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− Medina Paradigma M (1705085041)

− Adinda Thalita A (1705085042)
− Andini (1705085048)


This article aims to consider the relationship between English songs and learning
vocabulary. Learning a second or foreign language mainly involves learning the sound system ,
grammer ,and vocabulary of that language .Vocabulary learning plays a very crucial role in
learning another language. Laufer(1997) states that vocabulary learning is at the heart of
language learning and language use .Considering the crucial role attributed to vocabulary
learning in second or foreign language learning, one can implicitly understand the importance of
vocabulary teaching as well. In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often given little
priority in second language programs, but secondly there has been a renewed interest in the
nature of vocabulary and its role in learning and teaching (Richard & Renandya , 2002).

How can English songs facilitate English language learning:

1. Psychological implications Here, the effectiveness of integrating English songs in the ELT is
demonstrated from the theory of human brain, which is the head quarter of language
2. Stimulation of affective learning by songs Psychologically, learners affective states can
influence their language learning ,and music has been shown to have positive effects in this
area. In 1982, “Dulay et al. suggested that the use of filter depends upon affective factors
such as the learner’s motivation, attitude and emotions” (Ellis, 1985, p.297).
3. Arousal of motivation by English songs The importance of motivation in second language
teaching and learning has been discussed for many years; teachers and researchers believe
that motivation plays an important part in the process of acquiring an additional language
because motivated students are usually those who participate actively in class, express
interest in the subject-matter, and study a great deal. Motivation is a vital element in affective

In conclusion, songs provide an enjoyable way to introduce or review vocabulary, teach

pronunciation, present structures and sentence patterns in a novel way, “it’s an innovative and
efficient method to use English songs to improve students’ listening and speaking also”
Names :
− Medina Paradigma M (1705085041)
− Adinda Thalita A (1705085042)
− Andini (1705085048)


The Journal of Social Media in Society

Real or Fake News: Who Knows?

The ability to discern good information from bad information, good sources from bad sources, is
something journalism and mass communication educators have long trained their students to do.
This study expanded the limited but growing literature of this new type of fake news by looking
into how external and internal factors may influence how the public is able to tell fake from real
news. Namely, this study looked into amount of information, demographics and personal
preferences, and news research behavior.

The term “fake news” has gained a new, more literal definition. It refers to particular news
articles that originate either on mainstream media (online or offline) or social media and have no
factual basis, but are presented as facts and not satire. Fake news stories have often been spread
by those did not know those stories are actually false (Klein & Wueller, 2017). Fake news starts
when false information is spread multiple times, and it end when the stories are no longer shared.

Meanwhile, the Stanford History Education Group (2016), analyzing responses from students
from middle school through college students throughout the U.S., found students were very ill-
prepared for differentiating real news from fake news. For their study, college students from
selective and prominent colleges in the U.S. rated articles from unreliable sites as trustful as
those from reliable sites, which the authors attributed to “their evaluation of surface features”
(Wineburg & McGrew, 2016). The respondents failed to do three important steps that
professional fact-checkers do: check the source of the information; check if the source may be
biased; and look past the top results when using search engines.

Concerning the amount of information, whereas one would’ve assumed the more information
people receive the more credible they are about the news story, studies have found contradictory
results. The amount of information not to be a statistically significant factor in the credibility of
either print or TV news and also the amount of information only having a weak positive
relationship to the credibility of online news.

Demographics and personal preferences were also found to affect the public’s credibility of news
online. Political affiliation, for example, has been found to affect one’s perceived credibility of
the media with conservatives finding the media more credible than liberals. Mistakes and
inaccuracies in news stories have also been suggested as a key problem with the credibility of
news online 212), including why online news may have been perceived as more vulnerable and
less credible than offline.

Finally, how much research the public does on news it reads has also been shown to affect one’s
perceived credibility of the news. A national survey showed that 67% of respondents considered
news website they often used as credible “most or all of the time” (Consumer Reports
WebWatch, 2005). The people rarely verified information they found online, even less so when
they perceived the information to be inherently credible. For this study – conducted, on purpose,
online – respondents were never told whether they could or could not research the news stories
presented before deciding whether they were real or fake using other sources. (They were,
however, clearly told the study was not timed.) This was done to best approximate respondents’
experience when presented with news stories on SNSs. On SNSs, in order to verify the veracity
of a news story with which they’re presented, one can easily open a new tab on their browser and
check the story against other sources. They can also reach out to others and ask, before liking or
sharing it.
Names :
− Medina Paradigma M (1705085041)
− Adinda Thalita A (1705085042)
− Andini (1705085048)


The research was aimed to find out the participants’ perspective about the basic
requirements of English teacher in Elementary level. By finding these requirements, it is
expected that there will be more people who want to be an English teachers since it is needed,
not only on a high quantity, but also in a high quality. The findings showed that the participants
highlighted seven requirements of English teachers, which are

1. Understand about management of learning

 The teachers response on management of learning
2. Understand about young learners’ characteristics
 The teachers response on EYL students characteristic
3. Having good personal
4. Having a willingness to teach English
5. Having an education background
6. Having a supporting system from school
7. Having a supporting system from the government

There are could be other requirements to be the better one. One important note from this research
is, people who have a big responsibility aren’t only the teachers, but also the school’s
management and the government.
Names :
− Medina Paradigma M (1705085041)
− Adinda Thalita A (1705085042)
− Andini (1705085048)

Summary journal speaking



According to Perrault,2008, n.p writing is an activity or work of writing

books,poem,stories, and so on. But according to Megawati and Anugrahwati, 2012, p.183 says
that writing is one of crucial ways to deliver information. The department adds that in school
students should communicate the ideas, deliver instructions, analyze some information, and
motivating the others. In this article explain types of writing, one of them is narrative text.
Narrative text is story which uses spoken or written language its according to Anderson &
Anderson, 1997, p.2. narrative has structural organization that includes orientation, complication,
and resolution. Writing is not easy for the students and the teacher must to find an alternative
way to help the students improving their writing skill. One way to help students in narrative text
by using digital comic. Digital comic can easly transgress on the definition of comic. Digital
comic is a digital media that can be used in the classroom to help the students understanding by
using picture in the story.

Based on the article, there are two ways to writing effective skill. The first one is using
digital comic in teaching writing in teaching writing of narrative text. The second one is the
advantages and the disadvantages of using digital comic in teaching writing of narrative text.
And the point will be more explain in below. First, the digital comic has been proven as an
effective media to improve students writing ability in writing narrative text. The achievement
was supported statistically by the computation of independent t-test using IBM SPSS statistics.
Furthermore the experimental group scores in the posttest shown that their understanding of
narrative text improved, especially in the content of the text. Second, the questionnaire analysis
showed that the use of digital comic in teaching writing of narrative text has a big advantages
than the disadvantages. The achievement of the questionnaire presented that the students agreed
that teaching writing of narrative text through digital comic can increase their interest, make the
easy material, to understand, motivate the students to learn, improve the students creative
thinking ability, gain their attention and make them more enthusiastic about learning in writing.
In addition, almost the students agreed that the use of digital comic is appropriate for their age.

Despite the advantages of digital comic which have been mentioned before, and also there are
disadvantages of digital comic. The achievement revealed students agreed that the use of digital
comic in teaching writing of narrative text can make them speak inappropriately. Moreover,
some of them agreed that the use of digital comic is not better that the other media for example
like video or audio for teaching writing of narrative text.
Speaker‘s Name : Fitri Luthfianti (1705085047)
Group Observer : 1. Medina Paradigma (1705085041)
2. Adinda Thalita Aulia (1705085042)
3. Andini (1705085048)

Developing Problem-Solving Based Assessment to Stimulate Critical Thinking and

Creativity of Students’ Writing Skill

The assessment model that should be implemented by the teacher in the teaching and learning process can
influence the students’ learning outcomes. There 3 main stage to reach the goals

The first stage was Define and Design Stage. This stage consists of two main activities;

A). Research and collecting information,

The researchers conducted preliminary research by observing the documents relating to the writing .

As a result, the researcher concluded that the teacher needed to develop problem-based writing
assessment which could stimulate students’ critical thinking and creativity.

B) Planning to design writing assessment.

Referred to the mapping of core competences and basic competences, syllabus, and lesson plan based on
2013 curriculum. At this planning stage, preparations were made relating to the preparation of making the
problem-solving writing assessment model.

The second stage was Development Stage.

A) Developing of preliminary form of writing assessment,

besides giving a score in every aspect they also gave some suggestion which their suggestions were very
helpful for the researchers in perfecting the product.

B) Try out of developed product.

The students were given an initial test (pre-test) to find out how far the initial ability of the students
before being given learning material of writing using a problem-solving based assessment model. After
being given the initial test (pre-test), the students were given the treatment. Further after being given the
treatment, the students were given the final test (post-test) to determine the extent of the influence of the
writing assessment based on the problem-solving model on the development of students’ critical thinking
and creativity.

And the third stage was Final Stage

A) Producing final
Product in the form of a set of assessment (module) to develop problem-solving writing assessment to
stimulate the students’ critical thinking and creativity. It produced an effective assessment product that
can improve the students’ critical thinking and creativity.

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