires , Each Su-22

23s, and Mig-25s. The US player

on the opposing short rna p edges

two each of Su ~ 22s, Mig-21s, Mig-
The Libyan player recei ves

is worth 6 points. Mig 21s are

worth 12 points, mig-23s are
worth 16 points, and Mig-25s are

are worth 18 points each and the

receives four each of F-14 and F-

23s, and Mig-25s. The US player

The Libyan Mig-25 pilot skill
All aircraft have 20 turns of tueL

Gd Mech Corps - Enter first turn quich-playing game system, receives four each of F'-14 and F-
The next scenario in this

Defense: 2 each chaff & flares '

Supersonic medium jet bomber
at #4352 several scenarios may be played to
18 aircraft. All aircraft are set up
GdTk Corps - #4550 conclusion in an evening. A campaign game is a modification on the opposing short map edges

number of scenarios may be of the Mission 2 scenario from the

Manuever Restrictions:
8th Tk Corps - #1146 STATISTICS as each player desires. Each Su-22
played in a series to simulate a regular campaign game. Here, "BLINDER"

Dive: 2
8 xx and r00 G xx - #2443,

No (2-6), Yes (3-6) .

is worth 6 points. Mig 2ls are

Max. Acc/Brake: 1II

#2446 campaign composed of several air three F-l4s attempt to intercept
battles - one such is included in two Tu-22s escorted by four Mig- worth 12 points, mig-23s are
one lypeofaircraft.
03 xx - #7748 worth 16 points, and Mig-25s are
ATand 34 AT - #2246 the game. 22s. The F-l4s use the highest
worth 20 points each. The F-l4s

Fuel: 20 turns
victory point values given for US

R Turns: No
thTk Reg- #2545 are worth l8 points each and the

Top End: 5
An additional campaign may aircraft in the Mission 2 scenario.

Missiles: 0
316ATand l6?2 AT -#2147 F'-18s are worth 16 points eaçh.
be based on Mission 7 frorn the Each Tu-22 is worth.30 points;

Climb: 1
7 Eng Bn- #2552 All aircraft have 20 turns of fuel.
th Motorcyele - #1952 Top Gun odvanced rules section each Mig-21 uses the Mig-23 point

(Off tLa Flieht d¿ch\ tnd can be values. In addition, the Libyan The Libyan Mig-25 pilot skill
P Pliew - #3540 level is 3. All other Libyan pilots
9C HQ - #2347 played in an evening. The Mission player receives l0 extra points for
7 scenario reconstructs the dog- exiting a single Tu-22 from the have a. skill level of 2. Acceptable
C'dTk Army HQ - #4453 losses'are three planes for the
fight fought between two US .opposing map adge. All Libyan

point,S each while the F -15 is.'

amounted to nothing, but what if EA.-6lare intercepted by.two Mig- .
3Army Hq- *fi47

the Libyans took advantage .:o fthe ~ 25s.All ~i.rcraft have 20 turns of

simulating the initial action scenario, US forces face some of

. After completing Mission 7 set

three F-14s attempt to intercept

between US.and Libyan airplanes. the Libyan air units discovered on

the map and proceed to the ·next

Aftefcompleting this .scenario, Libyan airfields by the recon

Top Gun advanced rules section each Mig-21 uses the Mig-23 point
campaign game is a modification

22s. The F-14s. use the highest

victory point values given for US
up and play Mission 1 from the

Libyan player may play this

campaign game incI uded in Top

(Off ,t he Flight deck) and can be values. In addition, the Libyan

fight fought between two .~l,rS\ ;.oPPQsipgmap . adge . All Libyan

the Mig-28s. As an option, the

The next scenario in this

of the Mission 2 scenario from the

7 scenario reconstructs the . dog- exiting a single Tu-22' from .the

loss restriction. All scenario rules

be based on Mission 7 from the Each Tu-22 is worth ·30 points;

scenario without an acceptable

regular campaign game. Here,

. The first scenario is Mission 7, Libyan air units. Now, in the last
two 1'u-22s escorted by four Mig-

provide information of massing

Gun. Substitute four Mig-23s for

from Mission 1 are in effect at all

playediri an evening. The Mission : player receives 10 extra points for

mission in scenario four helped

and US skill level is '4' unless actual results. The US recon
An additional campaign may aircraft in the Mission 2 scenario.

level of · '0'. Libyan skill level is '2' campaign have obtained little
given. All air units not personally shipping strikes presented in
using the campaign rules given on Libyan pilot skill is three; US

conttolledby a play~r ' ha ve a skill $cenarios two and three of this

The final scenario in this cam-

article are played in the order the bombing raids and anti-
. A campaign game simulating worth 20 points. Acceptable
a protracted air battle between aircraft losses are one each. The
worth 15 points and the A-6 is
1981. Historic-ally, this incident ;··· '14$ 'andone . A,,6(represe~ting an

units of ~Ile :Libyan 'A ir Foree and US planes are 'placed within three
Libyan Su-228 on AugiIst:::i 9,/ .'. · . · In .the fourth ~$cenariotwo F-

. . noted and all scenarios in this paign consists of a big dogfight.

incident to launch further attacks fuel. ' Both Mig-25s are worth 25

OS Navy ·air un:lts 'can ·be played hexes of the center of the map.
Libyans and four for the US. As
u 1 Cav xx- #2561 Navy F-14 aircraft-and twq , planes have l5 turns offuel. an option, players may ignore
u 4Inf xx - #2952 Libyan Su-22s on August' .19, In the fourth scenario two F-
acceptable loss restrictions and
1981. Historieally, this incident 14s.and one A-6 (representing an

Navy F-14 aircfaft ..~~)1.d. . tWQ ·. :planes have 15 turns of fuel.

43xx- #1452 may, as another option, try hiding
3? xx - #1850 amounted to nothing, but what if EA-6) are intercepted by two Mig- one type ofaircraft.

u IV xx- #1952 the Libyans took advantage of,the :25s. All aircraft have 20 turns of
4Tk rcg- #4762 incident to launch further attaeks fuel. Both Mig-25s are worth 25 TUPOLEV'IIJ-22
32 AT - #4663 on the US Sixth Fleet in the Med? points each while the F-15 is .BLTNDER"

page thirteen of the Top Gun pilot skill is four.

Gd Tk Corps - #4852 worth 15 points and the A-6 is
A carnpaign game simulating worth 20 points. Acceptable STATTSTICS :.
Ru xx - #1652
75 xx - #1947 a protracted air battle between aircraft losses are one each. The Type:
units of, the Libyan Aír Foice and US planes are placed within three

hexes of the center of the map. Supersonic medium jet bomber
US Navy.¿ir uñits cah be played
LI:ADERSHIP times. using the campaign rules given on Libyan pilot skill is three; US TopEnd: 5
New Rules page thirteen of the Top Gun pilot skill is four.

rulesbook. All campaign game Max. Acc/Brake: 1/l

rules are in effect unless otherwise

rulesbook. All campaign game
The final scenario in this cam-

player~ remove all t~e forces from

rules are in effect unless otherwise

battles - one such is included in

campaign composed of several air
battle between supersonic jet

number of scenarios may be

played in a series to simulate a
Gun uses a relatively simple,

fighter aircraft. Because Top

Leader counters represent

several scenarios maybe playe.d to

quick-playing game system,

in an .evening. A
simulate· almost any kind of air
air combat game may be used to
FASA's int.riguing Top Gun

on the US Sixth Fleet in the Med?

the commander of the noted and all scenarios in this paign consists of a big dogfight.

R Turns: No
designated units. These article are played in the order the bombing raids and anti-
JamesE. Meldrum

leader units have no given. All air units not personally shipping strikes presented in Manuever Restrictions:
ZOC, are never disrupted, controlled by a player have a skill scenarios two and three of this No (2-6), Yes (3-6)
are always in supply, may level of '0'. Libyan skill level is 2' campaign have obtained little
stack at no cost, and may by and US skill level is '4' unless actual results. The US recon Missiles: 0
regroup any units with otherwise noted. mission in scenario four helped

otherwise noted.
which they are stacked. provide information of massing Defense 2 each chaff & flares

The first scenario is Mission 7, Libyan air units. Now, in the last
simukiting the initial action

Leader counters effect the scenario, US forces face some of Climb: I Dive:

the game.
attack and defense of the between US and Libyan airplanes. the Libyan air units discovered on
units with which they are Aftet completing this .scenario, Libyan airfields by the recon Fuek 2Oturns
stacked, or with which players remove all the forces from mission.
phase for artillery, or combat rupt (not retreat) in some manner. friendly unit if the HQ of
eplacement point on turns 3, phase for other units. A bridge the defending unit is with-
,11. bombarded by artillery may 12.2 All units are considered to be in range. This range may
absorb TWO disruptions per in supply during the fïrst turn of a not enter enemy ZOCS. If
ry Conditions: Standard. phase if the bridge is printed on scenario. Supply lines must it's in range, the num-

the map, or ONE disruption if

Allied airfield complexes and·

ultimately end on a friendly play- bered result may be

battles over the western front. The.

reduce the flow of supplies to'

represent a German victory in the

2028), 7-~-4 (2507, 2509, 2415, with significant modifications to
territory . .The Allies had no ' other
USSR: All air units (4), 7-15-3 choice except to declare a cease

2507, 2509, 2415, 2523, 2225, variation of the historical scenario

This scenario is basically a
found itself in a position of

make impressi ve gains in

forces the western A llies to · (2024), 4-6-4 (1820), 4-6:.4 (1917), curtail operations sharply, thus
2-2-4* (2113), 6-8-4* (2314), 5-7-4* allowing the, German army to
5-5-4*(1213), 2-2-4* German submarines managed to

5-6-4* (1229), 5-5-4* (2024), 6-7-4* Europe, causing Allied forces to

opened with the small numbers of

(0512), 4-7-4*(1112), 4-2-4*(1212), nearly suicidal campaign by

Antwerp and cause a . second
to inflict heavy losses in air

Dunkirk, pocketing most of the

relative parity with the Allied

German army managed to re-take

5-5-4* (0704), 4-4-2 (0705), 5-7-4* surviving British forces. At sea, a

airforces in the west and managed
gas which caused catastrophic
losses among Allied troops· and
The Battle of the Bulge

aircrews, The Getman airforce

troop concentrations with nerve
Ger\man jet !fighters and bombers
, making attacks on the large
Y ugosla via may be considered to
ly of the Soviets. As an option,
Yugoslavia: 3-4-4 (1532, 1832,

Special Rule: Yugoslavia is an al-

Allies receive 2 replacement

one replacement point on turns 3,

be neutral, or perhaps as an Allied

points on every even numbered
game turn. The Soviets receive
forcements. However, both sides
do receive replacements. The
Neither side receives rein-

al Rule: Yugoslavia is an al-


built by engineers. On a SINGLE er map edge. Units which trace a absorbed ONLY if the HQ
the Soviets. As an option, result greater than this, the path along a road do not have to itself is NOT disrupted.
Victory Conditions: Standard.


slavia may be considered to bridge is destroyed. trace a path to a ttQ. Once traced
utral, or perhaps as an Allied G. During removal phase,
If a combat unit spends a to a road, the path is unlimited HQ may spend poinl,s to

(5409, 4816, 2518, 2512), 11-23-3 fire and a separate peace.

ry. combat phase in a bridged hex, it while moving along the road. regroup units before the
may attempt to destroy it. Infan- Units which trace t¡ a HQ must be die roll occurs. Spending a
try or cavalry destroy the bridge in range oftheir correct divisional point will automatically
GERMANS \ryIN on a roll of l,2,or 3. Engineer or corps/armyHQ. The HQ must allow a single unit to re-
TTLE OF BULGE units destroy it automatically and then trace a path along the road to group.
do not have to roll for it. All other a friendly map edge. The HQ must H. Any non-divisional Ger-
be in, or adjacent to, a road,

units destroy it on a roll of I or 2. man unit may trace to any


he Battle of the Bulge If the unit attempting to destroy otherwise, the IIQ is not con-
1834) ,

Axis IIQ for supply or re-

d with the small numbers of the bridge is German modify the sidered in supply. grouping. Any unit may
an jet lfighters and bombers roll by -1. If the unit is is llungar- , trace a path to a Corps/
ng attacks on the large ian modify the roll by +1. There 12.3 An HQ may only remove one Army HQ for supply or re-
d airfield complexes and is no modilìer for Russian and disruption from a unit that is in

(2611),9-19-3 (4019,2630, 3019),

6-4-4 (53'10 x 2, 4911 x 2, 4917,
indicated hexes. An asterisk (*)
Set up: All forces are set up in the
player plays the Soviets and the
the Allies and the Soviets, One
This scenario assumes that

der, hostilities break out between

soon after the Germans surren-

indicates that the unit is either a grouping.

rules or other variant material in
any situation where these variant

original game rules, the regular

same as in the regular game. In

this article conflicts with the

rules will be used to resolve the

The victory conditjons are the
supply and logistics are in effect.

French: 6-6-4 (1122),6-5-4* (1523)

6-5-4* (2406), 6-7-4 (2409), 5-5-4*

(2314),6-7-4* (2311), 5-7-4*(2311)

(0929), 4~6-4 (1228),
(1307),3-1-4*(1905), 1-1-4*(2305)

(2210),3-3-4 (0730),2-1-4* (0728),

mechanized, armored, or I-J:Q unit.

British: All air units (2), 7-6-4*

concentrations with nerve

United States: All air units (20),

Rumanian units. The unit at-

5-7-4 (0827), 5-6-4 (0925),6-6-4*

range and capable ofdisrupting.

2523,2225,2028),2-5-4 (3215)
which caused catastrophic tempting to destroy the bridge

s among Alli.ed troops and may not engage in combat during 12.4 Four reserves may be com-
ews. The Geùman airforce the combat phase. A stack may mitted in any, and all, rounds. RULE EXAMPLE; The Russian

attack, resulting in a 3. The

other the western Allies.
d itself in a position of use any or àll units in an attempt
Game length: 12 tu'r ns.

ve parity with the Allied to destroy the bridge. 13.0 A unit may not attempt to re- German defender is within tIQ
ces in the west and managed group unless it is in supply, not in range. The German stack may
nflict heavy losses in air 10.0 COI¿.RECTION: A die roll of a swamp hex, and for H(/Artill- elect to retreat 3 hexes, or disrupt
s over the western front. The ery breakthrough units, not in a 3 defenders which are attacked.

1-4 results in dry weather. A roll

1-2-4 *(13 21 )
an army managed to re-take of 5-6 is rain. zone of control. An HQ Break- Or allow the parent HQ to absorb
werp and cause a second through Artillery unit will not 3 disruptions by marking offboxes

kirk, pocketing most of the 11.0 Air attacks may occur only spend a disruption point unless it under that HQ. Any combination

ving British forces. At sea, a during the combat phases, NOT is capable. of the above may occur.
rly suicidal campaign by during the barrage phases.
man submarines managed to Beginning on turn 9, the Ger-
ce the flow of supplies to A. Had the HQ not been in range of

gathered its forces and fought off

Germany, or perhaps, from an of
mans receive two air attacks. An

the game does a reasonable job of

AG Fretter-Pico IIQ has 7

Unless otherwise noted, all

the Soviet hordes and guaranteed

post-war era? This scenario may

game rules incl uding the rules for

the existence of a Nazi state in the
eastern Europe, The second
scenario assumes that Germany

conclude a separate peace with

could the German army have

wins the Battle of the Bulge and

Germany, If this was the case,

1945. The scenario included with

The first scenario pits the

Allies against the Soviets in an
nati ve outcomes of the Allied
paign, butwhataboutother alter-

effort to either drive them from

simulating the historical cam-
invasion of Nazi Germany, The

surrender of Germany in May,

Games' first releases and deals

game begins with the Battle of the

Bulge and ends with . the
Victory in Europe is one of Omega

War Two in Europe, the Allied

with the final portion of World
pe, causing Allied forces to air attack occurs during a combat disruption points and 3rd the defending stack, the German
ail operations sharply, thus round. Example: The Russian uses PzCorps has 6. would have had only two choices:

James E. Meldrum
wing the German army to an air attack in round one of a B. A Disrupted unit which disrupt all defending units, or
ke impressive gains in

combat phase. Another combat takes a second disruption retreat all defending units. In this

ory. The Allies had no other round happens involving the same due to combat or artillery instance, the German could retreat

invasion of Germany?
e except to declare a cease units. For air support, the Russian barage is destroyed. If the one hex and disrupt two units, or

provide the answer,

nd a separate peace. would have to use an additional second disruption is due to any combination thereof.

air attack. A single air attack lack of supply, terrain or
This scenario is basically a applies to only one round. They any other reason, it re-
tion of the historical scenario only occur for the attacking units. mains in play.
significant modifications to An air attack on a hex containing C. An HQ may only suffer its
sent a German victory in the an HQ is aborted if a roll of one is last disruption point due
rolled.lf the target hex contains to enemy action.
he Russian rolls a 3. The Ger- units from the Italian front may 5-2 conditions are in efféct
be placed on the Russian front in 08r5. except that condition #2 is not'
an adds his *4 modifiers and
any position the Transfer: A more realistic game used. It is eonsidered not to apply
w has 10. The Russian roll is
¿"õir"s. I German player since Norway is evacuated bÍ ihä
feature places all the German
game conditions . are in efie'' ct·';: lc,:; "

u.sed. It IS .con~l(lerednot t08:pply ' ,: '

G~me length: .: 20 turns, . starH~~" :. IX ;

changed. The results are found

except t.hatco?dition #2, is . ;Qol::.~r '


Germans. In this scenario, the

WIth the"J anuary I, 1945 turn:- · ': -::.'
• • ,f:
PAGE 15 "

nd the attacking German's units on the map as indicated, and

Victory condi,tions:The regular.'~'
'. '

front Germans fnay not win a decisive

Soviet player receive-s three air

then moves the units from the

receives two air uni ts and the

Place 0-1-4 HQ
Air units: ,The German playe.r

SInce Norway IS evacuated by ,the'

sults are applied first, followed Western

tactical victory, ignore condition

and replacements normally except

victory. In the case of a German

#2. In a marginal victory

Germans inay not win a decisive
Germans. In this scenario, the

Both sides receive reinforcements

situation, the Germans should use

that no western allied units are

the Russian's. units in hexes 1207,1112, and western and ltalian fronts to the victory. In the case of a German
Reinforcements / Repla~ements:

The Alternate method is that l0l4;2-5-2 infantry units in 1205, east using rail movement begin- tactical victory, ignore condition
#2. In a marginal victory
available as reimorcements.

ch side totals his strengths and 1007, and 0815; f-3-4 infantry in ning on the January I game turn.

I'A: ~ ShoetNker ~, King 01 P,..w., PA 19400 (215) 265.8562
(617)26 7:1451
cates the correct column to 0809; 1-4-2 infantry in 0616; 2-3-2 The units listed as being set up on situation, the Germans should use
solve combat, rather than infantry in 0?ll, and 2-3-4 infan- specific west front hexes remain conditions #land #3.
conditions #1 and, #3.

ombining the totals of the try in 0712 and 0813. in place and may not transfer. All
Of the remaining western Reinforcements / Replacements:
erman/Russian strengths in one transfers to the east are subject to
front units, remove one each 2-4' German rail transport rules. Both sides receive reinforcements

MA: . 201 Mon,,<:hu..'" AYOt1ue, ea.ton, MA 02115

lumn and one result. ïVith this

2011 walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

4,2-5-4,5-5-4 (armored), and 6-5- and replacements normally exeept
ethod,the attacker is the. pla¡rer German mobile units in the
hose combat phase is in turn, 4 (armored), and one 1-l-4 HQ. that no western allied units are
west mav be transferred to the used.
hile the defender remains the' These units are considered to have east' as'static units become

efender eventhough he can

unterattack. Z
MODIFIERS; A) Modifiers for
vers apply only Lf ALL units are
Z 7l z
tacking across a river.
transfers to the east are subject to
east using rail movement begin-

The units listed as being set up on

Transfer: A more realistic game
feature places all the German

specific west front hexes remain

units on the map as indicated, and
then moves the units from the
western and Italian fronts to the

in place and may not transfer. All

east' as ,static units become

ning on the January I game turn.

German mobile units in the

west .may be. transferred to the
5-2 NOR unit is deployed in hex
Norway: Norway has been

condition of the cease fire. The 2-

alternative these units maybe left

front as the German player

been destroyed by the Allies

evacuated by the Germans as a

during the offensi ve. As an

in the game. All remaining units

may be placed on the Russian

B) The * 1 die modifïer for at-

acking with heavier tanks
pplies if ANY of the attackìng
nk units are ofa heavier class
an ANY of the defending tank
nits in the stack.

German ra i 1 transport rules.

Z /l
.0 Motorcycles may not enter n
rest or bog hexes during rain
rns. They may NEVER enter a
arsh/swamp hex. Cavalry units
hrough sw'amp hexes is


lmp per hex entered. All

ferences to minor rivers should
e read as minor waterways with --

e same rules applying. Move-

0809; 1-4-2 infantry in 0616; 2-3-2

Western front: Place 0-1-4 HQ

. 1014; 2-5-2 infantry units in 1205,

any position the German player
for the rest of the game. All other
Italy: Place one 2-5-4 infantry

be placed on the Russian front in

1007, and 0815; 1-3-4 infantry in

infantry in 0711, and 2-3-4 infan-

indicated with the following

units from the Italian front may

Set up: This game sets up as

west and Italy are set up as

unit in hex 1124 where it remains

US, British, and French forces are
removed. All German forces in the

units in hexes 1207, 1112, and

the original game except that all

front units, remove one each 2-4-

4, 2-5~4, 5-5-4 (armored), and 6-5-
. Of the remaining western

4 (armored), and one 1-1-4 HQ.

These units are considered to have
ent through swamps and forests
osts lmp for units capable of
sing this movement. Minor roads
ost lmp during dry turns, 2mp

fcle Reader Service #6

uring rain turns. In rain turns,

try in 0712 and 0813.

eavy tanks CANNOT use minor
ads. Therefore, ignore the road D
onus for them duri¡g these turns

nd calculate their movement
sing the regular terrain in which

ey find themselves. Cavalry and

otorcycle units which are in a l{Y: lìnôtl3Shr,NdYotC¡t,NYìmló {?ì2}ó85.3880
310 wd 5t Std, N.w Yorl Gt, NY 10019 {21215¡2-l?72
ì03 tol ¡rød 51., fofl¡ Clurá, VA ?¡0,1¿
?l5Gh¡rkþ^ww, Moithk, NJ07012
tl^: ml Moshd Aü6, torb, M 0?ìì5
lA, glaorc¡o.¿.x¡ngolH@l?a 194ô6
llD: 23lPo¡tAwnc,lohiñqMD?1201 (301)7t2'l¡93 Fl,: lød, Ddi., ft 33311
5l0al8 Stùlir¡ (305196r.5ó¡0 201 ì tlãlñur Stær, ti¡bd.lpiio, ?A ì9103 (?r51561nó0
R¿ader Service #6
9.3 Placementof minefrelds
Wôrld Wide Wargamers' Duel The Axis player can build one
in the Desert¡game simulates the minefield every second turn, while

North African campaign from the Allies can place one each turn.

These addi tional units may be

zero air-to-sea factor and stra-
1 F'TR with 6 factor air-to-air
rating, 1 tactical factor and
1 FTR with 5 factor air-to-air
r-ating, 1 tactical factor and
zero air-to-sea factor and stra-
1 FTR with 4 factor air-to-air

zero air-to-sea factor and stra-

supposed to be built for one

rating, 1 tactical factor and

26.9 Decline & Fall: 1944145

_ and fighter-bombers in the last

In order to build a minefield there

ity of the Soviet Union in fighters

the following units to the

years of the Great Patriotic War,

April 1941 until November 1942.

26.8 1939 Campaign Game

26.7 1941 Campaign Game
must be q.'supply unit and an complete turn. When the

used in the following scenarios:

tegic bombardment factor.

tegic bombardment factor.

tegic bombardment factor.

Here are two oPtions that, in infantry r¡nit (infantry, mech minefield has been built, the

Campaign Game.
our minds, help to make this game infantry, not infantry or paras) in supply unit is removed from the

a little bit more historical. the hex where the minefield is game map.

26.6 Fascist Tide

Russian-Force Pool:

support. In short, it defends at III. J an./Feb.1945

defending land unit in the II. Jan./Feb. 1944
I. Jan.lFeb. 1943
The Errata Bank
of the Soviet Union in fïghters is the source for enata to in-print
d fighter-bombers in the last an-d out-of-print games. It has
rs of the Great Patriotic War, been compiled from official errata

The PARA is destroyed if it

Because of the great supetior-

by PARAs against an intrinsic
(US", "B", or ffR" result) against
one (1) combat strength. Any loss

cannot destroy the unit. An attack

attacked hex. The intrinsic- unit

unit does not count against the

may not be subjected to a ground

land attack limit of any power in a

To make PARA's a little bit

defending unit only comes into

It cannot receive any ground

strike mission. It may not move
historical significance, modify
weaker and give them only their

the defender destroys the unit.

intrinsic defending unit with one
combat factor whenever a PARA
drops on that hex. This national
All enemy controlled hexes

and recei ves no bonus for terrain.

are considered to contain an

play if there is no actual

d the following units to the and magazine's errata from over

23.18 Russian Fighter Force

ssian'Force Pool: the past 15 years! in the following way:

There is a nominal charge of
25ç pû page for photocopying.

an./Feb. 1943

Pool Additions
NORTH AFRICA CAMPAIGN We're always looking for errata
I FTR with 4 factor air-to-air donations, too! To get a free list of
rating, 1 tactical factor and

combined impulse.
available errata, write: The Erra-

23.17 Paradrops
zero air-to-sea factor and stra- ta Bank, P.O. Box 98, Station "D,"
tegic bombardment factor. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P
clan./Feb.lg44 CAMPAIGN 3J5, or call: (416) 767-4425.
I FTR with 5 factor air-to-air FOR Circle Reader Service #12
iating, I taetical factor and
zero air-to-sea factor and stra-
tegic bombardment factor.
NORTHAFRICA Serious wargamers take note of the
Dirk & Ulrich Canadian Wargamers

In every scenario, neither of

any further . for that turn. How-

SOUTH ARABIA may not move
into, or out of, EAST AFRICA or
or out of EAST AFRICA or

Land and aircraft units that move

infrastructure of this region, no
ARABIA. Also, due to the limited
one minor port) which connects to

strategic movement into, through,

the powers may set up units in
European map: EAST AFRICA

SOUTH ARABIA is allowed.

Add the following boxes to the

(IT). Climate is Subtropical, and

contains Addis Ababa as city and


. as city and minor port) which con-
tains only desert hexes, and Aden
ants have been produced. The

the Blennemanns are quite inter-

dously popular World War Two


following variants submitted by

Suez, South Africa, Horn of Africa

war game for which very few vari-
World in Flames is a tremen-
Jan./Feb. f945

23.16 East Africa and South

f FTR with 6 factor air-to-air

nects to Arabia and the Red Sea.


Ulrich Blennemann
rating, 1 tactical factor and the Axis side wins the game

Dirk Blennemann
This is a new and excellent lit¿le (8.5"

ever, they may still attack.

zero air-to-sea factor and stra- To make this popular and roll of three
immediately. On a 7") wargaming magazine recommended
tegic bombardment factor. (3), four (4), frve (5), or six (6) the by the editorialstaffof F&M. Each issue is
much played classic even more

Arabia off-map boxes

full of reviews, variants, strategy articles

23.0 Optional Rules

fast and furious, here comes one Allied player has won and the and Canadian gaming news. A must for

esting, and realistic.

These additional units may be

option. game is finished. any grognard worth his salt.

d in the following scenarios: The price is g 1.50 for a sample copy, or

.and the Red Sea.

$9.00 for a six-issue, bi-monthly subscrip-
In every scenario, afìber setup, Playing this option you can tion. (US postage paid).
26.6 Fascistfide before anything else has been tell your friends that you have Send checks to: CWG,223 Whi¿ehorn
26.7 l94l Campaign Game done, the Axis player rolls one die. played Campøign for North Africa Crescent N.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
26.8 1939 Campaign Game to a conclusion and be happy TrY lx7.
26.9 Decline & FalL lg4U46 On a roll of one (l) or two (2) forever!
Campaign Game. Circle Reader Service #13
~ ---
augment this surface force.
Additionally, six submarines are
on haàd to provide support for the
surface force in carrying out its

primary mission.
Battlecruiser Frunze was-

(see Scenario 7 for a description of

can only be made after control of

Davis (FFG-39). carrier Wing 1

Suadron (Tornados) and 12

powerful ASW attack submarines

Whale (SSN -638) will move out

Squadron (Buccaneers) flying out

Newport News (SSN-750) and

squadron of Nimrod
Defense System. Other combat

Carolina(CGN-37), the Destroyer

this wing) is embarked on board

support comes from the RAF with

of the Task Force. Land-based air
offensive operations. Three
ordered in a Carrier Battle Group

HMS Talent (S-115) will advance

from the British Isles 'in advance

Moosbrugger (DD-980), and the
Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate
Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roose-

Stornoway and the RAF's 43

Iceland. This Carrier Group is
built around the nuclear-powered
eliminate the Soviet surface group

equipped with the Aegis Air-

vessels include the Cruiser South

are available to provide cover for

the Roosevelt and is prepared for
Accordingly, SACLANT has

velt (CVN -71) and includes the

from the British Isles Zone to
convoys. This surface force is built

Cruiser Vincennes (CG -49),

surface force in carrying out its

from the south while the USB

amphibious operation to retake
other combat vessels. Fortunately

on hand to provide support for the

damaged during the approach to

the carrier group. The USS

Reconnaisance aircraft from

Any attempt to retake Iceland
for NATO, the nuclear-powered
pose an additional threat to NATO

and is supported by numerous

around the V/STOL Carrier Kiev

Additionally, six submarines are

attempt to retake Iceland and to

Andoyaand is not available to

pave the way for a future

and establish air/sea supremacy to
the surrounding ocean area is
a ugment this surface force.

Any attempt to retake Iceland

can only be made after control of
the surrounding ocean area is
Accordingly, SACLANT has
mpaign ordered in a Carrier Battle Group
primary mission.

ii:iir " from the British Isles Zone to
iilrr¿: " eliminate the Soviet surface group
n and establish air/sea supremacy to
ì' pave the way for a future

of Wick.
amphibious operation to retake
lceland. This Carrier GrouP is

! J¡i3ji¡:;i:l
ve PanzerKrieg

Panzerkrieg (AH) built around the nuclear-powered
Garden PanzerPranks Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roose'

Soviet use. A powerful Soviet

embarked on a disguised cargo

flown into Kefla vik to provide

against NATO convoys in the

ious assault and converted to

North Atlantic. These Backfires

Task Force has moved into the Ice-

Guards Airborne Division which

squadron of MiG-29's which were

whIch was captured by amphib-

land Sea Zone to oppose any

cover for T-26 Backfire raids
ship. This was followed up by a

are. based at Andoya, Norway,

the war in a surprise attack by a
ka Pearl l{arbor uelt (CVN-71) and includes the
derian Race to the Meuse Cruiser Vincennes (CG-49),
equipped with the Aegis Air-
RedBaron 'r
Red Star/White Eagle
DANCE OFTHE Defense System. Other combat
vessels include the Cruiser South
Road to the Rhine VAMPIRES Cørolinn(C0,N -37), the Destroyer

Wes Shores
Rommel & Tunisia Moosbrugger (DD-980), and the
Rommel at Bay Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate
Dauis @FG-39). carrier Wing I

Rommel's War
Royal Navy (see Scenario 7 for a description of
RussianCampaign by this wing) is embarked on board
Sinai Front Victory Games 2nd FIeeú concerns lhe Rooseuelt and is prePared for
itself with naval combat in the Wes Shores
Squad Leader offensive operations. Three
Storm Over Arnhem North Atlantic during the next powerful ASW attack submarines
Struggle of Nations war. This game came out at the the war in a surprise attack by a are available to provide cover for
same time as Tom ClancY's the carrier group. The USS

to capture Iceland at the outset of

Struggle for Stalingrad

Background: Operation Po-

book and game can be comhined

lar GLory has allowed Soviet forces

North Atlantic during the next

same time as Tom Clancy's

Red Storm Rising. Together, the

outstanding novel of that conflict,
war. This game came out at the
Victory Games 2nd Fleet concerns
itself with naval combat in the
Guards Airborne Division which
Suez'73 outstanding novel of that conflict,
embarked on a disguised cargo Newport News (SSN-750) and

Swashbuckler Red Storm Rísing. Together, the ship. This was followed up by a HMS Tu.Ient 6-115) will advance
TAC book arrd game can be combined from the south while the USS

for an interesting scenario.

squadron of MiG-29's which were

Scenario 10
Their Finest llour for an interesting scenario.
flown into Keflavik to provide Whale ISSN-6.?8) will move out
Torpedo from the British Isles in advance
ON Up Front
Verdun Scenario 10
cover for T-26 Backfire raids
against NATO convoys in the ofthe Task Force. Land-based air
support comes from the RAF with
North Atlantic. These Bockfires
urt War to End \Mars
Warring States
Western Desert
are based at Andoya, Norway,
which was captured by amphib-
a squadron of N imrod
Reconnaisance aircraft from
Stornoway and the RAF's 43
White Death
World in Flames
Background: Operation Po-
ious assault and converted to
Soviet use. A powerful Soviet Suadron (Torno.dos) and 12
Squadron (Buccaneers) flying out
lør Glory has allowed Soviet forces Task Force has moved into the lce-
MANY World War III land Sea Zone to oppose any of Wick.
to capture lceland at the outset of

y hex in the British Isles Sea

es of Wick (3532)

y hex in the North Atlantie

rnoway: 3334







ether in any sea hex within 3


o'h oll ¡ny orücr wlth lhls ¡d!

k: 3532

Zone (canbe insøm.e hex)

Îlak Forc., Vlclory,
3w'.tc., plus Old t

P.O. Box 121503, Arlinglon, TX 76012


Srnd tor Free Cålâloo Now!


A.H., G.D,W., NoY.,
Ma¡l Ordâr
Circle Roader

Håndl¡îq ln lhe U.S.



Wcal End,
Keflavik: 1831
MAP At the end of the game, the M29 (lNT)
Use both maps in this scenario. Soviet player adds up his Victory

Points and consults the following

SPECIAL RULES chart to determine the winner: I

1. US F18, A6, and S3 air units NATO

can make one SSM attack in Soviet Victory (Set up second)
the game. The Fl8 has an Victory Points Level
SSM Range/Attack value of Any hex in the British Isles Sea
1/30 (1/15 if the unit is 280r more Decisive Zone
dam(lged); the A6 and S3 have WHALE (US/SN)
an SSM Range/Attack value 22-27 Substantial
of 2/40 (2/20 if the unit is

sacrifice and effort of the com-
seriousness of war, the valor, the

concerned with feeling. His art is

game player to feel the
heroic, exciting, fun. He wants the
not intended to show war

helped to make Hobby Japan

Tokyo. H obby Japan asked Rodger

brought Relger to the attention of


number one in Japan in the
went on to create a look which has
whole line of wargames and he
to do the packaging for their
the presidenL of Hobby Jaoan in

to balance and awareness for

build upon with their own work.

artists have these precedents,
correct and today all wargame
time has shown that he was
visual equality in imagery that

secured by Rodger's efforts, to

and accused of many things, but

Rodger would be criticized for this
all nations and races light wars.
Top; and so on. His intention was
a Pacifrc WWII game, AI{'s Flat

first to show Egyptian soldiers on

perservered and it's hard now to

and more Germans). Rodger
different nationality on the cover
and gamette should feature
business... the Squad Leader

break new glound by doing the

simple enough. Human beings of

show Japanese pilots and crews on

GDW's Suez '73; then first to
the cover of an Arab-lsraeli game,

imagine the series in any other

(the original plan was Germans

warglames in the history of the

cover of a wargame for the first

portrayed Soviet troops on the
way. Later Rodger would be the

most successful "series" of

tirne euer. Later Rodger would
damaged). 15-21 Marginal Any hex in the ' North Atlantic
Sea Zone (can be in same hex)
Rodger's philosophy

In fact, it was this sensitivity

2. The air bases at Keflavik 10-14 NATO Marginal NPNWS (US/SN)

He insisted that each game

(1831) and Andoya (3313) are T ALNT (UK/SN)
considered to be Soviet air 6-9 NATO Substantial
bases and as such can only be Stornoway: 3334
used by Soviet units. The 5 or less NATO Decisive NIM (U K/RCN)x2
Close defense AA val ue for
these bases is unchanged. Wick: 3532
Place a Destroyed Marker on TOR (UKIINT)
Bardufoss (3411).

3. Cruise Missiles are not used Together in any sea hex within 3

in this game. SOVIET


hexes of Wick (3532)

(Set up first) RSVL T (US/CV)
GAME LENGTH Any sea hex in British Isles Sea VNCNS(US/CG)
6 Game 'I'ur_ns. Zone (can be in same hex): SPNCE (US/DD)
The Soviet player gains Victory Any sea hex in the North Atlantic
Points as follows: Sea Zone (can be in same hex) on RSVLT
Victory F18 (US/INT)x2
Condition Points Any sea hex in the Iceland Sea A6 (US/ATK)
Zone (can be in same hex) EA6 (US/EW)
Each NATO CG or SN sunk + 3 Pechenga: 3605
T95F (RCN) & T16D (RCN),
Each NATO DD sunk +2 138 (RCN)
Each NATO FF sunk or Together in any hex in the Iceland
INT/ATK unit destroyed +1 Sea Zone
Each Soviet CV or CG sunk -2 ZOZLY (CG), VRYAG (CG), lIUDSON'S
Each Soviet DD, FF, SN, OSMTR (DD), GRZIN (FF), P.O. Box 121503, Arlington, TX 76012
or SS sunk -1 DZHSK (FF)
Attactlx, A,H., G.D.W., Nova,
Peoples War Games, Quarterdeck,
Each Soviet air unit Kiev TaskForce, Victory, West End,
destroyed -1 Y36 (lNT) 3W, etc., plus Old & Rare Games. '
Mail Order

If no Soviet surface units FREE

Andoya: 3313 Shipping & Handling In The U.S.
are located in the Iceland T16E (EW), T26 (A TK)x2 Send lor Free Catalog Now'

Sea Zone at game's end -5 M23 (lNT), M25 (lNT) 10% off any order with this ad!
Circle Reader Service #7
hemistry was right and the rest, marked the turning Point in
they say, is wargame history. colonial history. An ancient At start, the SPanish have one
empire, far into its dotage, sought squadron at Cadiz with ten shiPs
to hold back the tide of change needing extensive repair. The port The Americans deploy three
ARTISTIC PHILOSOPHY while an infantile world Pou¡er can supply coal but the squadron fully coaled squadrons in Key
ground forces mobilize on turn 3

17, at ·Mobile or Tampa. Coal is

a vail able at four ports and the
with more arriving through turn

better repair facilities are on the

ments, mainly at Norfolk begin-
ning on turn 3. The first American
ceive substantial naval reinforce-
Squadron with 18 ships, including

operates from Norfolk, also lead

North Patrol Squadron. Unlike

by two battleships. And the third

the Spanish, the Americans re-

first is the 2nd North Atlantic

Second, the Flying Squadron

West, Norfolk, and Boston. The

group includes three vessels in the

two battJeships and a collier.
fulJy coaled squadrons in Key
The Americans deploy three

stumbled its way onto stage. A is handicapped at sea until the West, Norfolk, and Boston. The
When one looks at Rodger protracted guerrilla war and a reinforcement collier arrives on first is the 2nd North Atlantic
acGowan's artwork you see one dubious question of honor were turn 9. In the Caribbean, the Squadron with 18 ships, including
cto r, one el e me n t that trumpeted into a call for action in Cuba squadron has eight shiPs two battleships and a collier.
ominates all else. It is the human a young nation itching to find new spread from Havana to San Juan, Second, the Flying Squadron
ctor. Rodger does not feel that opponents after conquering the the largest a light cruiser and four operates from Norfolk, also lead
he machines of war should Ñorth American continent. SPan- in neeã of repair. Havana is the by two battleships. And the third

Inset: William Randolph Hearst who said, uI'II furnish the war."
ominate, or be the central focus. ish rule over its few remaining only ready coal supPly source. One group includes three vessels in the
aving grown-up in a militarY colonies was harsh and the local collier and six merchantmen North Patrol Squadron. Unlike
nvironment. Ilaving gone to opposition resolute. The USS
East Coast.
deploy in the area, some with the Spanish, the Americans re-
military life from childhood to Ua¿n¿ did sink in Havana harbor caigo. The only effective SPanish ceive substantial naval reinforce-
dulthood he has seen l,hat the and the U.S. response was frghling force at start is the CaPe ments, mainly at Norfolk begin-

humân element" is the most predictable. Vãrde squadron of seven fast ning on turn 3. The fìrst American
mportant factor in all matters ships, fuliy coaled. The SPanish ground forces mobilize on turn 3
elating to war and conflict. Remember the Maine (S&T # Army fields a sizeable number of with more arriving through turn

The U.S.S. MAINE entering Havana Harbor.

herefore, when you see the body 108) simulates the naval and land units around the three Cuban 17, at Mobile or Tampa. Coal is

Army fields a sizeable number of

can supply coal but the squadron
At start, the Spanish have one
squadron at Cadiz with ten ships
needing extensive repair. The port

another group defending Puerto

cities, and in reserve, with
units around the three Cuban
ships, fully coaled. The Spanish
fighting force at start is the Cape
Verde squadron of seven fast
cargo. The only effective Spanish
collier and six merchantmen
deploy in the area, some with
in need of repair. Havana is the
Cuba squadron has eight ships

the largest a light cruiser and four

spread from Havana to San Juan,

only ready coal supply source. One

turn 9. In the Caribbean, the
reinforcement collier arrives on
is handicapped at sea until the

f work Rodger has done, you see campaigns from the late sPring to cities, and in reserve, with available at four ports and the
ow individual soldiers, sailors early fatt in the milesorie Year of another group defending Puerto better repair facilities are on the
nd airmen dominate his work. '98. lt is a game of long-range Rico. East Coast.
strategic planning and short

The U.S.S. MAINE entering Havana Harbor


Rodger's art is also concerned term tactical maneuvering, with

with detail and historical ac- numerous challenges for both
uracy. He works hard to show the players. At 25 turns (5 per
proper uni forms, medals, month), the campaign game can
weapons, etc. 'lhis desire for accomordate slow develoPing
James C. Gordon

ccuracy is matched with endless strategies while moving raPidlY

ours of research and reading. enough to maintain the interest
Rodger remembers back to the level.

1960's when AH presented

rtwork the likes of Tihe Bøttle of The strategic maP divides the
he Bu\ge and Anzio. The lack of Atlantic and Caribbean into zones

gunboat level, plus flotillas of

and batteries of infantry, cavalry,

merchantmen. Army units are
brigades, regiments, battalions,
destroyers, torpedo boats,
auxiliary cruisers, colliers, and
named ships from battleships to
small inset of San Juan. The
center on Havana, Cienfuegos,
early fall in the milesone year of

tral ports. Four tactical maps

for naval movement and identifïes

for naval movement and identifies

counters include the individual

Atlantic and Caribbean into zones

two dozen major, minor, and neu-

The strategic map divides the
enough to maintain the interest

Santiago, and Puerto Rico, with a

accomOtdate slow developing
At 25 turns (5 per
istorical feel and accuracy found

strategies while moving rapidly

strategic planning and short

numerous challenges for both

month), the campaign game can

term tactical maneuvering, with
'98. It is a game of long-range
campaigns from the late spring to
108) simulates the naval and land
ish rule over its few remaining

and the U.S. response was

Maine did sink in Havana harbor
North American continent. Span-
stumbled its way onto stage. A

a young nation itching to find new

colonies was harsh and the local

opponents after conquering the

opposition resolute. The USS

Remember the Maine (S&T #

trumpeted into a call for action in
dubious question of honor were
empire, far blto its dotage, sought
colonial history. An ancient
The Spanish-American War

to hold back the tide of change

while an infantile world power
marked the turning point in

protracted guerrilla war and a

n those covers denigrated the two dozen major, minor, and neu-
ames themselves. Rodger knew tral ports. Four tactical maPs
e could do much better, even at center on Havana, Cienfuegos,
ixteen years of age, and as fate Santiago, and Puerto Rico, with a
would have it, he would get the small inset of San Juan. The
hance many years later when counters include the individual
Avalon Hill asked him to do the named ships from battleshiPs to
overs to the new editions of those gunboat level, plus flotillas of

and artillery.
clâssic" games! Rodger wanted to destroyers, torPedo boats,

give wargame packaging the look auxiliary cruisers, colliers, and
of historical accuracy with the merchantmen. ArmY units are

dash and excitement of profes- brigades, regiments, battalions,

sional art and modern design. He and batteries of infantrY, cavalrY,
and artillery.
lnset: w¡ll¡am Randolph Hearst who said,'1'll furnieh the war'
mbat factor advantage. A

S. must deploy a strong

ays influences the decision to

The state of the Spanish fleet

sels can reinforce or replace

it the American
eships in order to maintain a

other three.
ronting a $panish squadron in
kading squadron, including

as has weaker gunnery and

serving in a support function.

ives and reaches a port, the

Oregon arives later, but both

worth the risk of possibly
ch for merchant-men while

e with a weak force. When

ping a few merchantmen is

nd strong group could still

Cape Verde Squadron



The victory in Remember the Operations by the fast squa- with amphibious operations and
Maine is a function of American drons form the backbone of the countering Spanish sorties. Fast

success minus Spanish success. U.S. naval strategy. The Flying ships placed on search in the
The U.S. receives victory points Squadron leaves Norfolk to chase Windward Passage, Cayman
for capturing Havana (30), Cien- the merchantman Panama in the Trench, and Yucatan Basin zones
fuegos (8), Santiago (8), and San Bermuda Triangle zone (not a provide an extra layer to the bloc-
Juan (6), for sinking Spanish good omen). That group should kade. Strong groups can be built
ships (I victory point per hull continue southeast to intercept, or around the battleships Iowa,
factor), and for raiding the at least shadow the Cape Verde Indiana, and Massachusetts. The
Spanish coast (1 victory point on a squadron as it enters the Texas has weaker gunnery and
roll of 4-6). Points are lost for U.S. Caribbean. The fast ships from the the Oregon arrives later, but both
ships sunk, Spanish raids (-2 per 2nd North Atlantic Squadron vessels can reinforce or replace
turn) and bombardment of U.S. should circle south of Cuba, the other three.
ports (-6 per turn), beachhead angling toward the Spanish force.
cisco in 1948. He greïv up on U.S.
His father, Donald L. MacGowan,
and finally Southern California.
New Jersey, Northern California,
tions in Hawaii, North Carolina,
Marine Corps bases and installa-
who saw action for the Pacific
was a career Marine (30 years)

counters lost in combat (-1 each), Ideally, the U.S. groups would
Rodger was born in San Fran-

and for cargo delivered to Cuba (-1 converge and catch the Spanish
per shipment). The final total can

range from -6 or less for a

Crushing Spanish Victory to 35 or
more for the historical Crushing
,A merican Victory.

Initially, the opening moves
by the Americans sets the pace for
the campaign. America~s primary
objective early is to pursue, locate,
bring to battle, and defeat the
when things began to build up in
was brewing in the 1960's, or
forces to Lebanon in the mid-
example, when the U.S. sent
of those in the military. For
the world through the perspective
eighteen years. He experienced
up close, everyday for his first
Vietnam. Rodger saw military life
operations of lvVorld War II to
1950's or when the Cuban crisis

Spanish na val forces in the

Caribbean. Later, the emphasis
switches to supporting the
amphibious assaults. From Key
West, the 2nd North Atlantic A Rough Rider
Squadron sends the slow vessels to troop under
blockade Havana immediately, fire.
sealing the Spanish inside. A
monitor, a cruiser, and three
gunboats should be sufficient. A
second group of two to three ships
takes up position blockading
Cienfuegos. The remaining
monitors and gunboats screen off
Manzanilla, Santiago, or Guan-
tanamo. together. An ineffective search The state of the Spanish fleet
in the seventh grade. At the time
history illustrations when he was

Clearly these experiences have

on television or in the news
magazines, it was felt at home.
major impact on his artwork.
influenced Rodger and had a

military experience. It wasn't just

Vietnam he saw the reality of the

might allow the Spanish to reach al ways infl uences the decision to

Another option is to blockade Cuba unmolested. split the American forces.

Rodger began doing military

October 15-19, 1973


a. neutral port. Kingston is closest Stopping a few merchantmen is

to Cuba making it the mos t not worth the risk of possibly
Chinese Farm:

attractive for the Spanish. After the opening flurry and confronting a &panish squadron in
The Batlle of

Wherever they deploy, the fox hun t , if th e i m m e d i ate battle with a weak force. When
blockading forces might not move Spanish threat has been the Cape Verde Squadron
for many turns, but their immobil- eliminated the U.S. naval survives and reaches a port, the
ity serves a necessary function, operations may then center on U.S. must deploy a strong
freeing the fast ships for patrols. blockade. A static blockade is far blockading squadron, including
The danger is that the Spanish from perfect and the Americans battleships in order to maintain a
squadron will slip past the fast may have trouble stopping the combat factor advantage. A
patrols and confront the slow, Spanish merchantmen. The time second strong group could still
relatively weak moni tors and to get the cargo vessels is early, search for merchant-men while
gunboats. before the U.S. Navy gets tied up also serving in a support function.


Routine servicing of the fleet Cienfuegos might be the Some coal must be burned
at sea is another major concern objective for a second U.S. Army crossing the Atlantic deep sea
for the Americans. Fortunately, force once sufficient units have zones. The lone collier in the
the U.S. collier fleet increases to a mobilized. Operating on a Caribbean is the San Augustin,
total of five counters. Unless the shoestring is not advised because and it starts with empty coal bins.
Navy chases the Spanish across it slows the campaign and delays Deploy the San Augustin at Vera
the Atlantic, or loses colliers in the timing of redeployment of the Cruz or Kingston. These are the
combat there should not be any forces involved, along with two ports nearest Havana where
long-term shortage of coal. The running a greater risk of fail ure. the ship must go for coal. Running
difficulty is keeping the Often, by the time those two cities the American blockade twice and
squadrons recoaled when, they fall the Americans must skip San then reaching the squadron
must conduct ' searches or Juan and concentrate on elsewhere is not easy, but it must
blockades fa from U.S. PQrts and Ha vana. The difference in victory be attempted for the Spanish to
replenish them as they pursue points making the decision. gain any mobility.

must conduct searches or Juan and concentrate
squadrons recoaled when theY fall the Americans must skiP San
prudent player wilt keep recoaling
shuttle system at times and a
their targets. Colliers run
ihe squadrons

replenish them as theY Pursue points making the decision.

for defenle, but with five units tþe coast. The chances
traveiing alone has onlY'its sPegd the Atlantic to raid the SPanish
their targets. Colliers run a

Americans have a m4rgin,f,9l., points are slim and the oPeration
chantmen provide the groun{ unit
but this is not Prudent unless in
transport; colliers maY b'e used
the case of emergeqcies. BY turn
number 10, enough U.S. ArmY
operation and the Americans
units are available to mount an
must coordinate the movement ôf
of giound units. Having the
transports with the mobilization
vessels at TamPa or Mobile when
the Army is readY to move
requires planning each operation
in order to avoid stranding badlY
wiih ttre next one alreadY in mind
or at añ objective after it falls.
needed ground forces in the U.S. ,
fast ships, énabling them to reach
Fortunately, the transPorts are
most objectives from the U.S. in
two turns.
First, the Spanish fleet is likely to
good strategy for three reasons.
seek shelter there, and caPturing
the city will force it into battle.
away than Havana and Cienfue-
Seconály, Santiago is further
Amõricans need to save a turn in
[argets for later when the
gos, leaving the more convenient
tiansport time. ThirdlY, after
redeploy east to Puerto Rico or
taking Santiago, the units maY
west to Cienfuegos with equal

shuttle system at times and a Late in the game, time and The Random Events Table

Auxiliary cruisers and mer-.

prudent player will keep recoaling resources permitting, the Ameri- does include some possibilities for
Attacking Santiago first is

the squadrons regularly. A collier cans might consider a sortie across providing the Spanish with
traveling alone has only ·its speed the Atlantic to raid the Spanish unexpected coal supplies. Die rolls

farfrom U.S. Ports and Havana. The difference in victorY

for defense, but with five units' the coast. The chances for victory determine the port and the
Americans have a ma'r gin :'[01.; ·.·. . points are slim and the operation amount. By forfeiting two victory

regularly. A collier
error. ':' . :> ' , can take fjve turns or more, for points, the Spanish can improve
• -\< minimal returns. If the Spanish their chances of obtaining addi-
Auxiliary cr'u isers and mer~; have any substantial fleet left in tional coal.
chantmen provide the groun~.runit , the Caribbean, a run to Cadiz can
transport; colliers may be' us.ed'. .~ be dangerous. But when the only The Cape Verde Squadron
but this is not prudent unless hi' : opposing ships are in Spain, a will not rampage through the
the case of emergencies. By turn: raiding force -might draw them Caribbean and terrorize the

number 10, enough U.S. Arrrt.y· into battle. American coastline unless it wins
units are available to mount an a resounding victory over the

cans might consider a sortie across

resources permitting, the Ameri-
ðan take five turns or more, for
minimal returns. If the SPanish
be dangerous. But when the onlY
the Qaribbean, a îun to Cadiz can
have any substantial fleet left in
opposing ships are in SPain, a
raiding force might draw them
into battle.
damage, the fleet is in Poor
Spanish Navy is repair. Even
bean need 6 repair points to reach
condition. Vessels in the Carib-

without allowing for battle

available for turns l-4. Repairing
full strength, the total number
plus 3 points (2 turns) to fïx uP the
requires 23 points (14 more turns),
the entire Cadiz squadron
reinforcements. The CaPe Verde

first several turns unless the Cuba
Squadron is basically alone for the

American fleet. Barring tha t

state of some shiPs it is
Cuba force in port until the
recommended that, one holds the
susceptible to attack. The Cadiz
Caribbean in real strength before
American blockade seems
problem. Moreso for the SPanish.

mid-game at the earliest.

operation and the Americans

By moving slowly, the fast CaPe
their pace is one zone Per turn.
Verde ships will conserve coal, but

must coordinate the movement of STRATEGY unlikely outcome, avoiding an

Late in the game, time and

The ongoing problem for the
Obtaining coal is the other

transports with the mobilization The ongoing problem for the engagement against the combined
of ground units. Having th'e Spanish Navy is repair. Even American forces becomes
vessels at Tampa or Mobile when without allowing for battle essential. However, this is not a
risks a sortie. given the

the Army is ready to move damage, the fleet is in poor one-sided' contest and the Spanish
will not reach the

requires planning each operation condition. Vessels in the Carib- must be aware of opportunities to
with the next one already in mind bean need 6 repair points to reach cause attrition within the
in order to avoid stranding badly full strength, the total number American forces. To escape, San
needed ground forces in the U.S. , available for turns 1-4. Repairing Juan and Santiago are the nearest
for victorY
or at an objective after it falls. the entire Cadiz squadron friendly ports, or shelter might be
Fortunately, the transports are requires 23 points (14 more turns), sought in a neutral port. Sp.lecting
fast ships, enabling them to reach plus 3 points (2 turns) to fix up the one of the more central ports

most objectives from the U.S. in reinforcements. The Cape Verde places the squadron in a position
two turns. Squadron is basically alone for the to take advantage of American
first several turns unless the Cuba confusion or misdirection of re- be attempted for the SPanish to
elsewhere is not easy, but it must
then reaching the squadron
does include some possibilities for

gain any mobility.

providing the Spanish with
determine the port and the
unexpected coal supplies. Die rolls
points, the Spanish can imProve
amount. By forfeiting two victorY
tional coal.
American coastline unless it wins
Caribbean and terrorize the
will not rampage through the
a resounding victory over the
American fleet. Barring that
American forces becomes
engagement against the combined
unlikely outcome, avoiding an
essential. However, this is not a
cause attrition within the
Juan and Santiago are the nearest
American forces. To escaPe, San

must be a\ ¡are of opPortunities to

friendly ports, or shelter might be

Attacking Santiago first is Squadron risks a sortie. given the

one-sided contest and the Spanish
one of the more cêntrar Ports
sought in a neutral port. Selecting
lo take advantage of American
places the squadron in a Position
confusion or misdirection of re-

busy moving cargo into Cuba from
must keep the merchant fleet
and can be reached in one turn.
neutral ports. Kingston is closest
and Martinique are the other
options. When faced by onlY the

Vera Cruz, Cartagena, Curacao,

slow American gunboats, the
only one or two attacks, including
Spanish cargo ships usuallY suffer
the mandatory gunfire at short
range in each naval engagement.

good strategy for three reasons. state of some ships it is

The Random Events Table
The Cape Verde Squadron
At the same time, the SPanish

First, the Spanish fleet is likely to recommended that one holds the At the same time, the Spanish
chances of obtaining addi-

seek shelter there, and capturing Cuba force in port until the must keep the merchant fleet
the city will force it into battle. American blockade seems busy moving cargo into Cuba from
Secondly, Santiago is further susceptible to attack. The Cadiz neutral ports. Kingston is closest
away than Havana and Cienfue- Squadron will not reach the and can be reached in one turn.
gos, leaving the more convenient Caribbean in real strength before Vera Cruz, Cartagena, Curacao,
targets for later when the mid-game at the earliest. and Martinique are the other
Americans need to save a turn in options. When faced by only the
transport time. Thirdly, after Obtaining coal is the other slow American gunboats, the
taking Santiago, the units may problem. Moreso for the Spanish. Spanish cargo ships usually suffer
redeploy east to Puerto Rico or By moving slowly, the fast Cape only one or two attacks, including
west to Cienfuegos with equal Verde ships will conserve coal, but the mandatory gunfire at short
rapidity. their pace is one zone per turn. range in each naval engagement.
mericans more because they

merican fleet somewhere along

hey could expect a major

e way, especially with a slow
me time, as they must conduct

ound forces to a Cuban port.

e squadron marker free at all

e squadron markers and then

uadron making a leisurely pace.

ults, set up or move blockades.
ortage is less of a problem.

e danger lies ín tying up all of

nfrontation with the combined

uadron markers affects the

mbard or raid
es, or else designate one gloup
the ready'reserve to deal with

trols, make amphibious as-

st of the tirne so the marker

st operate in more places at the

ore turning south to deliver the

ght send the new squadron

oss the Northern Atlantic to
ing the Cadiz Squadron set sail
the American coast. try to keep
er active units and objectives
unexpected threats. Spain has

The limited number of the



the East Coast

The faster Spanish ships can pull gunboats, once they are repaired.
away easily . Even though mer- If the Cape Verde Sq uadron
-chantmen will be caught and sunk makes a break for Havana than
periodically, thinning out the fleet the ships inside can sortie in
finally to extinction, the Spanish support. Otherwise, hold the Cuba
might gain 8, 10, or 12 victory Squadron in readiness for further
points. The merchantmen wi] I developments, such as the
have then served their purpose. appearance of the Cadiz Squad-
Sitting in a port is not a safe
haven when that port is in Cuba. In the distance, the Cadiz
American ships can not enter Fleet slowry recuperates from
neutral harbors but they can fight years of neglect. The Spanish
their way into major Cuban and
.-r#¡Rder license'

might concentrate on the fast

Puerto Rican harbors. The shore

ships first and put together a force

Ga m
Hobby lapan
"Europa Series" being done in Japan

___l* -
This game was never published.
batteries, harbor mines, and

Ga me Desi g n ers; Wo rksh o p

of cruisers, gunboats, and torpedo
torpedoes are a deterrent, but the

port cities can fall to the

Desi g n e rs' Wo rksh o p

Americans, forcing a Spanish
sortie. This sortie can have devas-
tating effects for both sides.

might send the new squadron

across the Northern Atlantic to

bombard or raid the East Coast

before turning south to deliver the
ground forces to a Cuban port.
They cou ld expect a maj or
confrontation with the combined
American fleet somewhere along
the way, especially with a slow
squadron making a leisurely pace.
O perati o n a I Stu d i es

boats that can reach Cuba

Quarterdeck Game Co.

quickly. repairing the entire NAVAL TACTICS

Squadroq might take another four The limited number of the

or five turns. The slower ships squadron markers affects the

include the battleship Pelayo and

Americans more because they

three cruisers which will be useful must operate in more places at the æ
Pu b I

in bombarding the American same time, as they must conduct -

coast, or else in a surface patrols, make amphibious as-
engagement. saults, set up or move blockades.

The danger lies in tying up all of

The other consideration is to the squadron markers and then

transport a new army to Cuba seeing the Cadiz Squadron set sail

(drawn from the eliminated pile) for the American coast. try to keep

n c.

The Cuba Squadron operates with the hope of thwarting the one squadron marker free. at all

as a spoiling force, hitting the American conquest. Waiting for times, or else designate one group
Americans when the cream of the this new army to be formed gives as the ready reserve to deal with
fleet is busy. The cruiser Alfonso the Spanish time to repair the the unexpected threats. Spain has

XII and four gunboats in Havana fleet. Then, Spain has the option fewer active units and objectives
harbor can hold their own against of moving with a fast-squadron or most of the time so the marker
the American monitors and a .slow one. Optomistic players shortage is less of a problem.
cRoss oF lRoN
G. l.

version used on game box. Note the

Below: Note the two editions of

left, first version and right, final

The Avalon Hill Game Co.

the cover for the G. l. gamette;
major changes in the background
Prudence dictates keeping the
Cape Verde force together but the
Cadiz Squadron might sortie in
more than one port.

In combat, the American

forces will usually have the
advantage at long range, based on
heavy ordnance of the battle-
ships.The Spanish can not match
the American pre-dreadnoughts,
but several cruisers can hold their
own against their American
counterparts. Also, Spanish ships

American's torpedo carrying ship.

the American pre-dreadnoughts,

ships.The Spanish
own again*t their American
but several cruisers can hold their
fight better at short range using
counterparts. Also, SPanish shiPs
pedoes. Contrast this to the
Eleven Spanish ships carry tor-
light gunnery and torpedoes-
be used offensively or devensively.

chance to determine changes in

the range and that advantage can
the Americans might seek to
Spanish try to close in for torPedo
ships are involved while the
fight better at short range using

can pull ahead by the length ofone

runs. Also, the faster squadron

increase the range when battle-

battle line. The longer battleline
the lead ship in the opponent's
can use angled fire against the

vessel and use angled fire against

last ship'as well.
ones. This, in turn, can slow down
turning some fast ships into slow
the ship's speed by one factor,
port and this may be a real
duty, but this means extra time in
more valuable when it returns to
ship to the maximum makes it
the entire squadron. Repairing a
for operations regardless of their
problem as units might be needed
be useless the rest of the game,
combat heavily damaged it might
although victory points are saved
if the ship is not lost comPletelY.
be made whether to leave it on

Once the American shiPs start

The only rule of thumb is t<¡
station or send it back for repairs.

taking damage the decision must

because they can decide the naval

from combat and keep the battle-

protecl, the heavily damaged shiPs
ships as healthy as Possible

light gunnery and torpedoes.

A'fast'squadron has a better

A single damage point reduces
Eleven Spanish ships carry tor-
pedoes. Contras~ this to the
American's torpedo <;arrying ship.
If a unit survives

A \fast' squadron has a better

chance to determine changes in
the range and that advantage can
be used offensively or devensively.
the Americans might seek to
increase the range when battle- The OREGON overhauling the VIZCA YA and the CRISTOBAL COLON,
ships are involved while the the last of the Spanish fleet, at Santiago, July 3,1898.
Spanish try to close in for torpedo
runs. Also, the faster squadron
can pull ahead by the length of one issue in a campaign. harbor which could be held by one
issue in a campaign.
fought in four seParate areas.
the Møine is the land camPaign,
yèllow fever attacks. Also, a quick

Onci the Americans are ashore

capture of an objective maY Pre-

speed is of the essence to avoid

frees up the trooPs for action
empt some Spanish reinforce-
ments. Further, a quick victorY
out for as long as Possible.
elsewhere. On the other hand, the
Spanish want to drag the battles
Perhaps, even winning here and
consider the terrain advantages

unit. The city, itself, can be

ago has three hexes and a trench
and garrison requirements. Santi-
bolster the defenses. San Juan
line surrounding the citY
tresses and batteries guard both
Hill lies nearby (hex 3117). !'or-
sides of the harbor mouth (hexes
garrisoned. There are heavY
2621 and 2721) and should be
hills along the coast west of the
woods to the east of the citY and

vessel and use angled fire against the last of the Spanish fleet, at Sant¡ago, July 3. I 898.
the lead ship in the opponent's THE LAND WAR The oREGON overhauling the vlzcAYA and the cRlsToBAL cotoN'
attacked from eight adjacent
The other half of Remember
Spanish deployment must

battle line. The longer battle line The other half of Remember hexes and deploying some units,
can use angled fire against the the Maine is the land campaign, plus the reserves, in the woods

last ship 'as well. fought in four separate areas. and hills surrounding the city
Once the Americans are ashore adds an extra buffer zone.
A single damage point reduces speed is of the essence to a void
the ship's speed by one factor, yellow fever attacks. Also, a quick A good American attack is the
turning some fast ships into slow capture of an ·objective may pre- historical one in which the
ones. This, in turn, can slow down empt some Spanish reinforce- Americans land east of the harbor
the entire squadron. Repairing a ments. Further, a quick victory and use the woods for cover. Take
ship to the maximum makes it frees up the troops for action San Juan Hill as it provides a
more valuable when it returns to elsewhere. On the other hand, the good vantage point.
duty, but this means extra time in Spanish want to drag the battles

port and this may be a real out for as long as possible. Cienfuegos presents a differ-
problem as units might be needed Perhaps, even winning here and ent problem due to the fact that
attacked from eight adjacent
harbor which could be held by one
plus the reserves, in the woods
hexes and deploying some units,

unit. The city, itself, can be

and hills surrounding the citY
adds an extra buffer zone.
and use the woods for cover. Take
Americans land east of the harbor
historical one in which the
San Juan Hill as it provides a
ent problem due to the fact that

good vantage point.

a tighter defensive position. It's
the city has only one hex, making
approachable from onlY three
battery guards the harbor and it
sides. A single fortress and
prevênt free entrY to the
be placed in the city and the
Americans. The maximum should

should be garrisoned in order to

remainder used to guard the
especially if the battery can be
a harbor entrance at Cienfuegos,

for operations regardless of their there. the city has only one hex, making
condition. If a unit survives a tighter defensive position. I Cs
A good American attack is the
Cienfuegos presents a differ-
The Americans might attemPt

combat heavily damaged it might Spanish deployment must approachable from only three
be useless the rest of the game, consider the terrain advantages sides. A single fortress and
although victory points are saved and garrison requirements. Santi- battery guards the harbor and it
if the ship is not lost completely. ago has three hexes and a trench should be garrisoned in order to
Once the American ships start line surrounding the city to prevent free entry to the
taking damage the decision must bolster the defenses. San Juan Americans. The maximum should
be made whether to leave it on Hill lies nearby (hex 3117). For- be placed in the city and the
station or send it back for repairs. tresses and batteries guard both remainder used to guard the
The only rule of thumb is to sides of the harbor mouth (hexes approaches.
protect the heavily damaged ships 2621 and 2721) and should be
from combat and keep the battle- garrisoned . There are heavy The Americans might attempt
ships as healthy as possible woods to the east of the city and a harbor entrance at Cienfuegos,
because they can decide the naval hills along the coast west ·o f the especially if the battery can be
mericans play their game. In the

nit erltirely. Generally, try to

ould win a major victory. The
mericans, and their naval
Howard Baraach, P.O. Bo¡ 867623, Plano,
March 20.22nd in Lae Vegas contacül

all the information about products old anil

asons. Crippling the Spanish

À{anufacturers, to a¡k questions and get

covery can bring it back to full

e Americans to have so many
ke risky chances, and many

en if it costs some ships.

d, one or both sides may have to

y away from surface combat or

essure is therefore on the

at they are unable to mount

ddenly. Neither player should
oature ¡everal useful seminare giving tÍps

th players on the offensive and

mes are not decided

building the fleet while the

al turn.

ep the unit in the field where

mbat, the American needs to

fensive, and sometimes quite

wever, is that it is possible for

ong attacks. Let the situation
tience is a necessary virtue,

int totals at start, the Spanish

GAMÂ) Trade Show was designed for
ontrol, dealing with "gamers," loca.l clubs

et is of primary importance

e out more punishment than he

ength. The problem with this,

your guide.
X 76086 or caU (2r{) 2¿7-?981.

nd conventions, plus much more!


ength is the key to victory.

lf-strength units in the field

ew. Enjoy a perBonal, one on one meetingl
n game displays, marheting, inventory

oul Thie iÊ your opporlunþ to meet the

eives, for tactical and strategic

make all the moves. In naval

ain has many handicaps and

back and wait for the opponent

Remember the Maine puts

Based on the zero victory
Attention Retailers
For more inform¡tion on attending

More importantly, this show

The Game Manufacturers Association

ufacturers & Distributors


step or
taken out and if they have both mean a major victory for America, modifiers when firing against
beachhead counters available. and with the toughest objective ships at sea.

until the
After an initial landing west of secured, many troops are freed up
the harbor, American forces can for action elsewhere. However, if The American must pay
take the battery, giving the Navy the Spanish hold and a protracted attention to ·his ground unit losses
access to the port. One group will campaign ensues, heavy losses to avoid victory point losses. As

fight overland while another may be suffered by the Americans, combat results and· yellow fever
takes a shorter route to threaten leaving a substantially reduced attacks take their toll, the
the city sooner. Splitting an force to carry out other assaults. AmeriJcans have the choice of
attacking force is always a risk, losing a single step or removing a
but a poorly garrisoned objective In attacking Havana, the unit entirely. Generally, try to
makes an attractive target. With American should land both east keep the unit in the field where
the Cuban guerrillas helping to and west of the harbor in order to recovery can bring it back to full
attending college.
Rodger did this drawing in 1968 while

was a "best seller."

of the'30s and '40s. Rodger emphasised

Album game based on the classic movies

images from Errol Flynn movies. The game

Yaq u i nto Pu bl icatio ns, I n c.

screen the Spanish prevent the Spanish from con- strength. The problem with this,
reinforcements the Americans centrating their forces. Cuban however, is that it is possible for
might beat the odds, and may units must assist in screening out the Americans to have so many
even take the city more quickly. the Spanish reinforcements, half-strength units in the field
particfUlarly from the west. The that they are unable to mount
The Spanish garrison in first objective is to breach the strong attacks. Let the situation
Puerto Rico is too small to hold the entrenchments and rob the be your guide .
entire island. Therefore, protect Spanish of the combat advantage.
San Juan by guarding the Then, the Americans can push Remember the Maine puts
peninsular approach. Several forward inside the defense line, in both players on the offensive and
coastal batteries should deter the addition to applying pressure defensive, and sometimes quite
Americans from seaborne assaults elsewhere. The fortresses are the suddenly. Neither player should
directly against the city. A couple next barrier and the best shy away from surface combat or
Qf uni ts spread around the island American units must be sit back and wait for the opponent
can be used to slow the American concentrated on a small front to to make all the moves. In naval
advance once they have landed. force the bas'tions and fight their combat, the American needs to
way into the city. Expect to lose give out more punishment than he
San Juan remains the last troops to yellow fever as the battle receives, for tactical and strategic
priority for the Americans because drags on. Taking Havana means reasons. Crippling the Spanish
of the distance from America and taking losses and the Spanish fleet is of primary importance
the low victory point reward. It should not be taken lightly. They even if it costs some ships.
can be the quickest campaign and have a sizeable force. and can
the Americans should not ignore mount serious counterattacks. Based on the zero victory
the possibility. The attackers can point totals at start, the Spanish
land any number of places and it is would win a major victory. The
easy to land far from the nearest SUMMARY NOTES pressure is therefore on the
defender. This means a longer A few more important points Americans, and their naval
trek, but almost guarantees a must be considered in planning strength is the key to victory.
on the cover.
emphasized 'Zeus', the most powerful god,
Game based on Greek Mythology. Rodger

Yaq u i nto Pu bl ications, I n c.
populations in space.
lllustrated short story concerning future
Vertex Magazine

protected beachhead. the sea and land campaigns. The Spain has many handicaps and
Random Events table can have a patience is a necessary virtue,
Havana is the big prize, of direct impact on the course of the rebuilding the fleet while the
course. It has good defenses which war in several ways. Spanish coal Americans .play their game. In the
include four strong batteries has been mentioned. Bad weather end, one or both sides may have to
pointing seaward. This precludes can hamper American searches. take risky chances, and many
an attack from that side. The Either player might lose naval games are not decided until the
entrenchments are strengthened gunnery in the opening round of a final turn.
by fortresses, and the city occupies battle. A few results have political
only two hexes which reduces the overtones, forcing an American Attention Retailers
approaches to three hexes. attack or the loss of victory points. o. Manufacturers & Distributors
Reinforcements arrive from east ;:: . The Game Manufacturers Association The infl uence of any single
;- CGAMA) Trade Show was designed for
and west and many of the best S' youl This is your opportunity to meet the random event is relatively minor,
Spanish units are deployed in the ~. Manufacturers, to ask questions and get but the cumulative effect creates
area. ~ a11 the information about products old 'an(l an aspect of unpredictability in

W new. Enjoy a personal, one on one meetingl the game.

An argument can be made for :! More importantly, this show will
~ . feature several useful seminars giving tips
attacking Havana first in order to Both players should be wary ~ on game displays, marketing, inventory
insure its capture. Taking Havana of tangling with coastal batteries 00 control, dealing with "garners," loca.} clubs
and winning the naval war might which have favorable die roll and conventions, plus much more!
For more information on attending
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IMarch 20·22nd in Las Vegas contact:

, Howard Barasch, P.O. Box 867623, Plano,

TX 750860rcalH214)247·7981.
wo consecutive issues of the
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These fine wargaming pUblications are also available direct from tbe publisher, Diverse Talents, Inc., 5374 Village Road, Long Beach,
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Circle Reader Service 119

only giue it the respect it deserues."
Pete Flahive or museum pieces "borrowed"
~ - - .- --------------------~~--------------------------------------------~------------

from the great art galleries of

Walk into any gaming store in Europe. In short, nothing truly resulted in higher game sales for
the United States,.Europe or original, new, or designed in a all the companies for which he has
Japan and you'll fìnd his work on professional manner for this worked. This has been
covers of games and magazines. In specific hobby/business. Rodger documented. Of course, there are
the last ten years he's designed MacGowan revolutionized [he those who have responded to this
and illustrated over one hundred entire "look" of the business and by declaring that their games are
and twentyfive gamebox packages set new standards by which more than a "pretty box" or that
and nearly as many magazine coverart and packaging could be the hobby is suffering because
covers. More than any other artist judged. money is being wasted on slick
in the history of this thirty-year graphics and art. These sour
old hobbyibusiness. And of those Rodger's concern for historical grapes remarks don't change the
packages not designed by him, detail, accuracy, style and realism fact that Rodger MacGowañ's art
note how many attempt to follow were new and highly sought after has enhanced the entire industry
his direction in layout and by many wargame companies. In and we have all benefîted from
approach. His work is admired, fact, he was first approached by that.

c omes to North America!!

issue one year subscription is only $12.50,

* Covers wargames (miniatures, board US funds drawn on a US bank, Canadian

better hobby and game stores throughout
[he States and Canada. If you don't see it

while qn eight-issue two year subscription

criticized, collected and imitated The Avalon Hill Game Company

Expand your gaming hobby to another

Sample copies are $3.50 each. A four -

* Gives you an Australian's eye view of Australasian gamer's quarterly imported

BREAKOUT! magazine is available in

North American Readers for the first time there, ask them to get it for you or you

addresses please add $.60 per issue for

(the sincerest form offlattery they tffhen you go back to lg75,

continent. BREAKOUT! magazine, the

in 1975 to do the cover for a new

is just $23 .00. All payments must be in

can get BREAKOUT! directly from

payable to OTI, P.O. Box 8399, Long

say) throughout the hobby/ release entitled The Russian when Rodger fìrst started doing

additional postage. Make all checks

Beach, CA 90808. (213) 420-3675.

BREAKOUT! magazine
business. [Ie is also the founder of Campaign. Within a short period work in the wargame business,
Fire & Movement magazine and, of time numerous companies almost all of the wargame
of course, his own studio; RBIVí approached him for work companies sold their prodrrcts
Graphics & Design Studio. including a "new Third World" through the mail. Therefore, they
game company called Game didn't womy about professional

G'day, Yanks, and watch out because

So, whether or not you realize Designers' Workshop. Rodger packaging. But, Rodger's work
it, chances are you have a rather helped to establish GDW's look in

our importers.
became the standard by which alt
large collection of Rodgér B. the wargame market. Today, the companies began to approach
MacGowan artwork on your many of the current group of the retail market since they
shelves. From The Russian wargame artis[s and illustrators realized that the mail order

by OTI.
Campaign (TAHGC) to \Yorld in grew up on Rodger's work and his business could not eontinue to
Flames (ADG);from the covers of inlluence on their work is quite sustain growth. Company after
the Avalon Hill General to Hobby obvious. He has left a major company joined in the battle for

Australia's premier quarterly adventure

* Often includes variants, modules and

Japan's Tactics magazines his art impact on the professional look of shelf space. They needed quality

gaming journal, BREAKOUT! magazine,

is now being made generally available to

* Reviews products and conventions.

is much in evidence in order to

* Covers all kinds of fantasy gaming

BREAKOUT! magazine?! Relax, mate,
our entire industry. packaging to get quality
enhance the look and "profession-

* Over five years of publishmg 10

ever! What? You've never heard of
positioning, they turned to Rodger
alism" of the products produced by

* 48 full size pages each issue.

MacGowan. Among these

* Covers play-by-mail gaming.

Rodger has actually helped to

the world (upside down!) .

the game industry as a whole. establish the wargame artist on companies were Game Designers'
par with the wargame designer. Workshop, Simulations Canada,
In fact, before Rodger began

Circle Reader Service # 11

As a wargamer himself, he has Operational Studies Group, SSG,

(role-playing, etc .).

and read all about it.. .
doing cover art for magazines, the been able to infuse his own World Wide Wargames, Aus-

and computer).
standards of this industry were knowledge and feeling .for tralian Design Group, Yaquinto
quite amateurish. Almost all the wargaming in his art. He knows Publications Inc., Quarterdeck

Australia. that had box art (around what the gamer wants to see. He Games,-Hobby Japan, and so on.
25-307o actually did "packaging". knows what's important to the In short, no one has done more to
The majority were mail order, zip player and how much the "look" of put this hobby on a "professional
r',Ìir",nä""" lock bags, etc.) used high contrast a game can influence how a game footing" in the last ten years than
photos, amateurish illustrations is perceived. FIis art has also Rodger MacGowan.



Bruce Harper

A wargame (historical conn ict Jed to battles such as Verdun,

simulation) must confront the w here France ru i ned its al'my
players with as many decisions as rather than surrender a town of
possible, under conditions as close uncertain strategic val uc .
to those which actually existed. several suggested changes and
The ability to make correct and 2. The chances or victory in addjtions to the existing rules.

players with as many deiisions as rather than surrender a town of

possible, under conditions as close uncertain strategic val uc.

simulation) must confront

courageous decisions under pres-
The ability to make correct and
to those wtlich aclually existed.
gaming skill.
sure is the greatest component of
because the scope of decision
always attracted a strong following,
primarily concerned diplomacy,

spheres. Of the three great

into the diplomatic and economic
making ranges beyond the military,
lWar Il a bewildering combination
World War I economics, and rWorld

wars might be said to have

European conf'licts, the Napoleonic
of both. All three offer a challenge
to the game designer, and a feast to
properly met.
the gamer, if the challenge is
from history without being lrapped
by it.In Guns of August, the
strike a balance.'lt should take
and becomes a seemingly endless
movement, the síruggle bogs down
tory is strong. After a brief war of
sensation of being trapped by his-
both the historian and the gamer
side or the other collapses, and for
war of attrition. Eventually
the outcome may be difficult to
are based on two premises:
August suggested in this article
pants to be þossible. 'l'he political demanding life and death struggle forts on the Eastern Front by

World War llay with the side which These are indicated, so as to distin-
and military leaders of the warring of nations, the outcome of which is German or French fort construction
feared defeat. These beliefs, regard-

nations, and the populalions which likely to remain in doubt to almost engineer units requires the
supported them, sought victory and the last moment.
less of their objective foundations,

courageous decisions under pres-

sure is the greatest component of most effectively realized its war- guish them from the economic

Grand strategy games have

A good wârgâme must also
The rule changes to Guns of
1. Military

gaming skill. making potential. The First War variant which forms the bulk of the~

bridged the gap between the great article. All rule changes should be
was thought by the partici-

Grand strategy games ha ve infantry wars of the nineteenth used, as they are all related in some
always attracted a strong following, century and Wor ld War I I. The way. It is also strongly
because the scope of decision First World War fostered a leap recommended that hidden
making ranges beyond the military, upwards in mi litary technology, movement he used, to allow for
victory in World

into the diplomatic and economic while the Second World War strategic and even tactical surprise.
spheres. Of the three great fostered a leap upwards in military
European conflicts, the Napoleonic technology, while the Second World Acknowledgment: The develop-
wars might be said to have War saw the development of tactics ment of these rules would not have
primarily concerned diplomacy, allowing for the most effecti ve use been possible without the patient
World War I economics, and World of the new weapons. For example, play testing and suggestions of Tor

War II a bewildering combination the two most important weapons of Abrahamsen, Craig Rapanos, Kevin
of both. All three offer a challenge the Second W orId War, tanks and Ray, and Peter Robbins.

bridged the gap between the great

World War I lay with the side which

making potential. The FirstWar
most effectively realized its war-
infantry wars of the nineteenth
century and World War lI. The
F irst World War foslered a leap
fostered a leap upwards in military
while the Second World War
upwards in military technology,
War saw l,he development of tactics
technology, whiìe the Second World
of the new weapons. For example,
allowing for lhe most effective use
the Second World War, tanks and
the two mosl important weapons of
the First World War.
airplanes, were developed during
technologies of war during World
of the warring powers, the ctrncept

War I. To simulate the ecònomic,

to the application of the new
introduced. 'l'hese points may be
of Economic Points (EPs) is
technical and productive capacities
construction of static defenses. In

spent on the development of new

priorities based on their assessment

weapons, strategic warfare, or the

of lhe strategic requirements of the

this way, players may establish

determining lhe success and failure
aspects of World War I, and
between the military and economic
war. By restoring the balance
of a revised national morale table,
of each state in these areas by way
Guns of August becomes

to the game designer, and a feast to airplanes, were developed during

the gamer, if the challenge is the First World War.

2. 1'he chances of victory in

This article is directed mainly
Also included in this article are l8.ll The Central Powers player

properly met. 3.1 Add two new combat support

This article is directed mainly units: Gas and anti-tank artillery.
A good wargame must also to the application of the new
strike a balance. · 1t should take technologies of war during World 3.2 Add one new game marker:
_from history without being trapped War I. To simulate the economic, Super fort.
byit.ln Guns of August, the technical and productive capacities
sensation of being trapped by his- of t.he warring powers, the concept 10.1 Stacking limits are expanded
tory is strong. After a brief war of of Economic Points (EPs) is to include one gas unit and one
movement, the struggle bogs down introduced. These points may be anti-tank artillery unit.
and becomes a seemingly endless spent on the development of new
war of attrition. Eventually one weapons, strategic warfare, or the 17.14 Each fort constructed on the
side or the other collapses, and for construction of static defenses. In Western Front requires the expen-
both the historian and the gamer this way, players may establish diture of one Economic Point (EP)
a Front at no EP cost. Construction

the outcome may be difficult to priorities based on their assessment (see Rule 32.251). Only the German
playtestirug ønd suggestions
Røy, and Peter Robbins.
Ahrahamsen, Craig Rapanos, Keuin

These are indicated, so as to disùin-

strategic and even tactical surprise.

recommended that hidden

way. It is also sIrongly
article. All rule changes should be

guish them from the econom

additions bo the exist,ing rules.
several suggested changes and
units: Gas and anti-tank artiìlery.

movement be used, to allow for

used, as they are all related in some

variant which forms the l¡ulk of the

been possible without the patienl
ment of these rules woulcl not hnue
diture of one Flconomic Point (EP)
Western Front requires the expen-

anti-tank arti llery unib.

to include one gas unit and one

Super fort.
fort construction engineers units

engineers may construct forts on

and F'rench
the Wesl,ern Front.

expenditure ofan EP.

may construct forts on the Eastern

10.1 Stacking limits are expanded

17.14 Each fort constructed on the

explain. of the strategic requirements of the and French fort construction

1?.15 The Austrian and Russian

3.1 Add two new combat support

3.2 Add one new game marker:


war. By restoring the balance engineers may construct forts on

Rule 32.251). Only the German

The rule changes to Guns of between the military and economic the Western Front.
August suggested in this article aspects of World War I, and
are based on two premises: determining the success and failure 17.15 The A ustrian and Russian
of each state in these areas by way fort construction engineers units
fort construction

1. Military victory in World of a revised national morale table, may construct forts on the Eastern
War I was thought by the partici- Guns of August becomes a Front at no EP cost. Construction of
pants to be possible. The political demanding life and death struggle forts on the Eastern Front by

and military leaders of the warring of nations, the outcome of which is German or French fort construction
he deuelop

nations, and the populations which likely to remain in doubt to almost engineer units requires the
supported them, sought victory and the last moment. expenditure of an EP.
of Tor

feared defeat. These beliefs, regard-

less of their objective foundations, Also included in this article are 18.11 The Central Powers player

n the \{eapons' Development
odification of an enemy attack
nk units, but only with respect to

hart (WDC) (see Rule 32.0).

aycr may begin by using German,

e modification associated with

pported by tank units..This effect

e tank units, and only with

y replacemenl, points.
on combat

plies l,o any number of enemy

tillery unit requires three artill-

it neutralizes the combat die roll

the Allied player Ilritish, French,

ints to create anti-tank artillery
illery unit may be created per
rman and one Allied anti-tank

its on the turn ofa successful roll

pect to the friendly combat units

American, artillery replacement

208.13 No more than one
2OB.2l An anti-tank artillery

208.1 Creating Anti-tank Ar-

20B.ll The Central Powers
20ts.12 To creale an anti-tank
Anti-tank Artillery effect


with the anti-tank


may begin using -German infantry 20A.23 Once one side has made'
replacement points to create 20A.l an attack using gas, the other side
stosstrupen units on the turn of a may not do so.
successful roll on the Weapons' CREATING
Development Chart (WDC) (see GAS UNITS
20A.24 A gas unit used to
Rule 32.0). support an attack is immediately
20A.11 The Central Powers removed from play.
player may begin using German, or
19.11 The Central Powers player the Allied player British, French, or 20A.25 Only one gas unit may
may begin using German, or the American, artillery replacement be used to support an attack.
Allied player, British, French or
points to create gas units on the
American, artillery replacement turn of a successful roll on the
points to create tank units on the Weapons' Development Chart
turn of a successful roll on the (WDC) (see Rule 32.0). 20B.O
Weapons' Development Chart
(WDC) (see Rule 32.0).
20A.12 To create a gas unit re- ARTILLERY



quires two artil1ery replacement

Weapqns Development Chart (Rule 32)

please make ha,sh marhs below
Strategic lVarfare Expenditures (RuIe 83)
19.13 No more than two German points.

and two Allied tank uni ts may be


Artillery +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
created per game turn. There is no 20A.13 No more than two Ger-




fixed limit for replacing these units. man and two Allied gas units may

be created per game turn.

+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

+2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
20.11 Either the Central Powers
Allies (1EP/3 turns)
Germany (2 EPs/3 turns)

player or the Allied player receives

air units in accordance with Rule 20A.2 Effect of Gas on Com-
20B.1 Creating Anti-tank Ar-
34.0. bat

20A.21 When gas is first used in +1 +2 +3

+1 +2 +3
20.12 - 20.15 These ru les apply

0 +1 +2
the game, the attacking player rolls 20B.l1 'rhe Central Powers
equally to the Central Powers player may begin by using German,

+1 +2
a die for each gas unit used in an
attack. The combat die roll (see 0
+1 or the Allied player British, French,

Rule 13.19) is modified according to or American, artillery replacement
20.16 No more than two air units points to create anti-tank artillery
the following table:


r9l4 t9t5


Nov Feo May Aug Nov FÊb May Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb

No( ieb Môy Aug Nov teÞ M¿y Aug Nov

Nov Feb May AJg Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb May


Nov Feb
may operate against anyone hex,



units on the turn of a successful roll
nor participate in a single attack

Nov t€b

on the Weapons' Development


+'l +2 +3 +4 +5 +6



l9l¡t l9t5

against enemy units in more than

llov teb

Chart (WDC) (see Rule 32.0).

one hex.



20B .12 To creat e an anti --tank




Attacker Die Roll artillery unit requires three artill-


Nov Feb

Third six months after entry: I per game turn, and



ery replacement points.



20A.O GAS 1 234 5 6

Auq Nov Feb


r91 6


+3 +2 +2 +2 +1



I 917

20B.13 No more than one

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6



German and one Allied anti-tank -2


artillery unit may be created per


Nov teb
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

NOTE: (a) If the defending turn.


Nov Feb M¿y Aug



19t 7

player has a gas unit on the board,

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

Nov teb May Aug Nov Fcb

the die roll modification is reduced

191 8

by one; 20B.2 Anti-tank Artillery effect

+1 +2 +3 +4

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

upon combat

Nov t€b

(b) On the turn H)llowing the

20B.21 An anti-tank artillery
All,er Only

initial use of gas, the same


procedure is followed, but the unit neutralizes the combat die roll


resulting modifications are reduced modification of an enemy attack


World War I saw the use of

poison gas on a large scale. Gas was by one (to a minimum of zero). supported by tank units .. This effect
applies to any number of enemy

first introduced as an inexpensive,

Germans Only

although unpredictable, means of tank units, but only with respect to

Mðy Aug

breaking the deadlock brought 20A.22 Gas units may be the modification associated with
about by the superiority of the employed only on the game turn gas the tank units, and only with
defense in the early stages of the is first used and the game turn respect to the friendly combat units

immediately following. associated with the anti-tank

so on

ers currently control.
tral Powers

gary the Allies currently


urrently control
turkey may never join Allies.



31.21 EPs m-ust be spent on the
turn they are allocated. They must
not be accumulated for later expen-

3l.22 EPs allocated to Britain,

France, and the United States are
considered Allied EPs, and may be
spent without regard to their

31.23 EPs may be expended for

the following:

Weapons Development
Rule 32.0

enemy attack is being made against Powers,thisallocatbnisreducedby lølf.

artillery unit (ie., if more than one NOTE: If Pari,t" is controlled. by tbe Central
artillery unit).
in the same hex as the anti-tank
two or more friendly combat units
attack by friendly combat units, in Next six months of belligerency
units may be used to support an
various warring countries.
velopment capabilities
sent the economic, research and de-

which case it functions as normal

Rules 33.1 and 33.2.
artillery unit (ie., if more than one NOTE: If Paris is controlled by the Central
September f 914 - December l9l5

Strategic Warfare
September l'914 - I)ecember 1915

23.1 and 23.2 Superseded by

Economic poinrs (Eps) repre-
enemy attack is being made against Powers, this allocation is reduced by half. 3l.l

2Or-.2r Anti-tank a r til l e ry

3l.l I EPs Allocation

Rule 33.0
two or more friendly combat units
TWO EPs per game turn

'l'WO EPs per game turn

Air Warfare
ONE EP per game turn
ONE !)P per game turn


in the same hex as the anti-tank Rule 34.0
Allocation of EPs

artil1ery unit). UNITED STATES

January 1916

- Fort Construction
January 1916


First six months of belligerency Rule 17.

20B.21 Anti-tank artillery NONE
units may be used to support an
attack by friendly combat units, in Next six months of belligerency
which case it functions as normal 112 EP per game turn
Second year throughout the war
of the

23.1 and 23.2 Superseded by ONE EP per game turn

Rules 33.1 and 33.2.


Second year throughout the war

First six months*of belligerency


and minor countries

ONE EP per game turn
and minor countries

ltZßP per game turn

31.2 Expenditure of Eco-

Economic Points (EPs) repre- nomic Points

sent the economic, research and de-
velopment capabilities of the
various warring countries.

31.1 Allocation of EPs


31.11 EPs Allocation:

September 1914 - December 1915 the following:
Air Warfare

Weapons Developnrent
Fort Construction

Strategic Warfare

ONE EP per game turn 31.23 EPs may be expended for

January 1916
TWO EPs per game turn
Rule 34.0

Rule 33.0
Rule 32.0


September 1'914 - December 1915

ONE EP per game turn

January 1916
TWO EPs per game turn
November a 4,5, or 6, the result is DX. As mobilizations and hidden move-
urn if he has suffìcient German the existing rules state: "All ment give the advantage to the de- Bearing in mind that Guns of
artillery replacement points defending units are fender, it is virtually impossible for August is a strategic game, several
available. eliminate{." (Rule 13.41). The Germany to successfully invade points should be noted. The first is

attacker cannot comply with the France, no matter how little is put that even the capture of Pøris does

32.246 Siege artillery units

same manner, and with the same
32.245 Siege artillery units are

created by the Allied player are

replaced by the Allied player in the
the Weapons' Development Chart

siege artillery unit may be created

British, French, or American,

American artillery replacement

32.244 No more than one Allied

lery unit requires five artillery re-
begin using British, French, or

on the turn of a successful roll on

32.243 To create a siege artil-

points to create siege artillery units
siege artillery units, but may
replace the units it had originally
32.241 Only the Allied player

many may not build additional

may develop siege artillery. Ger-

32.242 The Allied player may

expenditures of EPs and the success

until such infarmation must be

arrd failure of his weapons die rolls
32.14 Each player keeps secret

32.23 Anti-tank Artillery - See

artillery replacement points

his copy of the WDC, his

turn if he has sufficient German
November 1916 In terplayer
beat. The Central Powers player
unchecked number on the left

a one, and may build one (or

two) tank units during the
Reinforcement Phase of the
gives .. + 2" as the number to
side of the WDe is + 3". This

must roll a one or a two. He rolls

side of the W DC is -1", the first

32.14 Each player keeps secret requirement to remove an on the Eastern F'ront. 1'hese not end the game, although France
32.2 Effect of New Weapons

copy of the WDC, his

32.21 Tanks - See Rule 19.0

equivalent number of attack

32.22 Gas - See Rule 20A.0

changes are an attempt to redress will certainly be in difficulties once

enditures ofEPs and the success factors, but it seems this leads the balance. the morale rolls begin in 1916. The

restrictions, as it is created.
failure of his \ryeapons die rolls to all his units being removed as second is that continuous attacks
32.24 Siege Artillery

il such information must well,! rather than a downward The continuous attacks allowed are costly, and the damage to the

Rule 20B.0

(WDC) (see Rule 32.0).


aled. adjustment of the defender's in August, l9l4 (when the weather Eastern Fron[ will be great if
losses. (The same tactic can be is always clear: Rule 30.36), ensure Germany sends its replacements to
32.2 Effectof New \feapons employed by the Aìlies, using the fall o{ Liege, although the the West. Should both armies

placement points.
(see Rule 14.25).
airplanes, tanks, and gas, if the Germans may suffer heavily as a weaken in the rüest, the larger

per game turn.

32.21 Tanks - See Rule 19.0
available ..

variant set out elsewhere in this result of a "DX" result or a series of defense factors will become even
32.22 Gas - See Rule 204.0
32.23 Anti-tank Artillery - See
article is used). 'Bf)" results. The surviving more important.

Rule 208.0 infantry and artillery, as well as

13.23 This is primarily the units backed up behind the In short, both the rewards and
introduced to balance the changes Meuse, will then be able to attack the risks of the invasion of France
32.24 Siege Artillery suggested to Rule 13.31. into France. are great, which is the way it
32.241 Only the Allied player should be. A failed invasion,

spent the minimum number of

13.31 Consistency. (Rule 13.

filled in by the expenditure of

With the assistance of the coupled with real disasters in the

made before the Reinforcement

weapon die roll having been

tanks. The number on the right

(e) Should a successful weapons'

Central Powers player has

spent eight EPs to develop
if more than the minimum
Rule 32.13(a) or may be positive

which the roll was made may be

Example: It is Nov. 1916. The

depending on how much ,tim(e
has passed, The latter number

EPs required to comply with

negative, zero or positive,
turns, during the interplayer
must roll a number equal to or

(d) The unchecked number on

may be zero (If the player has

the right side of the WDC is
before the Morale Phase. More

die roll be made, the weapon for

turn, after the Naval Phase and

modified by the number on the

condition contained in Rule

left side of the WDC immediate-

The former number must be

August and November game
are made in February, May,

than one die roll may be made

produced on that turn (the

for the month corresponding to
the current game turn. Die rolls

in a game turn, so long as the

ly following the last checked box

EPs for the weapon in question.

less than the unchecked number

number of EPs have been spent);

y develop siege artillery. Ger-
33 - '¿,/¿ die role modifications F'rench Offensive Doctrine (Rule East, would mean quick defeat for

Phase of the Interplayer turn).

ny may not build additional (including those for terrøin) øre 30.45), the Germans are favored to Germany,
ge artillery units, but may CUMULATM).If is reasonable to
ace the units it
had originally
assume that a city in rough terrain
Rule 14.2Ð.
will be more difficult to capture
32.242 The Allied player may
than a city in clear terrain. The
same applies to fortresses.

32.13(a) is met;
in using British, French, or Otherwise the difference between a
erican artillery replacement fort in a city hex and a city hex with
ts to create siege artillery units
he turn of a successful roll on an entrenchment is merely that
Weapons' Development Chart
units may enter and leave the fort
(see Rule 32.0). without losing a modifier to the die
C) roll. Both would be -2.
32.243 To create a siege artil-

the empty boxes at the left of

appropriate boxes on the right

the WDC are fi lIed in for the

(b) As the g-ame progresses, the

tillery, super forts and stosstrupen
The Weapons Development

development of six types different

32.12 EPs may be expended to

of a new weapon becoming

weapons in question (one EP per

(a) No die roll is permitted until
develop some, all, or none of these
32.11 The WDC provided for the

new type of weapon results from the

32.1 New Weapons Develop-

types of weapons: Tanks, gas, siege

32.13 The ability to create a

Chart (WDC) is designed to reflect

artillery (Allies only), anti-tank ar-

the time and effort required to

available depends upon the nature

of the weapon and the resources
devise new weapons . The likelihood

produce a weapon, the player

(c) To acquire the ability to
side of the WDC are checked off.
26.f This flows from the phrase,

(EPs) expended on its development.

unit requires fue artillery re-
"autotnq.lic uictory". This rule is

successful roll of a die, as follows:

ement points.
more difficult to use when hidden
movement is used (as it should be -

One every three months;

32.244 No more than one Allied

e artillery unit may be created
SeeRule 28.2).
game turn.

26.6 Designed to avert a variety
32.245 Siege artillery units are
of anomalous possibilities, such as
the Italians or Russians propping

(Germans only).
aced by the Allied player in the
up a demoralized France. The effect
e manner, and with the same
on the Balkan minors leads to

rictions, as it is created.

interesting situations.

.PAGE 30

32.246 Siege artillery units

30.14 and 30.15 The Allied vic-
ated by the Allied player are
tish, French, or American, tory condition is clear enough.
30.44f During any Combat 32,251 Super forts function in the effects ar(: iìs follows:
ase in 1914 in which the weather the same manner as forts (see Rule 33.14 The Central Powers may
the Western Front is clear, the 1?.0),with the.following differences: (a) Restricted submarine initiate, continue or discontinue
entral Powers (only) may continue warfare: either type of submarine warfare in
ling the die until they receive an (a) A super fort modifïes the at- subsequent, F'ebruary, May,
duced, to a maximum reduction of
33.21 The Allies may imple-

turn, beginning in February 1915,

33.22 Once the blockade is in

second, and so on, to a maximum

Hungary (and Italian, if Italy has

ment the blockade in any ~'ebruary,

two. There is no effect on other

May, August, or November game

reduction of FIVE, and the Austria-

(I) The British infantry re- August, and November game turns.
joined the Central Powers) infantry
effect, the German infantry replace-
(The following supersedes Rule

first year following, TWO for th~

replacement rate is similarly re-

either type of submarine warfare in
33.14 The Central Powers may
(III) If the British infantry

roll for the United States is

subsequent February, May,

zero (or less), the British

initiate, continue or discontinue

The Variable Entry die

ment rate is reduced by ONE for the

replacement rate drops to

Morale Roll for that game

tacker's die roll by -3, not -2;

August, and November game turns.

E'1, "44", or "Af)" combat result.

ch continuous attacks may be placement rate is reduced
de against enemy stacks of any (b) A 305mm(3-2-2) siege artil- by the number of surplus
turn is reduced by one;

by the expenditure of one EP.

e, but only against enemy units lery unit has no effect when EPs (to a maximum reduc- 33.2 BLOCKADE
Central Powers countries.
rth of Switzerland, only during used as siege artillery against a tion ofthree);
decreased by one.

ns in which the weather is clear, super fort (but it still functions (The following supersed¿s Rule
(II) The Allied sea capacity
d in any case, no later than ,as normal artillery if usþd in (see Rule 11.3) and naval 23.2)

cember,19l4. conjunction with another artil- movement capacity (see

lery unit). A 420mm (3-1-1) 33.21 The Allies may imple-
Rule 12.3) are reduced by ment the blockade in any l'ebruary,
siege artillery unit used against the number of surplus EPs
a super fort modifies May, August, or November game
(l V)

the (to a maximum of four).

RATIONALE FOR attacker's die roll by *1, as it turn, beginning in F'ebruary 1915,
would against a fort; by the expenditure ofone EP.

(b) Unrestricted submarine

ADDITIONS (c) A super fort musl, be built on warfare: 33.22 Once the blockade is in
a hex containing a fort. The cost effect, the German infantry replace-
basis-). If there is no surpl us of
expended are canceled on a 1 to 1

by the number of' surplus

placement rate is reduced

EPs (to a maximum reduc-

(I) The British infantry re-
the difference determined (EPs

the other hand, there is a surpl us,

submarines, there is no effect. If, on
32.247 Siege artillery units spent on submarines and anti-
created, may be a 420mm unit (3-1- submarine warfare is revealed, and
33.13 The Central Powers an;
artillery replacement points were nounces whether submarine war-

by double the number of

ted. The cumulative total of EPs

by double the number of

fare will be restricted or unrestric-

(I) The British infantry re- ment rate is reduced by ONE for the
the number of surplus EPs
movement capacity (see
(II) The Allied sea capacity

Rule 12.3) are reduced by

(see Rule 11.3) and naval

surplus EPs (to a maximum

(II) The Allied sea supply
EPs (to a maximum

capacity and naval move-

ment capacity are reduced
placement rate is reduced
(I) The British infantry re-
13.191 The existing rule states of construction is one EP.
placement rate is reduced first year following, ?!I/O for the
(b) Unrestricted submarine
at attacks at less than 1 to I odds
(a) Restricted su bmarine

e resolved as I to I attacks with a

(to a maximum offour). by double the number of second, and so on, to a maxirnum
modification. This creates prob- 32.26 Stosstrupen surplus EPs (to a maximum reduction of FIVE, and the Austria-
ms in three situations: füe Rule 18.0 reduction offive); Hungary (and ltalian, if ltaly has
32.251 Super forts function in the effects are ~lS follows:

joined the Central Powers) infantry
(lI) The Allied sea supply
tion of three);

(a) Soak-offs: A low odds attack replacement rate is similarly re-

made to allow a high oilds capacity and naval move- duced, to a maximum reduction of

attack against other enemy ment capacity are reduced two. There is no effect on other

units in the same hex will result by double the number of Central Powers countries.
in the loss of the attacking unit STRATEGIC surplus EPs (to a maximum
only on the roll of a L or 2. This \ryARFARE
makes soak-offs too inexpensive
for the attacker. 33. I Submarine Warf'are

(b) Attacks against advan- The following superseded; Rule

(a) A super fort modifies the at-

the same manner as forts (see Rule

33.12 The ' Central Powers may

33.11 The Central Powers may

initiate submarine warfare in any

The following superseded: Rule

ber turn, beginning in February,

February, May, A ugust, or Novem-
time. The Allies may spend EPs on
spend EPs on submarines at any

anti-submarine warfare at any

17.0),with the following differences:
depending upon which nation's

(b) A 305mm (3-2-2) siege artil-

a hex containing a fori. The cost

attacker's die roll by + 1, as it
cing units: An enemy unit that

siege artillery unit used against

(c) A super fort must be buill on

conj unction with another artil-

a super fort modifies the

,as normal artillery if us'ed in

lery unit). A 420mm (3-1-0

lery unit has no effect when
used as siege artillery against a
super fort (but it still functions
has just advanced after combat

tacker's die roll by -3, not -2;

33.1 Submarine Warfare

to occupy a hex will often be 33.1f The Central Powers may
surrounded. By a low odds spend EPs on submarines at any

of construction is one EP.

1-) or a 305mm unit (3-2-2).

attack against such units, the time. 1'he Allies may spend EPs on

See Rule 18.0
attacker can destroy the anti-submarine warfare at any

would against a' fort;

32.26 Stosstrupen
32.25 Super forts
advancing unit on a die roll of4, time.

5, or 6, while he risks his
smaller unit as set out above. 33.12 The'Central Powers may

initiate submarine warfare in any
(c) Mutual annihilation: As February, May, August, or Novem-
the adverse modifïcation is only ber turn, beginning in F'ebruary,
,1, the attacker may seek to .
191 5.


bruary, May August, and No-
mber game turns, as additional RR = Reduce Replacements
s are expended on air warfare. = No Effect
e number and nationality of air t

for the Allies, British, French, and

iority continues in subsequent

the Central Powers, German, and

February, May August, and No-

The number and nationality of air

units on the board may thus vary as
than his opponent, the opponent

34.] 5 Air units received are, for

he has spent if he wishes to seek air
superi9rity and acquire air units
need only reveal the number of EPs

vember game turns, as additional

ts on the board may thus vary as

34.14 The struggle for air super-
superiority has expended fewer EPs
34.13 If the player seeking air

EPs are expended on air warfare.

game progr"esses. Note Die rolls of less than -4 or greater than I are considered to be -4 and 1 respectiveiy
34.2 Operating Air Units

34.15 Air units received are, for Modifiers:

Central Powers, German, and
the Allies, British, French, and
See Rule 20.0

merican. For each city in the country which the enemy player currently controls - (-1)
the game progresses.

If an RR or D# result has been reached on a morale table die roll - (-l)r

84.2 Operating Air Units
If Allied blockade is in effect - (-l)

See Rule 20.0 November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)

If an attack made solely by American units has captured a hex defended solely by German
units - (-l)
Central Powers control Paris - ( + 1)
three turns preceding the morale For every three EPs expended over
roll. If the moraJe roll is in a the opponent's cumulative total, the
by Germany (only) by the reveals the cumulative total of EPs
replacement rate) may be countered player seeking air superiority
34.12 In any February, May,

expenditure of two EPs during the expended py him on air warfare.

by the expenditure of EPs on air

not the effect on the infantry August, or November game turn, a

the November 'game turn, it is the Allies may seek air superiority
34.11 The Central Powers and

Central Powers control 3 of4 Russian rail hexes - ( + 1)

Anti-blockade EP expenditure r (+ t)

November game turn, it would be player receives one air unit.

If Allied blockade is in effect - (-l)

34.1 Air Superiority

November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)


Central Powers control Rome - (* 1)

Central Powerscontrol 3 of4 Russian rail hexes - (+ l)
If the United States is neutral - (-1)

If a United States unit h¿fs arrived on the board - (+ f )


lf the Allies control Constantinople - ( + l)

reduced by one if the blockade is in

blockade on the morale roll (only -

24.0) for Germany and Austria-
Hungary (and again, Italy, if it has
joined the Central Powers) is

effect. If the morale roll is made in

33.23 The Morale Roll (see Rule

33.24 The adverse effect of the

*This modification effects all subsequent morale table die rolls. The modilication does not
increase if the country concerned has morale difficulties more than ônce.
Note: Roll every Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. turn beginning February 1.916 for every country in
reduced by two. the war with a replacement rate of three or greater.

reduced by one.
mber game turns, as additional RR = Reduce Replacements
s are expended on air warfare. = No Effect
e number and nationality of air t
ts on the board may thus vary as
game progr"esses. Note Die rolls of less than -4 or greater than I are considered to be -4 and 1 respectiveiy
34.15 Air units received are, for Modifiers:
If an attack made solely by American units has captured a hex defended solely by German

Central Powers, German, and


Note: Roll every Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. turn beginning February 1.916 for every country in
the Allies, British, French, and
merican. For each city in the country which the enemy player currently controls - (-1)

*This modification effects all subsequent morale table die rolls. The modification does not
Note: Die rolls of less than -4 or greater than] are considered to be -4 and 1 re~pectiveiy.

If an RR or D# result has been reached on a morale table die roll - (-l)r

For each city in the country which the enemy player currently controls - (-1)

84.2 Operating Air Units

If Allied blockade is in effect - (-l)
Rule 20.0 November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)
If an RR or D# result has been reached on a morale table die roll- (-1)*

If an attack made solely by American units has captured a hex defended solely by German

increase if the country concerned has morale difficulties more than once.
November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)
November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)

units - (-l)
Central Powers control Paris - ( + 1)
Central Powers control 3 of4 Russian rail hexes - ( + 1)

Anti-blockade EP expenditure r (+ t)

Central Powers control 3 of 4 Russian rail hexes - (+ 1)

Central Powers control 3 of 4 Russian rail hexes - (+ 1)

If a United States unit has arrived on the board - (+ 1)

If Allied blockade is in effect - (-l)
November morale table die roll if Allied blockade is in effect - (-2)

Central Powers control Rome - (* 1)

If the Allies control Constantinople - (+ 1)

the war with a replacement rate of three or greater.

Central Powerscontrol 3 of4 Russian rail hexes - (+ l)

Anti-blockade EP expenditure - (+ 1)

Central Powers control Rome - (+ 1)

Central Powers control Paris - (+ 1)

If the United States is neutral - (-1)

If Allied blockade is in effect - (-1)
If the United States is neutral - (-1)

If Allied blockade is in effect - (-1)


If a United States unit h¿fs arrived on the board - (+ f )

Reduce Replacements

lf the Allies control Constantinople - ( + l)



*This modification effects all subsequent morale table die rolls. The modilication does not

= No Effect

increase if the country concerned has morale difficulties more than ônce.

units - (-1)
Note: Roll every Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. turn beginning February for every country in



the war with a replacement rate of three or greater.


ms in three situations:

entral Powers (only) may continue

e resolved as I to I attacks with a
at attacks at less than 1 to I odds

E'1, "44", or "Af)" combat result.

e, but only against enemy units
ns in which the weather is clear,
rth of Switzerland, only during

ase in 1914 in which the weather

ch continuous attacks may be
modification. This creates prob-


ling the die until they receive an

de against enemy stacks of any

the Western Front is clear, the

advancing unit on a die roll of4,

attack against such units, the

for the attacker.

only on the roll of a L or 2. This

units in the same hex will result

attack against other enemy
made to allow a high oilds
,1, the attacker may seek to
the adverse modifïcation is only

smaller unit as set out above.

attacker can destroy the

surrounded. By a low odds
to occupy a hex will often be
has just advanced after combat
cing units: An enemy unit that
(b) Attacks against advan-

makes soak-offs too inexpensive

in the loss of the attacking unit

(a) Soak-offs: A low odds attack

(c) Mutual annihilation: As

5, or 6, while he risks his

13.191 The existing rule states

30.44f During any Combat


in any case, no later than



Central Powers Combat Phase, all
24.0 SUGGESTED German units on the Western Front
CHANGES AND north of Switzerland which are not
MORALE RULES adjacent to and Allied units may
ADDITIONS move and attack a second time.
24.11 (Clarification) A Morale This second movement and cQmbat
Roll is made~ for a belligerent which 13.191 If the odds in an attack phase applies to both combat and
has an infantry replacement rate of are 1 to 2, the die roll is decreased combat support units, but only to
by one. If the odds are 1 to 3, the die those not adjacent to enemy units at

two or less if that rate is the result

of an RR result on the Morale Table roll is decreased by two, and so on. the end of the first Combat Phase.
on the previous morale roll.
13.23 If two siege artillery units 30.441 During any Combat
attack a hex containing a fort, the Phase in 1914 in which the weather
24.2 Explanation of Morale die roll is increased by three (one on the Western Front is clear, the
Table Results for each uni t, and one for having six Central Powers (only) may continue
artillery factors). rolling th~ die until they receive an

the same manner as forts (see Rule

anti-submarine warfare at any
time. 1'he Allies may spend EPs on
spend EPs on submarines at any

1?.0),with the.following differences:

initiate submarine warfare in any


ber turn, beginning in F'ebruary,
February, May, August, or Novem-
191 5.

24.21 RR =Reduce Replace- <fAE", <fAA", or HAD" combat result.

conjunction with another artil-
a super fort modifies
lery unit). A 420mm (3-1-1)

super fort (but it still functions

used as siege artillery against a
lery unit has no effect when
32.26 Stosstrupen

of construction is one EP.

a hex containing a fort. The cost
(c) A super fort musl, be built on

would against a fort;

attacker's die roll by


(a) A super fort modifïes the at-

tacker's die roll by -3, not -2;

32,251 Super forts function in


(b) A 305mm(3-2-2) siege artil-

33.1f The Central Powers may

The following superseded; Rule

33.12 The'Central Powers may

ments. The infantry replacement 13.31 The die roll is decreased Such continuous attacks may be

normal artillery if usþd in

rate of the country is halved for the STRATEGIC
by two when a hex containing both made against enemy stacks of any
I Submarine Warf'are

artillery unit used against

next three game turns (round frac- a city and rough terrain is attacked. size, but only against enemy units

füe Rule 18.0

tions up), beginning the turn of the The die roll is decreased by three north of Switzerland, only during
Morale Roll. when attacking units in a fort turns in which the weather is clear,
which is in a city hex. and in any case, no later than
24.22 01, 02, D3, 04 = Deser- December, 1914.
tion. The owning player rolls one 26.1 Automatic victory is
die for each unit of the country achieved whenever a "DE" result on
which is currently on the map. If the CRT is assured.

the result is less than or equal to RATIONALE FOR

26.6 Certain units lose some of
the desertion level, the unit deserts CHANGES AND

and is immediately eliminated their effectiveness outside of cer-

tain geographical areas. The ADDITIONS
24.23When rolling to determine following modifications are made. to

the effects ar(: iìs follows:

if a unit deserts, the die roll is the attacker's die roll: 13.191 The existing rule states
(b) Unrestricted submarine
that attacks at less than 1 to 1 odds

(a) Restricted submarine

reduced by one if the unit is
demoralized . Deserted units may be -1 Any minor country unit are resolved as 1 to 1 attacks with a
capacity and naval move-

surplus EPs (to a maximum reduction of FIVE, and the Austria-

by double the number of second, and so on, to a maxirnum
placement rate is reduced first year following, ?!I/O for the
(I) The British infantry re- ment rate is reduced by ONE for the
(lI) The Allied sea supply
reduction offive);

surplus EPs (to a maximum
by double the number of
ment capacity are reduced

movement capacity (see

(see Rule 11.3) and naval 23.2)
(II) The Allied sea capacity

placement rate is reduced

(to a maximum of four).
the number of surplus EPs
Rule 12.3) are reduced by

by the number of surplus

(I) The British infantry re- August, and November game turns.
tion ofthree);
EPs (to a maximum reduc- 33.2 BLOCKADE
replaced. outside its own country -1 modification. This creates prob-
lems in three situations:
24.24 If the Morale Roll for a -1 Russian units on the Western
country results in a RR or D effect, Front (a) Soak-offs: A low odds attack
subtract one from all future Morale made to allow a high odds
Rolls for the country. This is NOT -1 Italian units outside Italy attack against other enemy
cumulative. The number of adverse and Austria-Hungary units in the same hex will result
morale rolls results does not in the loss of the attacking unit
increase the modification for future -1 Austria-H ungary units on' only on the roll of a 1 or 2. This
rolls. the Western Front if outside makes soak-offs too inexpensive
Austria-Hungary or Italy for the attacker.
24.25 * = No Effect.
Note: The modification is + 1 if the (b) Attacks against advan- initiate, continue or discontinue
joined the Central Powers) infantry

subsequent, F'ebruary, May,

either type of submarine warfare in
(The following supersed¿s Rule
duced, to a maximum reduction of

effect, the German infantry replace-

by the expenditure ofone EP.

turn, beginning in F'ebruary 1915,
Central Powers countries.
two. There is no effect on other
replacement rate is similarly re-

Hungary (and ltalian, if ltaly has

May, August, or November game

ment the blockade in any l'ebruary,

unit is defending. cing units: An enemy unit that 33.14 The Central Powers may
33.22 Once the blockade is in

33.21 The Allies may imple-

has just advanced after combat

30.14 There is no time limit on to occupy a hex will often be
the campaign game. surrounded. By a low odds
attack against such units, the
30.15 The campaign game ends attacker can destroy the
when Berlin is controlled by the advancing unit on a die roll of 4,
Allied player, or when the Allied 5, or 6, while he risks his
player admits that he is unable to smaller unit as set out above.
(c) Mutual annihilation: As
30.44 During the first game the adverse modification is only
turn (only), immediately after the .:1, the attacker may seek to
urn if he has suffìcient German the existing rules state: "All ment give the advantage to the de- Bearing in mind that Guns of
artillery replacement points defending units are fender, it is virtually impossible for August is a strategic game, several
available. eliminate{." (Rule 13.41). The Germany to successfully invade points should be noted. The first is
attacker cannot comply with the France, no matter how little is put that even the capture of Pøris does
32.14 Each player keeps secret requirement to remove an on the Eastern F'ront. 1'hese not end the game, although France
copy of the WDC, his
Bearing in mind that Guns of

in August, 1914 (when the weather Eastern Front will be great if

are great, which is the way it

In short, both the rewards and
result of a nDX" result or a series of defense factors will become even

With the assistance of the coupled with real disasters in the

Meuse, will then be able to attack the risks of the invasion of France
Germany to successfully in vade points should be noted. The first is

second is that continuous attacks

the fall of Liege, although the the West. Shou ld both armies

French Offensive Doctrine (Rule East, would mean quick defeat for
The continuous attacks allowed are costly, and the damage to the

is always clear: Rule 30.36), ensure Germany sends its replacements "to

Germans may suffer heavily as a weaken in the West, the l~rger

France, no matter how little is put that even the capture of Paris does

changes are an attempt to redress will certainly be in difficulties once

should be. A failed invasion,

the morale rolls begin in 1916. The
is in the hands of fate. A massive

rolls, may take Paris. Bad weather

or poor die rol1s in critical attacks
pecially if the weather remains

fender, it is virtually impossible for August is a strategic game, several

on the Eastern Front. These not end the game, although France
take Lille in September, 1914, es-

German attack, coupled with good

clear (a 2/3 chance). After that, all

weather and reasonable combat die

equivalent number of attack changes are an attempt to redress will certainly be in difficulties once
enditures ofEPs and the success factors, but it seems this leads the balance. the morale rolls begin in 1916. The
failure of his \ryeapons die rolls to all his units being removed as second is that continuous attacks
il such information must be well,! rather than a downward The continuous attacks allowed are costly, and the damage to the
aled. adjustment of the defender's in August, l9l4 (when the weather Eastern Fron[ will be great if
losses. (The same tactic can be is always clear: Rule 30.36), ensure Germany sends its replacements to
30.44 and 30.441 Because secret will stall the offensi ve.

32.2 Effectof New \feapons employed by the Aìlies, using the fall o{ Liege, although the the West. Should both armies
airplanes, tanks, and gas, if the Germans may suffer heavily as a weaken in the rüest, the larger
32.21 Tanks - See Rule 19.0
UBD" results. The surviving more important.

variant set out elsewhere in this result of a "DX" result or a series of defense factors will become even
32.22 Gas - See Rule 204.0
32.23 Anti-tank Artillery - See
article is used). 'Bf)" results. The surviving more important.
Rule 208.0 30.45), the Germans are favored to Germany.
infantry and artillery, as well as
13.23 This is primarily the units backed up behind the In short, both the rewards and
introduced to balance the changes Meuse, will then be able to attack the risks of the invasion of France
32.24 Siege Artillery suggested to Rule 13.31. into France. are great, which is the way it
32.241 Only the Allied player should be. A failed invasion,
13.31 Consistency. (Rule 13. With the assistance of the coupled with real disasters in the
y develop siege artillery. Ger-
infantry and artillery, as well as
the units backed up behind the
Britain, the maximum it can

ment give the advantage to the de-

Because Germany cannot invade

and Russia, which generally leads

mobilizations and hidden move-

United States. Politically, this
to a stalemate with Britain and the
achieve is the destruction of France

ny may not build additional 33 - '¿,/¿ die role modifications F'rench Offensive Doctrine (Rule East, would mean quick defeat for
would likely have been sufficient.

(including those for terrøin) øre 30.45), the Germans are favored to Germany,
ge artillery units, but may CUMULATM).If is reasonable to
ace the units it
had originally
assume that a city in rough terrain
Rule 14.2Ð.
will be more difficult to capture
32.242 The Allied player may
than a city in clear terrain. The
in using British, French, or same applies to fortresses.
Otherwise the difference between a
erican artillery replacement fort in a city hex and a city hex with
ts to create siege artillery units
he turn of a successful roll on an entrenchment is merely that

into France.
the balance.
Weapons' Development Chart
units may enter and leave the fort
(see Rule 32.0). without losing a modifier to the die
C) roll. Both would be -2.

32.243 To create a siege artil- 26.f This flows from the phrase,
unit requires fue artillery re-
"autotnq.lic uictory". This rule is

up a demorali1;ed France. The effect

30.14 and 30.15 The Allied vic-

movement is used (as it should be -

the Italians or Russians propping

on the Balkan minors leads to

26.6 Designed to avert a variety
an entrenchment is merely that

of anomalous possibilities, such as

tory condition is clear enough.

26.1 This flows from the phrase,
"automatic victory". This rule is
units may enter and leave the fort
13.31 Consistency. (Rule 13.

will be more difficult to capture

factors, but it seems this leads

than a city in clear terrain. The

equivalent number of attack

fort in a city hex and a city hex with

more difficult to use when hidden

adjustment of the defender's

13 . 23 This is pr,imarily

CUMULATIVE). It is reasonable to

without losing a modifier to the die

bring about a DX result by

to 1, with a + 2 modification. On

eliminate~ ." (Rule 13.41). The

losses. (The same tactic can be

a 4, 5, or 6, the result is DX. As
using a smal1er number of high


well~ rather than a down ward

requirement to remove an

to all his units being removed as

33 - "All die role modifications

(including those for terrain) are

assume that a city in rough terrain

employed by the A II ies, using
Allied units are not entrenched,

introduced to balance the changes

three stosstrupen might attack

Otherwise the difference between a

nine enemy infantry units and
three artillery units. If the

the attack will be resol ved as a 1

variant set out elsewhere in this

quality troops. For example,

the existing rules state : nAIl

airplanes, tanks, and gas, if the

attacker cannot comply with the

same applies to fortresses.

ement points.
more difficult to use when hidden
32.244 No more than one Allied
movement is used (as it should be -
e artillery unit may be created
SeeRule 28.2).

game turn.
26.6 Designed to avert a variety

suggested to Rule 13.31.

of anomalous possibilities, such as

interesting situations.
roll. Both would be -2.
32.245 Siege artillery units are
aced by the Allied player in the
the Italians or Russians propping

article is used).
up a demoralized France. The effect
e manner, and with the same

See Rule 28.2 ).

on the Balkan minors leads to


rictions, as it is created.
interesting situations.
32.246 Siege artillery units
30.14 and 30.15 The Allied vic-
ated by the Allied player are
tish, French, or American, tory condition is clear enough.
-6 4-6
31.23 EPs may be expended for
-6 3-6 the following:
-6 3-6
Weapons Developnrent
Rule 32.0

Note: Britain and U.S. may never join Central Powers. turkey may never join Allies.
artillery unit (ie., if more than one NOTE: If Pari,t" is controlled. by tbe Central Strategic Warfare
enemy attack is being made against Powers,thisallocatbnisreducedby lølf. Rule 33.0

(-1) For each objective city in germany or Austria-Hungary the Allies currently
two or more friendly combat units Air Warfare
in the same hex as the anti-tank Rule 34.0

(+ 1) For each objective city in Russia the Central Powers currently control.
artillery unit). UNITED STATES - Fort Construction


First six months*of belligerency


For each objective city in Germany the Allies currently control

2Or-.2r Anti-tank a r til l e ry
units may be used to support an

Die roll greater than large number: Country joins Central Powers
attack by friendly combat units, in Next six months of belligerency

urrently control which case it functions as normal ltZßP per game turn

Second year throughout the war


23.1 and 23.2 Superseded by

ONE EP per game turn

Die roll less than smaller number: Country joins Allies

(-2) If Central Powers declare war on Netherlands

(+ 1) If either Turkey or Bulgaria is a Central Power.

Rules 33.1 and 33.2.


(-3) If Central Powers declare war on Belgium

31.0 and minor countries

Die roll within printed range: stays neutral


GREECE: (-1) If any Allied combat unit is in Greece.


(-1) If Submarine Warfare is in effect


BRITAIN: (+ 1) If Allies declare war on Belgium


(+ 1) If Central Powers control Paris
If Central Powers control Paris
(+ 1) If Central Powers control Paris

Economic poinrs (Eps) repre-
of Eco-
t-4 ------
sent the economic, research and de- ""jrlI"TfJSenditure
L-4 velopment capabilities of the

( + 1) If Britain is neutral
If Britain is neutral
various warring countries.



If U.S. is an Ally



(-1) IfU.S.isanAlly
3l.l Allocation of EPs

3l.l I EPs Allocation


ers currently control.


September f 914 - December l9l5

( + 1)
(+ 1)

ONE EP per game turn
gary the Allies currently
January 1916

'l'WO EPs per game turn





tral Powers BRITAIN / FRANCE

September l'914 - I)ecember 1915
turkey may never join Allies. ONE !)P per game turn

January 1916
TWO EPs per game turn
208.0 Weapqns Development Chart (Rule 32)
ANTI.TANK l9t4 1915 1916 19t 7 't918

Third six months after entry: 1 per game turn, and so on

ARTILLERY 0 Nov Feb Mðy Nov Feb Môy Nov teb Nov t€b
September 1914 to December 1915: One per game turn

Tanks 9 -8 -7 -6 5 -4 3 -2 1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
German control of Paris reduced the above by half.

1-81-71-61-51-41-31-21-' I 0 1+ '1 +21 +31 +41 +51 +6\ GermansOnly

Second six months after entry: 112 per game turn

\ov F€b Nov
January 1916 to end of war: Two per game turn

0 +1 +2 +3
Gas 0 +'l +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
+31 +41 +51 +61

+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

t9l5 I 916 I 917 191 8
Nov t€b Nov Nov Feb M¿y Aug
May Aug

Feb Nov
0 +1 +2
Anti-Tank -9 -8 -6 -4 +1 +2 +3 +4
1-71-61-51-41-31-21-'10 1+'1+21+31+41+51+6\

-7 -5 -2 0
+21 +31 +41


Artillery +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
+21 +31 +41 +51 + 61 Allies Only

First six months after entry: None

t914 r915 r9r6 1917


208.1 Creating Anti-tank Ar-

Britain/France (combined)

Nov Feb May AJg Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb May Aug
Seige 0 +1 +2
I -, I 0 I +, I +21



+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
May Aug


Artillery 5 -3 -2 1 0 All,er Only

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

May Aug
May Aug

May Aug

r9l4 t9t5 t9tt

May Aug

I -, I 0 I +'1

20B.ll The Central Powers r91 6 1

No( ieb Môy Aug Nov teÞ M¿y Aug Nov F€b Nov Feb
Super 0 +1
aycr may begin by using German,

Forts 7 -6 -5 -4 3 -2 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6


the Allied player Ilritish, French, +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
United States

Nov Feb
Nov Feb

Nov Feb
Nov Feb

American, artillery replacement 191¡[ 1915 t9r6 i917 t9't8

Nov Feo May Aug Nov FÊb May Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb May
+1 +2 +3
May Aug

ints to create anti-tank artillery Stoss-

-8 7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Germans Only
1-9 I -81 -7 I -61 -5 I -41 -3 I -2
-5 I -41 -3 I -2

its on the turn ofa successful roll



Str'a tegic Warfare Expenditures (Rule 33)

May Aug
May Aug
May Aug
May Aug

+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
I -, I 0 I +'1
I a I +'1 +21 +31 +41 +51 +6\

n the \{eapons' Development


Nov Feb

hart (WDC) (see Rule 32.0).


Weapons Development Chart (Rule 32)



20ts.12 To creale an anti-tank

May Aug


tillery unit requires three artill- Strategic lVarfare Expenditures (RuIe 83)
I -7 I -61

y replacemenl, points.

May Avg
May Aug
May Aug
May Aug

September 1914 to December 1915: One per game turn

please make ha,sh marhs below

-3 I


208.13 No more than one

1-5 I -41

1914 1915
1914 1915
1914 1915
1914 1915
1914 1915

l9l¡t l9t5 t9f6 l9t7

!\iov ;:eb
1-9 I -8

Nov Feo
!\,iov Feb
Nov Feb

January 1916 to end of war: Two per game turn

llov teb Auq Nov Feb Nov teb May Aug Nov Fcb
rman and one Allied anti-tank Môy Mðy Aug Noy
BLOCKADE: Allies (1EP/3 turns)


illery unit may be created per
n. Germany (2 EPs/3 turns)

+2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

+1 +2

+ 1 +2 +3
+1 +2 +3 +.4 +5 +6
+1 +2 +3

+1 +2

0 +1

Anti-tank Artillery effect

please make hash marks below

on combat



2OB.2l An anti-tank artillery
it neutralizes the combat die roll AIR SUPERIORITY:
odification of an enemy attack
pported by tank units..This effect
plies l,o any number of enemy
EP Allowances:





nk units, but only with respect to

e modification associated with
e tank units, and only with
pect to the friendly combat units
sociated with the anti-tank
simulation) must confront [he where F'rance ruined its army
players with as many deiisions as rather than surrender a town of
possible, under conditions as close uncertain strategic val uc.
to those wtlich aclually existed. several suggested changes and
The ability to make correct and 2. 1'he chances of victory in additions bo the exist,ing rules.
World War I lay with the side which These are indicated, so as to disùin-
courageous decisions under pres-
sure is the greatest component of most effectively realized its war- guish them from the econom
gaming skill. making potential. The FirstWar variant which forms the l¡ulk of the
bridged the gap between the great article. All rule changes should be
Grand strategy games have infantry wars of the nineteenth used, as they are all related in some
always attracted a strong following, century and World War lI. The way. It is also sIrongly
because the scope of decision F irst World War foslered a leap recommended that hidden
making ranges beyond the military, upwards in military technology, movement be used, to allow for
into the diplomatic and economic while the Second World War strategic and even tactical surprise.
spheres. Of the three great fostered a leap upwards in military
European conf'licts, the Napoleonic technology, whiìe the Second World 7' he deuelop -
wars might be said to have War saw l,he development of tactics ment of these rules woulcl not hnue
primarily concerned diplomacy, allowing for lhe most effective use been possible without the patienl
World War I economics, and rWorld of the new weapons. For example, playtestirug ønd suggestions of Tor
lWar Il a bewildering combination the two mosl important weapons of Ahrahamsen, Craig Rapanos, Keuin
the Second World War, tanks and Røy, and Peter Robbins.
of both. All three offer a challenge
to the game designer, and a feast to airplanes, were developed during
the gamer, if the challenge is the First World War.
3.1 Add two new combat support
properly met.
This article is directed mainly units: Gas and anti-tank artiìlery.
A good wârgâme must also to the application of the new
strike a balance.'lt should take technologies of war during World 3.2 Add one new game marker:
from history without being lrapped War I. To simulate the ecònomic, Super fort.
by it.In Guns of August, the technical and productive capacities
sensation of being trapped by his- of the warring powers, the ctrncept 10.1 Stacking limits are expanded
tory is strong. After a brief war of of Economic Points (EPs) is to include one gas unit and one
movement, the síruggle bogs down introduced. 'l'hese points may be anti-tank arti llery unib.
and becomes a seemingly endless spent on the development of new
war of attrition. Eventually one weapons, strategic warfare, or the 17.14 Each fort constructed on the
side or the other collapses, and for construction of static defenses. In Western Front requires the expen-
both the historian and the gamer this way, players may establish diture of one Flconomic Point (EP)
the outcome may be difficult to priorities based on their assessment (see Rule 32.251). Only the German
explain. of lhe strategic requirements of the and F'rench fort construction
war. By restoring the balance engineers may construct forts on
The rule changes to Guns of between the military and economic the Wesl,ern Front.
August suggested in this article aspects of World War I, and
are based on two premises: determining lhe success and failure 1?.15 The Austrian and Russian
of each state in these areas by way fort construction engineers units
1. Military victory in World of a revised national morale table, may construct forts on the Eastern
War I was thought by the partici- Guns of August becomes a Front at no EP cost. Construction of
pants to be þossible. 'l'he political demanding life and death struggle forts on the Eastern Front by
and military leaders of the warring of nations, the outcome of which is German or French fort construction
nations, and the populalions which likely to remain in doubt to almost engineer units requires the
supported them, sought victory and the last moment. expenditure ofan EP.
feared defeat. These beliefs, regard-
less of their objective foundations, Also included in this article are l8.ll The Central Powers player


His Art And His Style
u ••• I don't want to glorify war in my work,
only give it the respect it deserves."
Pete Flahive or museum pieces «borrowed"
photos, amateurish illustrations

The majority were mail order, zip

lock bags, etc.) used high contrast

quite amateurish. Almost all the

25-307o actually did "packaging". that had box art (around

doing cover art for magazines, the

standards of this industry were

the game industry as a whole.

alism" of the products produced by
enhance the look and "profession-

Japan's Tactics magazines his art

is much in evidence in order to
the Avalon Hill General to Hobby
Flames (ADG);from the covers of
Campaign (TAHGC) to \Yorld in
shelves. From The Russian
MacGowan artwork on your
large collection of Rodgér B.
it, chances are you have a rather

of course, his own studio; RBIVí

business. [Ie is also the founder of
Graphics & Design Studio.

Fire & Movement magazine and,

say) throughout the hobby/
(the sincerest form offlattery they
criticized, collected and imitated
approach. His work is admired,
his direction in layout and
note how many attempt to follow
packages not designed by him,
old hobbyibusiness. And of those
in the history of this thirty-year
covers. More than any other artist
and nearly as many magazine
and twentyfive gamebox packages
and illustrated over one hundred

Japan and you'll fìnd his work on

covers of games and magazines. In
the last ten years he's designed
from the great art galleries of

the United States,.Europe or

Walk into any gaming store in Europe. In short, nothing truly resulted in higher game sales for
In fact, before Rodger began

So, whether or not you realize

Walk into any gaming store in

the United States, Europe or original, new, or designed in a all the companies for which he has
Japan and you'll find his work on professional manner for this worked. This has been

Pete Flahive
covers.of games and magazines. In specific hobby/business. Rodger documented. Of course, there are
the last ten years he's designed MacGowan revolutionized the those who have responded to this
and illustrated over one hundred entire ··look" of the business and by declaring that their games are

and twentyfive gamebox packages set new standards by more than a ··pretty box" or that
and nearly as many magazine coverart and packaging could be the hobby is suffering because
covers. More than any other artist judged. money is being wasted on slick
in the history of this thirty-year graphics and art. These sour
old hobbylbusiness. And of those Rodger's concern for historical grapes remarks don't change the
packages not designed by him, detail, accuracy, style and realism fact that Rodger MacGowan's art
note how many attempt to follow were new and highly sought after has enhanced the entire industry
his direction in layout and by many wargame companies. In and we have all benefited from
approach. His work is admired, fact; he was first approached by that.
is perceived. FIis art has also
a game can influence how a game
player and how much the "look" of
knows what's important to the
wargaming in his art. He knows

been able to infuse his own

As a wargamer himself, he has
par with the wargame designer.

set new standards by which

entire "look" of the business and

professional manner for this

what the gamer wants to see. He

knowledge and feeling .for

establish the wargame artist on

our entire industry.

MacGowan revolutionized [he

specific hobby/business. Rodger

original, new, or designed in a

impact on the professional look of
obvious. He has left a major

Europe. In short, nothing truly

from the great art galleries of
inlluence on their work is quite
grew up on Rodger's work and his


or museum pieces "borrowed"

wargame artis[s and illustrators

the wargame market. Today,

helped to establish GDW's look in
many of the current group of

game company called Game

including a "new Third World"
approached him for work
of time numerous companies
Designers' Workshop. Rodger

release entitled The Russian

The Avalon Hill Game Company
fact, he was first approached by
by many wargame companies. In
Campaign. Within a short period

in 1975 to do the cover for a new

detail, accuracy, style and realism

coverart and packaging could be

criticized, collected and imitated The Avalon H ill Game Company were new and highly sought after
(the sincerest form of flattery they in 1975 to do the cover for a new When you go back to 1975,
Rodger has actually helped to

Rodger's concern for historical

say) throughout the hobby/ release entit'led The Russian when Rodger first started doing
business. He is also the founder of Campaign. Within a short period work in the wargame business,
Fire & Movement magazine and, of ti me n u,merous companies almost all of the wargame
of course, his own studio; RBM approached him for work companies sold their products
Graphics & Design Studio. including a u new Third World" through the mail. Therefore, they

game company called Game didn't worry about professional
So, whether or not you realize Designers' Workshop. Rod'ger packaging. But, 'Rodger's work
it, chances are you have a rather helped to establish GDW's look in became the standard by which all
large collection of Rodger B . the wargame market. Today, the companies began to approach
MacGowan artwork on your many of 'the current group of the retail market sinc'e they
shelves. From The Russian wargame artists and illustrators realized that the mail order
Campaign (TAHGC) to World in grew up on Rodger's work and his business could not continue to
Flames (ADG); from the covers of influence on their work is quite sustain growth. C0ll?-pany after
the Avalon Hill General to Hobby obvious. He has left a major company joined in the battle for
footing" in the last ten years than
put this hobby on a "professional
Rodger MacGowan.

In short, no one has done more to

Games,-Hobby Japan, and so on.
Publications Inc., Quarterdeck
tralian Design Group, Yaquinto
World Wide Wargames, Aus-
Workshop, Simulations Canada,
Operational Studies Group, SSG,

companies were Game Designers'

MacGowan. Among these
positioning, they turned to Rodger
packaging to get quality
shelf space. They needed quality
company joined in the battle for

business could not eontinue to

sustain growth. Company after
realized that the mail order
the retail market since they
the companies began to approach
became the standard by which alt

didn't womy about professional

packaging. But, Rodger's work
through the mail. Therefore, they
companies sold their prodrrcts
almost all of the wargame
work in the wargame business,
when Rodger fìrst started doing

and we have

fact that Rodger MacGowañ's art

by declaring that their games are

has enhanced the entire industry

grapes remarks don't change the

graphics and art. These sour

those who have responded to this

documented. Of course, there are
money is being wasted on slick

worked. This has

all the companies for which he has
the hobby is suffering because
more than a "pretty box" or that

resulted in higher game sales for

J apan"s Tactics magazines his art impact on the professional look of shelf space. They needed quality
is much in evidence in order to our entire "industry. packaging to get quality
tffhen you go back to lg75,

enhance the look and r·profession- positioning, they turned to Rodger

alism" of the products produced by Rodger has .a ctually helped to MacGowan. Among these
the game industry as a whole. establish the wargame artist on companies were Game Designers'
par with the wargame designer. Workshop, Simulations Canada,
In fact, before Rodger began
all benefîted from

As a wargamer himself, he has Operational Studies Group, SSG,

doing cover art for magazines, the been able to infuse his own World Wide Wargames, Aus-
standards of this industry were knowledge and feeling for tralian Design Group, Yaquinto
quite amateurish. Almost all the wargaming in his art. He knows Publications Inc., Quarterdeck
games that had box art (around what the gamer wants to see. He Games, Hobby Japan, and so on.
25-30% actually did ··packaging". knows what's important to the In short, no one has done more to

The majority were mail order, zip player and how much the ··look" of put this hobby on a "professional
lock bags, etc.) used high contrast a game can influence how a game footing" in the last ten years than
photos, amateurish illustrations is perceived. His art has also Rodger MacGowan.
And because Fire & Movement is an inde-pendent magazine, it-c^o-v-ers.att the
*;rgu.f,;;;;p"ny'r pioá,iãt'r, ä-"i^t.tuu" uJâ'iËo-us.e organ'ito none. I'&M is fair and
A two-part science -fiction / fantasy story

cñticat in iiq revie:;."åìii* 6.:ii

"ri"il gr ;l"Jä11î æ*,*,fiir'lîi,i:3tå},iil,i

Fi"ãa Mo"åment mâgazine; where
run in two consecutive issues of the

,o before engaging in battle.

What makes a good wargame
better? The variants, new scènarios and incisi wargame strategY articles
that constitute of Battleplan. everY issue
magazine. (1974)

Vertex Magazine

art science fiction / fantasy story


wo consecutive issues of the

ne. (1974\
teli 191,. tQtt
6'6 5.6 4.6 .t.6
Ë¡ Ëi Ë¡ å¡ Ë, ads.
Battleplan is a users magazine for the active wargamer where old

8.4 8-¡¡ 7-4 7.4

*m*ffiffim Ë¡ Ë, favorites frnd new life in variants and scetta"ios. Batlleplan is where
4.4 4.4
vour hobbv can be sÍwr;ed in everY issue you read (or write for!). Enlist
\ x
I "now
ond pich up a neu BattlePlan!
Why not be a w_arg?m9^r1crui ter?
With tñe ultimate start-up kit, The Begínners'Guide to Stra tegy Gaming
We've created a specially prepar-e{."tool" tp l.relp.ygy bring new
oeonle to the fascinating hobby of historiöal simulation- gamrng.
ihË8.;sil"ã"JCuiaeio Strátegy Gaming b¡i-ngs incop-v- the novice
of the
- ;;d .tvlé; and comes-éomplete-wil,h-a
CnW¡F&M"introduc[orv wargame The Battle for Moscow'
Articià i"ãtu¿é' The Basicé, Anlntroduction to--Game-speak, A
¡¡"iläläïs"iiiãirã Þtav, ttre Piinciples of war for wqrgaqrers,best
- LiÉrary, and mbre. This could well be the
$B:gty"t euàtiiuested in your future as a wargamer!
DT p u b ca t o n 5 a r e a v a l a b l e a t b e tte r g a m e
b o o k a n d h o b b v s t o res W h e r e ve r w a r I a m e s a re so d
If vo u do n 't s ee th e m t b e s u re to a s k fo r th e m ! a
Diverse. Talent's, lnc., 53?4 Village Road, Long Beach'
These fine wargaming publications are also available direct from the p-ublsher,
subs$iption is $20.00. A sample issue of
California g0g0g, (2lg) 420-36?5. A sample ¡"sue oiFire & Movement ¡s'$¿.00, and a six-issue
st"aægv Gaming is 95.b5. canadian addresses r¿¿sú add an
Ba*replan is g3.00, and ;;ir-i;; ;;bscription i* gú.õd. Th" nug¡trtt"rr' c.riae tó p"r
nrust adJor.zs issríe fot su"fa-ce mail. All paynents muat'be in us funds'
additional 60ç per issue fbr postage and handling,
ãr"*r, USta"t< and made payable tn DTl. Viso";;;;;;àiress;s
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@R.MocGowon circleR¿aderservice#9
nit erltirely. Generally, try to
ep the unit in the field where
covery can bring it back to full

ength. The problem with this,
emphasized 'Zeus', the most powerful god,

wever, is that it is possible for

Game based on Greek Mythology. Rodger

Illustrated short story concerning future

e Americans to have so many
lf-strength units in the field
at they are unable to mount
ong attacks. Let the situation
your guide.
Remember the Maine puts
Yaquinto Publications, Inc.

th players on the offensive and

fensive, and sometimes quite SWASHBUCKLER
ddenly. Neither player should Yaq u i nto Pu bl icatio ns, I n c.

populations in space.
y away from surface combat or Album game based on the classic movies
back and wait for the opponent MYTHOLOGY

Vertex Magazine
make all the moves. In naval
of the'30s and '40s. Rodger emphasised
Yaq u i nto Pu bl ications, I n c.
images from Errol Flynn movies. The game

mbat, the American needs to

Game based on Greek Mythology. Rodger

on the cover.
e out more punishment than he was a "best seller."
eives, for tactical and strategic
emphasized 'Zeus', the most powerful god,
asons. Crippling the Spanish on the cover.
et is of primary importance
en if it costs some ships.

Based on the zero victory

int totals at start, the Spanish
ould win a major victory. The
essure is therefore on the
mericans, and their naval
ength is the key to victory.
ain has many handicaps and
tience is a necessary virtue,

images from Errol Flynn movies. The game

building the fleet while the

Album game based on the classic movies

of the '30s and '40s. Rodger emphasised
mericans play their game. In the

Rodgerdid this drawing in 1968while

d, one or both sides may have to
ke risky chances, and many
mes are not decided until the
al turn.
Attention Retailers

Yaquinto Publications, Inc.

Mafr ufacturers & Distributors
The Game Manufacturers Association
GAMÂ) Trade Show was designed for
oul Thie iÊ your opporlunþ to meet the

was a "best seller."

À{anufacturers, to a¡k questions and get

attending college.
all the information about products old anil
ew. Enjoy a perBonal, one on one meetingl
More importantly, this show will THE SEEDLING
oature ¡everal useful seminare giving tÍps TET'68 Vertex Magazine
n game displays, marheting, inventory Rodger did this drawing in 1968 while lllustrated short story concerning future
ontrol, dealing with "gamers," loca.l clubs
attending college. populations in space.

nd conventions, plus much more!
For more inform¡tion on attending
March 20.22nd in Lae Vegas contacül OR.MocGowon
Howard Baraach, P.O. Bo¡ 867623, Plano,
X 76086 or caU (2r{) 2¿7-?981.
ships.The Spanish can not match
the American pre-dreadnoughts,
version used on game box. Note the

but several cruisers can hold their

major changes in the background
Below: Note the two editions of

own again*t their American

left, first version and right, final
the cover for the G. L gamette;

counterparts. Also, SPanish shiPs


fight better at short range using

The_Avalon Hill Game Co.

light gunnery and torpedoes-

Eleven Spanish ships carry tor-
pedoes. Contrast this to the

American's torpedo carrying ship.

A'fast'squadron has a better
Rodg,e r B. MacGowan I Squad Leader Series

chance to determine changes in

SQUAD LEADER the range and that advantage can
cRoss oF lRoN images.
be used offensively or devensively.
G. I.

CRESCENDO OF DOOM the Americans might seek to

G. l. increase the range when battle- The oREGON overhauling the vlzcAYA and the cRlsToBAL cotoN'
The Avalon Hill Game Co.
ships are involved while the the last of the Spanish fleet, at Sant¡ago, July 3. I 898.
Spanish try to close in for torPedo
Below: Note the two editions of runs. Also, the faster squadron
the cover for the G. l. gamette; issue in a campaign. harbor which could be held by one
can pull ahead by the length ofone
left, first version and right, final
vessel and use angled fire against
unit. The city, itself, can be
version used on game box. Note the
the lead ship in the opponent's THE LAND \ryAR attacked from eight adjacent
major changes in the background
battle line. The longer battleline The other half of Remember hexes and deploying some units,
can use angled fire against the the Møine is the land camPaign, plus the reserves, in the woods
last ship'as well. fought in four seParate areas. and hills surrounding the citY
Onci the Americans are ashore adds an extra buffer zone.
A single damage point reduces speed is of the essence to avoid
the ship's speed by one factor, yèllow fever attacks. Also, a quick A good American attack is the
turning some fast ships into slow capture of an objective maY Pre- historical one in which the
ones. This, in turn, can slow down empt some Spanish reinforce- Americans land east of the harbor
the entire squadron. Repairing a ments. Further, a quick victorY and use the woods for cover. Take
ship to the maximum makes it frees up the trooPs for action San Juan Hill as it provides a
good vantage point.
more valuable when it returns to elsewhere. On the other hand, the
duty, but this means extra time in Spanish want to drag the battles
port and this may be a real out for as long as Possible. Cienfuegos presents a differ-
problem as units might be needed Perhaps, even winning here and ent problem due to the fact that
for operations regardless of their there. the city has only one hex, making
condition. If a unit survives a tighter defensive position. It's
combat heavily damaged it might Spanish deployment must approachable from onlY three
be useless the rest of the game, consider the terrain advantages sides. A single fortress and
although victory points are saved and garrison requirements. Santi- battery guards the harbor and it
if the ship is not lost comPletelY. ago has three hexes and a trench should be garrisoned in order to
Once the American shiPs start line surrounding the citY to prevênt free entrY to the
taking damage the decision must bolster the defenses. San Juan Americans. The maximum should
be made whether to leave it on Hill lies nearby (hex 3117). !'or- be placed in the city and the
station or send it back for repairs. tresses and batteries guard both remainder used to guard the
The only rule of thumb is t<¡ sides of the harbor mouth (hexes approaches.
protecl, the heavily damaged shiPs 2621 and 2721) and should be
from combat and keep the battle- garrisoned. There are heavY The Americans might attemPt
ships as healthy as Possible woods to the east of the citY and a harbor entrance at Cienfuegos,
because they can decide the naval hills along the coast west of the especially if the battery can be


w ·

Ga me Desi g n ers; Wo rksh o p
This game was never published. ROMMEL'S WAR
Quarterdeck Game Co.
R_o_dger B. MacGowan I Desert War Illustratio'ns

Yaquinto Publications, Inc.

Operational Studies Group

Quarterdeck Game Co.


ght send the new squadron
oss the Northern Atlantic to
mbard or raid the East Coast
ore turning south to deliver the
ound forces to a Cuban port. OPERATION CRUSADER il
hey could expect a major Ga m e Desi g n e rs' Wo rksh o p

nfrontation with the combined
merican fleet somewhere along 'gg'
e way, especially with a slow
uadron making a leisurely pace. Yaq uí nto Pu b I ications, I n c.

"Europa Series" being done in Japan

. ~, .-.~ .
The limited number of the
uadron markers affects the

This game was never published.

mericans more because they
st operate in more places at the

Game Designers' Workshop

me time, as they must conduct

Game Designers' Workshop

trols, make amphibious as-
ults, set up or move blockades.

e danger lies ín tying up all of
e squadron markers and then

ing the Cadiz Squadron set sail
the American coast. try to keep Å

0. . ::<r er license .

e squadron marker free at all

Hobby Japan
es, or else designate one gloup ,;*t*'
the ready'reserve to deal with
unexpected threats. Spain has
er active units and objectives
st of the tirne so the marker WESTERN DESERT ROMMEL IN TUNISIA
ortage is less of a problem. O perati o n a I Stu d i es p

~ ,-
Hobby lapan G ro u

91. '
"Europa Series" being done in Japan

.-r#¡Rder license'
difficul ty i s kee Pi n g th e Often, by the time those two cities the American blockade twice
squadrons recoaled when theY fall the Americans must skiP San then reaching the squadron
must conduct searches or Juan and concentrate on elsewhere is not easy, but it must
blockadesfarfrom U.S. Ports and Havana. The difference in victorY be attempted for the SPanish to
replenish them as theY Pursue points making the decision. gain any mobility.
their targets. Colliers run a
Late in the game, time and The Random Events Table
shuttle system at times and a does include some possibilities for
prudent player wilt keep recoaling resources permitting, the Ameri-
ihe squadrons regularly. A collier cans might consider a sortie across providing the Spanish with
Ro_d_ger B. MacGowan I Eastern Front Illustrations

unexpected coal supplies. Die rolls

traveiing alone has onlY'its sPegd the Atlantic to raid the SPanish
for defenle, but with five units tþe coast. The chances
for victorY determine the port and the
Americans have a m4rgin,f,9l., points are slim and the oPeration amount. By forfeiting two victorY
error, ðan take five turns or more, for points, the Spanish can imProve
minimal returns. If the SPanish lheir chances of obtaining addi-
Auxiliary cruisers and mer-. have any substantial fleet left in tional coal.
chantmen provide the groun{ unit the Qaribbean, a îun to Cadiz can
transport; colliers maY b'e used be dangerous. But when the onlY The Cape Verde Squadron
but this is not Prudent unless in opposing ships are in SPain, a will not rampage through the


The Avalon Hill Game Co.
the case of emergeqcies. BY turn raiding force might draw them Caribbean and terrorize the
into battle. American coastline unless it wins
Peoples' Wargames

number 10, enough U.S. ArmY

a resounding victory over the

units are available to mount an American fleet. Barring that

operation and the Americans
must coordinate the movement ôf STRATEGY unlikely outcome, avoiding an
transports with the mobilization The ongoing problem for the engagement against the combined
of giound units. Having the Spanish Navy is repair. Even American forces becomes
vessels at TamPa or Mobile when without allowing for battle essential. However, this is not a
the Army is readY to move damage, the fleet is in Poor one-sided contest and the Spanish
requires planning each operation condition. Vessels in the Carib- must be a\ ¡are of opPortunities to
wiih ttre next one alreadY in mind bean need 6 repair points to reach cause attrition within the
in order to avoid stranding badlY full strength, the total number American forces. To escaPe, San
needed ground forces in the U.S. , available for turns l-4. Repairing Juan and Santiago are the nearest
or at añ objective after it falls. the entire Cadiz squadron friendly ports, or shelter might be
Fortunately, the transPorts are requires 23 points (14 more turns), sought in a neutral port. Selecting
fast ships, énabling them to reach plus 3 points (2 turns) to fïx uP the one of the more cêntrar Ports
reinforcements. The CaPe Verde places the squadron in a Position
most objectives from the U.S. in
two turns. Squadron is basically alone for the lo take advantage of American
first several turns unless the Cuba confusion or misdirection of re-


Attacking Santiago first is fuuadron risks a sortie. given the sources.
state of some shiPs it is

AIH General magazine

good strategy for three reasons.
First, the Spanish fleet is likely to recommended that, one holds the At the same time, the SPanish

Peoples' Wargames
seek shelter there, and caPturing Cuba force in port until the must keep the merchant fleet
American blockade seems

Strategy & Tactics

N the city will force it into battle. busy moving cargo into Cuba from
o. Seconály, Santiago is further susceptible to attack. The Cadiz neutral ports. Kingston is closest

away than Havana and Cienfue- Squadron will not reach the and can be reached in one turn.
gos, leaving the more convenient Caribbean in real strength before Vera Cruz, Cartagena, Curacao,
[argets for later when the mid-game at the earliest. and Martinique are the other

options. When faced by onlY the

Amõricans need to save a turn in
tiansport time. ThirdlY, after Obtaining coal is the other slow American gunboats, the
taking Santiago, the units maY problem. Moreso for the SPanish. Spanish cargo ships usuallY suffer
redeploy east to Puerto Rico or By moving slowly, the fast CaPe only one or two attacks, including
west to Cienfuegos with equal Verde ships will conserve coal, but the mandatory gunfire at short
rapidity. their pace is one zone Per turn. range in each naval engagement.
as has weaker gunnery and
Oregon arives later, but both
sels can reinforce or replace
other three.

military experience. It wasn't just

history illustrations when he was

Rodger began doing military
on television or in the news

in the seventh grade. At the time

Clearly these experiences have
Vietnam he saw the reality of the

magazines, it was felt at home.

influenced Rodger and ha~. a

major impact on his artwork.
October 15-19,1973
Chinese Farm:
The Battle of

The Batlle of
Chinese Farm:
October 15-19, 1973


was brewing in the 1960's, or

when things began to build up in
example, when the U.S. sent

1950's or when the Cuban crisis

of those in the mi Ii tary. For

forces to Lebanon in the mid-

the world through the perspective
eighteen years. He experienced
Vietnam. Rodger saw military life
up close, everyday for his first
operations of World Wa-r II to

The state of the Spanish fleet
ays influences the decision to

who saw action for the Pacific

Marine Corps bases and installa-

His father, Donald L. MacGowan,

was a career Marine (30 years)
New Jersey, Northern California,
and finally Southern California.
tions in Hawaii, North Carolina,
Rodger was born in San Fran-
it the American

cisco in 1948. He grew up on U.S.

ping a few merchantmen is
worth the risk of possibly
LOOKING BACK operations of lvVorld War II to Vietnam he saw the reality of the

ronting a $panish squadron in
e with a weak force. When Vietnam. Rodger saw military life military experience. It wasn't just
Cape Verde Squadron Rodger was born in San Fran- up close, everyday for his first on television or in the news
ives and reaches a port, the cisco in 1948. He greïv up on U.S. eighteen years. He experienced magazines, it was felt at home.
S. must deploy a strong Marine Corps bases and installa- the world through the perspective Clearly these experiences have
kading squadron, including tions in Hawaii, North Carolina, of those in the military. For influenced Rodger and had a

eships in order to maintain a New Jersey, Northern California, example, when the U.S. sent major impact on his artwork.
mbat factor advantage. A and finally Southern California. forces to Lebanon in the mid-
nd strong group could still His father, Donald L. MacGowan, 1950's or when the Cuban crisis Rodger began doing military
ch for merchant-men while was a career Marine (30 years) was brewing in the 1960's, or history illustrations when he was
serving in a support function. who saw action for the Pacific when things began to build up in in the seventh grade. At the time
military life from childhood to
with detail and historical ac-
Rodger remembers back to the

weapons, etc. 'lhis desire for

1960's when

mportant factor in all matters

would have it, he would get the
Avalon Hill asked him to do the

he machines of war should

hemistry was right and the rest,

dash and excitement of profes-
of historical accuracy with the
give wargame packaging the look
sional art and modern design. He

humân element" is the most

ominates all else. It is the human

elating to war and conflict.
he Bu\ge and Anzio. The lack of

ominate, or be the central focus.

nd airmen dominate his work.

dulthood he has seen l,hat the

uracy. He works hard to show the

herefore, when you see the body

f work Rodger has done, you see

nvironment. Ilaving gone to

ow individual soldiers, sailors
ccuracy is matched with endless
clâssic" games! Rodger wanted to

acGowan's artwork you see one

overs to the new editions of those

ours of research and reading.

hance many years later when

rtwork the likes of Tihe Bøttle of

aving grown-up in a militarY

ixteen years of age, and as fate

ames themselves. Rodger knew

cto r, one el e me n t that

istorical feel and accuracy found

tistic talent came together. The

ctor. Rodger does not feel that
e could do much better, even at

n those covers denigrated the


they say, is wargame history.

When one looks at Rodger

art is also concerned


AH presented
he was living outside Phila- Opportunity knocked one day some of his work for Vertex and
delphia (where his father was

during a production meeting on Mankind magazines and they
stationed) and he became inter- the next issue of Vertex. The editor were impressed.
ested in the American Revol u- was enraged. He had just gotten
tionary War. After weekend visits off the phone with his cover artist Rodger's background made
to Valley Forge and other Revo;- for the upcoming issue. The artist this a natural. His knowledge of
. lutionary War sites his interest had been ill and had not begun to military history, military life, the
increased and expanded. Soon he work on the cover. Panic set in. wargame hobby, and of course, his
began doing drawings of Civil Later that day Rodger dropped in artistic talent came together. The
War soldiers and battles. His to the editor's office .and suggested chemistry was right and ·the rest,
interest in the Ci v i I War was that he might do a cover for him. as they say, is wargame history.
strengthened during this period The editor was, of course, hesitant
since it was the Centennial but interested. Rodger dashed

colonial history. An ancient

marked the turning Point in
empire, far into its dotage, sought
to hold back the tide of change
protracted guerrilla war and a
stumbled its way onto stage. A
while an infantile world Pou¡er
dubious question of honor were
trumpeted into a call for action in
opponents after conquering the
a young nation itching to find new
colonies was harsh and the local

Ñorth American continent. SPan-

opposition resolute. The USS
ish rule over its few remaining
Ua¿n¿ did sink
Celebration (1961-6~) of the war.

'98. lt is a game of long-range

and the U.S. response was
home to his apartment, grabbed ARTISTIC PHILOSOPHY

campaigns from the late sPring to

early fatt in the milesorie Year of
month), the campaign game can

strategic planning and short

108) simulates the naval and land

term tactical maneuvering, with
numerous challenges for both
strategies while moving raPidlY
accomordate slow develoPing

players. At 25 turns (5 per

enough to maintain the interest
for naval movement and identifïes
Atlantic and Caribbean into zones
two dozen major, minor, and neu-
center on Havana, Cienfuegos,
tral ports. Four tactical
counters include the individual
small inset of San Juan. The
Santiago, and Puerto Rico, with a
named ships from battleshiPs to
destroyers, torPedo boats,
brigades, regiments, battalions,

auxiliary cruisers, colliers, and

gunboat level, plus flotillas of
and batteries of infantrY, cavalrY,

merchantmen. ArmY units are


some of his most recent illus-

The Spanish-American War

Remember the Maine (S&T #
The strategic maP divides the

When Rodger was in high trations and returned. The cover When one looks at Rodger

school he had two friends who assignment was his and the MacGowan's artwork you see one
greatly influenced him in the beginning of Rodger's "profession- factor, one element that
direction that would some day al" career in illustration and dominates all else. It is the human
lead him to become a wargame graphic design had begun. Within factor. Rodger does not feel that

in Havana harbor
illustrator and graphic designer. one year he became head the machines of war should
One friend introduced him to illustrator for Vertex and Man- dominate, or be the central focus.
wargames, and the other shared kind magazines and soon after Having grown-up in a military
his interest in military history art that RBM Graphics and Design environment. Having gone to
and recommended that Rodger Studio was founded (1973). military life from childhood to
spend more time developing his adulthood he has seen that the

artistic skills. Rodger's. interest in military "human element" is the most

history and wargames remained, important factor in all matters
Rodger went on to UCLA as but this was only a hobby to him. relating to war and conflict.

squadron at Cadiz with ten shiPs

is handicapped at sea until the
can supply coal but the squadron
needing extensive repair. The port
turn 9. In the Caribbean, the
reinforcement collier arrives on
an art and motion picture major. i Therefore, when you see the body

Cuba squadron has eight shiPs

It stayed that way until 1974.

spread from Havana to San Juan,

only ready coal supPly source. One
in neeã of repair. Havana is the
the largest a light cruiser and four
collier and six merchantmen
deploy in the area, some with
caigo. The only effective SPanish
frghling force at start is the CaPe
Vãrde squadron of seven fast
ships, fuliy coaled. The SPanish
Army fields a sizeable number of
another group defending Puerto
cities, and in reserve, with
units around the three Cuban
The U.S.S. MAINE entering Havana Harbor

He continued to work on subjects Around this time Rodger started of work Rodger has done, you see
lnset: w¡ll¡am Randolph Hearst who said,'1'll furnieh the war'

At start, the SPanish have one

relating to military history, but his own "amateur" publication en- how individual soldiers, sailors
he also expanded into many other titled Arquebus. The reason' he and airmen dominate his work.
artistic areas. This was the la te started this magazine was simple.
1960's and the Vietnam War era. To stay in touch with his wargame Rodger's art is also concerned
Rodger's art took on a new buddies who were scattered all with detail and historical ac-
direction and look. over the place. They shared battle curacy. He works hard to show the
reports, game reviews and the proper uniforms, medals,
Upon graduation from UCLA like. Rodger became more and weapons, etc. This desire for
Rodger pursued a career in film, more involved in the making of accuracy is matched with endless
TV and publishing. He started out Arquebus. Art, graphics, maps, hours of research and reading.
at an advertising agency in and so on began to make his Rodger remembers back to the
Hollywood as an accounts' mana- "amateur" rag more than one 1960's when AH presented
ger for a major book and magazine might expect. One day, a good artwork the likes of Tjhe Battle of
publisher. The publisher handled friend from San Diego called in the Bulge and Anzio. The lack of
first is the 2nd North Atlantic
fully coaled squadrons in Key
two battleships and a collier.
Squadron with 18 ships, including

West, Norfolk, and Boston. The

by two battleships. And the third
operates from Norfolk, also lead
Second, the Flying Squadron
North Patrol Squadron. Unlike
group includes three vessels in the
ceive substantial naval reinforce-
the Spanish, the Americans re-
ments, mainly at Norfolk begin-

over twenty different magazines, response to the new issue and historical feel and accuracy found
ning on turn 3. The fìrst American
with more arriving through turn
ground forces mobilize on turn 3
better repair facilities are on the
available at four ports and the
East Coast.

17, at Mobile or Tampa. Coal is

including Vertex, a new science said, " ... why don't you go on those covers denigrated the
The Americans deploy three

fiction publication and Mankind, professional with it?" Rodger's games themselves. Rodger knew
which was devoted to world first impulse was to disregard the he could do much better, even at
history. Rodger found himself idea, but later, upon reflection, he sixteen years of age, and as fate
looking for opportunities to go to decided to give it a try. The result? would have it, he would get the
the art de par tm e n tat the Fire & Movement magazine. See chance many years later when
publishing house. During this F & M #49 for this story. Avalon Hill asked him to do the
period he got to know the art covers to the new editions of those
director and graphic artists and Around the time Rodger was "classic" games! Rodger wanted to
watched them work day-to-day. creating F&M he was approached give wargame packaging the look
What was becoming apparent to by the Avalon Hill Game of historical accuracy with the
him was that he wanted to trade Company to do a boxcover and dash and excitement of profes-
in his office desk and typewriter package design for The Russian sional art and modern design. He
for a drafting table and T -square. Campaign. Avalon Hill had seen
Sea Soviet troops on the
e cover of a wargame for the first
1JT¡HALE (US/SN) tirne euer. Later Rodger would
break new glound by doing the
most successful "series" of
y hex in the North Atlantie warglames in the history of the

Zone (canbe insøm.e hex) business... the Squad Leader

NPN\ryS (US/SN) He insisted that each game
TALNT (UK/SN) and gamette should feature a
different nationality on the cover
rnoway: 3334 (the original plan was Germans
NIM (UK/RCN)x2 and more Germans). Rodger
perservered and it's hard now to
k: 3532 imagine the series in any other
TOR (UK/INT) way. Later Rodger would be the
BUC (UK/ATK) first to show Egyptian soldiers on
the cover of an Arab-lsraeli game,
ether in any sea hex within 3 GDW's Suez '73; then first to
es of Wick (3532) show Japanese pilots and crews on
RSVLT (US/CV) a Pacifrc WWII game, AI{'s Flat
SCLNA (US/CG) Top; and so on. His intention was
VNCNS (US/CG) simple enough. Human beings of
SPNCE (US/DD) all nations and races light wars.
MSBGR (US/DD) Rodger would be criticized for this
DAVIS (US/FF) and accused of many things, but
time has shown that he was
RSVLT correct and today all wargame
Fl4 (US/INT)x2 artists have these precedents,
Fl8 (US/tNT)x2 secured by Rodger's efforts, to
A6 (US/ATK) build upon with their own work.
53 (US/RCN) In fact, it was this sensitivity
E2 (US/AEW) to balance and awareness for
visual equality in imagery that
brought Relger to the attention of
the presidenL of Hobby Jaoan in
Tokyo. H obby Japan asked Rodger

to do the packaging for their

brought R(']ger to the attention of

simple enough. Human beings of
most successful "series" of

Rodger's philosophy is ' also

In fact, it was this sensitivity
and accused of many things, but

visual eq uali ty in imagery that

a Pacific WWII game, AH's Flat

concerned with feeling. His art is

time has shown that he was

to do the packaging for their

went on to create a look which has

helped to make Hobby Japan
number one in Japan in the

not intended to show war as

sacrifice and effort of the com-

the president of Hobby Jaoan in
correct and today all wargame
Top; and so on.,His intention was

to balance and awareness for

whole line of wargames and he

Rodger would be criticized for this

heroic, exciting, fun. He wants the

game player to feel the
seriousness of war, the valor, the
artists have these precedents,
secured by Rodger's efforts, to

Tokyo. 110bby Japan asked Rodger

business ... · the Sq uad Leader

imagine the series in any other

different nationality on the cover

first to show Egyptian soldiers on

(the original plan was Germans
and more Germans). Rodger
perservered and it's hard now to

GDW's Suez '73; then first to

the cover of an Arab-Israeli game,
wargames in the histor-y of the

way. Later Rodger would be the

Rodger's philosophy also in-

. series. He insisted that each game

time ·e ver. Later Rodger would
cludes balance. Balance in terms

The Russian Campaign, he

portrayed Soviet troops on the

break new gr'ound by doing the

knew it could be done, and he did

of subject. He saw the need to

cover of a wargame for the first

And, with his first assignment,

all nations and races fight wars.

and gamette should feature a

show Japanese pilots and crews on

portray ALL sides of a conflict.

whole line of wargames and he

build upon with their own work.

went on to create a look which has
HUDSON'S helped to make Hobby Japan
HOBBY GAMES number one in Japan in the
P.O. Box 121503, Arlinglon, TX 76012 wargamefield.
Atl.cllr, A.H., G.D,W., NoY.,
Pcoplcs ftr Gemes,, Rodger's philosophy is also
Îlak Forc., Vlclory, Wcal End, concerned with feeling. His art is
3w'.tc., plus Old t

wargame field.
not intended to show war as

Ma¡l Ordâr
FREE heroic, exciting, fun. He wants the
6hipp¡n9 t Håndl¡îq ln lhe U.S. game player to feel the

Srnd tor Free Cålâloo Now!
seriousness of war, the valor, the
o'h oll ¡ny orücr wlth lhls ¡d!
sacrifice and effort of the com-
Circle Roader batants.

Andoya and is not available to
augment this surface force.
Additionally, six submarines are
on haàd to provide support for the

Struggle for Stalingrad


Red Star / White Eagle

surface force in carrying out its


Storm Over Arnhem

primary mission.

Struggle of Nations
Russian Campaign
Rommel & Tunisia

Their Finest Hour

Race to the Meuse
Panzerkrieg (AH)

Road to the Rhine

Red Baron .; , : '

War to End Wars

Wor ld in Flames
Western Desert
Warring Sta tes
Rommel at Bay

Any attempt to retake Iceland

Rommel's War

World War III


Red Army _

Squad Leader
Pear I Harbor
Panzer Krieg

can only be made after control of

White Death
Royal Navy ,

Sinai Front
the surrounding ocean area is

Up Front
Suez '73


Accordingly, SACLANT has
mpaign ordered in a Carrier Battle Group
#i¡'ffi from the British Isles Zone to

Operation Market Garden
Mediterranean Campaign


ii:iir "

rot!on Ut!t
eliminate the Soviet surface group
PanzerGruppe Guderian
iilrr¿: "
n and establish air/sea supremacy to
O'Connor's Offensive

Panzer Armee Afrika ì' pave the way for a future

Napoleon at Lutzen


amphibious operation to retake

ve PanzerKrieg ! J¡i3ji¡:;i:l
lceland. This Carrier GrouP is
Norway 1940
Panzerkrieg (AH) built around the nuclear-powered


Garden PanzerPranks Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roose'

ka Pearl l{arbor Narvik
uelt (CVN-71) and includes the
derian Race to the Meuse Cruiser Vincennes (CG-49),

equipped with the Aegis Air-

RedBaron 'r Defense System. Other combat
Lawrence of Arabia

Red Star/White Eagle vessels include the Cruiser South

I W1l1 FIght No More Forever

Le Grand Empire

Road to the Rhine Cørolinn(C0,N -37), the Destroyer

Korsun Pocket

The Battle of Midway



Rommel & Tunisia Moosbrugger (DD-980), and the
Longest Day

French Foreign Legion

Rommel at Bay Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate

Black Seas: Black Death Fall of South Vietnam


Fall of F'rance (GDW)

Fight on the Beaches

Dauis @FG-39). carrier Wing I

Frederick the Great

Rommel's War
. . 'Mayday

Heroes of Olympus
Lodz' ,

lro~bot~om Sound ,

ncre I e Ictory

Royal Navy (see Scenario 7 for a description of

Fury in the West

Fire in the East -

Fortress Europa

_ g~~sofAugust
RussianCampaign by this wing) is embarked on board

V' ,
of France

' Hellfire Pass

Sinai Front Victory Games 2nd FIeeú concerns lhe Rooseuelt and is prePared for
itself with naval combat in the Wes Shores
Squad Leader offensive operations. Three

Storm Over Arnhem North Atlantic during the next powerful ASW attack submarines

we have included a partial list of
art work is Rodger MacGowan's
In case you're not sure which

Struggle of Nations war. This game came out at the are available to provide cover for

the war in a surprise attack by a

same time as Tom ClancY's

Struggle for Stalingrad Guards Airborne Division which the carrier group. The USS
outstanding novel of that conflict, Newport News (SSN-750) and

Suez'73 embarked on a disguised cargo

Swashbuckler Red Storm Rísing. Together, the ship. This was followed up by a HMS Tu.Ient 6-115) will advance
book arrd game can be combined from the south while the USS
Advanced Squad Leader
TAC squadron of MiG-29's which were

Army of the 'fennessee

Cossacks Are Coming

Their Finest llour for an interesting scenario.
flown into Keflavik to provide Whale ISSN-6.?8) will move out

Army of the Potomoc

Battle for Stalin grad

Assault on Lenigrad
American Civil War

Crescendo of Doom
Torpedo from the British Isles in advance

Battle of the Bulge

Assault on Tobruk
ON cover for T-26 Backfire raids

Battle for Moscow

Battle of Midway
ofthe Task Force. Land-based air

Carriers At War
Up Front against NATO convoys in the

Desert Victory
Carrier Strike

Dark Crusade

Custer's Luck
Verdun box art covers. 10 North Atlantic. These Bockfires support comes from the RAF with

Divine Wind

Cross of Iron
squadron of N imrod

War to End \Mars a

Dark Stars
Battle Cry!
are based at Andoya, Norway,


Bitter End

Coral Sea
aircraft from

Blue Max
Warring States which was captured by amphib- Reconnaisance

Air War




Basic 3
Stornoway and the RAF's 43


Western Desert

ious assault and converted to

White Death Soviet use. A powerful Soviet Suadron (Torno.dos) and 12

Background: Operation Po-
FAFìE World in Flames Task Force has moved into the lce- Squadron (Buccaneers) flying out
MANY lør Glory has allowed Soviet forces
World War III to capture lceland at the outset of land Sea Zone to oppose any of Wick.

9.3 Placementof minefrelds
Wôrld Wide Wargamers' Duel The Axis player can build one
in the Desert¡game simulates the minefield every second turn, while
North African campaign from the Allies can place one each turn.
supposed to be built for one
There is a nominal charge of

donations, too! To get a free list of

is the source for errata to in-print

In order to build a minefield there

and magazine's errata from over
and out-of-print games. It has
been compiled from official errata

We're always looking for errata

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P

ta Bank, P.O. Box 98, Station "D,"
available errata, write: The Erra-
25(t per page for photocopying.

April until November 1942.

The Errata Bank

$.9.00 f()r a six -issue, bi-monthly subscrip-

This is a new and excellent little (8.5"

full of reviews, variants, strategy articles

x 7") wargaming magazine recommended
Canadian Wargamers

The price is $1.50 for a sample copy, or

and Canadian gaming news. A must for
by the editorial staffofF&M. Each issue is

Send checks to: CWG, 223 Whitehorn

Crescent N .E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
complete turn. When the
Serious wargamers take note of the
must be q.'supply unit and an

Circle Reader Service # 13

Circle Reader Service # 12
supposed to be buil t for one

minefield has been built, the

supply unit is removed from the
complete turn. When the

Here are two oPtions that, in infantry r¡nit (infantry, mech minefield has been built, the
3J5, or call: (416) 767-4425.
our minds, help to make this game infantry, not infantry or paras) in supply unit is removed from the
a little bit more historical. the hex where the minefield is game map.


any grognard worth his salt.

tIOn. <US postage paid).

the past 15 years!
game map.

The Errata Bank

of the Soviet Union in fïghters is the source for enata to in-print

d fighter-bombers in the last an-d out-of-print games. It has
rs of the Great Patriotic War, been compiled from official errata
d the following units to the and magazine's errata from over
(MP's). The off-road portion may
Reduce the length of the

must be &;/'supply unit and an

supply line to six movement points

infantry, not infantry or paras) in

th~ hex where the minefield is
infantry ticnit (infantry, mech
minefield every second turn, while

In order to build a minefield there

The Axis player can build one

the Allies can place one each turn.

ssian'Force Pool: the past 15 years!

There is a nominal charge of

Playing this option you can

played Campaign lor North Africa

immediately. On a roll of three

to a conclusion and be happy

(3), four (4), five (5), or six (6) the
Allied player has won and the
the Axis side wins the game

tell your friends that you have

9.3 Placement of minefields

25ç pû page for photocopying.


an./Feb. 1943
We're always looking for errata

I FTR with 4 factor air-to-air NORTH AFRICA CAMPAIGN donations, too! To get a free list of
5.3.2 Drawing Supply

Germans - 6MP

rating, 1 tactical factor and

Italians - 4MP

available errata, write: The Erra-

zero air-to-sea factor and stra-
Allies - 5MP

ta Bank, P.O. Box 98, Station "D,"

tegic bombardment factor. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P
CAMPAIGN 3J5, or call: (416) 767-4425.


game is finished.
I FTR with 5 factor air-to-air FOR Circle Reader Service #12
not exceed:

iating, I taetical factor and

zero air-to-sea factor and stra-
tegic bombardment factor.
NORTHAFRICA Serious wargamers take note of the

Jan./Feb. f945 Dirk & Ulrich Canadian Wargamers
f FTR with 6 factor air-to-air Blennemann Journal

our minds, help to make this game

World Wide Wargamers' Duel

Here are two options that, in

in the· Desert · .game simulates the
North African campaign from
April 1941 until November 1942.
rating, 1 tactical factor and the Axis side wins the game This is a new and excellent lit¿le (8.5"

To make this popular and

much played classic even more

In every scenario, after setup,

before anything else has been
fast and furious, here comes one

On a roll of one (I) or two (2)

done, the Axis player rolls one die.

zero air-to-sea factor and stra- roll of three r 7") wargaming magazine recommended
Ulrich Blennemann To make this popular and immediately. On a
Dirk Blennemann
tegic bombardment factor. (3), four (4), frve (5), or six (6) the by the editorialstaffof F&M. Each issue is
much played classic even more full of reviews, variants, strategy articles

a little bit more historical.

fast and furious, here comes one Allied player has won and the and Canadian gaming news. A must for
These additional units may be option. game is finished. any grognard worth his salt.

Dirk & Ulrich

d in the following scenarios: The price is g 1.50 for a sample copy, or

by $9.00 for a six-issue, bi-monthly subscrip-
In every scenario, afìber setup, Playing this option you can tion. (US postage paid).
26.6 Fascistfide before anything else has been tell your friends that you have Send checks to: CWG,223 Whi¿ehorn

26.7 l94l Campaign Game

done, the Axis player rolls one die. played Campøign for North Africa Crescent N.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
26.8 1939 Campaign Game to a conclusion and be happy TrY lx7.
26.9 Decline & FalL lg4U46 On a roll of one (l) or two (2) forever!
Campaign Game. Circle Reader Service #13

eplacement point on turns 3, phase for other units. A bridge the defending unit is with-
,11. bombarded by artillery may 12.2 All units are considered to be in range. This range may
absorb TWO disruptions per in supply during the fïrst turn of a not enter enemy ZOCS. If
ry Conditions: Standard. phase if the bridge is printed on scenario. Supply lines must it's in range, the num-
the map, or ONE disruption if ultimately end on a friendly play- bered result may be
al Rule: Yugoslavia is an al- built by engineers. On a SINGLE er map edge. Units which trace a
in range. This range may '

under that HQ. Any combination absorbed ONLY if the HQ

3 disruptions by marking off boxes
Or allow the parent HQ to absorb
elect to retreat 3 hexes, or disrupt
German defender is within HQ
range. The German stack may

Had the H Q not been in range of

3 defenders which are attacked.
friendly unit if the HQ of

instance, the German could retreat

attack, resulting in a 3. The

one hex and disrupt two units, or

not enter enemy ZOCS. If


retreat all defending units. In this

trace a path to a Corpsl

disrupt all defending units, or

point will automatically

grouping. Any unit may

man unit may trace to any
Axis HQ for supply or re-

Army HQ for supply or re-

absorbed ONLY if the H Q

the defending stack, the German

H . Any non-divisional Ger-
allow a single uni t to re-
regroup units before the
HQ may spend points to
it's in range, the num-

G. During removal phase,

die roll occurs. Spending a

F. During combat, an HQ

the defending unit is with-

the Soviets. As an option,

may absorb losses of a

would have had only two choices:

ly combat units adjacent
E. HQs are disrupted even
D. For this rule, the + 1 mod-
ifier for motorized units

when stacked with friend-

does not apply to mechan-

slavia may be considered to

result greater than this, the path along a road do not have to itself is NOT disrupted.
itself is NOT disrupted.

bridge is destroyed. trace a path to a ttQ. Once traced G. During removal phase,
utral, or perhaps as an Allied If a combat unit spends a to a road, the path is unlimited HQ may spend poinl,s to
bered resul t may

ry. combat phase in a bridged hex, it while moving along the road. regroup units before the

any combination thereof.

may attempt to destroy it. Infan- Units which trace t¡ a HQ must be

of the above may occur.

die roll occurs. Spending a
to enemy units.

try or cavalry destroy the bridge in range oftheir correct divisional point will automatically
GERMANS \ryIN on a roll of l,2,or 3. Engineer or corps/armyHQ. The HQ must allow a single unit to re-
ized units.


TTLE OF BULGE units destroy it automatically and then trace a path along the road to group.
do not have to roll for it. All other a friendly map edge. The HQ must H.

Any non-divisional Ger-

units destroy it on a roll of I or 2. be in, or adjacent to, a road, man unit may trace to any
he Battle of the Bulge If the unit attempting to destroy otherwise, the IIQ is not con- Axis IIQ for supply or re-
d with the small numbers of the bridge is German modify the sidered in supply. grouping. Any unit may
an jet lfighters and bombers roll by -1. If the unit is is llungar- , trace a path to a Corps/
ng attacks on the large ian modify the roll by +1. There 12.3 An HQ may only remove one Army HQ for supply or re-
d airfield complexes and is no modilìer for Russian and disruption from a unit that is in grouping.
concentrations with nerve Rumanian units. The unit at- range and capable ofdisrupting.

spend a disruption point unless it

through Artillery unit will not
result to the target ' is applied. If

zone of control. An HQ Break-

group unless it is in supply, not in
attack aborts with a roll of 1-2. If

a swamp hex, and for HQ/Artill-

13.0 A unit may not attempt to re-

ery breakthrough units, not in a

12.4 Four reserves may be com-
12.3 An HQ may only remove one
disruption from a unit that is in
otherwise, the ,HQ is not con-
or corps/armyHQ. The HQ must

a friendly map edge. The HQ must

then trace a path along the road to

be in, or adjacent to, a road,

Units which trace to a HQ must be
12.1 When firing a barrage, any
aborted, the air attack benefit is

to a road, the path is unlimited

any German AA units, the air

in range of their correct divisional

path along a road do not have to
scenario. Supply lines must

trace a path to a HQ. Once traced

while moving along the road.

ultimately end on a friendly play-
er map edge. Units which trace a
12.2 All units are considered to be
in supply during the first turn of a
retreats one hex. If a number
results, the defender MUST dis-
an (R' occurs, the defender stack

rupt (not retreat) in some manner.

which caused catastrophic

last disruption point due

C. An HQ may only suffer its
lack of supply, terrain or
second disruption is due to

any other reason, it re-

tempting to destroy the bridge

due to combat or artillery

barage is destroyed. If the
disruption points and 3rd

B. A Disrupted unit which

takes a second disruption
A. AG Fretter-Pico HQ has 7
range and capable of disrupting.
s among Alli.ed troops and may not engage in combat during 12.4 Four reserves may be com-

mitted in any, and a~l, rounds.

ews. The Geùman airforce the combat phase. A stack may mitted in any, and all, rounds. RULE EXAMPLE; The Russian
d itself in a position of attack, resulting in a 3. The
lost for that combat phase.

use any or àll units in an attempt

ve parity with the Allied German defender is within tIQ

to enemy action.
to destroy the bridge. 13.0 A unit may not attempt to re-
ces in the west and managed group unless it is in supply, not in range. The German stack may

PzCorps has 6.

mains in play.
nflict heavy losses in air 10.0 COI¿.RECTION: A die roll of a swamp hex, and for H(/Artill- elect to retreat 3 hexes, or disrupt

sidered in supply.
s over the western front. The 1-4 results in dry weather. A roll ery breakthrough units, not in a 3 defenders which are attacked.
an army managed to re-take of 5-6 is rain. zone of control. An HQ Break- Or allow the parent HQ to absorb
werp and cause a second through Artillery unit will not 3 disruptions by marking offboxes

is capable.
kirk, pocketing most of the 11.0 Air attacks may occur only spend a disruption point unless it under that HQ. Any combination
ving British forces. At sea, a during the combat phases, NOT is capable. of the above may occur.
rly suicidal campaign by during the barrage phases.

man submarines managed to Beginning on turn 9, the Ger-

ce the flow of supplies to mans receive two air attacks. An A. AG Fretter-Pico IIQ has 7 Had the HQ not been in range of
pe, causing Allied forces to

An air attack on a hex containing

an H Q is aborted if a roll of one is
rolled. If the target hex contains
applies to only one round. They
combat phase. Another combat
10.0 CORRECTION: A die roll of

would have to use an additional

air attack. A single air attack
air attack occurs during a combat

round happens involving the same

the defending stack, the German

only occur for the attacking units.

Beginning on turn 9, the Ger-
11.0 Air attacks may occur only
during the combat phases, NOT

mans receive two air attacks. An

units. For air support, the Russian

an air attack in round one of a
air attack occurs during a combat

, round. Example: The Russian uses

, use ~ny or all units in an attempt
may not engage in combat during

1-4 results in dry weather. A roll

disruption points and 3rd

the combat phase. A stack may

tempting to destroy the bridge
Rumanian units. The unit a t-
ian modify the roll by + 1. There
the map, or ONE disruption if

roll by -1. If the unit is is Hungar-

is' no modifier for Russian and

d() not have to roll for it. All other
on a roll of 1,2,or 3. Engineer

If the unit attempting to destroy

combat phase in a bridged hex, it

the bridge is German modify the

units destroy it automatically and
try or cavalry destroy the bridge

units destroy it on a roll of 1 or 2.

bridged hex or by artillery by

may attempt to destroy it. Infan-

result greater than this, the

If a combat unit spends a

9.1 Permanent bridges may be

phase for artillery, or combat

bog hex when it becomes a swamp

blown by units that enter a

absorb TW O. disruptions per

phase if the bridge is printed on
(due to rain) are TED. They may
attempt to regroup during the

built by engineers. On a SINGLE

attacked during the barrage

phase for other units. A bridge

bombarded by artillery may
bombardment. A bridge is

ail operations sharply, thus round. Example: The Russian uses PzCorps has 6. would have had only two choices:
wing the German army to an air attack in round one of a B. A Disrupted unit which disrupt all defending units, or
ke impressive gains in combat phase. Another combat takes a second disruption retreat all defending units. In this

during the barrage phases.

(disruption removal' phase.

ory. The Allies had no other round happens involving the same due to combat or artillery instance, the German could retreat
e except to declare a cease units. For air support, the Russian barage is destroyed. If the one hex and disrupt two units, or

to destroy the bridge.

nd a separate peace. would have to use an additional second disruption is due to any combination thereof.

bridge is destroyed.
air attack. A single air attack lack of supply, terrain or
This scenario is basically a applies to only one round. They any other reason, it re-
tion of the historical scenario

only occur for the attacking units. mains in play.

of 5-6 is rain.
significant modifications to An air attack on a hex containing C. An HQ may only suffer its
sent a German victory in the an HQ is aborted if a roll of one is last disruption point due
rolled.lf the target hex contains to enemy action.
FASA's intriguing Top Gun the Mig-28s. As an option, the
RUSSIANS aír combat game may be üsed to Libyan player may play this
The Russians deploy ñrst. simulate almost any kind of air scenario without an acceptable
battle between supersonic jet loss restriction. All scenario rules

stacked, or with which

units with which they are
attack and defense of the
Leader counters effect the
are al ways in s\Jpply, may
stack at no cost,and may
Leader counters represent
The Libyan player receives

regroup any units with

leader units have no
ZOC, are never disrupted,
designated units. These
the commander of the
fighter aircraft. Because Top from Mtssion 7 are in effect at all
A roll of 1 or 2 causes all units of
dice. The result is the number of

Mech Corps - 2 hexes from #3540

9 Gd Mech Corps - Enter first turn
24th pz and 503 Tig Bn being

units from the 24th pz which set

the503rd to be deployed. Any

other result, and only two units
di verted south of the map, roll two
NOTE: To simulate part of the

up. for the 503 Tig Bn, roll one die.

th Cav, 6th Cav Corps and ?th two each of Su-22s, Mig-21s, Mig-
Gun uses a relatively simple, times.
4th Cay, 6th CavCorps and 7th

which they are stacked.

Mech Corps - 2 hexes from #3540
The Russia~s deploy first.

23s, and Mig-25s. The US player

1316 AT and 1672 AT - #2147

Gd Mech Corps - Enter first turn quich-playing game system, receives four each of F'-14 and F-
The next scenario in this
78 xx and 100 G xx - #2443,

several scenarios may be played to

6 GdTk Army HQ - #4453

at #4352

18 aircraft. All aircraft are set up
conclusion in an evening. A campaign game is a modification
l1ATand 34 AT - #2246

GdTk Corps - #4550

New Rules
4th Motorcycle - # 1952

on the opposing short map edges

5 Gd Tk Corps - #4550

6 Gd Tk Corps - #4852
number of scenarios may be of the Mission 2 scenario from the
18th Tk Corps - #1746

8th Tk Corps - #1146


53 Army HQ - #1747

as each player desires. Each Su-22

Ru 1 Cay xx - #2551

played in a series to simulate a regular campaign game. Here,

Ru 4 Inf xx - #2952
6th Tk Reg - #2545

8 xx and r00 G xx - #2443,

17 Eng Bn - #2552

is worth 6 points. Mig 2ls are

94 Tk reg - #4752
campaign composed of several air three F-l4s attempt to intercept
OPPliew - #3540

Ru IV xX - #1952
243 xx - #1452 .

worth 12 points, mig-23s are

49C HQ - #2347

2 Ru xx - #1652
232 AT - #4653
battles - one such is included in two Tu-22s escorted by four Mig-
337 xx - #1850

375 xx - #1947
203 xx - #1148

03 xx - #7748 worth 16 points, and Mig-25s are

at #4352

ATand 34 AT - #2246 the game. 22s. The F-l4s use the highest
may deploy.

victory point values given for US worth 20 points each. The F-l4s

thTk Reg- #2545 are worth l8 points each and the

316ATand l6?2 AT -#2147 An additional campaign may aircraft in the Mission 2 scenario.
F'-18s are worth 16 points eaçh.
7 Eng Bn- #2552 be based on Mission 7 frorn the Each Tu-22 is worth.30 points;

Top Gun odvanced rules section each Mig-21 uses the Mig-23 point
All aircraft have 20 turns of fuel.
th Motorcyele - #1952 The Libyan Mig-25 pilot skill
P Pliew - #3540 (Off tLa Flieht d¿ch\ tnd can be values. In addition, the Libyan
played in an evening. The Mission player receives l0 extra points for level is 3. All other Libyan pilots
9C HQ - #2347 have a. skill level of 2. Acceptable

289AA, 603, 661, 663, 721 AT

Bns~ all engineer Bns. - All

#4028, #1824,#1425, #2515,

AT, 228Pz Bn, 1176Pz Bn,
lowing: 465 Reg, SS Cav., 662
historical deployment. Following

Units not mentioned set up, or

campaign game, the latter half of

The listed deploymen t of the

arrive at the hexes/time as stated

troops in the game's rulebook is

units listed as reinforcements in

not an accurate recreation of the

in the rules. Note that some of the

the rulebook were, in reality,

1'he deployment hexes herein

considered from October 10 on-

and units in most cases set up in,

, listed are historically accurate,
really quite marshy and should be
October was wet. Rain occurs with
a roll of 5 or' 6. The bog area was
For scenario two and the
enter on turns 19 and 20 should
enter on turn 17 on a roll of 1-3, or
is that all Axis units schedulted to

7 scenario reconstructs the dog- exiting a single Tu-22 from the

correct as printed. One exception
campaign game and scenario are
The deployment for the

24 pz xx, 503 Tiger Bn, 4PzC H Q -

are in the 5 hexes of Debrecen.

#1051, #1151, #1522, #1253
C'dTk Army HQ - #4453

4~10 AA units - Debrecen, #1129,

fight fought between two US .opposing map adge. All Libyan losses'are three planes for the

. or adjacent to these noted hexes.

3PzC HQ and units, plus the fol-

Static Infunits - #1340, #3330,

3Army Hq- *fi47
is a more accurate deployment.

23 pz xx - 4 hexes from #4146

Libyans and four for the US. As

1 pz xx - 3 hexes from #3448

76 xx - #2947, #3153, #3351
Navy F-14 aircraft-and twq , planes have l5 turns offuel.

1054AT Bn, 13Pz xx - #2641

u 1 Cav xx- #2561 an option, players may ignore
In the fourth scenario two F-

Libyan Su-22s on August' .19,


109Pz Bn - #3651, #4051

u 4Inf xx - #2952 acceptable loss restrictions and

ward as a marsh/swamp.
43xx- #1452 1981. Historieally, this incident 14s.and one A-6 (representing an may, as another option, try hiding
amounted to nothing, but what if EA-6) are intercepted by two Mig-
turn 18 on a roll of 4-6.
3? xx - #1850 one type ofaircraft.

the Libyans took advantage of,the :25s. All aircraft have 20 turns of

72nd Corps - #4843

present on the map.

Miscolc, #4712

AT - #4149, #4052
1257Pz Bn - #4248
u IV xx- #1952
incident to launch further attaeks fuel. Both Mig-25s are worth 25

FHH xx - #2845
4Tk rcg- #4762 TUPOLEV'IIJ-22

46 xx - #4547
32 AT - #4663 on the US Sixth Fleet in the Med? points each while the F-15 is .BLTNDER"
Gd Tk Corps - #4852 worth 15 points and the A-6 is STATTSTICS

Ru xx - #1652 A carnpaign game simulating worth 20 points. Acceptable
75 xx - #1947 a protracted air battle between aircraft losses are one each. The Type:
units of, the Libyan Aír Foice and US planes are placed within three
hexes of the center of the map. Supersonic medium jet bomber
US Navy.¿ir uñits cah be played

LI:ADERSHIP using the campaign rules given on Libyan pilot skill is three; US TopEnd: 5
New Rules page thirteen of the Top Gun pilot skill is four.

by enemy units, the entering

units may fight their way onto the
hexes of the noted hex. If blocked
designated hexes or within two
The above units enter at -the
Ru 6th Gd Tk Army

All campaign game

Ge 12-8 AA Bn #1003

Ru 93rd Gd xx #4152
Ru Rumanian2xxHQ

Ru 58 Eng. Bn #4352
Max. Acc/Brake: 1/l
Ge 721 AT bn (delete)
Ge 1176 pzBn #4832

Ru 81st Gd xx #1253
1059 Tk Reg. #4152
Ru 23Tk Corps units

72 Corps HQ #4815
GE 4th pz Corps HQ

Ge 3 Mtn xx #4819

Hung. 25 xx #4807

Ru 9Gd Mech Corps

The final scenario in this cam-

1202 Tk Reg #4152

rules are in effect unless otherwise

310 Hvy Tk #4152

Ru 31 AT x #4352
2.6 Leader counters represent

Ge 24Pz xx #1052
Ru 6thaT x #2853


Ge Hung. 1Mb xx
Ru 206 xx #4843
noted and all scenarios in this
Ru 33 Rifle Corps

1505 Hvy Tk Reg

the commander of the paign consists of a big dogfight. Turns:

Ru 1672 AT Reg.

Ru 47 Corps HQ
Ge 503 Tiger Bn

27Gd Corps HQ

Ge Hung. 10 xx
1067 Lt Tk Reg.
article are played in the order the bombing raids and anti-

24 AT x #4352
#4846 - #4839
designated units. These
shipping strikes presented in

map from the map edge.

leader units have no given. All air units not personally Manuever Restrictions:
HQ #4352

controlled by a player have a skill scenarios two and three of this

#4352 ~
ZOC, are never disrupted, No (2-6), Yes (3-6)
are always in supply, may level of '0'. Libyan skill level is 2' campaign have obtained little



stack at no cost, and may and US skill level is '4' unless actual results. The US recon Missiles: 0
regroup any units with otherwise noted. mission in scenario four helped
which they are stacked. provide information of massing Defense 2 each chaff & flares


Libyan air units. Now, in the last

The first scenario is Mission 7,

. TURN 2

simukiting the initial action scenario, US forces face some of I

Leader counters effect the Climb: Dive: 2

attack and defense of the between US and Libyan airplanes. the Libyan air units discovered on
units with which they are Aftet completing this .scenario, Libyan airfields by the recon Fuek 2Oturns
stacked, or with which players remove all the forces from mission.
¿wlrom The V.I.P. of Gamlng Magazine

ur cswll

Frørwe and GermanV,and, headÍm
iaturcç airpltnet. Tl¡e¡c 28.ãtli

Eryland,, the Battle of Brítni,n has

Spitlires. The dag is briAhf ønd
,o¡ú ôn olt'woi¡c æqtiWL

partially and may be

No effect; Causeway is

used only by iafantry

Causeway is deátroyed;


. they are subordinated if combats, in each round. LEADER RATINGS '
within range. When the Poor - Must be adjacent to units

units are attacking, the 12.57 Leader ratings range from they wish to effect.
Sept./Oct. 1986

. .leader modifier is added to P=Poor, G=Good, and Good - Must be within 2 hexes of

the attack, and when on E = Excellent. This rating the units they wishto effect.
defense, the leader modi- never changes and effects Excellent - Must be within 4 hexes

fier is subtracted from the the ranges to which their of the units they wish to effe-ct.
attacker's die roll. control 'extends. This com-
mand range may never ADDITIONAL UNITS
12.51 Only one leader can modi- pass through enemy coun- The following chart list units
fy the di~ roll. If more than ters, or their zones of con- which should be added to the
. one leader is in the stack, trol. ' game.
choose the one you wish to
have m'odify the die roll. 12.56

72.55 Leaders may only cause



12~52 At least one subordinated
unit must be in the de-
fending hex, or attacker
apply to any number of
leader modifiers may
return to the game. The
destroyed and may not
alone the leader is
friendly to him. If caught
is occupied by a unit
enemy zone of control, if it

the movement phase.

will travel by that mode in
by foot, or is motorized.

are stacked to regroup.

This leader precedence is

Leaders may only enter an

Once decided, the leader

the player must specify if

Prior to moving a leader,

the units with which they

and Division.
as follows: Army, Corps,

use the highest level

subordinated unit, always
are both within range of a
and Corps/Army leader

trace to a non-divisional

fending hex, or attacker

choose the one vou wish to


If an eligible
modifrer may be used.
leader (Corps, Army) the

However, if the units can

used. A leader may only

leader, no modifier may be
not within range of their
If the units involved are

hex in order for the modi-

At least one subordinated

modify his own units.

fier to be applied.

uni't must be in the de-

have ntodify thõ die roll.

fy the die toll. If more than

one leader is in the stack,
hex in order for the modi-
(the leader) is traveling

fier to be applied. '

12.53 If the units involved are

not within range of their
leader, no modifier may be

used. A leader may only
. modify his own units.
However, if the units can
trace to a non-divisional
leader (Corps, Arm.y) the
modifier may be used.
Circle Reader Service #14
Circle Reader Service #15

12.54 If an eligible divisional

for a bid application form. Why not host a
regional Origins in your area?

Contact the Site Selection Chairman:

Origins bids are now being accepted!

ation, is interested in your öid to host its

regional bøsis. Yes, smaller, reginnal
Origins convention on a national or
GAMA, the Game Manufacturer's Associ-

Game Convention

and Corps/Army leader

are both wi thin range of a

ters, or their zones of con-

subordinated unit, always

New York, NY 10001
251 W. S0th Street
c/o West End Games
Martin V/ixted


use the highest level

This leader precedence is
as follows: Army, Corps,
Circle Reader Service # 14
and Di vision.

12.55 Leaders may only cause

the units with which they
are stacked to regroup.
Game Convention
12.56 Prior to moving a leader,
the player must specify if
Organizers! STRATEGICON presents
which should be added to the
it (the leader) is traveling
GAMA, the Game Manufacturer's Associ- World Wide Wargames'
a tion, is interested in your bid to host its
by foot, or is motorized . . Keith Poulter at
for only $20.00 ifpostmarked by January

Origins convention on a national or

convention information, contact:
3lst, 1988.1o pre-register, or for more
President's Day Weekend, Pre-register
Hotel, February l2th - 15th, 1988, over
ORCCON 11: at the L.A. Airport Hyatt


Once decided, the leader regional basis. Yes, smaller, regional

\Morld \Mide'lVargames'

will travel by thatmode in Origins bids are now being accepted!

Contact the Site Selection Chairman: ORCCON 11: at the L.A. Airport Hyatt
Keith Poulter at
or call (213)420-36?5
Long Beach, CA 90808
5374 Village Road
oRccoN r1
Diverse Talerrtsr lnc.

the movement phase. Martin Wixted Hotel, February 12th - 15th, 1988, over
Circle Reader Service # t6

Leaders may only enter an c/o West End Games President's Day Weekend. Pre-register
. enemy zone of control, if it 251 W. 30th Street for only $20.00 if postmarked by January
is occupied by a unit New York, NY 10001 31st, 1988. To pre-register, or for more
for a bid application form. Why not host a convention information, contact:
friendly to him. If caught regional Origins in your area? Diverse Talents, Inc.
alone the leader is ORCCON11
destroyed and may not Circle Reader Service # 15 5374 ViUage Road

return to the game. The Long Beach, CA 90808

leader modifiers may or call (213) 420-3675
.. apply to any number of Circle Reader Service II 16
and patently impossible oPera- INITIAL UNITS
tions developed by the belligerent
nt IÐwers. Som.e of these, like the
Japanese attãck on Pearl Harbor 22 Aus* l7O7;27 Aus 1908;6 Ind* planned for is directed at Singa-

were brilliantly successful while 1705; 15 Ind* 1705; 54 Br 1803; 55 pore. This scenario may be used to
nt others like the Canadian landings Br 1803; 12 Ind* 1805; 28 Gur* determihe how successful a JaPa-
1805; F'MSVF 2004; SSVF 2105; I

Corps leader. Any independant unit can trace to any Divisional, Corps, Army leader. Rumanian units
at Dieppe were disasters. Still nese amphibious invasion would

Corps HQ. Infantry units trace to 49,57,47,33 Corps. Units ofa tanklmech corps must trace to that
others like the German invasion Maylay 1?06. have been.
of Great Britain (Operation Sea

German units may trace to Corps/Army HQ. Russian Cavalry units may trace to only a Cavalry
nt Lion) never materialized. War- JAPANESE
gamers are fond of situations like 18th Div. (all units) 1507; AnY INITIAL FORCES

NOTE: 5 Gd Tank, 6th Gd Tank and 9th Gd Mech Corps units are part of 6th Gd Tk Ariny.
[his because of the question of two units of the 5th Div. 1608;
"What If..." and of the opportuni- Any two units of the 5th Div. BRITISH
nt ties. Singapore, published in 1?09; Imp. Gds. Dív. (all units) As in scenario one excePt that
Strøtegy & Tøctics, gives PlaYers 1602. the British may deploy anywhere
just such a chance to simulate the

trace to any Russian leader. Hungarian units may trace to any German leader.
on Singapore.
invasion of Singapore -- both bY


land and sea. REINFORCEMENTS

On assault pulse two the







When the British built the Japanese player may receive one As in scenario one excePt that
tank regiment of his choice at full

fortifications and other' installa- all units must arrive in an am-

tion at Singapore, the Planners strength appearing in hex 1507. phibious landing.



anticipated an amphibious inva- The British player receives no re-

sion that never materialized. inforcements.
Because of the way the Planners REINFORCEMENTS
Maj. Gen. Buschenhagen
nt oriented the fortifications theY The British receive no rein-
Maj. Gen. Fretter-Pico

seemed to indicate a World War SPECIALRULES forcements. On assault Pulse two

Maj. Gen. Edelsheim

Maj. Gen. Wittmann

Maj. Gen. Abraham
One mind-set as though theY This scenario consists of four the Japanese may receive one
Maj. Gen. Mikosch
Maj. Gen. Kraeber

Gen. Cheryakskiy

Gen. Kravchenko
Maj. Gen. Marcks

Gen. Trofimenko
assault pulses. Any unit with an

Gen. Vinogradov

Gen. Managarov
Maj. Gen. Breeth

tank regiment of their choice; this

Maj. Gen. Ropke

nt expected the Japanese to advance
Maj. Gen. Gille
asterisk (*) appearing next to it is
Maj. Gen. Pape

straight into the rnouths of the unit must arrive in hex 2105,


Gen. Sokolov
British guns as though theY were set up at reduced strength. which must be occuPied bY a

Gen. Pliev
a point of honor to do so. The Japanese unit. The arrival of the
nt Japanese, as history shows, had regiment may be delayed.
no-such naive notions of honor (at OPTIONS

1. The British player may try

1st Gd Landing Corps

least in this case). They learned
6th Gd Tk Army their lesson the hard way when using rules 13.4r-3 in any combin- SP¡]CIALRULES

9 Gd Mech Corps
The scenario consists of four

6 Gd Tank Corps
5 Gd Tank Corps
attacking the German fortiñca- ation.

6th Gd Tk Army
AG Fretter-Pico

4 Gd Cav Corps
6 Gd Cay Corps
Hun. 7th Corps
tions at Tsing Tao in China 2. Either, or both players may assault pulses. Any unit with an

OK Jakowlew
2nd UK Front
57 Rifle Corps

49 Rifle Corps
7 Mech Corps

23 Tk Corps
during World War One and use free deployment where they asterisk (*) is set uP at reduced

18Tk Corps

53rd Army
4 pz Corps
3 pz Corps
deploy their units as they wish

suffered massive casualties. strength. Rule 11.2 must be used'

47 Corps
33 Corps
27 Army
72 Corps
3 Mtn xx
24 pz xx
23 pz xx
13 Pz xx
Consequently they did not wish to except that they continue to be

1 Pzxx
Fhh xx

15 xx
governedbyrule 11.0.

76 xx
repeat this mistake and attacked OPTIONS
Singapore from the landward side. 1. Deploy all British units at
The rest is history. full strength

race to only a cavalry
h corps must trace to that
AMPHIBIOUS 2. Add any single British tank
INVASION regiment.
my leader. Rumanian units - 3. Combine options one and
ader. Wrong-Way Bastion

In this hypothetical scenario 4. Allow the British to use
the invasion that the British rules 1.3.41-3 in any combination.
.l b=.i'l,
Þ:gE9 ¡. í-.-ì pln å[giääFËã
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-- t1~Dn.
~ ,
Ft[ =v-c
d5 ?-O
• ~ ~t7i .
A ¿
.Nauù r/Avt ~
t3 ~

o bpçnaúO¡¿aå

IR ilwq I

7. lu
qG. rl

6ll{ (À:r< ¡e¡n{

æz fA\rfs
øL 3P

9tfvarro ¡¡ MoP acT. 11 \qê

llO = R\SStÀh''I \srr
Ee-> 6ør<¡n¡¡.r
oê+ ú-rq éoc¡¡'À¡¡ vl ullnÅra¡oaQ
ffi counter.
appear normally at the indicated
priQrity to evacuating their

10 on hex 1052. All other units

that the Germans assigned top
3. The final variant assumes

variant is used, all" German

ments on 10 through 18 are

together as a single group on turn
normally appearing as reinforce-
before all other units. When this

panzer and motorized formations
panzer and motorized formations

In 1941 it is best that You PlaY it

safq. Since the Germans will be
3. The final variant assumes allowed to attack in the second
hat the Germans assigned toP

Ask aboutourexcJusive, special ordering

impulse of an automatic attack,
riqrity to evacuating their

iog House
(818) 449-9107
1190 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
you must be careful not to leave
anzer and motorized formations your flanks exposed. You will not

selections of metal,wargaming
times and locations.

Along with one of the largest

adventure and historical games

and fantasy figures, the world
famous Gaming House offers a
eforeall other units. When this be able to defend everywhere in

complete selection of fantasy,

ariant is used, all German strength, so concentrate in the
anzer and motorized formatior¡s most threatened sectors' Use
ormally appearing as reinforce- sacrificial units here and there to
ments on 10 through 18 are slow down the German attacks'


ogether as a single group on turn Your cavalry and armored units

0 on hex 1052. All other units do great here because of their
ppear normally at the indicated greater movement factors theY are
mes and locations. able to return to the action those exposed stacks. If need be, units. The bottom line here is that
tion that retreating German units

and 'r etreat in better order than

ear lier than ind i ca ted. 'fhi s
variant is based on the assump-

were able to move more quickly

reinforcements from turns 10

evacuation much earlier than

ments (not their allies) arrive one

Russian reinforcements arri ve

assumed to' have conducted their

game is to use all German

one turn earlier than indicated. In

turn earlier than indicated. All
have all other German reinforce-
through 12 as initial units and

this variant, the Germans are

menting with A. G.Woeher's
2. The second way of experi-

early arrival on the outcome of the

even though you can afford losses

Circle Reader Service # i 7

quickly when used as rePlace- force the Germans to overextend

at low prices.
ments. If you plan it right, You themselves by withdrawing into you can only receive one armor
will be able to use these units over the interior of your country. Make and one Guards unit per turn, so
and over again as the game each city a stronghold and alwaYs let the regular army be the cannon
progresses. Try to build uP a leave a few armored units on fodder. Also, keep your 8-6's and

strategic reserve, and do Your railway lines for quick transfers. cavalry units roaming in the rear.

they did historically.

utmost to deny the Germans the This will force the Germans to
ln From 1943 onwards, you spread out. Continue to attack'out
James E. Meldrum

woods west of Moscow. 7942

their opponents.

these.woods are harder to take. should be planning pincer attacks of supply' units whenever you can.
During the first winter, strike whenever possible. Attack the Especially in the winter. Always
hard at the German lines. flanks with as high odds as you keep one paratroop unit in
of can muster. Attack the mid-Point .reserve, asits mere presence will

Concentrate on 'out combat

with the least odds, This strategY keep the Germans watching their
i ng House supply' units. Commit Your
reserves, use Your ParatrooPers. will work to your advantage rear. Also, threaten a Black Sea
ll90 E. Colorado Blvd' Be relentless, as this is Your because a 'safe' German PlaYer invasion. German units elsewhere
chance to get even, and more. TrY will give way rather than take is good for you.

Pasadena, CA 9t106

If the units of Army Group

battle. This situation may be

German forces would have been
Woehler were able to leave the

much stronger at the start of the

or participate in the same attack
based "on the assumption that

Transylvania sector sooner the

Rumanian forces appear in both
After playing West End

manian units may stack together

that a number of possibilities

scenarios in which they appe"ar

One variant may simulate the

other scenarios in which they

appear as initial units. Due to the
operations elsewhere. To simulate

ces, "neither Hungarian nor Ru-

A further variant may be played
battle since they could have been
Games' Last Panzer Victory

either eliminated or engaged in

game it doesn't take long to notice

Rumanian units from "all

either as initial units or reinforce-

absence of Rumanian forces in the

Rumania is still a member of the

the campaign game and in any

exist for variants on the simula-

long-standing po Ii tical differen-

this possibility, remove all
losses. 'lhis means that both

south edge of the map in Scenario

U nits which would arrive on or
arriving on turns 10-18 in the

before, turn nine are treated as

2~ In the campaign game these

units enter the mapa t their
initial units and placed on the
regular game may arri ve two

map at least eight hexes from the

designated locations two turns

1. All German reinforcements

turns earlier than indicated.

Axis. When this variant is used
(sls) 44s-9107 to take out units that the German
cannot replace in the next Year. flanks will retreat leaving the A final concern to the Ger-
center stack open for a second mans is the partisans. KeeP them

tion of the battle of Debrecdn.

of the largest In 1942 your forces should be impulse attack with no Possible active at all times. Use them to
way to retreat. Should the block lines of retreat, cut suPPly

simulated in three ways:

looking stronger and more numer-
l, wargaming ous. Take advantage of Your German player stand fast he will sourees, and block rail movement.
Try to use them in conjunction

on an opposing unit.
res, the world replacement superiority. Strike at take losses. Remember, a war of
House offers a exposed Axis units at all times. attrition is good for Russia. with your paratrooPs. Forget
Above all, destroy as many Rumania and avoid Warsaw until
n of fan-üasY' battlegroups as you can. KeeP in A good Russian ploy is to keeP it's absolutely necessary. This
storical games mind that any destroyed stack regular 6-3 units stacked with 6'5 delaYs German reinforcements
may only give way to one armor units. This way you will be until the last possible moment.

battlegroup. Try to concentrate able to advance in the second Keep your battlegroups handy, so
ve, special ordering on them if you can. KeeP Your impulse and if need be, take the 6- you will be able to rebuild new
armor and Guard units roaming 3 as a loss if it's required. This units exactly where they are
behind your lines to strike at will also work with 5-3 and ?-4 required.
German Army, or
units are eliminated in as radically as historical accuracy
bat, a battlegroup survives. For instance, when designing would require, without starting
battlegroup is then retreated wargame maps¡the first fact I al- over on the design. Probably to
ways require is the size of the map many designers the possibility of
hexes by the attacking player,
is able to. Further, a player sheet after it is trimmed by the beginning again with the right of library time you should have
binder, and before I do anything fïgures never occurs. All their enough information.

because of the importance of'

receive replacements where

to select lines and points of

In researching my series of

liable to call-up, and so on. This is

march attrition at this level in

the strength of the army at the

beginning and end of the
this particular era. In order to
calculate attrition, I need to know
Napoleonic campaigns, I have

know exactly how many were

found it necessary to estimate the
there are slopes, they are just

sources. In' those days the best

engineers, who were limited

modern source as your point of

you will find anything reliable on

operational-level games on the

woods coverage in pre-1850's

surveys were made by military

two. Woods tend to shrink, but not
to use your judgement. regarding

total manpower pool of a nation, to

move drastically over a century or

always. Sometimes the trend is

reversed, and sometimes, where

never cleared. But it is unlikely

rivers, by and large, they don't
sources will not agree, so you have
maps and sketch maps in the
to secondary status. Use period
determine which roads are on

which major routes have declined

alignment of roads does not

entirely new alignments, and

change. Rather, you just need to

history books to estimate this. The

departure no matter what area
you're researching. Usually the
regarding map research, it is
of library time you should have

photography's advent, to use a

probably better, because of aerial

battlegroup is located. Of else lwant to see where the outer experience has taught them that -to
er interest is an optional rule margin will fall. historical veracity ié impossibie regarding map research, it is
allows German battlegroups maintain. probably better, because ofaerial
ombine and be replaced with Ironically, the more work you photography's advent, to use a
ously eliminated units. As a have invested in a project based In fact, I believe it is no more' modern source as your point of
ult of this optional rule the on wrong assumptions, the more difficult to create a game design departure no matter what area
enough information.

man múst be careful not to desirable it is to begin again. based on a frm foundation of fact you're researching. Usually the
e his battlegroups exposed to than it is to cook up a big batch of alignment of roads does not
ian attacks. They are impor-
This explains my attitude fudge. Starting out with an accur- change. Rather, you just need to
Frustrated German players toward historical research rela- ate manpower estimate for the determine which roads are on
ove this rule because it gives ting to game design. I try to avoid forces and an accurate map will entirely new alignments, and

m a chance to rebuild their surprises once the design is be- eliminate the need for great which major routes have declined
ered formations.
gun. amounts of tinkering and jiggling to secondary status. Use period
of numbers to make the game maps and sketch maps in the
Ifa vital bridge or ford or crest history books to estimate this. The

Now... About that STAVKA come out with the right results.
is left off the D&p, or not sources will not agree, so you have

most often happy to see their ,

At certain times theRussian

, the index. In thirty of forty hours

In fact, I believe it is no more '

etc., ect. Checking these entries

which you can in turn look up in

will lead you to other key words
our hobby there are networks of

You do not have to read every

ind~vidual units, replacements,

hospitals, depots, recruitment,
book you find on your particular

ence you can find as to manpower,

it thoroughly. Check every refer-
efforts made use of with their

campaign. Use the index ... Read

. come out with the right results. .

name in print beside them,

If you can find these folks they are
volved, but you probably don't

researchers who specialize in OB

than it is to cook up a big batch of

information for particular periods.

campuses and maintained by

the archives of the nations in-

state governments. Then there are
amounts of tinkering and jiggling

like those found on university

Doing the manpower research
eliminate the need for great

access to a large research library

is not difficult, provided you have
historical veracity is hnpossible to go to this extreme. Also, in

many designers the possibility of

of numbers to make the game

forces and an accurate map will
positioned properly, the confused ate manpower estimate for the
based on a firm foundation of fact

fudge. Starting out with an accur-

difficult to create a game design

to use your judgement. regarding

would require, without starting

beginning again with the right

figures never occurs. All their
experience has taught them th~t
over on the design. Probably to
historical truth, he realizes that

as radically as historical accuracy

he cannot now change the val ues
later on, the designer discovers
how far off are his values from the
trumped-up figures. And when,
The problem is, however, that the

balances set up by those initial

Doing the manpower research

guess during the design process.

game becomes dependent upon the

er will be allowed to declare

artillery barrage on Axis designer may find himself forced is not diffìcult, provided you have rivers, by and large, they don't
s. However, there are certain to "fudge" the strength, say, ofthe access to a large research library move drastically over a century or
rictions and the STAVKA unit that's supposed to hold that like those found on university two. Woods tend to shrink, but not
must be in range. The effects location. Now, he has compounded campuses and maintained by always. Sometimes the trend is
an error on the map with incorrect state governments. Then there are reversed, and sometimes, where
strength. the archives of the nations in- there are slopes, they are just

properly credited.
volved, but you probably don't never cleared. But, it is unlikely
I have a feeling that the prlme have to go to this extreme. Also, in you will fïnd anything reliable on
ingredient in many a game design our hobby there are networks of woods coveråge in pre-1850's
these days is fudge. researchers who specialize in OB sources. ln those days the best

information for particular periods. surveys were made by military
It is certainly true that every If you can find these folks they are engineers, who were limited
game has a certain amount of that most often happy to see their to select lines and points of
tell-tale confection. The most efforts made use of with their interest.
exacting designer must reach a name in print beside them,

subtracting, "fudging". But if so, it

tell-tale confection. The most

the variables, he concludes that

place of proper front-end research

in many game designs. These
to add and subtract Uweight". And
game has a certain amount of th~t

you could call this adding and

games' designers probably think

an error on the map with incorrect

It is certainly true that every

things don't feel right. At this

is a different variety than the

wholesale fudge that takes the

they will fine-tune their initial

If a vital bridge or ford or crest

point his intuition tells him where

point where, after studying all
is left off the map, or not

unit that's supposed to hold that

ingredient in many a game design

I have a feeling that the prime
positioned properly, the confused

to Ufudge" the strength, say, of the

exacting designer must reach a

location. Now, he has compounded
This explains my attitude
binder, and before I do anything
else I want to see where the outer

surprises once the design is be-

ways require is the size of the map

on wrong assumptions, the more

designer may find himself forced

For instance, when designing

ting to game design. I try to avoid

toward historical research rela-
have invested in ' a project based
the time before hand to check your

wargame maps;,.the first fact I al-

Ironically, the more work you

facts, rather than have to make
I have found that it usually

sheet after it is trimmed by the

doesn't pay to rush into the execu-
tion of a project. It's easier to take

point where, after studying all properly credited. In researching my series of

the variables, he concludes that operational-level games on the

Napoleonic campaigns, I have

corrections half-way through.

things don't feel right. At this

desirable it is to begin again.

You do not have to read every
-- --- - --

point his intuition tells him where book you find on your particular found it necessary to estimate the
Kevin Zucker

to add and subtract "weight". And campaign. Use the index... Read total manpower pool of a nation, to
you could call this adding and it thoroughly.Check every refer- know exactly how many were
subtracting, "fudging". But if so, it

ence you can find as to manpower, liable to call-up, and so on. This is

these days is fudge.

is a different variety than the individual units, replacements, because of the importance of

margin will fall.

wholesale fudge that takes the

hospitals, depots, recruitment, march attrition at this level in

place of proper front-end research etc., ect. Checking these entries this particular era. In order to
in many game designs. These will lead you to other key words calculate attrition, I need to know

games' designers probably think which you can in turn look up in the strength of the army at the
they will fine-tune their initial the index. In thirty offorty hours beginning and end of the

For Læs! For I-æs!

tÍ Comò
troops h~d .repaired old weapons). along the way. This ..char,t , can
Every month or so, each group of help to illuminate the process by
.in France in 1815 would look like
pro·p er replacement levels. A
diagram of the manpower pipeline
situation was involved enough
thatI had to design a sort of game
on the subject just to develop. the

l¡l Serve
Scrle $ 49 9lt men listed would move up on the which manpower is estimated.
Sole $
| 99:,:

@R. MacGowan
(Add S7.50 shipping.*) lisl $199
(Add $10.00 shipping.*)
the following chart.

t 9 t 4
o'Unbelievoble Low Price o Underline . 200 CPS Droft - 45 CPS Neor Letler Quolity .
o Advonced Dot Motrix - Heot Tronsfer o Enlorged o Seriol lmpoct Dot Motrix
o Upper & o IBM Compotible
lower Cose (With True Lo¡rer Descenders)
o Neor Lelter Quolity Mode
o GrophicsWilh Com;nodore, Apple & Atori lnlerfoces
r Reody to Hook Up To Seriol Porr Of IBM@ PCir o Ultro High Resolution Bit lmoge Grophics
o Low Cosl Adoplers For ¡BM@, Apple, Commodore, o PullTroctor & Automotic Single Sheel Looding
o Stondord Seriol & Cenlronics Porollel Ports
Loser, I Atori Computers

chart by one line until it reached

the front, with deductions all
recruiter and the front line. The
Emperor returns. There you can
see the many reductions in man-
power occurring between the
newest addition to the series, The
printed as appendice.s in the
material on manpower was re-

22CPS DcisyUheel Uhra Hi-Speed PrinleÍ,

13" Doisy Wheel Printer With 300 CPS Droft . 50 CPS NtQ
True Lelter Quoliry W¡th Color Printing Copobilitie¡
ong the way. This chart, cgn No OneSells No OneSells
elp to illuminate the process by ThÍs Prínter ThÍs Prínter SOCPS
hich manpo\l'er is estimated. For l*ss! For Less!
Typewrlter Colú

$ 99 95

366,000 muskets (the garrison

June 1st, however, the French
cond and third line troops. On

had, for all field forces only

*In addition, there were se-
The .m ost important source.
total combat losses in every action
ments (not so hard) and replace~
ments (almost impossible), and its
campaign, its total of reinforce-

(Add $l 0.00 shipping..) [isr $199

o Doisy Wheel Printing o True Letter Quolity o 300 CPS Droft - 50 CPS Neor LelterQuolity
o 22CPS, AAA Texl r Below Wholesole Cost o Front PonelMorgin Selling
r l3" Wide Corrioge o Downlood Chorocler Selting . Epson/lBM Modes
of the campaign.
r Both Doisy Print Wheel & Ribbons Compotible o Voriety Of Choroclers & Grophics o Boltom Feed
wilh Dioblor* & Qume@ e Porollel & Seriot{nterfoce Ports o lOK Buffef
9I4 o Single Sheet or Conlinuous Feed r Aulo Poper Lood & Eiection
¡ Optlonol 7-Color Prlntlng K¡i........5c1e 19?.95

o low Cost Adoplers Avoiloble

Dc¡ l{orne Trlcrl o 90 Dcr lrtrrnedlote lcrcernenr Pol lcy
@R. MocGowon
f3t21 382-5O5O
We Love o.ur Custotners! ftlo
22292 N. PepperRood
Borringlon, lL. óOOIO
help out fellow wargamers, you may bã
Sole Price 6.
Gamer's Guide
Pittsburg, PA interested in blindtesting/developing
Battleplan mini-wargames. To do this,
Clas¡ifieds "Not everyone is a Squad Leader simply read this column, and if you would
like to help with any game described, write
7. Midway Scenarios or Son ofSL freak! There are a lot to:
Game Editor
Sow does mean of great games that could be Battleplan Magazine
If you are the saintly type and eager to '

Sicily mega-variant. Please write if

questions. You could be on you way

a bit>, and the task of fixing as much of it as

like to help with any game described, write

work, but currently, only designers get any

covered. AH's Russian Front is a

The Rock needs play testers. It's

Bor 8399

That's all for now! See you next

and feedback are coming in, and so
being blindtested by three different
right now are Zulu War, The Rock,

game (you'll have to fix up the components

right now. Up on the play test shelf

pay. Why not help playtest? If you love the

Basically, you enjoyed our new

briefgame proposal and we'll give

Anzio nuts may want to try the

simply read this column, and if you would

the Napoleon at Waterloo system ,.'

and say so. What you'll get is a copy of the

groups about the'country. Reports

announce whichg~mes rated well

a solid little wargame (forgive the

Siege and Sally rated well, so

great game. Let's see some ink on Long Beach, CA 90808
game topics described below, write to us

Zulu War is in final play test,

a career as a wargame designer!

this. It you like the movies, you'll

Works in Progress

Feedback Forum column, our dialogue

you are interested in play testing.

Battleplan mini-wargames. To do this,

ranked highest. This is based on

Phoney War looks "iffy." Mr.

Wayne Close - You can go ahead
DavoutatAuerstadt was ,the
help out fellow iwargamers, you may be

interested in the Axis assault on

Mini-wargames in progress

production by the time you read

in the feedback from last issue.:.

to the challenge? Just send ina

around here are basically three

and say so. What you'll get is a copy ofthe

you can. You'll also get credit for your

it! Victory Game's Civil War is

interested in blind testing/developing

with you, the readers of Battleplan, most.

Meldrum, could you whip up a

Li$$2195 (tdd135.0shippino.')

At this point, it is time to '

game (you'll have to f¡r up the components
the game will enter into final

Reading your Feedback comments is very pun). Please write if you are
another. Come on!"
it some play in the feedback

enlightening for us, so keeps those cards a bit), and the tâsk offiring as much of it as
and comments comming! -ToddA. Hively you can. You'll also get credit for your
MHz (Norton Cl Rorlngf

prototype for inspection?

Waco, TX work, but currently, only designers get, any
Long Beach, CA 90808

Obviously, the larger articles are the

K Profes¡ionol XT Compuler
Battleplan Magazine

more popular ones among our readers. pay. Why not help playtæst? Ifyou love the

and ought to be cute.

7 /8 MHz ; Clock/Colendor; Interestingly, these are the very ones that game topics deacribed below, write to us
AII we cøn sa.y is, that if you want today!
rollel, SeriolAnd Gome Ports create love/ hate on the newsstand. Ifwe
to read, it here, write it for us! We
P.O. Box 8399

don't pick the right two or three games to

to: Game Editor

e G.W. Bo¡lc lncluded

like this game.

DOS 3.2
really cover, we could have a poor issue in can only publish wløt you write!! M iní - war garnes in pr og res s
ome llonltor

on this one!
terms ofsales. For that reason, each issue After all, being creøtiue is ø pørt of
and Sicily.

around here are bøsicølly three

Prlnter with Inlerfoce And Poper will built 'features'(including
be on these being ø u)o,rgarner, so put your right naw. Up on the playtest shelf
cessor, Spreodsheet & Doto Bose the upcoming mini-wargames), with the
scenario ønd uariønt ideøs to

right now øre ZuluWar, The Roch,

mork ol lnl.¡rc|¡ðnol Surimt. rvlchlE. læ. morter holding it all together being the
shorter variants and scenario piecés. paper and send them in. andSicily.
This section is where we respond to ZuluWar is infirwl playtest,
the remarks made by our readeri through "Why is "Civil \üar" (feedback
bo their Feedback Cards. Perhaps yozr
After all, being creative is a part of
question #39) always taken as a
being blindtested by three different

Franco-Prussian, etc? That's what'

"A little staler than last issue, but

I'd like to see, not the 1 OOlst game

groups øbout the country. Reports

. Well, beginning with this issue, we

or Son of SL freak! There are a lot

would like to try. It's rwt enough to

.don't like, you have to be willing to

great game. Let's see some ink on

vote for ACW? Why not colonials,

"Not everyone is a Squad Leader·

quéstions and comments will appear here

can only publish what you write!!
All we can say is, that ifyou want

do something about it. Are you up

UGreat Ambush scenario! 'Please

you're wi.llingto, we're .

covered. AH's Russian Front is a

to read it here, write it for us! We

vote for ACW? Why not colonials,

will be rating games for solitaire

see some mini-wargames soon."

question #39) always taken as a

nert issue! and feedbøck øre corning in, and so
keep up the good work. Hope to

willing to feedback it in afuture

it! Victory Game's Civil War is

UWhy is "Civil War" (feedback

playability. How about a mini-

playability, so that ·was an easy

being a wargamer, so put your

complain about something you

Franco-Prussian, etc? That's what

As fordoing a gam~ on the

iss ue and see what the readers

System the gøme wiII enter into firw,I

Charlemagnes campaigns, if
on Gettysburg._Pleas do Zulu
scenario and variant ideas to

"Include ratings for solitaire

of great games that could be

wargame on Charlemagne's
I'd like to see, not the l00lst game production by the time you read
on Gettysburg. Pleas do Zulu-
Reader's Comments: this. It you like the mouies, you'll

Franco-Prussian war or
paper and send them in.
onítor, PrÍnter & Sof¡wore 'War!"
liþe this garne.

Philadelphia,P A
"Cover art was nicely done, but a -R. Dral

Columbus, Ohio
-Todd A. Hively The Roch needs playtesters.It's
.a nother. Come on!"

-:Steven Lakoff
-Phil Richards

uery Wor subject (it made me

Pittsburg, P A
-Fred Minard

Columbus, Ohio ø sotid little wørgaïrc (forgiue the

sob Price
Denver, CO

embarrassed to be seen with the

publish more."

pun). Please write if youare

Waco, TX
magazine; and I get enough gibes "Include ratings for solitaire

interested in the Axis assøult on

-R. Dral
about gaming as it is)." playability. How about, a mini- Gibralter.
-Ray Russell
$ wargame on Charlemagne's Anzio nuts m.ay want to try the

Minneapolis, MN campaigns?" Sicily megø-uøriant. Pleøse write if

-Steven Lakoff you are interested, in playtesting.
"Your front cover looks like a pin- Philadelphia, PA
up for Soldier of Fortune At thís point, it is time to
Li¡l12195 (Add135.0shipping.')

will be built on these "features" (including

WelI, beginning with this issue, we

with you, the readers of Battleplan, most.

Interestingly, these are the very ones that

Obviously, the larger articles are the
Battleplan Issue #4 Feedback

really cover, we could ha ve a poor issue in

Reading your Feedback comments is very

W~IZ., we tried something different;

terms of sales. For that reason, each issue

Games for Milton Bradley. Sort of

theremarks made by our readers through

nYour front cover looks like a pin-

ennounce whieh games rated well

Reader's Comments:
questions and comments will appear here
don't pick the right two or three games to

magazine; and I get enough gibes

create love/ hate on the newsstand. Ifwe

nCover art was nicely done, but a

enlightening for us, so keeps those cards

the upcoming mini-wargames), with the

thafs .all. We'll be switching back

{rom sex to violence on our covers
4. Battlewagon Scenarios

makes you wonder what he could

This section is where we respond to
-Michael C. Marks will be rating games for solitaire

embarrassed to be seen with the

morter holding it all together being the

have done for the cover of Ax is &

2. Block Party (Ambush)

Feedback Forum column, our dialogue

Feedback Forum

more popular ones among our readers.

in the feedbøck from last issue.

So what does this mean?

Ranked by Popularity

shorter variants and scenario pieces.

ttHr / 5l2K Super Turbo Hope, AR pløyability, so tlwt uas øn eøsy

Janies Talbot, has left Victory

3. Shogun: The Replay

Basically, you enjoyed our new

their Feedback Cards. Perhaps your

very poor subject (it made me


Do,uout øt Auersta.dt was the

agaifl,~By the way,-the artist,

7. Midway Scenarios
tl@ XT Compollble Compuler one,

up for Soldier of Fortune

# 1. Feedback Forum

ra,nked, highest. This is basecl on


- - - - - - - - - ----------

deo, Porollel, And Seriol WeIl, we tried something different, As for doing a game on the

6. Gamer's Guide
the N apoleon at W øterloo system

5. Squad Leader

about gaming as it is)."

that's all. We'll be switching back

.A-MiCh~el C. Marks
ords lncluded Frqnco-Prussian war or and ought to be cute.

Minneapolis, MN

and comments comming!

C las ..;ifieds
DOS 3.2 G.W. Bo¡lc lncluded from ser to uiolence on our couers C ln rle møgne b cømpøig n:s, if

Siege ønd Sally rated, well, so
ome ßlonltor øgain. By the wøy, the ørtist, you're willing to design it, we're Waynz Close - You can go aheod

-Ray Russell
Prlnter wilh lnterfoce And Poper Ja¡nes To\bot, has leftVictory willing to feedbøck it inø future

on this onz!

. ". Jlope, AR
cessor, Spreodsheet Dolo Eose Gomes for Milton Brad,Iey. Sort of issue and see what the readers Phoney W ar looh,s " iffy." M r.

magazine. "
m.k of lnl.rml¡oml¡t l¡læh¡Ë, lß. m.akes you wonder what he could to try.It's not enough to Meldrum, could you whip up a

next issue!
ha,ue done for the couer of Axis & complain about so¡nething you

Allies ...
cernerrt Pol¡cy Allies... don't like, you haue to be willing to
for ins pec tion?
Tlnfs øIl for now!
See you next
å;.îîS,31,!,Y;'11î,å,li;iå1""ff; þsomething about it. Are you up issue!
vr3a _ ¡rl3lr¡ca¡D - c.G).Þ.
City ACT 2601.

O Box 158
opy of Shanghai Trader

r either or both rounds

me tournament
urnament rules.

n, valid at either round.


PO Box 1016
VIC 3148.

contact the convention

Games booth you will

A$3.00 per session. lf

r 87

issue of



There's only one free seat on the last

plane out to America.
Will you be in it?

sftaryftai '1' 11J\.])]~ 11

The side wins which possesses the majority of the nine buildings inside
through the building
the circular road. Pôssession goes to the lasl unit to occqpy, or move
* Russl¡!

novss ñrst

Elements of the VI SS Panzer Army set up on board

Advance elements of the Russian IX Army enter







Enter the world's most outrageous boardgame tourl}ame'n t·; 1

and win a free trip to America. . .
. ttc





The tournament will be conducted in two To pre-register for either orbbth rdurids"



At early dawn in February 1944 swiftly moving eleme-nts-

of the ix Russian Army ðome upon elements of the VI SS
town. Possession of this town is vital.
Panzer Army situated in strong defensive positions in a
rounds. The 'first round will be held at of the tournament, contact the-convention ':

CANCON 88, in Canberra from 22 - 25 organizers: .

ft¡; ft!a

January 1988. The second round will be







held at GAMES 88, in Melbourne from



C/- CWS, GPO Box 1016 Configuration

1 - 4 April 1988. Canbe rra City ACT 2601. Board


Each round will consist ' of a number of

T 310+

on board 3 and 4


3 and 4'

4-hour preliminary sessions and one final C/- CSA, PO Box 158
T ¡10+


session. You only have to enter one of


Chadstone VIC 3148.


the preliminary sessions to have a shot at


the finals, though the more you play the Registration fee is A$3.00 per session. If


you purchase a copy of Shanghai Trader .



better your chances.


from the Panther Games booth you will


The winner of the'finals in the 'first round


receive free registration for one


wiJl automatically be 'seeded into the



preliminary session, valid at either round.


finals of the second round.


See the December 87 issue -Of

4-4-7 { ¡t2

The, winner-af, the . finals in the s.egop,q BREAKOUT for tournament rules.
l( 2-A

round wins a free economy class air






ticket to the USA to attend ORIGINS 88,


scheduled to be held in Milwaukee,



Wisconsin from 18-21 August 1988.



wer,tJrre Cl.erf
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

to: érush' the,




J+tz T-l







Sliangliai rl'lll\l)]~ll




The normal basic game rules apply to the Commencement of Play: After set-up, begin
tournament. ~ Only the advanced game provisions play with the Collusion phase.

, ,,
relating to the marine detachments and the White Tournament Length: Five years.

,remove them from play. The remaining Marine

: Spy 'and one of the Mar¡ne Detachments and

follows likewise, and so on untíl all players have
selected a warehouse and factory.

on them, respectively. The second highest player

factory site from anywhere on the board, and

places one of his overseer and manager counters

highest player selects one warehouse and one

Warehouse and Factory Selecilon: The
are left vacant but may be purchased in the usual
Shanghai Glub and Soochow Creek Emporium)
drawn. The remaining six rackets (including the
of their coolie counters in the district they have

from the face down stack, the next highest player
Players then place one of their racketeer and two

player with the highest initiative chooses one card

are shuffled and placed face down in a stack. The

goes first of course.

the same benefits as in the normal game. The

tournament. r Only the advanced game provisions

ShanghaiClub and the Soochow Creek Emporium

other contractors are placed as usual, eg the Lido

$200,000 and one racket district, a warehouse and

The normal basic game rules apply to the

Racket Allocatlon: All racket cards except the

lnltlatlve: All players roll for initiative. Highest

Prlbe of Rackets: Ail rackefs cost g40,000.
Courtes¿n on the nightclub and so on.

used or hired out by the owner of the racket lor

and the White Russian Minder is attached to the

Contractor/Racket Set-Up: lgnore the

a factory selected in the manner below.

Player Holdlngs: Each player begins

Number of Players:6
National characteristics are ignored.

relating to the marine detachments and the White

Frenchtown Casino. These contractors may be

Detachment is attached to the Transport Company

Russlan minder are used, albeit with modifications.

Russ'ian- minderare used, albeit with modifications.
, Nation~1 characteristics~re ignored. Shipping: Ships dQ. operate in the first year.
NU~ller of Players: 6 Bribes and Diplomacy: Bribes may be given at
any time. Diplomacy must be open. There can be
Player Holdings: Each player begins with no "secret dealS".
, $200.qOO and one racket district, a warehouse and
, a factpry selected in the manner below. Muggers: StiH"cost $30,000 but if successful the
hiring player receives half the take (rounding up)
: Contraclor/Racket Set-Up: Ignore the Nazi and the remainder goes to the owner of the
" Spy and "one of the Marine Detachments and Temple of the Jade Buddha. Nothing is gained if
remove them from play. The remaining Marine unsuccessful.
Detachment is attached to the Transport Company
, and the White Russian Minder is attached to the Passport Cost: $20,000 per player. A player
Frenchtown Casino. These contractors may be may choose to roll for a free passport at the
used or hired out by the owner of the racket for International Consulates, and run the risk qf
the same benefits as in the normal game. ' The ending up in Old Ch,natown.
other contractors are placed as usual, eg the Lido Winner: of each game is still the escaped player
Courtesan on the nightclub and so on. who has the largest international bank account. A

Price of Rackets,: All rackets cost $40,000. player may win with no money, provided he or she
alone has escaped. In case of ties, the winner
Initiative: All players roll for initiative. Highest between those sharing the highest money score 'is
the finals.

the finals. The tournament organizers

the bank accounts of all escaped players. So a
top 12 or 18 players will be determined by ranking
automatically seed winners of previous rounds into


preliminary sessions will play off in the final. The

session. The top 12 or 18 players from the

for assassins or lent to other players - do so before

number of preliminary sessions and one final

you get out.

particular, remaining cash in hand cannot be used

the one who escaped first. Cash in hand is

who has the largest inlernal¡onalbank account. A

Each round of the tournament will consist of a

Once escaped a,player cannot participate in the

useless for the purposes of determining winners.

Wlnner: of each game is st¡llthe escaped player

Tournament Length: Five years.

remaining action in any way - including bribes. ln

between those sharing the highest money score is

alone has escaped. ln case of ties, the winner
player may win w¡th no money, provided he or she

Temple of the Jade Buddha. Nothing is gained if
and the remainder goes to the owner of the

any time. Diplomacy must be open. There can be

Shipping: Ships çþ operate in the first year.

play with the Collusion phase.

ending up in Old Chrnâtown.

may choose to roll for a lree passport at the

Passport Cost: $20,000 per player. A player

hiring player receives hatl the take (rounding up)

Muggers: Still cost |$90,000 but if successfulthe
no "sgcret deals".

lnternational Gonsulates, and run the risk of

Bribes and Diplomacy: Bribes may be given at

goes first of course. the one who escaped first. Cash in hand is
Racket Allocation: All racket cards except the useless for the purposes of determining winners.

Shanghai Club and the Soochow Creek Emporium Once escaped a player cannot partiCipate in the
are shuffled and placed face down in a stack. The remaining action in any way - including bribes. In
player with the highest initiative chooses one card particular, remaining cash in hand cannot be used

from the face down stack, the next highest player for assassins or lent to other players - do so before

follows. you get out.

Players then place one of their racketeer and two Each round of the tournament will consist of a of Play:

of their coolie counters in the district they have number of preliminary sessions and one final
drawn. The remaining six rackets (including the session. The top 12 or 18 players from the

Shanghai Club and Soochow Creek Emporium) preliminary sessions will playoff in the final. The
After set-up, begin

are left vacant but may be purchased in the usual top 12 or 18 players will be determined by ranking

rnariner. the bank accounts of all escaped players. So a

good second or third place may still get you into

Warehouse and Factory Se-lection: The the finals. The tournament organizers may

highest player selects one warehouse and one automatically seed winners of previous rounds into
factory site from anywhere on the board, and

the finals.

places one of his overseer and manager counters

on them, respectively. The second highest player
bllows likewise, and so on until all players have
selected a w,arehouse and factory.
------- - ---------- --- --------------------------------


gsl, old
es. New

ypes are

es, both


or list:

to6 all


sd; call

A$E for

ou. Àll


r Hall,
ugt, CA


ou tbe

l eacb l
- ---




aud ir all ¿he hist ric8l, fâatssy
(board, rcle-pl¡yi¡c, Bi¡iåture8, conputer!
quarterly whicb æwn all arpocs ofthe hobby

6ubEcribs writs to:
Sl2.ü) for,l isue¡. For Bore i¡forutio! or to
a¡d scieûæ-fic{ioD groreE. Sùbscriptioos am

BREAKOiIT! i0 the Austra¡is¡ gaBiog

out before payiog. Write to:
ojor PBM
G6t ô freô stsrtor paclage aad 2frce
Advo¡tu¡e¡ By Ma¡¡
Caeb, Cheque, Moaey
All a¡ds, M¡pe, Rule¡ ONLY $IOU.S,
BacL- Bslieve thie! Bolieve

British Isle6, Es¡tb, Gnld Eurcpean,Ilæ1.

customers bv listing here,

The Gamer's Guide
Your guide to better gaming!

Your Publication
A FirstOlass Chance


Gets Discovered
With a Classifred Listing!

Student Ce¡ter
c-lo Stud€lt Lif€ Oñco
Faniogtan, ME 0,1938
or ell (213) 42036?ó

P.O. Bo¡ 8t199

IrDg B€aeh, CÀ 90608
P. O.
Job¡ R Biehl

Cohæs, NY 1204?

It'6 â
Ca¡ada VôI lE?
H-(604) 732.3568

Vaacouve¡, B.q.
#108-2040 Yorl¡ Ave

South StÊet

to find new PBM

Bor 436
Gamer's Guide: For Sale: Punched : Strategy One, USN,
~~e:n~tfp~:!~j!~ ~r~t~i'io!f.t;!:~;e~f


Classified the Patomac and Tennessee, and Trieme.

i6 ths i¿d¿pc¿&rd foruE

ORIGINS WEST at the L.A. Airport Hyatt

st-riagr atieched.
~2~~:j~;2311~~~,l:=.· ~2;::tn~e[h~rcY:~~
Mint: Shenandoah, Revolt in the East,


For EoÉ
The Gamer's Guide: Clas- Tannenburg, Hasting's 1066, Air Assault on
sified is a service we provide our Crete, and Ironbottom Sound. hours of board, role -playing, miniature and

Jeff'Wilson computer gamini. For more information
readers. As you might expect with Wanted-FTF or PBM opponents for most AH, 1929 Coronado Dr. write: "
ads of this kind, "let the buyer
Riviera, A2 86442 Diverse Talents, Inc.
beware." This magazine makes no H-{602) 7584584

John W. Leggat III
guarantees to any seller's claim, 1222 Calle Las Trancas Long Baach, CA 90808

îry it
nor is responsible or liable for Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 or call (213) 4.~0 -3675
such. You're on your own. NEW GAMES FOR OLD

Each ad is allowed 30 words With your BuylSelllTrade listing
of text plus a name, address and Buy /SelllTrade in the Classified Ads! ~:':bCl~~. 0:: r;l:~l: -N~!y~!~~~r!~~~~
phone numbers (home, indicated and seminar from Barry Longyear, author
For Sale : Victory's Civil War, Vietnam, movie ENEMY MINE. $5 admiSsion; $2/i8me.
by an H-; and work, indicated by a Korea , $15; AH 's Flattop, Squad Leader, For more info, write:
W-) and runs for three consec- Firefight, $15; AH's Gettysburg (new), Used game collection for sale . SPI flat boxes, Table Gaming Club
utive issues (or, for Conventions, Fortress Europa, 3rd Reich, $10. clo Student Life Office
Ben Harb Student Center
until the convention begi ns, 10341 Lassen Rick's Used Games 5 South Street

whichever comes first!). Los Alamitos, CA 90720 clo Rick Loomis
Farmin~n, ME 04938

,\l tlli
There are 8 categories in P.O. Box 1467

Scottsdale, A2 85252
which you may place your own ad: For Sale: Lizard's coil in massive silver and W-(602) 945-6917
Opponents Wanted, $1; Buy, Sell, tourmaline belt buckle $675. ' · Your Publication
Gloria Massey
Trade, $2; Game Clubs, $4; Gets Discovered

5580 La Jolla Blvd. Suite 439 Put yoursalf in action! Combat Quandry

Conventions, $0; Publications, $8; La Jolla, CA 92037 Cards puts your tactical knowledge on the With a Classified Listing!
Play-by-mail, $8; Retail, $8; and (619) 436-3865 line , 15 storylpuzzle cards, 8 -1/2 x 11 each
Wholesale, $8 . The costs for run- with solutions. wwn -All theatres. Set , $6,00
Take The Test!
ning different types of ads are as
For Sale: Boardgames, all in very good
condition. Many old and out of print.
Dept. "B~

fronts were crumblitg, and the losses suffered in men and

material since the beginning of the war were becomin$ im'
possible to make uP.
regroup, thus relaxing the pressure on the u¡estern front which
west would force the British and Americans to fall back and.
once more.
would enable the Germans to concentrate on the Russian front
"The Battle of the Bulge."
the time when a ne\ñ¡, strong offensive could be mounted. Each
river and strongpoint had to be defended to the last. The Oder
River was one of these.

All ads should be sent, along Wanted: computer games for CM. RI1 Box 1656 Fire & Movement is the illdependent forum
Richard L. SlUmming Grayling, Ml49738 of board and computer wargamini. The
with checks or money orders made Rtll Box 159E

In 1944 the German tu ation was becoming desperate. Both

::~i~iif;o(~h~:~.mtu~lfsh~tbi~~:n~~~~, is
One hope was that an all-out effort against the Allies in the
That gamble would come to be known to the Americans as
In the east the order of the day \ras to hold at all costs until

payable to: Chattaroy, WA 99003

Buy, sell, trade: boardgames, new or used; issues are only $20.00. For more information
15mm miniatures, painted or unpainted; call or to subscribe write to:
BATTLE PLAN Wanted: American Civil War .Bames, Naval or write. I will negotiate almost anythini. Fire & Movement
Dept:GGC wargames of any periond, Quarterdeck, Norris Hazelton P.O. Box 8399
P.O. Box 8399 Yaquinto, Simulations Canada, and 19004 53rd Ave. N.E. Long Baach, CA 90808
Stratomatic games. Send offers to: Seattle, WA 98155 or call (213) 420-3675
Long Beach, CA 90808 Jeff Wilson H-(206) 361 ·2697
1929 Coronado Dr.
Riviera, A2 86442 BREAKOUT! is the Australian gaming
H-(602) 7584584 MUST SELL: Large collection of board games, quarterly which ~ovars ~Ilaspect& of the hobby
Opponents Wanted modules and magazines. Many unpunched,
wholesale prices. Includes AH, GDW, FASA,
(board, role-playmg, mIniatures, computers"
and play-by-maill in all the historical, fantasy
Wanted: Old, out of print, or unusual 1'SR, SPI, 3W, WEG jo'&M, Dragon,
Wanted: Modern and WWIl Micro Armor wargames. Very interested in Revolutionary Wargamers Digest. Send laria SASE. $~~.~if:rC:-i~~i~: I~~::~~~~~~~~~ti~~80:~
~~:~~.o£~~.I~g:~e~:~~~o:.nd Combined War, WWI (esp. air combat), and Carrier Robb Wilson subscribe write to:
warfare games. Send description and price 1001 Luxor BREAKOUT!
Rolf Kirby aslUng. Corpus Christi, TX 78412
15 San Mateo Rd. P.O. Boll 8399
Kip Kohlman Loni Bea~h, CA 90808
Berkeley, CA94707 201 18th St, N.W.
H-(415) 526-2771 , or call (213) 420-3675
Minot, NO 5870 For sale: Many SPI and non·SPI games, both
old and new , All in very good condition .
Prompt reply assured. Send a large SASE for
list. A First Class Chance
Lim Hambacher
Where do great Armchair 4758 E. 26th ST
Tucson, A2 85711
to find new PBM
customers by listing here.
Generals turn before battle? H-(602) 790-5993

Emprlse Game Systems


the traditional adventures of play-by-mail
without the usual drawbacks. Write for free
additional information or send $4 for info plus

MIIVEMENr Game Clubs

rulebook. Member: GAMA, PBMA
Van Nuys, CA 91409

Why to FIRE & MOVEMENT magazine, of ~ya;!~ ::re :8~::P~~(g A~rlo~I;~~nN~ Adventures By Mall
members welcome! Tues/Thurs 5 -9pm, Get a free starte r pacuie and 2 free turns in a

mjor PBM imae. No strinp attached. Try it

course! FIRE & MOVEMENT the independent, Saturdays 9am ·5pm. Town Center Hall,
out be~~~ ~~~:~ Write to:
professional forum of conflict simulation, covering ~~ ~:S f21~~I:131:9~~~:~~I~b ~~~~~, CA
P . O. Boll 436
board and computer wargames with unmatched in- Cohoes, NY 12047
Las Vegas He:ngon Society invites all
depth reviews . F&M has been voted the best WARGAMERS to join the fun! All types are
professional magazine in the hobby for an unpre- played! sessIOns meet bi-weekly, Saturday,
lOam to 6pm. Call evenings for info.
James McCormick
cedented six of its ten years in existence!

1450 Harmon Ave 224C !l;J~!s~e~~~ ~SKdG~rs~n, Moon.

Published bi-monthly, each issue is 64 pages of Las Vegas, NY 89119
H-(702) 794-3523 All cards, Maps, Rules ONLY $10U.S.
Cash, Cheque, Money Order to
the highest quality wargame review journalism John R. Biehl
available anywhere. F&M also produces special #108 -2040 York Ave

editions, annual reports, plus an incisive look at COME

'-1 OuTOFl'HE "1
Vancouver, B.C,
Canada V6J lE7

H-(S04) 732-3568
wargaming trends and issues, the hobby's future .
L ------
List your club here! •
Sample issues are $4 .00 each. A 3-issue trial
subscription is $10 .00, and a full one year, 6-issue
... Back. Believe this! Believe it!

Miami Gaming Club seelUng new members.

subscription is only $20.00 , All types ofboardiam8s played. We meat once
The Gamer's Guide Classified :

Canaaian addresses must add an additional 60c per issue for a week from 7-11pm, Thurs, or 7200
postage and handling. Overseas addresses must add $1.25 for S.W. 7~~;'2~~~7J2 Call for more info: Your guide to better gaming!
surface mail postage . All payments should be made in U.S. Steve: 271-5418
funds and drawn on a U.S. baCK, and made payable to: DTI, P.O.
Box 8399, Dept. 3, Long Beachl CA 90808. Customers may call
(213) 420-3675 and order by usmg their MasterCard or Visa.

Circle Reader Service # 18

What's with the "new look" in
gaming, first the G.I. Jane
ús lllustrated. swimsuil issue

azine based on this art?

ndar from Victory Games an'd

suzu, søys that this issue sold

panionship he'll probably buy

etty silly. The cover wús for

and it wøs that. On the other

or: WeII put. Now, this is ci

bs, and write if you get work.

ple of exøctly the þind of \çttei

, I, myself, never read edi-

lie magazine, which has real

aming, which you do so ïyell,
or: I rend to øgree with you,
a.s a matter of fact,I think the
etters coming, hang by your


or recommemd a game or
. Do you expect wargâmers to
, our distribution nløna,ger,

epløn #4? There's nothing

...Please concentrate on the.

s and shows more of the gôod

the Sargette on the cover'of

eave the sexy drawings to
oy andPenthouse.

aming. If the typical 'lonely

g with sexy drawings, they
letters to print, and I'll get to

have nothing to do with

of them. Keep those cards


looking for.
million copies.

wargamer wants female

but if you do, I really

it. There are many

Edmonton, Alberta
Christopher Miller
Sincerely yours,
Pete Writer's Guidelines for
Veteran Writer's Guidelines for
Game Designer's Guidelines for lþ,L---z BA TTLEPLAN magazine

BA TTLEPLAN magazine
BA TTLEPLAN magazine
If YDU (lIready have SDme experience
BATTLE PLAN publishes small, "mini~ Weare always IDDking fDr new cDntribu-
writing fo.r gaming magazines, here is a more
wargames" o.n o.ccasio.n. While the designer is tors, many Df whDm CDme fro.m the ranks Df
detailed descriptiDn Qf the different types of
free to a "ho.t topic," the phyiscal fo.rmat Dur readers. Often Dur readers write their
features found in BA TTLEPLAN.
for the published game must be able to meet very first published articles fQr BA TTLE-
the publishing criteria belo.w: PLAN. If YDU feel that YDU can express
> Map size, 11" x J 7" maximum, altho.ugh YDurself clearly Dn paper, we invite yQU to.
This is a basic analysis ,Qf a game (or
smaller maps are no.t o.nly permisable but submit YDur variants and reviews to us. Yo.U
game turn) described by being actually played
preferred. may write Dn any game Qr Qther related topic
out. It is a nuts-and-bo.lts Io.ok at the
~ Rules, no. than 3,000 wo.rds, if which YDU enjQy that might be Qf interest to
mechanics Dfthe game's DperatiDns, as well as
poSsible. Low complexity levels preferred! . our readers. We will cDnsider articles Qn any
strategies and tactics, as described thrDugh
> Counters, up to yo.u. They can be full co.lor, type o.f historical, pDlitical Qr military adven-
the playing Df a game Dr just a turn Dr two..
if needed (avoid back-printing), o.n cut-Qut ture gaming pro.duct, particularly new
Generally, 5-7 ms. page length is abo.ut right
cardstock inserts (So. dQn't have a Io.t Qf releases (fDr current reviews). Variants and
fo.r a short Game Replay, altho.ugh lDnger
stacking., either, ifyQU can help it!). scenariQS to bDth new releases and DId
pieces like thDse used in The General will be
>Charts & Tables, do.n't go. Qverbo.ard. favQrites are particularly desired, hQwever,
co.nsidered as well. Naturally, detailed
, Begin by submitting a page game they shDuld be mQre Df the "play-tested"
examples Qf play, indicating specific bo.a.rd

the credits, and five copies of the game

(presumably for your mother).

background article as well as designer's

notos. We'll owe you the money, your name in

(dont hold yoür breath). You'll owe us two

ever publish
$f 30.q0 per game design, plus a royalty if we
you?). The pay scale varies, but it is around
playtest,copies ofthe game, plus a historical

Famous" designing little wargames di{

contraci (you didnt think you'd get "Rich and

development, you will receive a'go ahead'on

it, plus our standard 'Poor and Obscure'

will probably be needed to make the game.

nurnber or counters, charts and tables that,
Mention the topic, scale, complerity, and the
generally the game you wish to design.
Long Beach, CA 90808. In it, describe
proposal to: BP Game¡ Ediør, P,O. Bor 83g9,

stacking, either, ifyou can hetp it!).

cardstock inserts (so don't have
>Charts & Tables, don't go overboard.
pro.Posal to: BP Game_ Editor, P.O. Bo.X 8399, variety and less "experimental" in terms of
Author's Address:

SocialSec. #

.1. Should tho l\tork bê åccepted for publicatioû iû

published honorarium rate.
Date Submitt¿d:
magazioo, or its assigns, absolutely.
dghts, titl6 aud iDtêr€st iD tbe Work to BAI':ILEPLAN
BATTLEPLÀN Bâgaziûo, the Âuthor assigrs all his

æm¡nauted upoo sucb publicatioo at tbs mo6t Fceûtly

shall bo u¡derstood and agre€d that the Author will be
8, Slould the l¡l/orl. be published i¡ BATTLEpLAN, it

(hereafter known as Work).

øndrrsntly Eubnitt€d for co¡sidêrâtioa for publicatiou
2. The Author afñrus that Do portion of tbis Work is
po¡tio¡s of th6 wort i¡dicated to be such with due
beeu previously published, excspt for citations of


(hereaft,er knownäs Author) of:

t, Tha Author a6rms that no portion of the Work has


. Betûrn Witb Article Submissions for

lalents, Inc., with its addrêss at 5374
PLAN magazine, a division of Diverse
Village Road in lnng Beach, CA 90808,
spaces and unit IQcations, cQmbat re~lts
Long~each,CA 90808. In it, describe develQpment and game balance.
tables, die rolls, etc. almDst entirely

If the proposal is accepted for

Begin by submitting a one page game

geneially the game yo.U wish to. design. Manuscripts sho.uld be typewritten Dr

This agreement between BATTLE-

constitute this type Qf analysis article. A
Mentio.n' the topic, scale, co.mplexity, and the co.mputer printed with a dark ribbon Qn white

reader must really have felt like he has read
number Dr co.unters, charts find tables that paper, dDuble-spaced, and amply margined.
IDsert title ofarticlE submitted
a gDo.d, sDlid "test drive" o.fthe game.
will pro.bably be needed to make the game. Co.mputer printouts should be ragged right


Print your uame hsre

. If the proposa I is accepted fQr (not justified!) and burst. Game titles shDuld

seperately as a bored game

development, you wiu receive a 'go. ahead' o.n be in upper and IDwer case letters and

In additiDn to Game Replays, we are

it, plus o.ur standard "Poo.rand Obscure" underlined (eg. Russian Campaign).
interested in what we call the CDmmander's
contract (yo.U didn'tthink yo.u'd get "Rich and Game and prDduct reviews should be 500
No.tebDo.k, Qr o.ther <ho.W to. play' articles.
Famous" designing little wargames did to 850 wDrds in length, presented in a brief,
These discuss game strategies, tactics, rules
yo.u?). The pay scale varies, but it is aro.und capsulized fQrmat (see the adjo.ining review subtleties, tricks, etc. The best Qf these type o.f

$130.00 per game design, plus a ro.yalty if we fo.rmat guidelines). We are rwt IDoking fDr fDr
analyses CQver not Dnly what is best/Dptimum
ever publish it separately ' as a bo.xed game in-depth analysis in a game review, merely play, but also. ShDW why the suggested
(don't ho.ld yo.ur' breath). YQu'll o.we us two. brief concise descriptiDns Df games. Variants
strategies and tactics are best by examining
playtest copies o.f the game, plus a historical o.f all sizes, but particularly shDrt variants,

a lot of
alternative appro.aches to the game. In Dther
backgro.und article as well as designer's clarificatiDns and o.ptional rules running
wQrds, they are true analyses. This type Df
no.tes. We'll o.we yo.u the mo.ney, yo.ur name in frDm 350 to' 1600 wDrds are particularly article requires exhaustive playtesting, but is
the credits, and five co.pies o.f the game welcQme; as are full blDwn scenariDS and
Qften the most rewarding.
(presumably fo.r yo.ur mo.ther). "mega-variants" (with cardstDck CDmpDn-
ents). Note that a "wDrd" is defined as five
send to you. The Editor controls the
various magazine Department Editors,
assignments, with the assistance of thõ

let you know if a review copy is available to

payment, pleÂse con¿act the Editor, who will
ownership of ¿he review copy as well as
reviewers. If you would like to write for
available at the offrce for established game

stamped, self addressed post, card for an

immediate appraisal response.

sent to: Editor, Pete Flahive, P.O. Box 8399,

Long Beach, CA 90808. Please include a
upon publication. All submissions should be
BATTLEPLAN currently pays l.5g per word
consideration for publication elsewhere.
ously published or concurrently submitted for

none of the material is copyrighted, previ-
submitting an article, the author affrrms that
become the property of this magazine. In

mar, syntax, and spelling.

New World Dictionary on matters of gram-
and White's Elements of Style, and Webster's
to Fowler's Modern English Usage, Strunk

facsimile of the writer's agreement, left, must

ities ofarticle acceptance. The Editors defer

also be included with the article.

t¿d title, and the date submitted. A completed

author's name (as you wish it to be pub-

ded with all submissions and contain the

writers, so only send us copies ofyour work,

lished), address, telephone number, sugges-

are best to start with and easier for us to
articles are still welcome, but shorter articles
noú originals. A cover sheet should be inclu-

letters plus a space, or sir characters. Longer

ents). Note that a *word" is defined as hve
*mega-variants" (with
welcome, as are full blown scenarios and
from 350 to 1600 words are particularly
clarifications and optional rules running
of all sizes, but particularly short variants,
brief concise descriptions of games. Variants
in-depth analysis in a game review, merely
format guidelines). We are nol looking for for
capsulized format (see the adjoining review
to 850 words in length, presented in a brief,

underlíned (eg. Russian Campaign).

be in upper and lower case letters and
(nol justified!) and bu¡st. Game titles should

computer printed with a dark ribbon on white

Computer printouts should be ragged right
paper, double-spaced, and amply margined.

deyelopment and game balance.

favoriLes are particularly desired , however,

variety and less 'experimental" in terms of
they should be more of the 'play-tested"

scenarios to both new releases and old

releases (for current reviews). Variants and
letters plus a space, Qr six characters. LQnger
While virtually any suggested change to
Return With Article Submissions for articles are still welcDme, butsho.rter articles
Some review copies of certain games are

a game is a variant for it, we are

All artieles submitted automatically

Ease of editing will increase probabil-


Game and product reviews should be 500

Manuscripts should be typewritten or

BATTLE PLAN magazine are best to start with and easier for us to interested in brief, intelligent variants.
AGREEMENT publish.
These might be Df the Quick and Dirty
This agreement between BA TTLE- SubmissiDns will nDt be returned to' variety (112 - 1 112 ms. pages), which are just a
PLAN magazine, a divisio.n o.f Diverse writers, sO. Dnly send us copies of YDur wQrk,
few sentences Dr paragraphs suggesting an
Talents, Inc., with its address at 5374 rwt o.riginals. A CQver sheet shDuld be inclu- o.ptiDnal rule Dr .changes to., existing rules.
Village Road in Long Beach, CA 90808, ded with all submissiDns and cDntain the
will not be ret,urned to

and: Alternately, they might be more cDmprehen-

author's name (as YDU wish it to' be pub- sive revisiQns Df already existing . popular
lished), address, telephQne number, sugges-
wargames running from 3-7 ms. pages or
cardstock compon-

Print your name here

ted title, and the date submitted. A cDmpleted more.
(hereafter knDwn as AuthQr) Qf: facsimile Dfthe writer's agreement,left, must
also be included with the article. SCENARIOS:
Ease Df editing will increase pro.babil- ScenariQs are cDmplete 'games within
. Insert title of article submitted ities Df article acceptance. The Editors defer
(hereafter knDwn as WQrk). games.' They usually cDnsist Df listing

to FDwler's MQdern English Usage, Strunk alternate Qrders Df battle and victQry
WiTNESSETH and White's Elements DfStyle, and Webster's cQndi tiDns. OccasiDnally, an Ddd chart o.r
New WQrld Dictio.nary Qn matters Qf gram-
1. The Author affirms that no portion of the Work has table is required to rQund Qut the CDmpQnents
been previously published, except for citations of mar, syntax, al.1d spelling. fo.r a standard game Scenario. article. Length
portions of the work indicated to be such with due All articles submitted autQmatically
attribution. may vary, but shQuld be abQut 3-7ms pages.
described i¡nder Game Design for BATTLE-
limitat,ions description as previously
telling on the length, but the components

and tables, game cards, etc. There's

the magazine such as counters, maps, charts
additional game components be created by
above, except that they often require

becDme the prQperty of this magazine. In

nr¿st conform to the physical production

for a standard game Scenario article. Length

may vary, but should be about 3-7ms pages.

table is required to round out the components

conditions. Occasionally, an odd chart or
alternate orders of battle and victory
games.' They usually consist of listing

sive revisions of already existing papular
Alternately, they might be rnore comprehen-
optional rule or changes to. oristing rules.
few sentences or paragrapþs suggesting an

These might be of the Quick and Dirty

varíety (ll2 - I l/2 ms. pages), which are just a

interesl,ed in brief, intelligent variants.

a game is a variant for it, we are more
oft,en the most
article requires exhaustive playtesting, but is
words, they are true analyses. This type of

strategies and tacticÊ are best by eramining

alternative approaches to the game. In oùher

play, but also show why the suggested

analyses cover not only what is besVoptimum
subtleties, tricks, etc. The best ofthese type of
These disôuss game strategies, tactics, rules
Notebook, or other'how to play'articles.
interested in what we call the Commander's


a good, solid

consti¿ute this type of analysis article. A

tables, die rolls, etc. almost entirely
spaces and unit locations, combat regrlts
reader must úeally have felt like he has read

examples of play, indicating specific board

considered as well.

fbr a short Game Replay, although longer

pieces like those used in The General

Generally, S-7 ms. page length is about right

2. The Author affirms that no portion of this Work is
concurrently submitted for consideration for publication submitting an article, the authDr affirms that
nDne Qf the material is cDpyrighted, previ-
These babies are like lhe ones described

Scenarios are complete 'games within

While virtually ony suggest€d change to

In addition to Game Replays, v/e are

These babies are like the Qnes described

Try an ad in the Ganrér's Guide

8. Should the Work be published in BATTLEPLAN. it Qusly published Dr cQncurrently submitted for
shall be understood and agreed that the Author wi)) be abQve, except that they Qften require
People Read Small Ads.

cDnsideratiQn fQr publicatiQn elsewhere.

ClasifÌed secüion today.

compensated upon such publicatio~ at the most recently additio.nal game components be created by
running from 3-7 ms. pases or

published honorarium rate. BA TTLE PLAN currently pays 1.5¢ per wQrd
'test driveo ofthe game.

the magazine such as cDunters, maps, charts

4. ~ Should the Work be accepted for publication in upDn publicatiDn. submissiQns should be An
You rlust. Didl


BATTLEPLAN magazine, the Author assigns all his and tables, game cards, etc. There's is no.
sent to: Editor, Pete Flahive, P.O. BQX 8399,
rights, title and interest in the Work to BATTLEPLAN telling o.n the length, but the components
magazine, or its assigns, absolutely. Long Beach, CA 90808. Please include a must CQnfDrm to' the physical prDductiDn
stamped, self addressed post card for an
limitatiDns descriptio.n as previously

Date Submitted: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ immediate appraisal resPo.nse. described under Game Design fDr BA TTLE-
Some review cQpies Df certain games are
Social Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLAN.
available at the Qffice fQr established game '
reviewers. If yo.U WQuld like to write fDr
Author's Address:
ownership Qf the review copy as well as
payment, please CQntact the Editor, who will People Read SmaJi Ads.
You Just Didl
let yQU kno.w if a review copy is available to
will be

City: _ _~_ State: __ Zip: _ __ Try an ad in the Gamer'S Guide

send to yo.u. The Editor cDntrDls the writing . Clasified ~ection today.

assignments, with the assistance o.f the

variDus magazine Department Editors.
No gu.stior
B(ua ¡ioulation)

or', ln Europo (Omo3â)

No quertion

D (thc rFaphicc)
C (tbe rolss)
G (mo¡sy's mrth)

E (overall)
C (the nlo¡)
G (nonsy'¡ rtrth)
F (¡olitaiF)
E (ov¡nll)
D (the ¡raphic)


ul l¡t tùe De¡er!


úp¡¡lü for Nortù Afrlca

E (ovonll)
D (the Snpbice)
C (the rulås)
No qugstio!
F (¡olitaiE)



o quo¡tion
. F

C (tb€ rulos)
. B(a¡a¡imulatio¡)

. E (ovonll)
. D (th3 gt¡phic.)
. C (th8 n¡lor)


o qùestion
. G (Doosy'¡



(thê rulo¡)


c &ont

(EoDsy'r PoÉt)

(th. rol€3)

(the Sraphics)
(money's mÉh)

(th6 nles)

(a6 ô gsn€)
(ths ¡rtphics)
(úomy'r Forth)
No quostion

C (Doney'E m¡th)

E (ovenll)
D (ths gnpbic¡)
F (Eolitair€)

(Eoråyb worth)

lOdo (The

Vlctory 0{ert

Gunl of Auru1t (AH) 112. No question
in seeing the game produced a8 a mini-

33. A (as a lame)
wargame in a future iS8ue ofBattle plan. 34. B (as a simulation) Team Yankee (GDW)

Feedback Questions 27. Surrender in Italy. An operational game of 35. C (the rules)
36. 0 (the il'8phics)
113. A (as a rame)
114. B (as a simulat.ion)

the final days in April of 1945 in Northern 11r>. C (t.he rules)

P¡t¡ô!', Bcrt
182, D (thc gtapbiæ)
181. C (tb€ ruloô)
180. B(úa¡iEulålion)
K¡nev (S&T)

13ó. G (mo¡ey'¡ sorth)

19,1. F (ælit¡iro)
199. B (ovo¡all)
l8?. A(a¡ s gre€)

196. No qucetioa
1¿0. D (th€ ¡irâpÀics)
189. C (tbo rulss)
198. B (as ¡ si¡ûu¡âtion)
37. E (overa\l)


144. No quå6tion
1,11. E (ovemll)
1,t6, B (as a simulatiôl)
Itlrd ßelch,lth Ert. (Avelo¡

1,18. Ð
147. C

lõó. C (the rule¡)

r04. D (the graphiø)
1G3. C (the nle¡)


t6Þ. Bta¡asimulation)
January / February 1988

(Gå¡de GaEas)
Bluo Posdwô Grey

Issue #5

172. D (the gEphi6)
171. C (th€ rules)
176. No quê6tio!
1?ó. G (EoDey's frrih)
17,1. F (þlitaiÉ)
1?3. E (ovoÉll)
Italy. Six kilometers 'per hex, commandoes, 3S. F (solitaire) 116.0 (t.he graphical
117. E (overal\)

No quostio!
G (úonoy'¡ worth)
F (rolibim)
E (ovorôll)
39. G (money's worth)

D(thê grtphi6)
marines, tiger tanks, paratroops,

No quôstioD
E (ov6rall)
No quertion
G(Bonsy's mrth)
F (¡olitairr)
E (ovenll)
118. F (solitaire)

(tbe n¡le¡)

(tho frâphic¡)
How to use thi Feedback Response Card: entrenchments, air, artillery, lots of 40. No question
119. G (money's worth)

Poaco (¡lvalot
After you've finished reading this issue of nationalities in regiment/battalion size. Alsault on Singapore (S&T) 120. No question
Battleplan, please read the I"eedback

41. A (as a lame)

questions below, and give us your answers by 28. Beirut: '82. The I.D.F. and their relucant 42. 8 (as a simulation) Raid on St. Name (AH)
Phalange allies vs. the P.L.O. and Syria. 43. C (the rules) 121. A (as a rame)
writing the answer-numbers on the card in 122. 8 (as a simulation)

Victory would recreate the politics of the 44. 0 (the il'8phics)

the response boxes which correspond to each 45. E (overall) , 123. C (the rules)
questions number. The response card is to siege. Battalion units, dummy counters and 46. F (solitaire) 124. D (the jp'aphics)
special "terrorist" units. Unlike most two- 125. E (overall)
your right, on the bottom corner. 47. G (money's worth)
126. F (solitaire)
player games, diplomacy is possible! 48. No question
127. G (money's worth)
Please be sure to answer all questions (but do 128. No question
not write anything in the box for question- 29. Intercept One. An engrossing card game of Top Gun (F ABA)
moder air to air combat. Playable in 20 - 25 49. A (as a game) ,
numbers labeled "no question"). Your 50. B (as a simulation) Patton'. Beat (Avalon Hill)
answers will help steer Fire & Movement and minutes with a lot of replay value. Moderate 51. C (the rules) 129. A (as a "ame)
complexity, easily updated in future issued of 130. B (as a simulation)
Battleplan magazines, which will, in turn, 52. 0 (the fraphics)
131. C (the rules)
Battleplan. 53. E (overall)
help steer the hobby. M. F (solitaire) 132. D (theil'8phics)

30-32 No Question. 55. G (money's worth) 133. E (overall)

What the numbers mean: When answering
Oircle.Re¡¡ler $ervice # !

56. No questiQn 134. F (solitaire)

questions, "0" or a dash "-" always means NO 135. G (money's worth)
OPINION or NOT APPLICABLE. When a Victory In Europe (Ome"a) 136. No question
question requires a "yes or no" answer, "1" 57. A (as a "ame)
58. 8 (as a simulation)
means YES and "2" means NO. When the 59. C (the rules) 137. A (as a "ame)
question is a rating question, "1" is the 60. 0 (the fraphics) 138. B (as a lIimulation)
WORST rating, "9" is the BEST rating, "5" is 61. E (ov\lral\) 1S9. C (t.he rules)
The results of the following que8tions comprise 140. D (the graphics)
anA VERAGE rating, and all numbers in 62. F (solitaire)
tM statistics in the Fire & Movement Games 63. G (money's worth) 141. E (overall)
between express various shades of approval or Rating Chart. After each game title there are 64. No question 142. F (solitaire)
disapproval. 148. G (money's worth)
six questions lettered ....A" through ..../i"'. 144. No quest.ion
2nd Fleet (Victory)
The following questions ask you to rate the Unless otherwise rwted, these questions are 65. A (as a game)
articles in this issue {1 =poor; 9 =excellent; answered with a ....1" (poor) through ....9" 66. 8 (ali a simulation) War and Peace (Avalon
(excellent) rating. 67. C (the rules) Hill)
0= no opinion}. Be sure to rate the article, not 145. A (as a game)
68. D (the graphics)
the game, book or product reviewed! Question A- What did you think of the game's 69. E (overall) 146. 8 (as a simulation)
147. C (the rules)
1. Editorial play balance and "excitement level" (was it 70. F (solitaire)
148. D (the graphics)
challenging and interesting for both sides)? In 71. G (money's worth)
2. Two New Squad Leader Scenarios 72. No question 149. E (overall)
3. Russian Campaign II strategies effect, how was it as a game? 150. F (solitaire)
Arctic Front (GDW) 151. G (money's worth)
4. Assault on Singapore scenarios Question B- What did you think of the game's 152. No quest.ion
73. A (as a "arne)
5. Top Gun in the Med campaigns perceived realism (does it "feel" historically 74. B (as a simulation)
6. Victory in Europe scenarios Third Reich 4th Ed. (Avalon
accw-ate)? Inefi'ect, how was it as an historical 75. C (the rules)
7. Added Fuel to A World in Flames simulation? 76. 0 (the graphics)
153. A (as a game)
77. E (overall)
8. Dance of the Vampires 78. F (solitaire) 154. B (as a simulation)
9. Remember the Maine strategies Question C- What did you think of the quality , 155. C (the rules)
79. G (money's worth)
10. Guns of August mega-variant and "completeness" of the game's rules (was SO. No question 156. D (the graphical
everything thoroughly explained, including 157. E (overall)
11. Rodger MacGowan interview 158. F (solitaire)
12. Deul in the DesertlN. Africa Campng examples and illustrations)? UDeulln the Desert (The
159. G (money's worth)
13. Last Panzer Victory errata Question D- What did you think of the Sl . A (as a game) 160. No question
14. More Panzer Victories physical quality of the game's components 82. B (as a simulation)
Onslaught (SPI)
15. Historical Research - Why & How 83. C (the rules)
(map, box, counter, art & illustrations, rules 84. 0 (the graphics) 161. A (as a game)
16. Gamer's Guide Classifieds book, and/or CRT screen displays for 85. E (overall) 162.8 (as a simulation)
17. Feedback Forum 163. C (the rules)
computer games)? 86. F (solitaire)
164. D (the graphics)
IS. Issue Overall S7. G (money's worth)
Question E- What did you think of the game 88. No question 165. E (overall)
166. F (solitaire)
19. Was this issue better than the last one? overall, both as a game and as an historical 167. G (money's worth)
Last Victory (West
20. Assume that you don't subscribe to simulation on a given topic and scale as well End Games) 168. No question
Battleplan. Would the quality of this issue as the physical product quality? The single 89. A (as a game)
Blue Powdwe Grey Smoke
value at which you rate this must be 90. B (as a simulation)
(Garde Games)
21. Did you send in the feedback card for your 91. C (the rules)
considered as a synthesis of these elements, 92. D (the graphics) 169. A (as a game)
last issue of Battleplan? and the game's success at merging them. 93. E (overall) 170. B (as a siinulation)
94. F (solitaire) 171. C(the rules)
22. Since last issue, how much of your Question F- How would your rate the Solitaire 95. G (money's worth) 172. 0 (the graphical
wargaming is done on a computer? 1 = none; . Playability of the game on a 1 = none to 96. No question 173. E (overal\)
2 =very little; ... 5 =half; ... 9 = all. 9 = perfectly suitable for solitaire play scale. 174. F (solitaire)
Campaign for North Africa 175. G (money's worth)
23. Since last issue, how much of your This represents the ease of getting the (SPI) 176. No question
wargaming is played solitaire? 1 = none; maximum amount of the enjoyment and 97. A (as a game)
2 = very little; ... 5 = half; ... 9 = all. learning from the game systems through 98. B (as a simulation)
solitaire play. 99. C (the rules)
24. No question. 100. D (the graphics)
Question G- Did you receive your money's 101. E (overall)
The following questions concern current worth for the game? (1 = Yes; 2=No). 102. F (solitaire)
wargaming hobby trends and issues. 103. G (money's worth)
[fyour have not played these games, or have 104. No question
25. Are you currently a subscriber to The rwt played them erwugh to be able to accurately Dunkirk 1940 (The
Wargamer? evaluate them, simply place O's or dashes ( -) Wa!'iamer)
26. No question. in all the boxes. 105. A (as a "ame)
106. B (as a simulation)
Rate the following proposed Battleplan mini- 107. C (the rules)
wargames on a 1 to 9 scale, with 1,2, or 3 little 108. 0 (the ~phic.)
interest in seeing the game; 4,5, or 6 109. E (overall)
110. F (solitaire)
indicating some interest in seeing the game; 111. G (money's worth)
and 7. 8, or 9 indicating considerable interest
The Fire && Movement
The Fire Movementlndependent
Independent Games Chart
Rating Chart
Games Rating
a game of Statistical Reviews
Statistical Reviews

Wbrld Whr III

The Fire && Movement
The Fire Movement Independent
Independent Games
Games Rating Chart began
Rating Chart began accumulating
accumulating and publishing data
and publishing data in April of
in April of 1987.
198?. The
The top
top 60
60 wargames
wargames of of
all epochs,
all epochs, scales and types
scales and types appear
appear combined in order
herein, in
combined herein, ofthe
order of rating in
highest rating
the highest in the Overall catagory.
the Overall catÃ,goty. Games ¿¿rú appearing
Garnes not appearing on tliis chart
on this chart
would be
would for reasons
be for reasons of
ofage (most pre-April
age (most pre-April 1987
1987 wargames),
wargames), availability (out-of-print and
availability (out-of-print and hard-to-find
hard-to-frnd games)
games) and,
and, of course, low
ofcourse, low ratings.

Title lisher Game

Re· Com-
Com· As a Rules Yes,
## Game Title
Game ïiï Cost
,lü1" lease
o-^ .
Scale Epoch
l'yp€ Type Game
o"" $ål-åTii
c"-" lation ity phlcs
lation ity
o,",- got$'s
subjec,Game As a Simu· Qual· Gra· Over·
phlcs all
alt worth
11 Destroyer
"*, ityitv
Captain QDG
Destroyer Captain $19 M
1982 $19 M Tac WWII
Sea HBW 8.00
8.00 7.57
7.57 7.43
7.43 7.00
7.OO 7.86 ...*
QDG 1982 7.86
Paratrooper (ASL) AH AH 1986 $15 HH Tac
1986 $15 Tac WWII Land HBW
WWII Land HBW 7.86
?.86 7.00
7.00 7.29 8.57 7.86
7.29 8.57 7.86 ...*
33 RoyalNavy
Royal Navy QDG QDC 1984 $20 M
1984 $20 wwil Sea
M Tac Sea HBWHBW 7.77
?.77 7.54
7.54 7.23
7.23 7.15
7.15 7.77
7.77 100%
4 Dunkirk 1940 3W 1987 $9 L Opr WWII Land HBW 8.14 7.29 7.29 8.00 7.71 ...
GDW's exciting game of tactical combat in Europe has arrived. You command the elements 55 Korean War
Korean War VG 1986 $24
VG 1986 $24 MM opr
Opr Korea
Korea Land
Land HBW
HBW 7.26
7.26 7.38
7.38 7.65
7.65 7.97
7.97 7.68 88*
7.68 88%
of Team Yankee in their desperate mission to hold out against the Soviet onslaught. As team 66 Empires in Arms AH
in Arms AH 1986 35 H
l 986 $35 Str Napol
H Str N HBW 7.84
L,/Pol HBW
LlPol 7 7.24
7.24 6.87 7.51 7.67 96% *
Storm Over Arnhem AlI 1982 $16 L-M Tac WWII Land HBW 8.56 6.22 8.44 8.67 7.67 ...
leader it is your responsibility to out-fight and out-maneuver the Soviets in a game which faithful- 88 Silent Service MP
Silent Service MP 1986
1986 $35
$35 M M Tac
Sea ÍIC,W 7.63
7.63 7.00
7 .00 7.33 7.65 94%
7.50 7.65
7.33 7.50 94%
ly recreates the uncertainty and action of the best-selling novel. Team Yankee features Jump 9I RAF WEG
RAF 1986 $20 M
WEG 1986 M Str
Air HBW 7.94
?.94 6.68
6 7.56
7 7.65 7.59 97%
10 The Civil War ar VG 1983 $18 M Str ACW Land HBW 7.67 7.83 7.42 7.96 7.58 96%
Start@ rules which let you start playing right away! $24.00 at hobby Ate Aces Nova
Ate of Aces Nova 1980 I-L Tac
$20 I-L
1980 $20 Tac WWI Air
WWI rIDW 8.17
.Air HDW 8.17 6.58
6.58 7.50 7.58 92%
7.33 7.58
7.50 7.33 92%
stores and many fine Waldenbook stores, or direct from GDW. Write Air& Armor WEG
Air & Armor r986 $22
WEG 1986 22 M-F Modern AIL
M.F Opr Modern l^/L, HBW 7.42 7.25 6.67 7.42 7.58 100%
13 World in Flames ADG 1985 1 $45 F-H Str WWII LSA HBW 7.48 6.95 6.48 7.43 7.57 90%
for our free catalog. 14
14 Advanced Squad
Squad Leader AH 1985 1985 $45
$45 H Tac WWII Land HBWÍtBw 7.22
7.22 7.00
7.00 7.67 7.44 67%
8.56 7.44
7.67 8.56 67%
Wooden Ships & &I.M.
I. M. AH 19751975 $14t4 M Tac Napl Sea HBW
Sea HBW 7.38
7.38 7.06 7.16 6.81 7.44 100%
16 Gettysburg: Turning Pt. SSI 1986 $60 L-F Opr ACW Land HCW 7.60 6.87 7.07 7.00 7.33 93%
17 War tn Europe SPI
ar in SPI 1976
1976 $50 M-F Opr WWII Land HBW
$50 M-F IIBW 7.86
7.86 6.29
6.29 5.86 729 .
6.14 7.29
5.86 6.14 ..
18 Crescendo of Doom I
m AH 1980 18 HH Tac WWII
$18 W'WII Land HBW 7.31I 7.19 6.81 7.94 7.25 94%
19 Squad Leader AH 1977 $20 M-F Tac WWII Land HBW 7.70 6.88 6.60 8.00 7.24 96%
20 Fredrick the Great AH 1983 r983 $12
$12 M M Str Pre-N ap Land HBW
S¿r Pre-Nap HBW 6.89
6.89 7.44
7.44 7.22
7.22 6.56 7.11 89%
6.56 7.11 89%
21 Diplomacy AH 1976$17 r976 t7 II Str wwr Land HBG
WWI HBG 7.70
7 ?0 4.50
4_50 6.90 6.80 7.10 90%
Cobra TSR 1984 $20 M Opr WWII Land HBW 7.40 6.90 6.60 6.60 7.10 100%
23 AHouseDivided
A House Divided GDW 1981 $12 II Str
GDW 1981 Str ACW
ACW Landtand HBWHBW 8.13
8.13 5.33
5.33 7.29
7.29 6.50 7.08 96%
6.50 7.08 96%
24 A
AirCav WEG 1985 $20 20 M M Tac
Tac Modern
Modern LlAUA HBW IiBW 7.11 6.68 6.68 6.79 7.05 84%
Caesar / Alesia AH 1976 $14 L-M Opr Ancient Land HBW 7.62 6.62 6.81 6.57 7.05 90%
26 Last Battles Quad TSR 1985
Nap Last 1985 $20 L Opr opt Napol Land
Land HBWHBW 7.24
7.24 6.47
6.47 7.18 6.94 7.00
?.18 6.94 7.00 100%
Patton Goes to War S&T s&T 1987
1 987 $8 M Opr WWII Land HBW 7.09 6.45 6.00 7.82 7.00 100%
AirLand Battle Omega mega 1986 $30 F Opr Modern AIL HBW 7.14 7.86 6.86 5.57 7.00
7 7 t00%
29 Terrible S. Sword 2ed
Terrible 2ed TSR 1986 $35 FF Tac Tac ACW Land Land HBWIIBW 6.98
6.98 7.20
7.20 6.68
6.68 5.85 6.98 90%
5.8õ 6.98 90lr
30 The Russian Campaign AH 1976 r976 $14t4 LL Str
WWU LandLand HBW 7.50 6.18 6.95 6.45 6.93 93% 93*
31 Dauntless AH 1981 $16 M Tac WWII Air HEW 7.06 7.25 6.56 6.38 6.88 100%
32 Rommel in the Desert CGI 1984 $19 $19 L-M WWII Land
L-M Opr WWII Land HBWHBW 7.93
7.93 6.07
6.07 6.57 6.86 79%
? .00 6.86
6.57 7.00 79%
33 Flight Leader AH A}I 1986 $26 26MM Tac Modern Air HBW HBW 7.03
7.03 6.35
6.35 6.39
6.39 7.29 6.77 77%
7 .29 6.77
34 BattleFront SSG 1986 $40 M Opr WWII Land HeW 7.48 6.30 6.39 6.96 6.74 87%
Assault GDW 1983 $16 M
Assault GDW Tac Modern Land
M Tac Land HBWt{BW 6.58
6.58 6.58
6.58 6.32
6.32 6.79 6.74 79%
6.75 6.74
36 Remember the Maine Maine S&TS&T 1986 $8 M M Tac 19th C. I"/S HBW
US 7.00 7.43
HBW 7.00 7.43 6.86
6.86 6.43 6.71 *
6.43 6.71 ..
37 Victory intn the Pacific AH 1977 $14 L Str WWII Sea HBW 6.94 4.44 6.44 5.81 6.69 100%
38 Axis & Allies MB MB 1984 $35935 L Srr WWII LAS IIBW
L Str 7.41 3.27
HBW 7.41 3.27 6.77 7.68 6.64
6.77 7.68 6.64 86%
Wellington's 's Victory TSR 19841 M-F Tac Napol Land HBW
$311 M-F HBW 6.64 7 l8 6.64 7.18
6.64 7.18 7 6.64 91%
40 St. Lo WEG 1986$17 M Opr WWII Land HBW 6.17 7.13 7.26 6.87 6.48 87%
41 Third Reich
Third Reich AH 1974 $18 Ì{
r974 $18 H Str
Str }VWll
T.AS HBW 7.27 6.09 5.64 6.36 6.45
7.'27 6.09 91%
6.45 9t%
42 Fortress America MB 1986
Fortress I $35 L L Str
Str Future UA FBW FBW 6.75
6.75 3.83 6.92 8.17 l7 6.42 75%
43 Midway AH 1964 $14 L Opr WWII AlS HBW 6.77 5.62 7.15 5.85 6.31 85%
44 Battle
Battle For Moscow GDW
For Moscow 1986 g0
GDW 1986 $0 II S¿rStr WWII
WWII Land HBW HBW 6.80
6.80 5.40
5.40 7.40 6.20 620
7.40 6.20 6.20 100%
45 Supreamacy SG 1984 1984 $35 I-LI-L Str
Str Modern
Modern US HFW HFW 6.77 3.92 6.08 6.85 6.15 62%
46 PanzerArmeermee Afrika All 1982 $16 M Opr WWII Land HEW 6.33 5.87 6.13 5.07 6.13 73%
47 PanzerBlitz
PanzerBlitz AH l9?0 1970 Sl8 L-M Tac WWII
$18 L-M WWII Land
Land HBWHBW 7.08 5.00 6.69 6.54 6.08
5.00 6.69 6.08 92to
49 War
War at Sea AH 1976 $10
at Sea l0 I Str WWIIWWII Sea
Sea HBWHEW 7,04
7.04 3.36 6.76 6.40 6.00 88%
Afrika Korps rps AH 1964 $14 4 L Opr WWII Land HBW 5.54 4.54 7.31 5.46 6.00 92%
Leader AII
Panzer Leader AH 198r
1981 $1 L-M Str WWII
$17I L-M WWII Land HBW HBW 6.64 5.45 6.64 6.45 6.00
6.64 6.45 6.00 9lEo
Air Force ATI AH l1980
980 $166 M Tac WWII
M Tac WWII Air I{BHBW 6.50 6.50 6.806.80 5.30 6.00
6.00 90%
War and Peace AH 1980 $16 M Str Napol LIS HBW 5.71 5.43 5.43 5.86 C.OO ..
53 Napoleon &
Napoleon & Archduke 3W 1986 1986 S9$9 M Opr Napol Land
M Opt Land HBW 6.03 6.24 5.66 5.10 5.80
HEW 6.03 5.80 83%
54 Hitler's Cowlterstroke TF'G TFG 1986
1986 $1010 L-M Opr WWII Land HR HBW 6.13 5.75 6.00 5.00 5.88
75 6.00 75%
5.88 75Eo
55 Risk! PB 11958 $30 I Str Napol Land HDG 7.29 2.68 6.68 5.77 5.84 94%
56 Luftwaffe AH
Luftwafle AH 1958 $11$11 II op. Land FBW
Opr Modern Land FBW 5.67 5.6? 6.00 5.73 5.67
5.67 6.00 5.67 80%
57 rossa TSR
Barbarossa 1986 $30 FF Str WWII Land HtsW
TSR 1986 5.76 5.86 5.50 6.14 5.50
HBW 5.?6 5.50 79%
58 Stratego MB 1961 $20 I ? 19th e. Land HBW 6.25 1.75 6.71 5.36 5.43 89%
59 Struggle for Stalingrad 3W
StruggleforStalingrad 3W 1985
1985 $9 L-M Opr
$9 L-M Opr WWII
Land HBWHBW 5.58 4.?1
4.71 4.42 4.25 5.00
4.42 4.25 5.00 63%
Battalion Commander SSI 1985 $40 I Tac WWII Land HCW 5.88 4.19 5.25 4.00 5.00 50%
Abbreuwtion Xøy;
AbbreuøtíatL Publisher; AlfG=Australian
Key: Publrsher; ADG :0::. Austrahan DesigD AH =Avalon Hill,
Group, AH=Avalon
DeSIgn Qreup, Hill, CGf=Columbia Garnes, Ìnc.,
CGI :::::Columbia Games, Inc., GD\{=Game
GDW =Game Desrgnem Workshop, MB=Miltoû
DeSIgners \{orkshop, MB=Milton Bradley,
Bradley, Mp:Microprose
Software, Nova-Nova
Software, Nova :..·Nova Gaoe DeSIgns, Omega=Omega
Game Designs, Garnes, PB=Parke¡
Omega::.. Omega Oames, Rothers, PG=Pantber
PB =Parker Rothers, PG= Panther Games,
Games, QDG=Quarterdeck
QDG..::.... Quarterdeck Games, SG =Supreamacy Cames,
Games, SG=Supreamacy SPI:..· Simulations publidtiou,
Games, SpI=siouiations Publication,
Inc., SSC=Strategic
IDc., Studies Group, SSI=Strategic
SSG = Strategic Studies Group, Stil=Strategic Simulatrons,
SimulatIOns. lÂc., S&T=Strategy &
Inc., S&1=Strategy & Tactics magazine, TFG=
Tactics Eagaziûe, TFG= Task Task Fom
Force Games,
Games, TSR=TSR,
TSR=TSR, Inc., Inc., VG:Victory
VG=Victory Games,
Games, WEG:West
WEG=West Eod End
Games, 3W ",:;:World Wide Wargames. !k1ease Year::::: Year the game was released by Its current publisher. Complexity (level of rules complexity relative to other wargames); I=Indroductory,
L:l¿w, M=Moderate, F:Fairly
L=Low, M=Moderate, complex, H=Highly
F=Fairly compler, complex; aa dash
H:::::Highly compler; indicates aa varyirg
dash iDdicaies of conplãriç
range of
varying mnge complexity. $ggþ;Scale; S?R:Straiegic, OPR=Operational, îAC:îactical.
STR=Strategic, OPR:OperatioDal, TAC=Tactical. EpocújEpoch;
õAmê Medvl:Medieval, Renn=Rennasslance. Pre-Nap:Pre-Napoleooic,
Medvl=Medieval, Renn=R¿nnassiance, Pre-Nap=Pre·Napoleonic, Napl=Napoleonic, ACW=Amencan Civil
Napl=Napoleonic, ACW=Âmencan Civil War,
War, lStb C. &
18tb C. 19th C.=l8th
& lgth C.=18tb andand lgth
19th Ce;tur,
Century. rsp€ctivìy,
respectivly, WWj=Worlã-Fir
WWI = World War
One, W¡fflI=World
Ooe, WWll=World Wa¡ War Two.
Two_ Subiect
Subiect_1::i~=Subject; L.=Land, A.=Ar¡,
Tvpe=Subject; L.=Land, A.=Alr, S=Sea,
S=Sea, E E or Econ = Economic, P
or Ecoa=Economic, P oror Poi=Political. Game Tyre
Pol=Political. Game Type (a three le$ei
(a three letter codi);
code); lst letta: H=Hi6toriæ1,
],t ietrer H=Historical,
F=Futuristic or Modernfhypothetical; 2nd letter: B=&ard, C=Computer, R=Role·playing, P=Play-by-Mall. D=Card or otber type of game; 3rd letler: W=Wargame, G=Geo·political
simulation. The remaming catugor~::; are rated OTt a 1 (poor) to 9 (excellent) ::ocate: Al:i a Game =play balance and "excitement level." AI3 a SimulatIOn = perceived realism and historical "feeL" Rules
~=quality and completeness, Including examples and illustrations. Grapbics=map, counter, and box art, computer screen displays, rules layout, etc. Yes, Got $'5 worth=percentage
responding that
responding that they received Lh€ir
they recerved theIr money's worth with
money's worth with tbe
the pu¡chase game, ** d¿uotes
this gaoe,
of this
purchase of the game
denotes the was rated
game was rated by
by aa suruey
survey of
of prcfessional reviewers ;ho-reõü-F!ævìew
professional reviereÉ who receive free review copie-s.

GDWffi¡gr:t Ovêrall = syolhisis

Overall-= synthisis of game, simulatrrn,
ofgame, simulatlOll, rules
rules and graphics quality.
and graphics quality.

\ryE DO I

'!?e were
We understandably proud when GETTYSBURG: The
were understandably
Tumíng Point~
Turning won not one,
Poinr" won one, but four prestigious
p¡estigious awards:
•I Origins' Charles Roberts Award, Best Best Military/Strategy
Computer Game. Game. •I Computer
ComÞuter Gaming World's Strategy Game
of the Year. •lFami\
the Year. Family Computing's
Comþuting's Critics' Choice Award, Awarri,
Best Strategy and Tactics Game. Game. •I FireFire &
€l Movement's Computer
Wargame of the the Year.
So what can can SSI do for an
SSI do an encore?
Our game designers went back to the drawing d¡awing board and took rook on
the daunting task task of making an an even better game system.
The result
The the hard
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wo¡k: SHILOH:
hard work: Grant's Trial ín the
Tríøl in West:"
This superb simulation includes three games to ro satisfy
sarisfy all Civil War
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Introductory Game features joystick
The Introductory joystick control to make playing
playing even easier
for the begir.ner. lntermediate and Advanced
beginner. The Intermediate Advanced Games,
Oames, with their progres-
sively more complex
complex rules, will challenge
challenge even the most hardcore of of waf!~amers.
We then
We then lowered
lowered the price to
the price to please everyone's pocketbook.
Refinements in in the game systemsystem include thethe abiliry
ability during play to to switch
berween an overall strategic display and a super-detailed tactical map. Special
morale rules for "green," untried untried troops have also also been added.
ln judging our handiwork, we
In we are
are convinced SHILOH will soon
claim its its own
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space inin our
trophy case.
Look for all our Civil War
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All SSI games
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W • :>





* t d 3 à B * rH'. FHGã *Ë"
ËRËst i$lË The Errata
The Errata Bank
Bank Battleplan
* * Eil È is the
is the source
source for for errata
errata to to in-print
in-print Gift and "Recuiter"
Gift and 16Recruiter16 New Subscription Bonuses!
New Subscription Bonuses!
Ë ==$*i*o=*Ë Ë**ug ååliX and out-of-print
and out-of-print . It It has
has When you
When you get friend (who
get aa friend (who hashas not subscribed to
not subscribed magazine within
Battleplan magazine
to Eatt/eplan within the
as aa gift,
*$*Rsà-'ü ã*no"'5 ; ~ **Ëgåããã
been compiled
been compiled from
and magazine's
the past
the past 15
15 years!
There is
from official
magazine's errata
is aa nominal
official errata
errata from
from over

charge of
nominal charge of FAST
give you
we'll give
new wargame

subscriber to
As a subscriber
extra free
an extra
you an free issue
to Battleplan
magazine . You
wargame magazine.
added to
issue added
that friend
to your
magazine. you
Battleplan magazine,
know the
You know
you aré
value packed
the value
to take a subscription, or buy that friend a subscription yourself as
last year) io take buy a subscription
Battleplan subscription
your Battleplan subscription!
the rlghf
are the
packed intointo every

person to
right person to introduce
issue of
every issue
others to
introduce others
Battleplan, with
of Battleplan,
this exciting
to th¡s
with it's
it's variants,
mini-wargames and and replays. Battleplan is
replays. Ballleplan also an
is also an independent magazine which
independent magazine covers every
which covers

BasùrËg å B6'
25(t pe,
25ç page for
per page for photocopying.
photocopying . scenarios. mini-waigames
scenarios, every
OO~Qt~~~Qt sharing the
oQt....:JQt~o~ È3*gäif! We're looking for
always looking
We're always for errata
scenarios that
wargames . You
company's wargames.
that yòu
You know
are getting
you are getting in
know thatthat your
in every
your wargaming
wargaming buddies
of Eatf/eplan,
Issue of
every issue Battleplan, so
should be sharing
go get
let's go
so let's get them
the new
new variants
variants andand

If' -i":fg donations, too!

donations, too! To
available enata,
To get
errata, write:
free list
get aa free
write: The
list of
The Erra-
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subscription for.
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bonus. we'liextend
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friends andand buy
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buy aa third
subScription (Battleplan
gift subscription
a. gift
(Battleplan rsIS
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FREE! definitely the right gift for any warga mer!). then you'd get three extra issues added on to your Battleplan
úe added to your

gift you'd get three extra on
I t9Hæ ta Bank,
ta Bank, P.O.
P.O. Box Box 98,
98, Station
Station "D,"
"D," defin¡t¿ly right for any wargamerl), then issues Battleplan
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3J5, or
3J5, or call:
call : (416)
Canada M6P
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the fine
Okay. the print isis that
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your rnul
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subscriptions. Furthermore,
gift subscriptions.
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o ctt c.¡t cn o boo 6Lf.ñ would like to know
know moremore about gift
gift subscription.
subscription. ThisThis offer
offer isis only until the publication
good untilthe
only good publication of the next
of the issue of
next issue Battleplan, atat which time itit
which time
o o o a o o o.o5È:¡ you would
IfIf you like to about of Battleplan.

lf \¡6)È æi:.
e'..æ *Ê I!r re-
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Rolling Breakout $3.50
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Fire & Movement
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giver (who must be a current Battleplan
Eattleptan subscriber)
subscriber) . Issue #56 of sister publication,
of our sister publication,
I¡ eceives
eceives a free issue of
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Battleplan added to his subscription
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Movement will be available
Fire & Movement ãvailable

Recruiter G¡ft Giver

Recruiter / Gift
New Subscriber #2
Name _____________________
soon. F&M is the leading

Charles Roberts awards

leading wargame
publication and the winner
review publication
àwards for Best
winner of
of six
Best Profes-
Back issues are
Address ________________________
City _____________ State/Prov.'-
stôte/Prov . _ __ .
Address __________________
c¡ty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State/Prov
City State/Prov _____
siona-l Magazine. The entire hobby of
bg."d and computer
board computer wargaming, along
critical hobby
with critical hobby issues and book
reviews are covered
reviews covered in depth in aa style
available only while

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Subscriber #1
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that others
that others only imitate. F&M
wargame review
F&M is your
reuiew magazine, there to help
critical buying decisions
you make the critical
they last!
Name ______________________
Address ___________________
Name _______________________
Address _____________________
in your hobby.

Issue #56will feature the first in-
depth analysis
analysis of Americaby
of Central America by
Order yours today!!
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Victory Games including
VIctory including extensive
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__________ designer's notes and new
designer's nevy scenarios from .
scenarios from ¡
the designer. Profiles
Profrles include: Fire
Team, Frankfurt(Counter-
Team, Drive on Frankfurt (Counter-
Attack magazine #1 #l issue game), plus a
photospread on GDW's GDW's Team Yankee.
Annual Report issue
It's also the Annual
Name Place
Place covering 1987 (with(with calendar),
calendar), with a Name Place
special year (and hobby) in prospective Addres-s-------------------------
Address 14(
14¢ Address 14¢
theme. An interview with Charles Charles S.
City State/Prov Stamp Roberts begins F&M'sF&M's 30 Years of City State/Pro
State/Provv Stamp
Zip/PC Country
Country Here Wargaming
Wargaming series. -------------
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regular features include
In addition, regular --------
all the latest news in On Point, Point, current
affairs military intelligence
affairs in military intelligence in For
Your Eyes Only, reader feedback
Eyes Only, feedback and
Diverse Talents, Inc.
lnc. playback,
playback, book reviews, and the F&M ORCCON1988
Dept. BPS Top 6060lYargames
Wargames Rating Chart. CharL
Dept. BPP
5374 Village Road
5374Village Movement is available from
Fire & Movement
better game and hobby stores stores every- 5374 Village Road
Long Beach, CA 90808
long where, of of directly from its publisher, Long Beach, CA 90808
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Diverse Talents, Inc. Simply use the
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in this issue of Battleplan to order
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Movement magazine, where
Fire & Movement
armchair Generals, like you,
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There are only three
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Complete 17 _
BATTLEPLAN #5 Feedback
BATTLEPLAN#5F ee db ac kSSurv

Ifll Mailed
in the
Uniled States
certainly buy
Those you'll certainly
because they're on your "topic"
"topic" at your
and return 1I

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"scale" 3 19 35 51
"scale" (i.e., you may
may be someone who r.9 ô1 67
6? 83
8¡t 99 115 131
181 r47
147 183

Civil War
will by every strategic Civil ïVar game 4 20 36 t2
52 68 84
E¡l r00
100 l16
116 tsz
132 l,l8
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frnd); 5 2l
21 37 t3
53 69 85 101
10r 117 133
13f' !49
149 165

Those you'll never play for the
opposite (i.e., you would not be
opposite reason (i.e.,
interested in an operational medieval
Feedback 6












# 1217

naval game no matter how l¿o¡¿ someone
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tried to interest card today! 8I


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6- 72a







And those you might mþht buy.
Perhaps it's a topic you enjoy, 10 26â
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71 90 106 122
L22 138
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enjoy, or an ad
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looked interesting,
interesting, or a friend l1
11 27
2't 43
49 59
ó9 75
?õ 91 r0?
107 r23
123 r39
139 155
1ó5 17t
Diverse Talents, Inc. - recommended it. In any case, you'll I
Reader Service Dept.
Attn: Reader want to read the reviews. Therefore,
72 28 44 60
80 76 92 108 124 tit0
140 lã6
156 172

1S 29 ,tõ
45 6r
61 77 93
98 109 r2ö
125 141 157 173
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128- L44...
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