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Analysis of UDP and IP traffic with AODV

routing in MANET
Dr. J. S. Shah#1, Ms. Kajal S. Patel*2
Computer Engineering Department ,Gujarat Technology University
Opp. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-15, Gujarat, India

Abstract--Mobile ad-hoc network(MANET) is an autonomous II. ABOUT AODV PROTOCOL

system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links; each node
operates as an end system and a router for all other nodes in the The AODV routing protocol, belonging to the class of
network. Nodes in mobile ad-hoc network are free to move and reactive routing protocols, performs on-demand route
organize themselves in an arbitrary fashion. The path between discovery. The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
each pair of the users may have multiple links and the radio algorithm enables dynamic, self-starting, multi hop routing
between them can be heterogeneous. This allows an association between participating mobile nodes wishing to establish and
of various links to be a part of the same network. Routing in ad maintain an ad hoc network. AODV allows mobile nodes to
hoc networks is nontrivial due to highly dynamic environment. obtain routes quickly for new destinations, and does not
In recent years several routing protocols targeted at mobile require nodes to maintain routes to destinations that are not in
adhoc networks which are DSDV, AODV, TORA, and DSR.
active communication [3]. Route Requests (RREQs), Route
This paper does the comprehensive analysis of AODV routing
protocol using OPNET11.5 simulator. The protocol is provided Replies (RREPs), and Route Errors (RERRs) are the message
with traffic load and mobility patterns. We have considered UDP types defined by AODV. These message types are received at
as transport protocol. Video streaming was used to analyze the port 654, over UDP, and normal IP header processing applies.
UDP performance. AODV uses the following fields with each route table
Index Terms—Adhoc network, AODV, MANET, Reactive entry:
routing, RERR, RREP, RREQ. - Destination IP Address
- Destination Sequence Number
An ad hoc network is a collection of nodes forming a - Hop Count (number of hops needed to reach destination)
temporary network with out the aid of any additional - Last Hop Count
infrastructure and no centralized control. The nodes in an ad - Next Hop
hoc network can be a laptop, PDA, or any other device - List of Precursors
capable of transmitting and receiving information. Nodes act - Lifetime (expiration or deletion time of the route)
both as an end system (transmitting and receiving data) and as - Routing Flags
a router (allowing traffic to pass through) resulting in multi Managing the sequence number is crucial to avoiding
hop routing. [1] Network is temporary as nodes are generally routing loops, even when links break and a node is no longer
mobile and may go out of range of other nodes in the reachable to supply its own information about its sequence
network. number. A destination becomes unreachable when a link
Routing in an adhoc network is nontrivial as they posses breaks or is deactivated. When these conditions occur, the
few characteristics [2] which make them different from wired route is invalidated by operations involving the sequence
networks. They are as follows: number and metric[3].
 High probability of errors due to various
transmission impairments III. SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT
 Low Transmission range to conserve energy We use MANET model in OPNET to simulate AODV
 Frequent link breakages due to mobility network. The enterprise network with five WLAN nodes is
 Sleep period of operation of nodes and deployed over a square geographical area with the dimension
unidirectional links 4000m * 4000m. All the nodes in the network are configured
 Unfavourable environmental conditions by virtue of to work under ad hoc mode. Among the five nodes, 4 nodes
applications of adhoc networks are fixed ad hoc nodes (source, node_03, node_04, and
 Looping problem due to mobility destination) while one node (mobile_node) is mobile. The
 No proper Addressing scheme mobile_node starts moving after 160 seconds along the path
specified by the trajectory during the simulation period.
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Unidirectional UDP traffic is generated by
configuring the Custom Applications since it is not possible to
generate unidirectional traffic in the standard applications
(Application Config object). The traffic that is to be generated
is defined in Task Config Object by assigning the task name.
And with the Manual Configuration, traffic is generated by
sending 5060 request packets from the source to the
destination with a inter request time 1 sec. Response from the
destination is disabled in order to make unidirectional traffic.
Each request packet consists of 1470 bytes, with each request
sending only one packet.
Once the tasks have been defined, they are used to
build (define) the custom application in the Application
Config Object. The transport protocol that is to be used for
this application is defined. For this application traffic, UDP is
defined as the transport protocol. And the task that is defined
in the Task Config Object is deployed in the Task Description
of Application Config object.
Once the Custom Application is defined, it will be
used in the Profile Config Object. In the above modeled
AODV network, the profile named “udp_iperf_user” will start
at 100 seconds and lasts until end of the simulation. The
Custom Application is deployed in the Application Table of Figure 1 : Routing Traffic Sent (Bits / Sec)
Profile Configuration Table. This application will start The Figure 2 shows the AODV traffic received by each node
running without any start time offset and lasts for the end of in the modeled network, all the traffic received in the nodes is
profile time. due to received hello messages, RREQs and RREPs
The mobile node is attached to a trajectory to define the messages. As mobile node is moving after 160 seconds, it
mobility patterns. This could be done by selecting a pre will not receive any packets after that.
defined trajectory. The mobile node waits until 2 minutes 40
seconds (i.e. 160 sec) and starts moving away towards the
path defined by the trajectory during the simulation


Simulation was run for 220 seconds on the five node
AODV network and the following results have been obtained
to analyze the AODV performance, when using customized
video streaming based on unidirectional UDP traffic.
AODV routing traffic sent by each node is shown in the
Figure 1. In the destination, there is sudden raise in the traffic
at 100 and 165 seconds as it is sending RREP packets, at the
rest of the time the traffic is due to only the hello messages.
At mobile node traffic raise at 100 and 165 seconds due to
RREQ and RERR messages and the rest of the traffic is due
to hello messages. At nodes 3 and 4 all the traffic is due to
hello messages except at 165 seconds. At this time traffic
raise is due to the propagation of the second RREQ message.
The traffic at source node is due to RREQ and hello
Figure 2 : Routing Traffic Sent (Bits / Sec)
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Figure 3 : Total Route Request and Route Replies

In the Figure 3, source node is sending two RREQs (Route

Request) packets for the route discovery to the destination.
The first RREQ has sent at 100 seconds (at the beginning of
the application) via the mobile node and the second RREQ at
165 seconds via the nodes 3 and 4 since the mobile node
starts moving away towards the defined trajectory.
Destination node will send corresponding RREPs (Route
Reply) in response to the requests sent by the source node.

V. SIMULATION RESULTS FOR UDP TRAFFIC Figure 4 : UDP traffic sent in Bytes/sec
As the UDP traffic is unidirectional from source to
destination in the modeled network, UDP traffic sent by the
destination will be nothing as shown in the figure 4. Since
mobile node, nodes 3 and 4 are working as routers while
traffic is sent from source to
destination, UDP traffic send and receive through these nodes
will be zero as shown in the figures 4 and 5. Source node
starts sending UDP traffic at 100 seconds and lasts for end of
profile. And the received traffic by the destination will be
dropped suddenly at 160 seconds due to the link breakage
with the mobile node as it is moving away along with the

Figure 5 : UDP traffic received in Bytes/sec

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IP traffic includes both the AODV routing traffic and UDP

traffic. IP traffic and AODV traffic sent by destination node is
exactly same since destination is not at all sending UDP
traffic. IP and UDP traffic received by destination is same
except in the packet count. IP traffic sent and received by
Source, mobile node, nodes 3 and 4 is similar to the AODV
traffic sent, and receives graphs, but it differs only with the
number of packets sent since IP traffic includes the UDP
traffic. IP traffic sent and receive are shown in the Figures 6
and 7.

Figure 7 : IP traffic received in packets/sec


Following conclusions are made based on the analysis of

simulation results. In general, the behavior of UDP is
simulated in AODV networks.

• With the increase of number of hops, throughput degrades

due to the higher RTT delay.
• With the increase of loads (i.e. application traffic),
throughput can again be degraded due to the loss at the link
Figure 6 : IP traffic sent in packets/sec layer. Link layer losses could be due to problems of
hidden/exposed node or collisions in the wireless media

[1] J. Macker and S. Corson, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET),, IETF Working Group
Charter, 1997.
[2]. S. R. Das, C. Perkins, and E. Royer, Performance comparison of Two
On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of IEEE
INFOCOM 2000, March 2000.
[3] “Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing draft-ietf-manet-
aodv-10.txt” by Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Working Group
[4] project report on “Performance Analysis of Ad hoc On-demand Distance
Vector routing (AODV) using OPNET Simulator” by Anipakala Suresh ,
University of Bremen

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