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Christian Living- living the way Jesus wants  Provider

 Punishments
Gospels: Luke 1: 57 – 80, Mark 5: 21 -43, Mark 6:1-6,
June 24- Feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist  Jesus Christ
 Abba- Father
June 29- St. Martha

Aug. 16- St. Roque

Book of Wisdom- Proverbs

Sinulat ni David- Psalms

CCF- Center For Christian Formation




 Church
 Students
 Bridge
 Door 1 Samuel 3:9 “Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.”
 ChirRho
Evangelist- Peace and Creation
New Evangelization- sharing the word of God through
witnessing 4 Evangelist

 Integral, Inculturated, community-forming Matthew- winged man

 Active involvement in the parish Mark- winged lion
 Promotion and recognition of priestly and religious
Luke- winged ox
John- Eagle
3 Dimensions:
Church Father
 Religious Education (Faith Formation)
 Campus Ministry (Sacraments)  St. Patrick of Ireland- 3 leaf clover
 Pastoral Ministry (Outreach Program)  St. Augustine of Hippo- mind (reason, will and
2018- year of the clergy and consecrated persons
 Contemporary Theologian- water
Religion- Core of the Curriculum  St. Gregory of Nazianzus- peace
Popular Devotion- expressing one’s faith  St. John Paull II- marriage (to become one)

Bible- Basic Instruction Before Living Earth Dogma on the blessed trinity

– Collection of books Mystery of the Trinity: God is 3 in 1

– 39 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament  Same substance or essence
OLD TESTAMENT  United as one…. Divine Unity
 Inseparable, share the same attributes
 Creator  Distinct from one another
 Savior
 Priest (sanctification
 Law-maker

 The CREATOR (Gen 1:1)

 The source of the invisible and the invisible (Psalm
 The Potter (Isaiah 64:7)
 “Abba” comes from the word Aramaic which means


 The Father and I are one (John 10:30)

 Jesus was eternally begotten, incarnate.
 Consubstantial- comes from the latin words cum (with)
and substantia (substance).
 Jesus was born to a woman
 Jesus died a human death
 I am the bread of life (John 6:35) Letters written by Paul
I am the light of the world (8:12)
 Ephesians
 Colossians
 The Holy Spirit proceeds from The Father and The Son
 Thessalonians
 The Hebrew word ruah, meaning “wind”, may also be
translated as “Spirit of God” Psalms- 150 chpaters (King David)
 Genesis 1:2
Solomon- son of King David
 Genesis 2:7
 Fire, Dove, Wind Song of Solomon- poetry about love and marriage

Ephesians- body of Christ (head)

7 Gifts of The Holy Spirit 13 Epistles- St.Paul

Isaiah 11:2 describes the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Understanding Genesis “The Beginning”

2. Knowledge
3. Counsel
4. Piety  Creation- Gen. 1-2
5. Fortitude  The Fall of Man- Gen. 3
6. Wisdom  The Flood- Gen 6 (the lord observed the extent of
7. Fear (Awe) of the Lord human wickedness on the earth)
 Babel- Gen 11
9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Section 2: GENESIS 12-50 (GOD’S FOCUS ON
These fruits are listed in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
1. Love
 Abraham – Father of all nations
2. 2. Joy
 Ishmael and Isaac (2 sons of Abraham)
3. Peace
 Jacob and Esau ( 2 sons of Isaac)
4. Patience
 Jacob=12 sons, one of them was Joseph “his
5. Kindness
favorite son”
6. Generosity
 The only food on the face of the earth was in Egypt
7. Faithfulness
so Joseph’s family and other jewish nation moved
8. Gentleness
9. Self-control

Nature and Person of Christ Jesus

451 AD Council of Chalcedon

 Affirm that Jesus is both Truly Human and Truly

 Two natures of Christ are not mixed, confused,
separated or divided
Exodus “Exit/Departure”
 Jesus contains all attributes of Christ’s Divine Nature
and all attributes of human nature
 Pharaoh orders that all Hebrew boys be killed at birth Deutoronomy- “second law”
by being drowned in the river.
 A call to covenant faithfulness
 One woman puts her baby boy afloat on the river and
 Moses reviewed the past to help the new generation
the Pharaoh’s daughter finds and raises him.
of Israelites learn from past mistakes
 Miriam and Aaron (Moses’ siblings)
 Laws- it was important to renew the covenant
 Joshua- forerunner of Moses
between God and his people
 Burning bush- God appeared and talked to moses
 Love- God desires love from the heart
about delivering Israelites to Canaan “the land of
 Choices- a decision to follow in obedience will be
milk and honey”
rewarded by God
 10 Plagues
 Teachings- God commanded the Israelites to pass
1. Water into blood
down his ways
2. Frogs
 Importance about 10 commandments
3. Gnats/insects
4. Mixture of wild animals
5. Diseased livestock
 God commission’s Joshua to be the leader of
6. Boils
Israelites after moses died
7. Hails
 Joshua 1:6-9
8. Locusts
 A man with a sword shown up on him (God)
9. Darkness
 They march around the city (Jericho) once everyday
10. The death of the first born
for 6 days, have 7 priests get trumpets made out of
 Israelites’ exodus to Egypt (Red Sea)
ram’s horns and carry them
 Mt. Sinai (10 Commandments)
 On the seventh day, they marched around the city 7
 Israelites worshipped Gold Calf
times. The priests blew their trumpets during the
 Tabernacle- a tent that could hold the ark of
 When they blew a long blast all men shouted then the
Leviticus “Book of Law” walls were falling so they enter freely to the
promisedland (Canaan)
 Written by Moses
 Trust god and be courageous
 Leviticus is to show how corrupt Israelites can live
near God’s goodness without being destroyed. Judges
 First: RITUAL- animal sacrifices (way of saying
 Judges begins with the death of Joshua
thank you and sorry)
 Israel’s total failure
 Second: PRIESTHOOD- higher standards the priest
 Deborah, Gideon and Samson- God raised up a
have to live by because they work so closely to God’s
series of men and women called judges, warriors and
decision makers who would help rescue Israel from its
 Third: PURITY- it is inappropriate to enter into
enemies to bring miraculous victories to the Israelites
God’s presence when you are in an impure state
 Samuel- God used him to help guide the nation of
 Day of Atonement-perform elaborate rituals to
Israel and stay on track helping them to be the
atone for the sins of the people.
blessing God wanted them to be.
Numbers “In the wilderness”
 Begins with Moses instructed by God to take a census
 For where you go, I will go (ruth 1:16)
of all the people in Israel, which is how the book gets
 Was written by the prophet Samuel
its name.
 A famine forces elimelech and his wife Naomi from
 3 Locations: Mt. Sinai, Paran and Moab
their Israelite home to the country of Moab.
MT. SINAI- How to travel and how to deal with sin
 Elimelech dies and Naomi is left with her 2 sons, who
PARAN- was owned by the Cananites
soon marry 2 moabite girls, Orpah and Ruth
MOAB- God is commanding Israel to take and
 Later both of the sons die and Naomi is left alone
possess this land as a portion of the entire inheritance
with Orpah and Ruth in a strange land
which they are to possess in the years to come
 Orpah returns to her parents but Ruth’s eventual
 During the entire journey from Mt. Sinai to the plains
marriage to a wealthy man named Boaz by whom
of Moab much of Israel is complaining and rebelling
she bears a son named Obed who becomes the
against Moses.
grandfather of David and the ancestor of Jesus
 Mt. Sinai and Moab -2 census of Israel
 Obedience brings Ruth into the priviledged lineage of

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