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Uno de estos medios efectivos es el famoso servicio de Metro. Un medio de transporte que
permite al público trasladarse de ciudad en ciudad y de la manera más rápida pero segura, el cual,
hace más efectivo el viaje de un lugar a otro, ello debido a que se conecta directamente con otros
medios de transporte tales como autobuses y tranvías.




-Colosseum, Palatino, and Roman Forum


-Uffizi Gallery and Vasari Corridor




There is a diversity of means of transport in Italy that allow the directing of thousands of
residents and tourists to cities or places throughout the country, characterized by their
speed and comfort.

And they are number one:

SUBWAY: One of these effective means is the famous is SUBWAY. A means of transport
that allows the public to move from city to city and in the fastest but safest way, which,
makes the journey from one place to another more effective, this because it connects
directly with other means of transport such as buses and trams.
Number two

RIVER TRANSPORT Italy is the waterway travel service offered in the country. Many cities
in Italy are surrounded by rivers and seas, as the Italian peninsula is surrounded by the
Mediterranean Sea.

and final number three

Buses in Italy - These are the Buses of Italy, a medium that has varied itineraries and
affordable prices to all its users, which provides a transfer through the city and the towns
of Italian territory.

Some of Italy's tourist sites include:

Number one

-Colosseum, Palatino, and Roman Forum: For security reasons, the Superintendency of Rome has
established that the Roman Colosseum can accommodate three thousand people at once. To
comply with this rule, access to this site may be delayed. The Coliseum is a sensitive target, subject
to security checks at entry, you may have to wait in line for safety reasons.

Number two

-Pompeii: is a vast archaeological site located in the Campania region of southern Italy.

Number three

-Vasari Corridor: it is an elevated terrace in Florence that connects the Vecchio Palace with Pitti
Palace, passing over the Uffizi Gallery and Ponte Vecchio

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