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Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Review article: coagulation disorders in chronic liver disease


Department of Gastroenterology and SUMMARY

Hepatology, Medizinische Universität
& AKH Wien, Vienna, Austria Background
The liver is the site for synthesis of the vast majority of proteins that
Correspondence to:
Dr M. Peck-Radosavljevic, Department play a central role in maintaining hemostasis, by participating in the
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, regulation of coagulation and fibrinolysis.
Medizinische Universität & AKH
Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, Aim
A-1090 Wien, Vienna, Austria. To summarize the available data on the impact of coagulation disorders
in patients with chronic liver disease.

Publication data Results

Accepted 28 August 2007 Hepatocellular damage in patients with severe liver disease can lead to
abnormalities in the production and function of coagulation and fibri-
nolytic factors, disrupting the balance between coagulation and anti-
coagulation systems.

Hemostatic abnormalities (eg. impaired synthesis of clotting factors,
heightened fibrinolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombo-
cytopenia, and platelet dysfunction) can increase the risk of bleeding in
cirrhotic patients.

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

ª 2007 The Author 21

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
22 M . P E C K - R A D O S A V L J E V I C

epistaxis, gingival bleeding, and metrorrhagia.1 How-

ever, patients with advanced liver disease are at
The liver plays a central role in the maintenance of increased risk of bleeding during invasive proce-
haemostasis as the site of synthesis for the vast dures, such as liver biopsy, during which clinically
majority of proteins required for regulation of coag- significant bleeding occurs in 0.35% to 0.5% of
ulation and fibrinolysis (Table 1).1 Thus, impairment patients.1 Bleeding following abdominal surgery
of liver parenchymal cell function can disturb hae- causes significant morbidity and mortality in patients
mostasis resulting in the development of multiple with liver cirrhosis; post-operative bleeding accounts
coagulation abnormalities that, depending on the for 60% of all deaths in this patient population.1
degree of haemostatic impairment, can predispose Intraoperative and post-operative bleeding are major
the patient to bleeding or thrombosis formation. complications of orthotopic liver transplantation and
Minor signs of bleeding tendencies in patients with a major contributing factor in mortality among
liver disease include bruising, petechiae, purpura, liver transplant recipients. The pathophysiology of

Table 1. Sites of synthesis and function of coagulation, anticoagulation, fibrinolytic and anti-fibrinolytic proteins1

Proteins Site of synthesis Function

Factor I (fibrinogen) Liver, extrahepatic sites Precursor of fibrin
Factor II (prothrombin) Liver Precursor of thrombin
Factor V Liver, endothelium, platelets Cofactor in prothrombinase complex
Factor VII Liver Linked to TF, activates factors X and IX
Factor VIII Liver, extrahepatic sites Cofactor in intrinsic-X-ase complex
Factor IX Liver Activates factor X
Factor X Liver Converts prothrombin to thrombin
Factor XI Liver Activates factor IX
Factor XII Liver Activates factor XI
Factor XIII Liver, extrahepatic sites Crosslinks fibrin polymers
Prekallikrein Liver Activates factor XII
HMWK Liver Activation cofactor for factors XII and factor XI;
Generates bradykinins
Tissue factor (Factor III) Endothelium, monocytes Cofactor in extrinsic X-ase complex
Antithrombin III Liver, extrahepatic sites Inactivates thrombin, factors IXa, Xa, XIa, XIIa
Heparin cofactor II Liver Inactivates thrombin
Protein C Liver, endothelium Inactivates factors Va and VIIIa
Protein S Liver, endothelium Enhances protein C activity
Heparin sulfate Endothelium Links activating antithrombin III
Thrombomodulin Endothelium Thrombin receptor allowing linking to protein C
TFPI1, 2 Endothelium, liver Inhibits TF factors VIIa and Xa
Fibrinolytic proteins
Plasminogen Liver Precursor of plasmin
tPA Endothelium Activates plasminogen
Urokinase Kidney Activates plasminogen
Antifibrinolytic proteins
PAI-1 Endothelium, platelets, liver Inhibits tPA
PAI-2 White blood cells Inhibits tPA
a2-antiplasmin Liver Inactivates plasmin
TAFI Liver Inhibits plasminogen activation

Reprinted with permission from Amitrano et al. Semin Liver Dis 2002;22:83–96.
HMWK, high molecular weight kininogens; TAFI, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue fac-
tor pathway inhibitor; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator.

ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

coagulation disorders in chronic liver disease is

reviewed in this paper.

The maintenance of normal haemostasis requires a
balance between stimulation and inhibition of coagu-
lation. Following endothelial injury, platelets adhere
to the exposed subendothelial surface through plate-
let adhesion receptors, glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-V and
GP VI. Respectively, these platelet receptors bind von
Willebrand factor and collagen, expressed on the
subendothelial matrix.2 Adhesion triggers transmem-
brane signalling events that lead to platelet activa-
tion, and eventually to activation of the platelet
integrin, aIIbb3 (GP IIb-IIIa), which mediates platelet
adhesion and aggregation at the injury site to form a
platelet plug.2 Activation of the coagulation cascade
occurs simultaneously, which leads to formation and
deposition of fibrin, thus stabilizing the clot
(Figure 1).1 To limit clot formation to the injured
area, and to eliminate it later, pathways are activated
that inhibit clot formation, and initiate fibrinolysis
(Figure 2).

Liver disease is associated with a variety of haemo-
static abnormalities that disrupt the delicate balance
between clotting and fibrinolysis (Table 2).3, 4 Figure 1. Simplified schematic of the coagulation cas-
cade. tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; uPA, urokinase-
type plasminogen activator. Reprinted with permission
Reduced synthesis of coagulation factors from Rosenberg et al. NEJM 1999;340:1555–1564.

As the liver is the primary source for most of the

coagulation factors, circulating levels of these factors in patients with advanced cirrhosis across Child-Pugh
can be significantly reduced in patients with chronic grades A, B, and C.10
liver disease who have extensive hepatocellular dam- Reductions in synthesis of factors II, V, IX, X, and
age, and hence, substantial loss of hepatic parenchy- XI also correlate with the extent of cirrhosis and the
mal cell function. In this clinical setting, factor VII is loss of liver parenchymal cells. The magnitude of the
the first coagulation factor that decreases, probably deficiencies of these coagulation factors varies consid-
because of its short half-life (4–6 h).1 The hepatic pro- erably among patients.6, 9, 11
duction of factor VII decreases as disease severity Factor VIII levels remain normal or elevated, even
increases (Figure 3) and liver function decreases.5, 6 Up in cirrhotic patients,11, 12 because of either extrahe-
to 60% of patients with chronic active liver disease patic synthesis (e.g., endothelial cells)13 or reduced
have reduced levels of factor VII7 that probably con- clearance of the factor VIII-von Willebrand factor
tribute to the prolonged prothrombin time typically complex in the liver.12, 14
observed in patients with advanced liver disease.8, 9 Factor XIII activity remains within the normal range
Also, low factor VII activity has been shown to be an in the majority of patients with chronic liver disease
independent prognostic indicator for reduced survival of various aetiologies and at various stages (no

ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
24 M . P E C K - R A D O S A V L J E V I C

advanced liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade C).6 Plasma

fibrinogen levels generally remain normal or elevated
in patients with chronic liver disease,5, 6 although the
presence of severe fibrosis (Child-Pugh grade C) may
be associated with depressed levels.6 The circulating
fibrinogen levels typically include a high percentage
of non-functional fibrinogen (up to 78% in patients
with chronic liver disease),15 because of abnormal
polymerization of fibrin monomers, leading to pro-
longed plasma thrombin times.16
Significantly reduced levels of coagulation factors
(factor II, V, VII, XIII), prolonged prothrombin times
(PTs), and activated partial thromboplastin times (aPT-
Figure 2. Clotting pathway inhibitors and fibrinolytic
Ts) have been observed in patients with chronic liver
system. PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; PAI-2,
plasminogen activator inhibitor 2; TAFI, thrombin acti- disease exhibiting current systemic bleeding tendency
vatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; tPA, tissue plasminogen unrelated to portal hypertension.6 This observation
activator. Reprinted with permission from Amitrano et al. suggests a contribution of insufficient coagulation fac-
Semin Liver Dis 2002;22:83–96. tor activity in the aetiology of bleeding complications
in this population.
The ability of routine coagulation tests to evaluate
cirrhosis, or Child-Pugh grades A to C); however, haemostasis in liver disease has been questioned
factor XIII deficiency (<50% of normal activity) can recently. It was shown in elegant studies that routine
be detected, albeit infrequently, in patients with coagulation tests (PTs, aPTTs) often overestimate

3, 4
Table 2. Hemostatic abnormalities and pathogenetic mechanisms

Hemostatic abnormality Pathogenic mechanisms

Abnormalities that predispose to bleeding

Impaired coagulation Reduced synthesis of coagulation factors
Vitamin K deficiency
Fibrinogen abnormalities (dysfibrinogenemia)
Excessive fibrinolysis Impaired clearance of tPA and fibrinolytic enzymes
Reduced synthesis of a2-antiplasmin and TAFI
Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) Platelet sequestration due to splenomegaly
Impaired hepatic synthesis of thrombopoietin
Immune-mediated platelet destruction
Bone marrow suppression by virus or interferon treatment
Impaired platelet function Defect in signal transduction
Deficiency of glycoprotein Ib receptors on platelet surface
Reduced thromboxane A2 synthesis
Platelet storage pool defect
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Increased consumption of coagulation proteins and platelets
Reduced clearance of activated clotting factors
Reduced synthesis of coagulation inhibitors
Release of procoagulants from damaged hepatocytes
Abnormalities that predispose to thrombosis
Hypercoagulable state High levels of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor
Low levels of protein C, protein S, antithrombin

Adapted with permission from Kujovich JL. Crit Care Clin 2005;21:563–587.
TAFI, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator.

ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Hyperfibrinolysis occurs in approximately 30% of

patients with compensated cirrhotic liver disease and
is positively correlated with the severity of liver dis-
ease as assessed by Child-Pugh grade.21, 24 It is not
observed in patients with non-cirrhotic liver disease.21
Patients with ascites appear to be at increased risk for
hyperfibrinolysis. Evidence of increased fibrinolytic
activity (elevated levels of D-dimer and fibrinogen
degradation products together with low fibrinogen and
plasminogen levels) has been detected in ascitic fluid,
and it has been proposed that reabsorption of ascites
into the systemic circulation contributes to hyper-
fibrinolysis in patients with advanced liver disease.25
In a group of 112 patients with liver cirrhosis and
Figure 3. Percentage of hepatocytes expressing factor VII oesophageal varices, hyperfibrinolysis (defined as con-
in subsets of patients with different stages of liver dis-
ease. * P < 0.001 for Stage 4 vs. Stages 0, 1, 2, or 3. Re-
comitant high values of D-dimer and tPA activity) was
printed with permission from Rodriguez-Inigo et al. Blood identified as an independent predictor of gastrointesti-
Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2001;12:193–199. nal bleeding.24 This study also demonstrated a higher
risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with ascites
and hyperfibrinolysis than in those with ascites who
coagulopathy in liver disease. Because these routine did not have hyperfibrinolysis.
tests do not adequately measure activation of the anti-
coagulant protein C, the reduced anticoagulant activity
in liver disease is not detected.17
Abnormalities in both platelet number and platelet
function are common in chronic liver disease.
Excessive fibrinolysis
Thrombocytopenia is observed in 15% to 70% of
Patients with cirrhotic liver disease have an increased patients with cirrhosis, depending on the stage of the
bleeding tendency because of increased fibrinolysis disease and the definition of thrombocytopenia, and is
causing premature disintegration of the haemostatic usually mild to moderate in severity.26 Thrombocyto-
clot at the injured site.1 Hyperfibrinolysis results from penia does not appear to increase the risk of bleeding
an imbalance between activators and inhibitors of from oesophageal varices or other sites in patients
fibrinolysis. The levels of tissue plasminogen activator with stable liver disease. However, thrombocytopenia
(tPA) are elevated because of reduced hepatic clear- is associated with other coagulation abnormalities
ance, whereas the levels of plasminogen activator (including decreased fibrinogen level, decreased activ-
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) do not respond appropriately to the ity of coagulation factors, and increased fibrinolytic
changes in tPA level, thus skewing the balance activity), and together, these abnormalities may syner-
between tPA and PAI-1 activity levels towards exces- gistically increase the risk of bleeding in patients with
sive tPA activity in patients with severe cirrhosis.18, 19 cirrhotic liver disease.6, 21
Also, activity levels of the anti-fibrinolytic proteins, The pathophysiology of thrombocytopenia in chronic
a2-antiplasmin19 and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis liver disease is reviewed elsewhere in this supplement
inhibitor,18, 20 are reduced as a result of substantial and is thus discussed briefly in this paper. Multiple
liver damage, causing a further shift towards increased pathogenic mechanisms contribute to the decreased
fibrinolysis. Hyperfibrinolysis is correlated with other numbers of circulating platelets (Table 2). These include
coagulation abnormalities, including thrombocyto- splenomegaly secondary to portal hypertension and
penia, reduced fibrinogen levels, and abnormally pro- subsequent sequestration of platelets in the spleen,27
longed PT and PTT values.21 The elevated levels of reduced hepatic production of the thrombopoietin
tPA on platelets lead to inhibition of platelet aggrega- (thrombopoietic growth factor),28, 29 bone marrow
tion, degradation of platelet receptors (GP Ib and GP suppression by hepatitis C virus30 or interferon anti-
IIb ⁄ IIIa),22 and induction of platelet disaggregation.23 viral treatment,26 and increased platelet destruction

ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
26 M . P E C K - R A D O S A V L J E V I C

mediated by immune mechanisms involving anti-plate- assays that allow quantitative determination of proteo-
let autoantibodies and platelet-associated immune lytic cleavage products of coagulation reactions
complexes.31, 32 (including fibrinopeptide A, prothrombin fragment F1
+ 2, thrombin-antithrombin and plasmin-a2-antiplas-
min complexes, soluble fibrin, and D-dimer), acceler-
Platelet function defects
ated intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis (AICF)
Platelet aggregation in response to standard agonists is can now be detected in patients with liver cirrhosis.41
impaired in patients with cirrhosis,33–36 probably The term DIC is used predominantly for decompensated
because of a variety of intrinsic platelet defects. These AICF.41 Studies have detected AICF in less than 30% of
include a defective signal transduction mechanism,37 patients with cirrhosis,41 and the extent of AICF
reduced thromboxane A2 synthesis (which may con- appears to correlate with the severity of cirrhosis
tribute to impaired platelet signalling),35 a platelet (Child-Pugh grade).43 However, AICF does not appear
storage pool defect,34 and deficiency of GPIb receptors to be common in patients with stable, uncomplicated,
on the platelet surface (which negatively affects plate- non-advanced liver cirrhosis.42 In patients with cirrho-
let aggregation and activation, and platelet-endothelial sis and AICF, the coexistence of sepsis, shock, surgery,
cell adhesion).38, 39 The adhesion of platelets with vas- trauma, or ascites may cause the progression of AICF
cular subendothelial components is also impaired in to overt DIC.1 Amitrano et al. (2002) suggest that the
patients with Child-Pugh grade A and higher cirrho- diagnosis of DIC can be made on the basis of: the
sis36; deficiency of platelet GPIb receptors may con- occurrence of a known triggering clinical event, pro-
tribute to this abnormality.39 gressive worsening of coagulation test results and
platelet counts, a disproportionate reduction in Factor
V, and a concomitant decrease in previously normal
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
levels of Factor VIII.1
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), also
referred to as ‘consumption coagulopathy,’ is charac-
terized by activation of the clotting cascade by a mag-
nitude overpowering the anticoagulation pathway, An imbalance between clotting activators and inhibi-
resulting in widespread intravascular fibrin deposition tors can occasionally lead to hypercoagulation and
and ultimately, arterial or venous thrombosis and thrombosis in patients with liver cirrhosis. As the
multiorgan failure.40 The increased consumption of increased risk of thrombosis is almost exclusively
clotting factors and platelets can also lead to severe restricted to the portal and mesenteric veins, several
bleeding. Common laboratory features of DIC include other factors like portal hypertension and related
low platelet count, prolonged PT, prolonged thrombin abnormalities (not just coagulation factor deficiency)
time, decreased fibrinogen concentration, and eleva- seem to play a dominant role.1 Portal vein thrombosis
tion of fibrinogen degradation products.4 (PVT) has been documented in 9% to 20% of patients
Disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with cirrhosis,3 with higher rates occurring in patients
with liver disease involves multiple triggering mecha- with more severe liver disease.44 Of a group of 79 cir-
nisms (Table 2), many of which are related to liver rhotic patients with PVT, Amitrano et al. (2004) found
damage, including increased release of procoagulants, that only 10% had Child-Pugh grade A disease,
impaired removal of activated coagulation proteins whereas 52% had Child-Pugh grade B, and 39% had
and endotoxins produced by gut bacteria, and reduced Child-Pugh grade C disease.44 In patients with severe
synthesis of coagulation inhibitors.3, 4 Other triggers liver disease, predisposing factors for thrombosis
include shock, surgery, or trauma.41 include decreases in anticoagulant proteins (e.g., anti-
Because DIC and decompensated cirrhosis share simi- thrombin III, protein C, and protein S)43, 45 and high
lar haemostatic abnormalities, (i.e., elevated prothrom- levels of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor.12 Also,
bin, decreased fibrinogen, increased D-dimers, elevated the risk of thrombosis is substantially increased in cir-
fibrin degradation products, and thrombocytopenia), rhotic patients with thrombophilic disorders, including
the diagnosis of DIC is difficult, and there is some the 20210 prothrombin gene mutation (which
debate about whether DIC is a coagulation disorder in increases the risk of PVT by more than 5-fold),44 and
cirrhosis.42 However, with the recent availability of antiphospholiplid antibodies.45

ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

abnormalities that increase the risk of thrombosis can

also occur including mutations in procoagulant pro-
In summary, progressive liver damage in patients with teins together with decreased levels of anticoagulants
chronic liver disease of various aetiologies is associ- (Protein C and Protein S).
ated with the development of coagulopathies. Hepato-
cellular damage adversely affects the hepatic
production of proteins that play critical roles in coag-
ulation and fibrinolytic systems. Thus, a variety of Declaration of personal interests: MPR was an investi-
haemostatic abnormalities can occur in patients with gator in a study funded by Novo Nordisk and has
severe liver disease, including impaired synthesis of acted as a consultant. This article appeared in a sup-
clotting factors, excessive fibrinolysis, DIC, thrombo- plement whose development was supported by Glaxo-
cytopenia, and platelet dysfunction. All of these SmithKline.
defects increase the risk of bleeding. Haemostatic

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ª 2007 The Author, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26 (Suppl 1), 21–28

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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