The History of Stonehenge - Summary 1

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The History of Stonehenge

In England, there’s a massive stone monument called Stonehenge and it is an ancient stone
circle. Stonehenge is between the ages of 4,000 and 5,000. Stonehenge was used for the place of
burial, calendar, or a place to learn about star movements and worship the Sun and Moon. No
one knows what’s the purpose or the function of Stonehenge, but most people believe it has been
used for religious ceremonies. Stonehenge was first made of earthworks and ditches dug with
tools made of antlers, but it was replaced by some kind of wooden form, then got replaced in turn
by circles of enormous standing stones. Sarsens is a name of the largest stones on Stonehenge
and it is 9 meters tall with weigh an average of 25 tons. While bluestones is a name for the
smaller stones weigh an average of 4 tons each. Several people think that the stones were rolled
on tree trunks, dragged in huge baskets, or moved by boat. Until now Stonehenge is a World
Heritage Site, which is still visited by about a million people.

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