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Traffic Light

Eating and
Portion Control

By Susan Hum & Jonathan Salubro

DOWN Light
GO Eating
-Low in calories

-High in nutrients

GOOD -Very colorful

TO GO -Grown, not

-Usually can be eaten


-Can eat as much as

you’d like

-All fruits

-All Vegetable
-Higher calories than
Green group

Slow -More fat/sugar than

Green group

Down -Ok to eat everyday

but not too much

-Pasta, rice, bread,


-Eggs, dairy, nuts &

seeds, beans

-lean red meat,

chicken/turkey, fish

-Olive oil
-High fat/sugar

-Low nutrients, high

STOP and
-Artificial sweeteners
hydrogenated fat

-Pastries, candy


-Chips, White

-Sugary beverages
Cut the below pictures and put them into the correct color group in the next page:
Put the pictures into the correct color group:


Good to Slow Stop and
Go Down Think
Portion control
● MyPlate is a good and easy way to
visualise and learn proper portion
● This picture shows us how our plates
should be filled up according to each
of the food groups
● This picture encourages people to fill
at least half of their plates up with
fruits and vegetables and the other
half with grains and proteins
Portion Control
● To make portion control
easier here are some
comparisons people can
measure anywhere with
just their hands
Portion Control

● Over time, portion sizes have

been seen to be increasing
exponentially especially within
the fast food industry
● This makes it harder for people
to control their portion sizes
when going out to eat
1) What kind of foods should you limit in your diet?
a. Fruits b.Candy c. Soda d. Both b&c

2) Which foods are low in nutrients and high in calories?

a. Vegetables & fruit b. Cake & Chips c. Chicken d. Fish

3) What easy tool can you use anywhere to help measure your portions?
a. Hands b. Ruler c. Shoe d. Scale

4) Over time, portion sizes have?

Increased b. Decreased c. Stayed the same d. Stopped existing

5) Which of these options can help you visualize your portion sizes?

a. Eyes b. MyPlate c. Bowl d. Hands

*Rate each question from 1 (worst) - 4 (best)

1) Did you find this lesson useful?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
2) Would you recommend this lesson to a friend?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
3) How likely is it you will apply this knowledge in your life?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
4) Was the material difficult to understand?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
5) Were the activities engaging?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

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