Mock Test I

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Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1-5) y las palabras de la columna

de la columna de la derecha (A-H).
¿Cuál palabra (A-H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase de la izquierda (1-5 )?
Tenga en cuenta que sobran (3) palabras de las (8) opciones (A-H).
Una de las cuales se utiliza para el ejemplo (0).


0. A person whose occupation is the making mending, or altering of clothes


1. A person whose office it is to perform religious rites. A. tailor

2. A qualified person to represent clients in legal proceedings. B. butcher

3. Someone who builds things out of brick or stone. C. mason

4. A person whose job it is to cut up and sell meat. D. priest

5. Someone who cuts down trees professionally. E. lumberjack

F. nurse

G. attorney

H. chemist



I would love to attend, but I´m quite busy A. Never mind

B. I love being busy

C. Ok, we meet there


6. I´ve got two tickets for the Star Wars premiere A. The tickets are sold out
B. I saw many movie stars
C. You must be joking!

7. Are you expecting her to come over? A. She goes and comes

B. She is expecting for you

C. I´ve got my fingers


8. My ankle is swollen and it hurts! A. Did you twist it?

B. Your ankle is fine

C. Does it hurt?

9. Are you off on Sunday? A. Yes, I was told

B. It feels better now

C. Is there a concert?

Lea el siguiente texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

En cada pregunta 10- 17 marque A, B ó C


“The fifth (0) __________ moon in the solar

system, Earth´s Moon is the only place beyond Earth (10) ____________ humans
have set foot. The brightest and largest object in our night sky, the moon (11)
____________ Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet´s wobble on
its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm
that (12) ___________ guided humans for thousands of years. The moon (13)
____________ likely formed after a Mars- sized body collided (14) ___________ Earth.

Earth´s (15) ___________ natural satellite is simply (16) ____________ “the moon”
because people didn´t know other moons existed (17) ___________Galileo Galilei
discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in 1610”.


0. A. largest B. large C. larger RESPUESTA A

10. A. when B. which C. where

11. A. made B. which C. makes

12. A. have B. has C. had

13. A. was B. were C. is

14. A. with B. to C. in

15. A. likely B. only C. surely

16. A. call B. calls C. called

17. A. until B. since C. from



Responda las preguntas 18 – 24, marque A, B ó C


“Martin Luther King Jr. Was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. King, a Baptist minister and
civil – rights activist, had a seismic impact on race relations in the United States,
beginning in the mid – 1950s.

Among his many efforts, King headed the Southern Christian Leadership conference.
Through his activism and inspirational speeches he played a pivotal role in ending the
legal segregation of African – American citizens in the United States, as well as the
creation of the civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

King received the Nobel peace prize in 1964, among several other honors. He was
assassinated in April 1968, and continues to be remembered as one of the most
influential and inspirational African- American leaders in history”


0. King was well known for being

A. An atheist. B. as philanthropist. C. a leader

18. King´s leadership

A. Was not relevant enough for nation.

B. Was inspirational for the African- Americans.

C. Increased people´s faith in God.

19. Black American

A. Were discriminated because of King´s speeches.

B. Knew that King fought for their rights.

C. had the same rights during mid- 50´s in the United States

20. During the 50´s in the United States

A. the presidents were elected by all the Americans.

B. King ran for the presidency of the country.

C. black American didn´t have voting rights.

21. The Nobel Committee granted Martin Luther King

A. the Nobel Peace Prize for his fight against the segregation.

B. the Nobel Peace Prize for his fight in favor of the segregation.

C. the Nobel Peace Prize for his inspirational speeches.

22. How was stopped his struggle against the social injustice?

A. He was gunned down.

B. He received the Nobel Peace Prize.

C. He was arrested

23. He is always remembered as

A. a black person who won the peace Nobel Prize.

B. a great leader who fought for his people.

C. a Christian leader of the African- American community.

24. martin Luther King inspired many others

A. to have more civil rights.

B. to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

C. to follow his legacy.



En las preguntas 25- 29, marque A, B, C o D

Organic foods

We´ve all seen foods labeled “Organic,” but what does that really mean? According to
the U.S. department of agriculture, Organic farming practices preserve the environment
and avoid most synthetic materials, including pesticides and antibiotics. Among other
requirements, Organic farmers, must receive annual on- site inspections and not use
genetically modified crops.

The fact is that being Organic doesn´t mean a food is healthy. You can now buy
pesticide- free potato chips and Organic jelly beans, and there are even organic Oreo
cookies. Junk food is still junk food, even if was produced organically.

0. What does the term organic refer to?

A. Products grown on farms.

B. Products free of chemicals.

C. Products for vegetarian people.

D. Products grown in laboratories.


25. Why Organic products are environmentally friendly?

A. synthetic materials are not used.
B. It´s a healthy trend nowadays.
C. farmers are involved in environmental issues.
D. Organic waste is used to fertilize.
26. The U.S department of Agriculture is in charge of
A. the farming of Organic products.
B. controlling the good farming practices.
C. trading Organic product out of the country.
D. preserving the health of the citizens.
27. How often Organic farms are visited for inspections?
A. Every time they do not follow the regulations.
B. When the harvest is being collected.
C. Every year to check their farming practices.
D. Before planting a new organic product.
28. It is a misconception thinking that Organic food
A. is totally free of chemicals.
B. not to use pesticides.
C. is environmentally friendly.
D. is used by fast food restaurants.
29. What can be inferred from the text?
A. Fast food sometimes is healthy
B. Soon all products will be Organic.
C. Organic food costumers are important
D. More farmers want to grow organic products.




En las preguntas 30-36, marque A, B, C o D

Roberto Gómez Bolaños was a Mexican writer and actor, known (0) __________ the
world for his characters “El Chavo del 8” and “El Chapulín Colorado,” (30) __________
others. He was involved in Mexican televisión for more than 40 years, and generations
of children all over the Spanish- speaking world grew up watching his shows. He was
(31) __________ known as Chespirito.

Born into a middle – class family in Mexico City in 1929, Bolaños studied engineering
but (32) ____________ worked in the field. In his (33) ___________ 20s, he was (34)
___________ writing screenplays and scripts for televisión shows. He (35) ___________
wrote songs and scripts for radio shows. Between 1960 and 1965 the two top shows on
Mexican televisión, “Comicos y Canciones” (“comics and Songs”) and “El estudio de
Pedro Vargas” (“Pedro Vargas´ Study”) were both written by Bolaños. It was about this
time that he earned the nickname “Chespirito” from the director Agustín p. Delgado; it is
a version of “Shakespearito,” or “Little Shakespeare.”

Chespirito died on Nov. 28, 2014, of heart (36)_____________at the age of 85. His
movies, soap operas, plays, and books all found great (37)____________, but it is for
his work in televisión that Chespirito is best remembered. Chespirito will always be
known as a (38) _____________ of Latin American televisión and one of the most (39)
___________ writers and actors ever to work in the field.


0. A. around B. for C. about D. by

30. A. between B. of C. from D. among

31. A. especially B. affectionately C. wrongly D. pejoratively

32. A. always B. never C. roughly D. heavily

33. A. later B. tardy C. early D. earlier

34. A. already B. ready C. before D. now

35. A. too B. surely C. also D. would

36. A. failure B. rate C. artery D. vein

37. A. misfortune B. disadvantage C. quality D. success

38. A. activist B. pioneer C. owner D. benefactor

39. A. creative B. thoughtful C. grateful D. ordinary

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