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Experiment 1

Determination of Water Content

Submitted by:
Timothy McLaughlin
Justin Henderson
Jose Rubio

Date: January 14th, 2019

Instructor: Kunal Olimattel
CEG 4011C-Section 11: Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory



Methods and Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………….4

Raw Data……………………………………………………………………………………...5

Sample Calculations & Results……………………………………………………………..6






-Description of the experiment:

For the soil moisture experiment, we aimed to determine the soil water content in 4

different soil samples from ground level, 1 foot, 2 feet, and 3 feet deep. We then weighed the soil

and stored it in an oven set to approximately 100℃ for about 24 hours. Doing this enables us to

get all of the moisture out of the soil in order to find the percentage of moisture that was in each

soil sample. After the 24 hours we weighed the samples again and used formulas to calculate the

water content.


The methods for this experiment were fairly simple, we used a manual soil auger to

displace the soil and used a small spade shovel to take the samples and place them into bags.

We then used a scale to weigh the soil with and without moisture; and an oven to remove the


-Major results:

Our most important findings from this experiment was the moisture content and the

weight of the dry soil. For the ground level, 1 foot, and 3 feet samples the moisture came out

roughly the same; around 9.8%. The 2 feet sample had about 15% moisture content which

indicates that water that was on the ground had permeated the soil to about 2 feet at the time

we took the sample. The dry soil weight for each sample was about 10g less than the moist soil

samples for each sample.


Soils may be composed of a combination of solid materials, water, and air. Soil moisture

is also called soil water content. Soil water content is a ratio of the mass of water to the mass of

solids in a given sample of soil. Then this ratio is typically expressed as a percentage and

indicates amount of water present. In most lab tests with regards to soil mechanics you will be

required to find water content because it is an essential part of soil studies. Just one situation

where the moisture content is needed is in determining the bearing capacity and settlement of

soil. Basically the water content will give you an initial idea of the state that the soil is in at a

particular location.

-Formulas Used:

● w (%)=((M 2− M 3)/( M 3−M 1))∗100

● (w ❑0 ft +w ❑1 ft + w❑2 ft +w ❑3 ft ¿ /4=w ❑avg

Methods and Hypothesis:

-Equipment Used:
● Moisture cans
● Oven equipped with temperature control (105-115℃)
● Scale
● Manual soil auger
● Measuring tape
● Ziploc bags
● Marker/ Labels

1. Gather proper equipment listed above.
2. Mark the manual auger at the various height increments using the ruler. This step is so
you know your depth as your boring. Ex 1, 2, 3 ft
3. Travel to the arboretum and find a level spot somewhat clear of debris.
4. Collect surface sample approximately 100g of material. Label ziploc and seal.
5. Start boring down with the auger and when you get to each incremental depth collect
sample, label, and seal to bring back to the lab.
6. Using the scale determine the mass of the empty moisture cans and record.
7. Place samples that were collected in separate moisture cans and label respectively.
Determine combined mass and record data.
8. Put the cans with the soil in the oven to dry over a period of 24 hours.
9. After 24 hours determine the combined dry soil mass with the can.
10. Proceed to calculations.

-Determine water content of the soil.
-Conforms to ASTM Standard D-2216

- Before we began test, we predicted that as you travel deeper into the soil the water
content will increase with depth, and maintain a uniform consistency.

Raw Data:

The soil was collected from UCF Arboretum behind Harris building on Monday January 7th

description 0 1 2 3 (ft)

mass of can (M1) 42.6 50.4 50.3 50.8 (g)

mass of can +wet soil (M2) 147.2 157 153 156.5 (g)

mass of can+dry soil(M3) 138.5 147.6 140 147.1 (g)

mass of moisture(M2-M3) 8.7 9.4 13 9.4 (g)

mass of dry soil(M3-M1) 95.9 97.2 89.7 96.3 (g)

water content((M2-M3)/(M3- 9.07195 9.670782 14.49275 9.761163 (%)


Average water content 10.7 (%)

Sample Calculations & Results:

1. Mass of moisture is calculated by subtracting the combined mass of dry soil and
can from combined mass of wet soil and can.
a. (M2-M3)
i. Ex. from 0ft (147.2 - 138.5 = 8.7(g))
2. Mass of dry soil is calculated by subtracting cans mass from the combined mass
of dry soil and can.
a. (M3-M1)
i. Ex. from 0ft (138.5-42.6 = 95.9(g))
3. Water content is then calculated using the following formula.
a. w (%)=((M 2− M 3)/( M 3−M 1))∗100
i. Ex. from 0ft (8.7/95.9)*100= 9.1(%)
4. Calculate the average of the three depths water content.
a. (w ❑0 ft +w ❑1 ft + w❑2 ft +w ❑3 ft ¿ /4=w ❑avg
i. ((9.07 + 9.67 + 14.49 + 9.76)/4) = 10.7 (%) average water content.


The objective of the lab was to determine the water content of soil samples we obtained.

This objective was accomplished through the experimentation procedures and calculations

provided above. The average water content of our samples is 10.7%. The highest water content

being at 2 feet (14.5%) instead of 3 feet (9.7%). This did not replicate the hypothesis we had.

This difference may be due to following reasons:

The presence of organic soil may decompose in the oven, which was at 110 Celsius. This

may represent a discrepancy in the resultant water content. Also as we bored into the soil we

noticed that the color of the soil changed at the different depths. At the surface was a darker

black color, one foot had a lighter brown color, two foot depth had a light grey color, and finally

at the three foot depth the color was a darker black color. The colors could explain why certain

layers held more moisture. Color is a sign that each depth could be a different type of soil such as

silt which could hold more water as opposed to a sand. Moisture in the atmosphere at the time of

recording the samples after being in the oven could have an effect on results as well.


The average moisture content of all for samples gave a calculated value of 10.7%. The

calculated differences among the samples were 0.6%, 4.8%, and 4.7% from the highest to the

lowest (being 0 ft the start point). From the calculations Sample 3(at 2 feet) was shown to have

the highest moisture content at a value of 14.5% and sample 1(at 0 feet) had the lowest moisture

content at a value of 9.1%. As it was previously mentioned, the deviation in the results may be

due to the presence of organic soil that decomposed in the oven, thus changing the results or it

may be due the exposure of moisture at the moment of the second weight recording. In order to

minimize the errors on these tests, precautions to deal with the organic soil content are necessary.

Moreover, the samples can also be sent to a professional lab and having them tested on and

environment where the moisture cannot affect the recordings.

Das, Braja M. (2017) Principles of Geotechnical Engineering (ninth edition). United

States: Cengage Learning.

Das, Braja M. (2016) Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual (ninth edition). United States:

Oxford University Press.



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