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Constitution and Labor Code would be rendered nugatory if their

SECRETARY OF LABOR (1998) right to choose their collective bargaining representative were
denied. Indeed, the policy of the Labor Code favors the holding of
FACTS: a certification election as the most conclusive way of choosing the
labor organization to represent workers in a collective bargaining
 A certification election was conducted among the rank- unit. In case of doubt, the doubt should be resolved in favor of the
and-file employees of the Hijo Plantation, Inc. (HPI). holding of a certification election.
 Petitioner NFL (National Federation of Labor) was chosen
as the bargaining agent of its rank-and-file employees
 Protests filed by the company and three other unions
against the results of the election on the ground that the 5.
certification election was marred by massive fraud and
irregularities because number of employees were not able to
cast their votes because they were not properly notified of the 6.
Labor Secretary: denied the petition to annul the election and
instead certified petitioner NFL as the sole and exclusive FACTS:
bargaining representative of the rank-and-file employees of private
respondent HPI.  Petitioner San Miguel Corporation Employees Union
entered into a CBA with private respondent San Miguel
 However, on motion of HPI, the Secretary of Labor, Corporation (SMC)
reversed his resolution. NFL’s MR was denied. Hence, this  It provides that the agreement SHALL REMAIN IN FORCE
petition AND EFFECTIVE until 1992, and the terms of the agreement
shall be for 5 years. from 1989 to 1992.
Issue: Whether the DOLE should not have given due course to  For purposes of business expansion, the SMC would
private respondent's petition for annulment of the results of the undergo with reconstructing, the magnolia and the Feeds and
certification election. livestock Division were spun-off and become two separate and
distinct corporation. But the CBA remain in forced and
HELD: effective.
The SC ruled in favor of the NFL. The workers in this case were  During the negotiation the petitioner union insisted that
denied this opportunity. Not only were a substantial number of the bargaining unit of SMC should still include the employees
them disfranchised, there were, in addition, allegations of fraud of the spun-off corporations, which is the MAGNOLIA and SMFI
and other irregularities which put in question the integrity of the and that the renegotiation terms of the CBA shall be effective
election. Workers wrote letters and made complaints protesting ONLY for the remaining period of 2 years.
the conduct of the election. The Report of Med-Arbiter Pura who  On the other hand the SMC contended that the members
investigated these allegations found the allegations of fraud and or employees WHO HAD MOVED TO MAGNOLIA AND SMFI,
BARGAINING UNIT at the SMC, and that the CBA shall be
The SC invalidated the certification election upon a showing of effective for 3years in accordance with ART.253-A
disfranchisement, lack of secrecy in the voting and bribery. The  Unable to agree with these issues of bargaining unit and
workers' right to self-organization as enshrined in both the duration of the CBA, petitioner union declared a deadlock and
filed a notice of strike. their own, except those employees performing managerial
functions. The Secretary of Labor affirmed said order.
Spin-off of Magnolia and San Miguel Foods Companies from the Issue: Whether security guards may join rank-and-file or
San Miguel Corporation as separate corporate entities.  Existing supervisors union
CBA included all four divisions.  During the renewal or
renegotiation for two years on the economic provisions, spin-off Held:
corporations were already in existence.  The Union insisted that Under the old rules, security guards were barred from joining a
the employees of the spun-off corporations were still to be labor organization of the rank and file, under RA 6715, they may
considered as part of the appropriate bargaining unit. now freely join a labor organization of the rank and file or that of
the supervisory union, depending on their rank. By
Considering the spin-off, the companies would consequently have accommodating supervisory employees, the Secretary of Labor
their respective and distinctive concerns in terms of the nature of must likewise apply the provisions of RA 6715 to security guards
work, wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment.  by favorably allowing them free access to a labor organization,
The interests of the employees in different companies would whether rank and file or supervisory, in recognition of their
perforce differ.  SMC is engaged in beer manufacturing; Magnolia constitutional right to self-organization.
with manufacturing and processing of dairy products; SM Foods
with production of feeds and processing of chicken.  The nature of
the products and sales of business may require diff. Skills which
must necessarily be commensurated by different compensation MERALCO vs. QUISUMBING, MEWA (1999)
packages; different volumes of work and working conditions.  It
would then be best to have separate bargaining units for different
companies where the employees can bargain separately accdg. to
their needs and working conditions.
 MEWA informed MERALCO of its intention to re-negotiate
the terms&conditions of their existing CBA
7.  MEWA submitted its proposal to MERALCO and the
collective bargaining negotiations proceeded. However, despite
8. the series of meetings between the negotiating panels of
MERALCO and MEWA, the parties failed to arrive at "terms and
MERALCO vs. HON. QUISUMBING (1999) decision
conditions acceptable to both of them."
 As a result, MEWA filed a Notice of Strike, on the grounds
of bargaining deadlock and ULP
A petition for certification election was filed by the labor
 Secretary of Labor: granted the economic as well as the
organization of staff and technical employees of MERALCO seeking
political demand of the MEWA, and ordered to grant the wage
to represent regular employees of MERALCO. MERALCO contended
increase and to incorporation into the CBA of all existing
that those in the Patrol Division and Treasury Security Service
employee benefits.
Section, since these employees are tasked with providing security
 MERALCO filed a MR alleging that the Secretary of Labor
to the company, they are not eligible to join the rank and file
did not properly appreciate the effect of the awarded wages
bargaining unit. The Med-Arbiter ruled that having been excluded
and benefits on MERALCO's financial viability.
from the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement for rank and file
 MEWA likewise filed a motion asking the Secretary of Labor
employees, these employees have the right to form a union of
to reconsider its Order on the wage increase and other
for reversing the original ruling in this case on the
Issue: Whether the Secretary's actions have been reasonable in retroactivity issue; and (c) is internally inconsistent.
light of the parties positions and the evidence they presented.
Held: With due respect, the Honorable Courts ruling on the
The Court ruled that a collective bargaining dispute such as this retroactivity issue does not take into account the huge cost
one requires due consideration and proper balancing of the that this award imposes on petitioner, estimated at no less
interest of the parties to the dispute and those who might be
affected by the dispute.
than P800 Million.
Anent the second ground, petitioner alleges that the
As a rule, affordability and capacity to pay should be take into retroactive application of the arbitral award will cost it no
account BUT cannot be the sole yardstick in determining the wage less than P800 Million. Thus, petitioner prays that the two-
award, especially in a PUBLIC UTILITY like MERALCO. In
year term of the CBA be fixed from December 28, 1996 to
considering a public utility, it must always take into account the
PUBLIC interest aspect. The MERALCO’s income and the amount of December 27, 1998. Petitioner also seeks this Courts
money available for operating expenses including labor costs are declaration that the award of P2,000.00 be paid to
subject to state regulations. We must also keep in mind that high petitioners rank-and-file employees during this two-year
operating costs will certainly and eventually be passed on the period. In the alternative, petitioner prays that the award of
consuming public.
P2,000.00 be made to retroact to June 1, 1996 as the
effectivity date of the CBA.
Private respondent MEWA filed its Comment on May 19,
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, Petitioner, vs. HON. SECRETARY 2000, contending that the Motion for Partial Modification
OF LABOR LEONARDO QUISUMBING and MERALCO was unauthorized inasmuch as Mr. Manuel M. Lopez,
EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS ASSOCIATION President of petitioner corporation, has categorically stated
(MEWA), Respondents. in a memorandum to the rank-and-file employees that
AUGUST 1, 2000 management will comply with this Courts ruling and will not
file any motion for reconsideration; and that the assailed
On February 22, 2000, this Court promulgated a Resolution with Resolution should be modified to conform to the St.
the decretal portion ( pls read the previous decision): Lukes ruling, to the effect that, in the absence of a specific
Petitioner Manila Electric Company filed with this Court, on March provision of law prohibiting retroactivity of the effectivity of
17, 2000, a "Motion for Partial Modification (Re: Resolution Dated arbitral awards issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to
22 February 2000)" anchored on the following grounds: Article 263(g) of the Labor Code, he is deemed vested with
I plenary and discretionary powers to determine the
With due respect, this Honorable Courts ruling on the effectivity thereof.
retroactivity issue: (a) fails to account for previous rulings of ISSUE: WON the Honorable Court has erred in rendering the
the Court on the same issue; (b) fails to indicate the reasons previous Feb. 22, 2000 decision.
NO but the court modified its decision. During the interregnum between the expiration of the
Upon a reconsideration of the Decision, this Court issued economic provisions of the CBA and the date of effectivity of
the assailed Resolution which ruled that where an arbitral the arbitral award, it is understood that the hold-over
award granted beyond six months after the expiration of principle shall govern, viz:
the existing CBA, and there is no agreement between the "[I]t shall be the duty of both parties to keep the status quo and to
parties as to the date of effectivity thereof, the arbitral continue in full force and effect the terms and conditions of the
award shall retroact to the first day after the six-month existing agreement during the 60-day freedom period and/or until a
period following the expiration of the last day of the CBA. new agreement is reached by the parties." Despite the lapse of the
In the dispositive portion, however, the period to which the formal effectivity of the CBA the law still considers the same as
award shall retroact was inadvertently stated as beginning continuing in force and effect until a new CBA shall have been validly
on December 1, 1995 up to November 30, 1997. executed.16
In resolving the motions for reconsideration in this case, this Finally, this Court finds that petitioners prayer, that the
Court took into account the fact that petitioner belongs to award of Two Thousand Pesos shall be paid to rank-and-
an industry imbued with public interest. As such, this Court file employees during the two-year period, is well-taken.
can not ignore the enormous cost that petitioner will have The award does not extend to supervisory employees of
to bear as a consequence of the full retroaction of the petitioner.
arbitral award to the date of expiry of the CBA, and the WHEREFORE , the Motion for Partial Modification is
inevitable effect that it would have on the national GRANTED. The Resolution of February 22, 2000 is
economy. On the other hand, under the policy of social PARTIALLYMODIFIED as follows: (a) the arbitral award shall
justice, the law bends over backward to accommodate the retroact to the two-year period from June 1, 1996 to May
interests of the working class on the humane justification 31, 1998; (b) the increased wage award of Two Thousand
that those with less privilege in life should have more in Pesos (P2,000.00) shall be paid to the rank-and-file
law.15 Balancing these two contrasting interests, this Court employees during the said two-year period. This Resolution
turned to the dictates of fairness and equitable justice and is subject to the monetary advances granted by petitioner to
thus arrived at a formula that would address the concerns said employees during the pendency of this case, assuming
of both sides. Hence, this Court held that the arbitral award such advances had actually been distributed to them.
in this case be made to retroact to the first day after the six-
month period following the expiration of the last day of the
CBA, i.e., from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1998.
This Court, therefore, maintains the foregoing rule in the
assailed Resolution pro hac vice. It must be clarified,
however, that consonant with this rule, the two-year
effectivity period must start from June 1, 1996 up to May
31, 1998, not December 1, 1995 to November 30, 1997.

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